THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mall to all other parte of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year . By mall tdall parta of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period , For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month Transiet display advertising, per lnb.f2?r insertion X.. Classified adverttstng,?p insertion, perworcA J.. Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations daily rurru A GREAT SINGER PASSES PERSISTENT WORK Jack Bums. wh6 prospected around Pacific for many years, has been recently around the Sioux Lookout district In Ontario. The Columario mine at Usk, which Is being reopened, will be operated at first on a rather small driven. gSgisVatjj una ...98 ...86 Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1931 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Iiulkley Valley Coal .Iine Closed Temporarily Jack Rums in Ontario Columario Reopening The Bulkley Valley coal mine, which is being operated by Frank Dpckrill ofTelkvya, is closed down temporarily as there lias" not bn-demana for sufficient coal to keep the cre- Jjusjr, thislbejnjipTalfioubt, due to the. mild weather. As soon as the stock of coal in the bunkers gets down, it is planned to reopen the mine when the company will start going after Prince Rupert business in real earnest. scale with only a few men employed. Men. who have been In the past In the service of the company, will be given the work. The compressor has been moved to veins No. 5 and 0 and on these two short tunnels will be W. K. Qwyer, district engineer of, the provincial public works department here, as published in the am nual report of the minister of pub--lie works which has Just come to hand: j Among some of the more Impor tant work carried on was the extension and raising of the breakwater on the Bear River to protect the town of Stewart, at a cost of about $10,000. The construction of the road across the lava-beds on the Naas River gave the settlers of the j district an outlet to a boat-landing, 'enabling them to market their produce at the canneries at the mouth 800 of the river. This work was very 9.00 much appreciated by settlers, who have been practically cut off from j City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid lnadvance : 5.00 cost and feaslbmty of a road! Or four months for iA-6m" .tnHlnir extendlne Irnm from American Amprlran Creek Creek Legal notices, each Insertion, perttgaTe' .15 A survey was made to determine over the Bear River Summit, a total Transient advertising on front page, per Inch 2.80 distance of 14 miles. Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 Considerable I 40 out under the Act." work was carried "Mines Development , What I consider one of the most imrjortant projects undertaken durlne the season was an aerial I survey to determine the feasibility ;of a route from Prince Rupert east, other than following the Skeena ' River. A series of photographs taken .conclusively proved that the re-. ports of a hidden pass were a fallacy. The next step in this direction was to make a reconnaissance survey to find out the best possible route to a point on the Skeena . .' River as far as it was possible to go ta Dame xt Nellie ii- Melba, v ii. one of nll the greatest t singers the world east without interference with the lias ever known, has passed on and she is now only a name,' railway; the object being to find a so far as this world is concerned, except trv$ many of her ferry crossing. This project is still honntifiil ennrre htiva Vw$ir? IftOTflSnori r rrramnnVinno w. under investigation. cords and that many tUpretiin happy .SStX memories of her. ' Massett road. ImprovemenU to the The fact that she was British pives us a stieoial interest Queen charlotte Citv-Tlell road. in Dame Melba and her art. She was Australian by birth the widening of The Tien-Port although her parents were Scottish. The story of her life u. dj and shows that she had many difficulties to overcome and that oneSien island, the greatest the prejqtlices of her people almost lost her voice to the difficulty experienced is the lack of World. road material, which increases the .,. , i,M, .cost of construction very consider ably. On Queen Charlotte Islands there are approximately 25 miles i of plank road, found the cheapest , - . , . to construct, with a probable life of Several of A, the great masters of mlisic and art have re- ten ycirs. cently questioned whether .he. results were worth the ef- some Projects fort given to it. Everv great artist has to devote himself The following are some of the exclusively to that calling and work intensely to produce PrJfct undertaken: the best results. For many of them there has been no child- prlncc RuP"1 "tehway-The hood, as we know it They commenced their music almost as soon as they were able to walk and they worked unceas- was expressed by the general pub-ingly. This ceaseless effort was kept up through life. lie. Success 18 ahvavs the result of effort. Some succeed ens- About three and a half miles of ior than others but in almost every case of which we read. between skeena crossing and there was intense effort to product results. SSftSiSZZS St IIUGFJ'EXPENSE According to'reiforts givjrt of very close to half a millibrf.d maKing surveys oi tne I'. u. taternioi amount of money, and the people will's? returns for that much of an investment VVp flrr nnr pvitiptyinnr tha imvommoni fnW tVia avnan1! Due to a very wet season we were Jure. Ve do not know enough about it to be in a position IZTrtZ uTwVhaS to criticize. Those whose duty is to watch government ex- hoped to. penditures in the Legislature are criticizing and possibly survey for this highway from Re-in time we shall find . out whether ... or not the . money was mo 10 Prmce RuPcrt was started 1 me a - V HHJ ) miles lntAl MtAet west r9 of Damn Remo wen spent, l lie onjy tninjj we reel like saying now is that the bill for the work is, like a good many other debts incurred, much larger than was expected. road was constructed at Andlmaul and three and a half miles stumped : and made ready to grade. .1 I From Usk to Terrace, three and tnP tt nico i I'P mc suiii QUIT) c, .,!l,hpd ,.vpn mlles .tumDed. and een Spent in .i. nr, fmir.riftti irll u-prp ern.l his is a large ded. )ect to see some The approaches to Copper River suspension bridge were filled. and 22 located ' Considerable work was done be tween Smlthers and Hazelton in widening, gravelling and improving Several very dangerous curves were eliminated. The seven ferries In the district were maintained and operated throughout the year. A new five-ton ferry was built at Olfaction. About fifty bridges were main talned, repaired, and constructed. Three hundred and ninety-six mlles of road were graded and maintained. One hundred and fifty-four miles were repaired and maintained, The Nine-mile Mountain road to improved, widened, Hitched and gravelled. The main roads were kept open during Uie winter and general sa tlsfactlon was expressed by the public. Edward Llpsett, who. has been a business visitor In the city for the past week, will sail by the Prince George Thursday night on his return to Vancouver. ICS Tuesday, J news frtrut PAUli TWO the daily Ul Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Bad Cold On Her Chest Had To Stay In Bed Mrt. J. a Winters, Janow, Man., writ: "I have reason to praise Dr, Wood's Norway P Srery yrup as it hu done jue e world of food. I tad a very bad cold oa mj chet, and had to stay In W two week, axd eould hardlj apeak on arrotint of eoughiiig m moth. I tried every medicine and lini-Bint g I eould tain et, Vnt I rot no relief. My i JJusbestfVeadllboet Dr.v Wood's Norway Pinr Syrup iVLJeeided to try, it I took only 'oad'WltU and I am r?adjrfo recommend it to anyone wit, a eold." Price 35a. a bottle; large family sue 63.s at all dnif'gitU or dealers; put up aly by Tk T. Mil bora Oo. Ltd., Toronto, Oat. REPORT OF ENGINEER W. K. Gwyer Tells of Work Done In Tills District During; Last Fiscal Year y i NORTHERN B. C. NEWHAZELTON Steel construction work on new UCW hlnh lllkCIl level ICVn Bridge UitUkV across aawvww thf th - , ... Hazelton at the home of Mrs. R. S. Sargent. Many donations were made. Miss Ralphena Wrlnch, R.N., left last Wednesday for New York where she will take a six-months' postgraduate-course in nursing. BURNS LAK A vprv siirMsful prd nartv was 3.00 the outside at certain times oi tnejhe,d last night by tne Na. ,50 year ior over iweniy jers. , tlve Sons of Canada. Prtze-win-i NEWS i Johnson at bridge and Mrs. O Ragsdale and Kenneth Warner at,; whlat. Hucfa cmmm or Prtllnwinar is the annual renort of ' r,...,... r,. vt, tr-,,it ' Vttiung a'. WMirymouni i ijiuiwfv rLiver iirai nun .twv .. . ... . . i - nrmnvr I mi imnf wui oc resumca ai uu wn according to word received from Victoria. President J. W. Peterson; Vice-president, S. W. C6cker; Conductor iR. II. Moore; deputy conductor, J 1W. II. 'Day; Secretary-Treasurer. Mm. George Ogston; Librarian, iMrs. R. M. Taylor; Pianist,, Mrs. J. Warren Johnson. The Society re cently had Its first concert of the 9MkatOOn Lit rjarv Vfr,nr nf Plnmnnro VANDERH00F I .V a O. , W J vw v aaaawwBi i with his ' . in i ' W. C. Saunders of Palling lw fuggeated to the Omlntca Ski Club that boys under fifteen and glru be permitted to erer ki competitions her-efoth. Officials of the The officers of the Vanderhoof ; is spending a few weeks Reglna ' ...III. U J LI ..i , visiting Jim HarrtMm of Ootsa Lake Ui . - , I w M A- Brean. -after i a serl-; a patient in the Burns Lake Hoa-; t ..,mw fnnm . hmiM-n ous Illness, Is rapidly regaining A successful linen shower wmai:,,,,.., th. .nit .,f tHmrin and . n0"1 state 01 neaiin- ' held on .Saturday afternoon in falling on ice. Last Tuesday afternoon the wed-1 ding took place at the home of the bridegroom here of. Miss Eva Qeor-, fki Club hive replied to Mr. Saun-) ADVERTISING COPY rers that the regulations of th: Canadian Amateur Ski Association prohibit this. MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- i ments should be in. the hands of the printers not later than , 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- ; cation. This is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- ', cured. i iners were Mrs. McLeod and Ole Choral Society for this year are-t tfataf4ta Worcesfprehi "J8wr. bert McCurdle R:trd; rlprhnrtf TU formed by Rev. D, P coupie are receipt! congratulations lrieids. V5S out of it . 2 I 7 "TF I had only known tills would happen! So suddenly! So unexpectedly! And when everything looked so promising! "And to think that time after time he wanted to increase his life insurance and I talked him out of it. How hard I worked against myself and against my own interests. I wanted a bigger house. I wanted luxuries! I wanted everything except the protection he was urging me to accept. "I got my own way, of course. The Life Insurance was not taken, fl robbed the children of their or i Slccplesj NERVES education, of my care, perhaps of their future success in life. I robbed myself of the children's companionship. For now I must leave them to earn the money needed to keep our little family together - the money that Life Insurance won Id have given me if he had had his way" M--and I talked him out of it." It has been truly said that, "If every wife knew what every widow knows, every man would carry adequate Life Insurance". And too often it is the children who must pay the penalty of the wife's prejudice. H Jtove That ;7V III A'ever "VfJl L4J0 t. The nerva thfnwlv.. ...... , The Toluatatjr nems mu, Z u miura ur vne vital or(initnU cease to function. It u oniy JT tupptied with nerve fur. heart beat, the lungs brettl. ij the other vital orgaui perform tffi natural functions, The unfortunate condltloa ! v- you cannot sleep. k, hJ tated nerve will not let yourM So day by day you are Jr., energy until aonner cr utK sm come a nervoua breakdown, Sleepleaaness an d hcidirte ii warning ei(ns when the Mia tt wronj. You may a -1 htTI fc! the viUl organ sonr. a later bi I up, wnen nerve iorc .a la:.taj. ice moet certain res? rati t-1 the nervee is Dr. C .ua t Nml Food. It baa proven iti effect i:: M I many thousand of case that tht-i I i do cjueauon oi lis menu.