UgTHREB SPECIAL! SPECIAL! . One .Tuhe..ML31 TpothPaste, One Bottle Mi 31 Antiseptic $1.00 Value Special, 60c Ormes Eta. Dfio Pioneer Druggisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St, THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS 1tst-t, CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING U. T. I 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Lngineens Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC ANP ACETYLENE WELDING Our IMant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAK1NE AND COMMERCIAL WORK i PHONES 43 AND 385 i: PRODI irrnr CANADA NESTLES If ILr h... r"S NESTLE'S mvtr pom is ounaay. o uu f.ui. kestls tVAPORATEO K ii u I ' mi..n i .. .. .Ii ..iil.m. ...wl tlilril ni niiir in i.i'ii-r ,fiLv.. uu iifnn. m j r. v . r.w uiiu .,.. BAOY SIZE MILK "pIR T we take pure creamy cow's milk then concentrate it to richness by evaporation. Splendid in coffee and gives ccia soups, sauces and desserts a smoother, creamier flavor. NESTLES World's Largest Producer and Sellers of Condensed ana EiafaMkU Milk. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hl'lrlil 11 1 vi in tvn lislnv I' I III I'boiie 588 A3 Dtl ft!lla IrniM V n .11 A,I I.. Imh lOtl fulfil fllli.t f.lll.ll k,,,, limit March 31. IBS1) TRIME RUPERT TO VANCOUVER SiO.OO RETURN Htramrri Irate Prince ltiirrt f r Vancouver: "! l'AT.l, KVKKY Tt'EMI.VY, 1.30 I'M. Arming Vancouver, vu Ocean Falls, Thursday Noon appro. ,J,s- i iiih;n v i:vi:uv i kiii.w midmuht tc. njrs to port Simpson. Alio Arm. AnyoK. Btewart and Nm R C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM t'ttlMlfc RUPMU To Ketchikan. Wrangrll, Juneau, and Skagway. February 7 and 21. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-February 11 and 25. Priii on Hry -Ocean Fall, rtc. Veuicuver aud Vic toria, every maoy, iu pau. Agents For All Steamship Lines W e Orchard. Oe-n Agent. SrdAv.. Prince Rupert, Plwnesi. TELEPHONE 657 Valentin dairy for SKEENA IIRAM) Creamery Butter & Lttagc Cheese FRFS" fASTEUIUZEl) MILK EAM DAILY r,J Delivery Throughout c wiy Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station. DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND HODY WORK A SPECIALTY from the south with a cargo of coal for Albert & McCaffery. The Watco arrived from the south a: X o'clock this morning and sailed at. MO jn. for the Sktena River. COMMITTED 1-OR TRIAL James McKenzie was committed for trial by Magistrate JMcClymont in city police court this morning on a charge, of theft of a sujrt of money. TheWeathei Triple Island strong south wind; sea rough; misty rain. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.60 temperature 42; heavy chop. Langara island Raining, light south wind; sea calm. auKe p in d..nxnrious' v covufbrt National ofTcra CANADIAN many liuuriea anil com. forta which add plrature to your trip South liy Steamer or Eaat by Train. Sailings from Prinr K u f r r t t Vaneoutrr, thence via Trl-aty Sertlee to Victoria and Seattle, Tliurailaya 10.00 p.m. For Aiiyot and Stewart, Weilnrmlaya 4.00 p.m. Krgular aertlcea to North and South Queen Charlotte Ulanda. I'artlculara of aalU Inp, ratra, etc., on requrat. t'irnf rr Iraina lente Prince Rupert for Edmonton, Win-nlprg, and polnta Eaat every Mondayt Wrdneaday and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. .Canadian ational It. F. McNAUCHTON t'j.fnVt iftmcrr 4fnt IMner llutl. II. C. THE DAILY NEWB Tuesday, February 24, 1931 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Ladles' Golf League tonight Sunken Gardens. , 1 Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, lleilbroner's Store. William Smitherlngael was an arrival in the city on the Cardena today from Anyox. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. Joseph S. Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd. sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for a business trip to Vancouver, Vic toria and elsewhere In the south. Jack Wynne, customs officer at Anyox, was a passenger aboard the Cardena this afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Wynne Was formerly stationed here. William Bell, commissary agent here for the Canadian National Railways, will sail on the Prince George Thursday night for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Union steamer Cardena, Capt Andrew Johnstone, returned to port at 1X45 noon today from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and' soiled latex in the afternoon for Vancouwr and way-polnta "x J. W. Moorehouse sailed this afternoon ori the CardefEa for Vancouver Where he will receive" treatment for the leg which he lost last fall In an accident on the fish packer Ogden of which he Is the owner. ' Two freighters nf the Frank Wa terhoose line have been in port from Vancouver within the test twenty-four hours. Ttoit Ttortholm arrived at 2:39 yksUiy aftrnoon Billiards tonight Grotto vs. Ca nadian, Iglojty f p Knockout Cribbage, Canadian Legion at 8 p.m. tonight. 46 Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at lleilbroner's store. Stipendiary Magistrate J. P. Scarlett of Stewart is a visitor In the cty, having arrived from the north on the Cardena today. Join the Art class instruction free. Every Wednesday and Monday evening and Saturday after noon. McRae Bros. Ltd. Ridley Home Expenditures Were Made Last Year 50 Bazaar Funds Meeting Hears Report as to How A meeting was held at the home of Mrs." CroSS; Fourth "Avenue"West Monday afternoon to arrange for the usual annual Ridley Home Ba zaar, which will be held on May 7 next, of which Mrs. Blance and Mrs. Cross will be joint' conveners, and, to review the proceeds and expen ditures of last year's sale which were as follows: Proceeds of bazaar, auction, and sale of left-over goods $618.75 Less expenses Material $35.00 Ice Cream 4.85 Advertising 20.00 59.85 Net proceeds ....$558.90 This money was all expended In Prince Rupert as follows: City taxes $ 97.62 Barrie's Furnishings 60.25 Big Bay Lumber Co. 44.27 Reahlngling summer cottage 59.35 iMlaa Earl, sheeting . 4 30.30 Curtains, towelling, etc 28.80 Crockery and cutlery 2155 Hardware, brushes fcpalht .. 54.40 Plumbing, repalr$!?to gloves .. 67.72 Plumbing, repairs to atoves .. 6.80 SUversldBjp,; 90-15 Eagloa' Smoker March 6. $56U1 " ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOLS Prince Rupert Ninth Among High Schools of Province and Seventh for' Public Schools In High School population Prince Rupert, with an enrolment of 213. came ninth among the cities of the province last year while, in public school enrolment with a total of 877. this city was seventh. Following were the cities that iad larger elementary school population than this: Vancouver, 29,-169; Victoria, 4514; New Westminster, 2,80); North Vancouver, 1,-156; Trall-Tadanac, 1,223; Nanal-mo, 1,026;. - The following had larger High School attendance? Vancouver, 6,-163; Victoria. 1,240; New Westminster, 871? tforth Vancouver. 377; Ohil'iwack, 28; , Kamloops, 262; Nelson 220. 4 ANNOUNCE.MENTS i Anglican Tea, Mrs; '.' oodland's Fifth Avenue, February 24. ! "Melvlna's Courtship at United, Church February 26. 27. J Moose Whist Drive and Dance Feb. 27. Girl Guide, tea at home of Mrs. Chris Perry, Stork Building. 2nd Ave. March 5. The Latest VICTOR Radio lit 11 tti' I I ,MJ , Complete Prige (Courtety 8. D. Johnston Oo.) Bayvlew, nlL 1. Beaver Silver 44 45. Coast Copper, 9.00, nil. Cork Province, 1, nil. Duthie Mines, 2, nil. George Copper, 80, 1.00. Georgia River, 3, 3Vi. Golconda, 45, 48. Grandvlew, 6, 6&. Independence, nil, Hi. Kootenay Florence, 1, 2. Kootenay King, nil, 1. L. & L nil, 1. Lucky Jim, 2, nil Marmot Metals, nil, 1. National Silver, 2 ft. 2. Noble Five, 8, 9. Pend,Oretlle. 1.15, 155. , Premier, 70, 74. , Porter-Idaho, 7. 8. Reeves Macdonald, 35, nil. Rufus-Argenta, 2ft, 3. Silver Crest, 2ft, nfL Top ley Richfield, 1ft. 2. Whitewater. 5. nil. Woodbine, Hi. 1.. Bluebird, nil. & . .i. .- . OILS ' Freehold, 10, nil. Hargal. 10, nib A. P. Con., 23. 26. Merland. 13 ft. 14 ft. Mercury. 21 ft. 22 ft. Calmont. 17. 19. Dalhousie, 45, 52. Fabyan Pete, 2; 2. Home, 1.07. 1.10. Royallte. 15X)0, 16D0. United, nil. 26. Eastern Slocks C. P. RM 44.25. nil. Int. Nickel. 18.50, 10.50. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas Asi Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone 83 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water In all rooms. A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser ind Fifth Sts. Savoy J. Bergen, city. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. "Top the iiori:i, uoktii wiutK Hot & Cold Water; Steam Utt 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphonr till Royal A. Rosen, Dtgby: Johnson Russ, Next Royal Purple Brldge-whlxia"nvme- Series Monday, March .9. i. Bridge, Bridge, Whl. L, O. B A. Dance March 12. list and St Patrick's Concert Catholic Hall, March 17. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, In Church Hall. Catholic women's League Sprint: Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Boston Grill (UltJ Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties 159 .00 M distance, selectivity, tone quality, and simplicity of operation POWER, aire ill1 yours" wltli i " the new General Electric R-15i Seven tubes, four iit which are. Screen Grid, two 215s in push-pull, one 28() Rcc (ilier Dynamic Speaker, are a few ol the many. features incorporated In .,. ihis marvellous set at such a low price. ' No longer need you be without the benefits of the best in radio reception, and if you wish, your old Phonograph or Radio Set will be accepted as part first payment. Come in and see us tomorrow and let us talk it over. Vancouver Stocks Trade-ins Accepted Terms as Low as $10 Monthly . YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE "CATERPILLAR" SCHOOL TO BE HELD AT KELOWNA on March 2 and 3 The instruction is free to everyone! Sessions crammed with interest and actual' dollars-and-cents value to you. Talking pictures diagrams tell you the story factory experts answer your questions practical help for every problem by all means attend! , .j . r Write for details now! "MORRISON" An institution built on Service wsatiiiiiiaaBi i mmm m t m lakaiaiiBii mmt aaaiiiias ai rmt m a mrr. laiBBiin ,,iii:i:ikiii. aii:f 'iiaiii:.iidiiiiiLi,-,idi SHiiBBBi - in Jia .......i.iri-..i..Mi-.-M.-.i.Ti-i..umiat.:iJmrAJ:i M W W M I I t II I I 111 III' i UWIUMkllZ'VI.-tt J BKlL-UcHi'HHkLl Mul'BMlliU'limit 11.I.I B'JSli:!,?W;l-ilfna aawaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaraiiaiaaaiBMaa lanmnir'-" Packed to fh 'T'HCRB it no unproductive ipace iniije an Evrrrady Layer- bilt Battery. FLAT layers of active material packed tightly together fill up every inch of the battery. No wonder Layerbilti last to much longer . . . there'i to much mot battery. No wonder they're ao dependable . . there are no delicate cell-conneVtions to go' wrong. If you're interested in , greater "B" battery economy and results, insist on Eveready, the only Lajerbilt Battery. Three sites meet all needs. SoU tl RoJio Stow treryhtr. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED fMnry iKtTDBONTOi iMe',r,,, VKcouyef Wumipef SliliM CKNC. rrot EVEREADY Radio Batteries RB7 Recnusc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. I a) "s ''"Wi ' --Sfts'"