PAOIS H'OUVt THE DAtLV TTEW3 stss 1 BADMINTON CITY GOLF V. IS PLAYED IS PLAYED -MAT BOUTS ARE FAST Joe Malkewicz Beats Bob Kruse '; With Two Oat of Three Fall Koloff Conquers Freeberg SEATTLE, Feb. 24 Scoring falls in the fifth and sixth of elgm !e$eduled ten-minute rounds last night. Joe Malkewicz took a wrestling victory from Bob Kruse in a match that was chuck full of excitement. The youthful Kruse took the first fall of the match with a wrist lock which had Malkewicz on on his back before he knew what had happened in the third round MalkowicCs superior experience and ability, however, served him well. A backward body slam evened the match for him well on in the fifth. By the same route he took the second fall and the match a few seconds after the start of the sixth round. A special event between John Freberg and Dan Koloff, which served as a semi wiad-up to the main event, was no less exciting.' It vrnt fViA ftill f I vo rminH anril Koloff wal declared the winner with one fall on a foul. In the fourth round, Freberg lost his temper and pitched Koloff over the top rope on to his head on the boards. This was the foul. Koloff weighed 225 pounds and Freberg. 280. MOOSE HAVE -HEAVY LEAD Marjin of Ten Points in Cribbage League Last Night's Scores Prince Rupert Cribbage League results last night were as follows: Six. Musketeers IS, Pr. Rupert Hotel 12 Hawks 13, Seal Cove 14. Toe H 14, Eagles 13. Pr. Rupert Hotel 16, Operators 11. Bevator 14, 1. 0. O, F. 13. Moose 13, K. of Columbus 14. Grotto It, Six Musfcetoers 9. League Table Won Losi Ptt. Moose 115 74 115! I. O. O.T 196 84 103 Seal Cove W 92 97 P. Rupert Hotel 97 92 97 Six Musketeers 91 95 94 Grotto 94 95 94 Bagles 92 97 92 Operators 91 93 91 K. Of Columbus 89 100 89 Elevator 88 101 84 Toe H 88 101 83 Hawks 87 102 87 a5P IDCANBIRKY WINE ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 25P HUS 30FOR CONTAINER KlTVllIUtl) MATURED AVO COniLD VY VJCTCFIA WINERIES! ttoniiH mtiMfiQuMrrrJ yiciciiiABX this advertisement Is not published or dlsplayea by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British British Columbia Burleigh Grimes tried hard o cauh Mickey Cochrane off first, base, after he walked n:ai in first innings of frst game of world series at Philadelphia, last fail He was unsuccessful. Burleigh Girmes. one of the hut of the spit-ball artists and Mickey, star catcher for his tf am, are both in training with their respective clubs in the south. - HOCKEY IS Lions and Eskimos Fail Score in Furious Battle s to VANCOUVER. Feb. 21: Tn still another thrilling Pacific Coast League hockey game here last night, Vancouver Lions battled 70 minutes with Seattle Eskimos but both failed to register a tally. It was a furiously fast match. Both goalies made numerous saves. As a result, Vancouver maintains its one point lead in the standing over the Eskimos. The standing of the clubs to date is as follows: Vancouver 13 8 8 Seattle 12 7 9 Portland 8 12 8 48 49 39 44 38 44 SPORT CHAT 31 33 24 What Is apparently the first sympathetic cricket strike took effect recently In Queensland, Australia, when three members of a team selected were reported "unavailable. F. Brew, G. Bourne and Duncan announced their inability i to play owing to the suspension of i eeven ottwr mlayers. Among them land captain, F. a Tho.,v.r.n. (Queensland's finest batsman, Ben- stead, Thurtow and Amos, the 'stock bowlers. With Alkali Lake battling Quesnel in the finals. Central Interior Hoc- . Vpv Imiw Ic wlndins un a sue- WINNIPEG IS WINNER Scored Three to Two Victory Over Ballard at Seattle Sunday in Overtime Hockey Match SEATTLE, Feb. 24: Winnipeg C. P. R.X amateur hockey team, defeated Ballard in a wild and woolly game here Sunday night. Three minutes In the overtime period, the Canadians scored the winning goal. Ballard scored first in the regular periods, and then Winnipeg equalized, the second pair of goals coming in the same order. MAY TAKE UP HOCKEY Spok'ane, Edmonton and Oakland Mentioned as Pacific Coast Franchise Holders SPOKANE. Feb. 24: There .Is a very strong possibility that Spokane :nay be represented next winter in the Pacific Coast Hockey League loop. A new auditorium is proposed for the Inland Empire City and it may be made to incorporate an ice arena. The public of Spokane is said to be strong for ice hockey and, it if believed, ' would support it well Alta., and Oakland. Cal.. taking out franchises in the league but, like Spokane, it Is early yet to say definitely what may be done. At present there are but three f '.earns In the league Vancouver, Srv.ttlc and Portland. cesfful initial season in which four j tems set out to battle for the tit!?. . . The league season finished with J inn i-jirri PlaVQ JLJ 1 Quesnel toonlng the standings wlthijmUI '"j5 five wins ttft one defeat with Alkali Lake second having four wins and two losses. Prince George fol lowed wltt) three victories ana inree . British Billiard Master Gave F.ihl def .ats. while Williams Lake fell wt!on on Saturdj,y For Xher in all rix starts. Alkali Lake took! Majesties the measure of Prince Ocorge In the I first play-off affair Foster of Ques- j LONDON, Feb. 24: Walter Lin-nVl headed the scoring list. Plans , dram tlle great billiard tn flM 1mn no VT MIIAn BIM1 ! A. , , .... ... ELKS WIN Jame,- Andrews. Grotto, defeated W. E. Williscroft. Elks, 26 to 239 last nlghi in final postponed game of LONDON, Feb. 24: British women golfers have accepted a chat- 1n tn met! TTnltnsfl Cfttfn . Mixed Men's Doubles in City Tourney Last Nitht Men's Doubles Next j A large crowd was present in the Moose Hall last evening to witness the opening play in the city badminton tournament, and was af forded an exhibition of splendid badminton, of the games being keenly contested and most excit ing. The results of the mixed doubles which took place were as follows: First Round Mrs. Parlow and C. J. Norring-ton beat Mrs. R. Duncan and Ian Motte, 13-3. 15-5. Miss B. Thompson and H. Heil-brbnner beat Miss M. Palmer and S. Ward. 15-H. 15-12 Miss F. Cross and W. Cross beat Mrs. W. R. Overend and J. Gibson 15-3, 15-1. Mrs: S. Darton and S Darton beat Miss D. Ross and R. Franks, 15-6, 15-3. Second Round Miss O.. Mitchell and F. Russell beat Miss V. Terrien and P. Peter sen 15-1, 15-3:' Miss F Cross and W. Cross beat! Mrs: S. Darton and S. Darton 15- 10., 15-9. Mrs. Herman and R. Allen beat Miss M. LawTence and W. Ho- rarth, 15-6, 15.11. Mrs- Parlow and J. Norrington beat Miss B. Thompson and 11 Hellbroner 17-16, 15-7. 15-7. Third Hound Miss F. Cross and W. Cross beat Mrs. Parlow and J. Norrington 11.15, 15-4. 15-4. Mrsj Herman and R Allen beat Miss C. Mitchell and F. Russell 15- 12. 18-16.' The men's doubles will commence on Thursday evening at 1 o'clock. The lists are still open for entries for men's singles, men's doubles and lakes' doubles. Four chauengc cups for city badminton have been donated as follows: Cup for mixed doubles Watts' Grocery; ladles' doubles McCut- will go on exhibition in the win dows of the Moose Club tonight. we F. J. Oough, the regular Queens- j There also t,lk of xMmantan j C:lL CvAr today. Test Match om South Africa Completes First Innings With 232 Runs Entland Replies Today BILLIARD LINK VPS Following are the'llne-ups for to night's Billiard League fixture be- are being made to add cunwn, exhibition gjnre on Satur- j arotto and I a T C ISIIK UTU1KC UIHPI1 ' . uui vv, mar, bo raieuara was uie nine witn ...ut... to gain recognition for provincial undrum's - - play-off rlghte. DURBAlt. 8 A.. Feb. 24: South Afrisa completed the first Innings ir in the fifth test match against. Eng-eiOre B lmff'land yesterday and compiled 252 " ivi ivi ivirLi:iii!iii penormance um nc'rvi, n iiiinni last Friday's BWbrd League fbrture , n an ,ntcinaUona, mtch to be C. Baptle (CD 13 but it was ne enougn to pun ne h Q WauRh (Q) 19 Orotto out qf the hole and thj? Thi. X-rSr th. i.( ,u 1 w; AWlrfcroft Irfcvoft fc) ft) 13 Loogc wen wuu u -" thatch has not yet been decided, agcreuate score of 1211 to 1148. J The league standing for, the sec ond half of the season: Games Total Ave. Canadian Legion 9 10410 1157 Orotto 9 10224 1130 Elks 10 10771 1077 Old Country Soccer Johnny Farrell Wins $3000 Golf Event in Florida PENSACOLA. Fla. Fb 24 Johnny FarrelJ won the $3,000 Pon- ScottiUi Lcamie First Division -nacola open coif tournament, the St Mlrrrn 2. Aberdeen 2 ' (lrtal'of which was completed here M. McLtichlan 1G) 19 O. Howe (0 20 J. May 0 8 M. E. Yoong (E) 19 M. Andrew (CD .19 W. Milchell (E 20 A. Macdonald (CD 7 J. Andrews 0 18 F. H Stephens (E) 6 QJj. Voungman (CD 4 T. Clough 0) 3 W Murray 'E) 7 F. Bray E) .... 4 J ficott (CD 1 John Bulger Q 1 Oanadlan Le- 4880 4401 2S32 4263 3502 2325 2964 4328 2943 4309 4508 1767 4167 4083 4270 1499 3813 1020 814 599 1342 m 169 vs. I made a presentation to him. Queen Don Brown A Murray Mary took a great interest In the Q nowe VI. Man.U8 An. more epectatular, although possibly i &nwa not the more difficult, shots. j George Waugh vs. G. P. Tinker. I " 1 L In mam Anrlrws Vs. Charlra Ban- Ttf til !( . 1 1X7 tie. JJiiLlIjiLrLlWU A-UlUOli TTUU1C11 James Andrews of Grotto Hsat W. l- Williscroft in Final Postponed Game Take Challenge ; Billiard Averages Will Meet VnHed States Women In Tournament Next Year C. P. Balagno E) 20 A. Murray CL 18 J. Smith Ei 11 O. P. Tinker (CD 18 F. Zieman CL) 15 Don Brown tOI 10 244 244 239 237 233 233 228 227 227 220 2 221 2 : , 215, 214 214 212 205 204 200 102 180 172 109 Great West, C.rotlo, Renegades and Bankers Winners of Last Night's Games Great West again had low score in last night's City Miniature Coir League fixtures. Kelly Letnes ami J. E. Doig tied for Individual low score honors, each having cards of 72 for the 36 holes. The team scores were as follows: Great West. 315; Acme. 33J. - Orotto, 352; Dry Dock, 356. Renegades. 350; C N R Office, 372. Bankers, 327; Flying Corps. 337. AL CAP0NE BACK HOME Gangster Leader Iteturns to Chicago to Face Contempt Indictment CHICAGO. Feb. 24: A 1 Capone, Chicago gangster leader, who will appear in court this week under indictment on a contempt of court T citation, has returned home from Florida. He travelled as far as Dan- j vtlle. 111., by train and was then ! whisked, off In a cabin monoplane aboard which he completed the trip home. WOMAN IS EXECUTED ' HARRISBURO. Penn., Feb. 24: For the first time in the history of the state of Pennsylvania, a woman was executed yesterday when Mrs. Irene Schroeder, 22-year old mother, was electrocuted for the murder of Corp. W. Brady, highway patrolman, on December 27. 1929. With Mrs. Schroeder was electrocuted her 58-year old paramour. Walter Glenn Dague "the blond.' bandit. The execution took place at Rochvlew Penitentiary, Bellefontc Both Mrs. Schroeder :.nci Datum cheon" Drug Store: men's doubles! faced death bravely. Bryapt company Ltd, and men's Eleven trophies to be awarded in connection with this tournament A few days ago, Governor Giffcrd PInchot refused to commute the death sentence. Til IT PAlfS .TO PAY mil QUALITY ENNE TfffllEE STAR BRANDY TIIEAFES'T SPIRIT B ALL EMERGENCIES BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement is not published or d Liquor Control Hoard or by the I.-'-' British Columbia. Tra eery ilo ii;nr w :i ct tiwu Zm Bui, ThUfiot icrbtitula prtr:i t infection. ilU-i tofl-rnlB rtc imil M of poiton &nd eniorei qi.Kk, Cl "-v KEEP A BOX OP ZAM B' It HMni npuas wow. i. T iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittnhifes. - i 1 iUJj Canauwn Rye Ohiaky i 1 n MjJ TT FSL.", ,0TJI I III I lAAWw J' I III III ! P JOSCNttSlMMMASONSUHinO I II I j I HSfMioo Ctvnm ill il'lll I II jjllllllll k. .- .'.ft.. 1 Rye Whisky af if$ besf, mild, mellow, of delightful flavor matured for years in charred oak casks, each bottle bearing a govern-'menf strip guaranteeing ifs age. Seagram's Rye Whiskies have beenfamous for over seventy years. 7 This Bdverus iraenv in not puuuaiieu ur ui muyeu by the Liquor un roi L iuril of liriUsh oiumbia IBM.'.