Toe " iws Tides Wcdt "i ibruary 25, 1931 Urn 5- p 1 5.49 a.m. 183 ft. 5" 5"- ,9.15 p.m. 14.4 ft. : Mil its proposed policy of! unpetltion with Italy ami.; u cept parity with that j FORD PLANT I IS COMING! Hopr I mpressed That Long-Mooted UblMimcnt at Iturnaby Will Materialize iUVER. Feb. 34: Hopes Ford Motor Co. of Canada start construction this British Columbia assembly which it now holds In , ii ipallty of Burnaby. ad- lus city, were expressed by ; R Campbell, president, rday. i that the local plant would i ictor in the company's ex-i u's but would be merely to machines for local sale In Canadian Pacific Head Visits Coast E W Bratty Refuses to Discuss Matter of P. G. E. ''trVER, Feb. 24: Presi- W Beatty of the Canadian ulway arrived here at the in the course of a trip to He declined to discuss the i the Pacific Great Eastern i ! though he intimated that be conferring with Cana-lunu) authorities on the ' xt month. - '"tv st NATE APPROVES t V: IIALIItUT TUEATV ft 'VKHlNCtTON, D.C Feb. 24. Through j HI uUfcll Medium .lirUlUlll Ul of UUMIII Britain, United Msies oupicihe v.... on Liquor Laws, D.C, Feb. ar WASHINGTON, WA"iiW"' r:; ;," I rllitnna( L..rd f .ssMuAdmira mnfr Bnd tatrMyAgrrr- "Jf ti i i left yeateroay lor parts, i isMon. It Is understood, la to ,M'h the French sovenaaent on Naval Matters PARIS, rtb. 24: Foreign Minister Aristide Rriand and Minister of. the Navy Charles Dumont announced today that Great Britain and France had reached a naval accord In principle conditional upon ratification and participation by Italy. The arreement will be kept secret until it has been approved by Italy. HOME, Feb, 31: Settlement of naval differences between France and Italy was rrgarded today in well informed cirrles as entirely possible under the ar-raiucment . reported to have been reached today at Paris between France and Great POLICY OF STANDOFF United Irish Society of Uniled States Would Have Nothing to Do With Europe SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14: -A convention of the United Irish Society observed Qeorg Washington's VALIDITY QUESTION 11 Decision Expected This Week From senate today ratified i -een the the United United ;"" e T 8UPrwne LMuthisweelt'w ", . " .V POOLING FAVORED Halibut Boat Owners Support Co-operative Idea At a joint meetin: in the City Hall last night with rrpre, sentatives of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association went on record as being in favor of the principle of deducting: a' certain set amount from the cross stock of each trip in order to create a fund to provide for the cooperative or pool marketing of their fish. This was the outcome of a rather lengthy discussion in which a number of the members of the association discussed with the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union tonight In order to learn the views of the members of that organization. 'iity between re-und ita expected I to P Canada looking to ;SUtes of p0rt of the Wlckertham commission .1 . .t.. v.-,T..4 I nrobablv today, oruww wu.j r" i i vHuon vauun ui oi me Liie nanouv imiiuuL t i t if- . wimmmi law taw ntrtlon't prohibition the of the Northern Pa- ' 'n'aty was 'i on May 9 last year. was lis passing. WANT ALL main a a w ilia v uam w aava WINNER IS OFF DOCK Had Been on Pontoons For Over Three Weeks Undergoing Hull Repairs Canadian National Steamships ocean freighter Canadian Winner came off ttie pontoons at the local dry dock yesterday afternoon after having been up for over three weeks receiving hull repairs. The vessel went back to her berth at the dock pier where, with the Canadian Ranger, the Is tied up for the winter. It la not yet known when the Canadian Ranger, Prince Charles and Prince William will be taken on the pontoons for annual CONDUCTOR IS KILLED birthday by passing a resolution of j Charles A. Mitchell Fell Under His confidence in the principle of the own C. P. It. Train at Ituby Father of the Confederation of Creek on Sunday keeping Independent from Kttro- pean affairs. I VANCOUVER. Feb. 24: Charles Vigorous denunciation was voiced Mitchell of Vancouver, Canadian of the League of Nations and thepi,. Railway conductor, was kil-League court and the belief was ex- lwj DV his own freight train at Ruby pressed that United States should creek Sunday morning. No pne have nothing to do with either. jaVf the accident but it Is believed , that he missed hie footing and fell .under the wheels. He was missed when stop. the train reached its next OF REPORT WASHINGTON, D.C, Feb. 24: Democratic members of the Senate demanding demanding that that the the full run on prohibition enforcement in the . iil Q4a Im iyv mvi4iiaaj4 ocean and Dehrlng Be. prTr TTTi ,! Clark of claim that, at least, half of the re- concluded at wwn, w lttW!Port has been withheld and Uiat New Jersey u i4anlv the less sensational portion : Invalid owing to m - - .....i. EMBARG0S REJECTED WASHINGTON, Feb. 24: All embargo and tariff bills yesterday were rejected by the House ways and means committee. This action is taken as definitely preventing the Introduction at this session of Congress of a bill designed to place an embargo on Canadian wheat imports. There are only two major appropriation bills yet to come before Congress and It is expected the House will rise before long. Today's Weather Print Rupert Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer, 29.63; 3 tl 157 a.m. 7.6 ft- temperature, 42. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER .5 -5 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS CTION ON P.G.E. IS NOW PROMISED VANCOUVER ISLAND BUS FRANCHISE FURTHER DISCUSSED Whole Problem of Transport In Nortk Part of Province to Be Gone Into at Parley in Ottawa No Development in Situation May be Expected Until After Legislature Rises, Victoria Dispatch to Vancouver Province States YWCOUVER, Feb. 24: A Victoria dispatch to the V 'uver Daily Province states: "No developments in Pac ific Great Eastern and Peace River railway situ-u il) occur until after prorogation of the Legislature. 1 ' ly after the end of the session, however, the provin-: eminent, federal government and the two transcontinental railways will be repre-RffTllTnTrn n isented at a conference, probably In (VI I lM I N I T E S I otUwa- 10 bo into the whole prob- llllllllj A JLilVU lem of transportation in the north IN FRANCE . i Hi nJrrson and Alexander Pleading With Paris Government to Drop Naval Competition :(JN. Feb. Arthur 24: Foreign Se ll enderson and of this province " ACCORD IS REACHED Cariboo Conservative Member Says He is Losing Faith in Tolmie Government's Pledges VICTORIA, Feb. 24: In closing th.e debate on the main address in reply to the Speech from the Throne, Roderick . McKenzie, Conservative, Cariboo, complimented the government yesterday on its public works policy, but attacked the government for failing to construct the Pacific Great Eastern Railway from Quesnel to Prince George. He said that he had long ago lost faith in the promises of the Liberals with respect to the road and was now losing his faith in the present Conservative government in connection with that particular, item of its program. Greater Care on Part of Police in Granting Auto Licences For Indians, is Urged by Dr. Wrinch was learned during the discussion but no indication was given as to whether or not the measure would be brought down this session. The suggestion was made that the provincial police could extend Investigation of Intoxicated Indians to the source of supply of liquor and materials for making home brew. No action was taken. W. E. Dltchburn, Indian commissioner, complained that small trading stores supplied Indians with materials which they knew were being purchased for the manufacture of home brew. TO COME THIS WAY Youthful Japanese Flyer Will Pass Here on Tokio-San Francisco Flight TOKIO, Feb. 2 1: Pilot Yo-shiwara, 26-year old crack Japanese aviator, will bop off in April, it is planned, for a flight from Tokio to San Francisco. He is backed on the flight by Tokio newspapers. The route of the youthful Japanese, flyer will be via the Kurile and Aleutian Islands and thence down the Alaska and British Columbia coast. He will use a low-winced Jankers plane such as that in which tie made a time record for a flight from Berlin to Tokio, Premier Host to Charlie Chaplin! State Health Insurance and Travelling Clinics Advised in Royal Commission Report VICTORIA, Feb. 24: State health insurance, with the cost for medical services for the people of Brkish Columbia, figured out at about $1.50 per familyvilljbe a recommendation of the.royal commission bhstaie lfealth insurance and maternity benefits, it was revealed in discussions yesterday before the agricultural committee of the Legislature. The establishment of travel-' ling ellnles will be another recommendation of the commission, it was revealed. The cost of families j over the province will be from $1.50 1 to $1.80. ! The report is expected to be brought down this session. 1 VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. 24: Wheat was quoted at 607c on the local exchange today. Speech From Throne Is Adopted By House Mer Lengthy Debate Vancouvcr.tlsland Goach Lines Ltd. Has Times and Routes of Service Tied up Under Agreement With Government Debate Was Heated VICTORIA, Feb. 24: The argument in the Legislature yesterday on the amendment of Dr. J, J. Gillis, Liberal, Yale, censuring the government for granting an exclusive franchise to the Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. to operate motor busses on the highways of Vancouver Island centred around the question 01 whether or not Hon. Nelson 8. Lougheed. then minister of"' public works, had given an under taking to the House that no exclusive franchises would be granted under the Highway Aet Mr. Lougheed denied that be had ever given, the undertaking and said that what had been gSranted by the government was a public carriers' licence for the operation VICTORIA, Feb. 24: A resolution of Dr. H.C. Wrinch, 'of bus vehicles on Vancouver Is Skeena. callinc for trreater care onihe oart of the Drovm- land exclusive only m respect to cial police in issuing automobile licences to Indians was',11, vie of times and routes rtaiTer dfinabillty to collect from" Indians" negfigenTlyHii driving -ing cars was under discussion. aside the government to a plan of com- ; pulsory automobile Insurance, it i under the JeflSw-and.. .pwvlsions of Highway Act. Aftr a heated debate In which five cabinet ministers spoke in defence of the action and a like number from the Opposition as roundly condemned It. the move of the Tolmle nalnlstry In granting the special privileges to the' Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. for the operation of its passenger busses was sustained on a division of 32 to 11, the GUIs' amendment being rejected by this margin. Afterwards the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne was! unanimously adopted. , MILITARY ' MAN DIES ! Late CoL IL W. Gregory of St. Catherine's Commanded Vrnbi Camp DuringtWaf i ST Col '. CATHERINE'S Ont.. Feb. 2-4: 1. Rolanf ?W Oregory. fruit grower and retired military man, died In Louth Township yesterday In his eightieth year. He served 45 years in the Canadian militia. During the Great War, the late Gregory organised the Seventh and Eighth Canadian Mounted j Rifles. From June to November 1916 LONDON. b. 24: Charlie j he was commandant of the central Chaplin, the great comedian, is mobilization camp at Vernon, B.C. paying a visit to this city, his na- j tlve home. On Saturday he was the guest of Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald. JOINT AIR RAIL PLAN C. P. It. i Ready to Co-Operate. President Keatty Says In Victoria VICTORIA. Feb 14-Alr deveK opments, more particularly as they affeet operations of a large transcontinental transportation systno are being-' closely watched by ' U Canadlitr Pacific Railway witfa view td ihauriiten of Joint vices when the time Is considered opportune. It was stated here yes terday by President E. W. Beatty of the OP R. "If development of the air ser vices, which is progressing satis . 1 1 I I 1 1 . -" J 1 I laciuriiy, aeinauas juini mu unu air services, they will undoubtedly i i - I j t t ii.. r- i CHICAGO PRIMARY Fate of Mayor Thompson Rests in Hands of His Party Today CHICAGO, Feb. 24 The Republican party, in convention here tbtuedar, jrfH leid whether-.Mayor - William Hale Thompson will receive his fourth nomination or whether he will be replaced by one -t his four opponerits for the NO WORD OF PLANE Burke Machine Did Not Reach Ha-zelton or Burns Lake Yesterday The plane of the late Capt. E. J. Burke, being flown from Atiin to Vancouver with Pilots R. L Van Der Byle and W. A. Joerss and Air Engineer Emil Kading on board, failed to arrive either at Hazelton or Burns Lake by last evening and was unreported by the Government Telegraphs. The plane was flying by the Liars! route overland to Haaelton or Bairn Lake. It was presumed that the plane had made a forced landing somewhere enroute and would probably resume the flight today. The machine Is fully found with provisions enough for several weeks- The Government Telegraphs lust before noon today reported that there was still no sign of the plane. Confidence Vote For King Carol -I i Passed by Liberal Party of ftou-, mania at Convention on Saturday BUCHAREST. Roumanla, Feb. 24: -A resolution of confidence in King Jarol, the errant monarch of Roumanla, was passed on Saturday by the Liberal party. SEATTLE FISHERMEN'S"' KjJ',:4H 1 STIUKE 'N'CARlNG END SEATTLE. Feb. S4:-SeUle- ment of the strike of almost 1600 halibut fishermen is be- Ueved to be near as the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union has called a meeting for tonight to discuss the vessel owners' terms. . tfic," Mr. tfeattjr saw. tttt