PAGE SIX i Mill' Hood WXiOVBL Makes Better Bread, Cakes & Pastry There are seven reasons why UINNESS IS GOOD FOR YOU 2 FOR NERVES. Guinness is good for "Nerves." It contains phosphates and other natural tonic constituents. In many cases of "Neuralgia" or nervous headache Guinness acts like a charm in banishing pain. A glass of Guinness at dinner or suppe is wonderfully soothing and calming, restoring and rebuilding the tired nervous system. Guinness is a delicious beverage, preserving the natural virtues of the barley, barley malt, hops and yeast from which it is brewed. Gutnntujbould not btjentd COLD. Hits advertisement Ti,hpt publktfdayed by Utt Liquor ContrplsBoard or by fnedettTrnt of British Columbia. GFACm smsaeaciwaase OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. K you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. 1'E.MRINA r.OG Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MINEIIEAD KOG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 FURS! -FURS! FURS Made to Order In Any Style By Expert Furrier Special attention to repairing and cleaning furs Lowest Prices G0LDBL00M BANDMASTER IS HONORED Parents ot Rand Roys Tender Him Party and Presentation sdmer thirty par ents gathered at the home of Mr. ancPMrs. ATG. Bartletf Seventh Avenue, to honor the instructor oi the local band boys, on the occasion, of his birthday. The evening was spent in games, guessing contests, etc.. into which all entered heartily. Dainty refreshments were served by the ladles. A unique feature of the affair was a huge birthday cake, the decoration of which included in its icing several bars of music. Band master Wilson cut the cake and made many of his usual humorous remarks. - After full justice had been done to the refreshments, J. W. Mc- Klnley. who was also In a humor ous mood presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson a beautiful silver cake basket donated by the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson each replied feelingly and expressed determination to carry the young musicians to still greater efficiency. At about 1 a.m. all joined in singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows." Thus ended an enjoyable evening TROUSERS POPULAR Are Important Feature of French Spring Style Showings PARIS, Feb. 24 Trousers, long and short, formal and informal, indicating that the. modern mo dish miss -will combine 1931 free dom with 1870 feminity are one of the most important features of showings of spring styles just begun. Although only small couturi ers have exhibited so far collections indicate that pajamas launched as a fad are now a definite part of the mode both for p'ay- tlme and evening wear. There are wide variations of cut and variety of material from red canton flannel to glittering sequins. Summer girls may lounge on beaches in red flannel made In overall design with braces crowing and green gingham long sleeves shirts. A bandana of the same gingham may be knotted around the head worn under a broad-rimmed crownless hat of red flan nel. Tennis costumes feature white pique shorts with sleeveless blouses of the same material accompanied by long full pajamas to wear when the game is finished. Yachting pajamas are one of the newest items of trouser display. They are made of white light blue shirt and dark blue Jacket Stylists predict great success for dinner pajamas of definite sophi stication. One such model has gray tequin trousers worn with a tight bodice which has a strap decollete. Another is pale pink silk crepe with a high necker bodice made of the open silk mesh which is new and much used for spring. All pajamas feature wide semi-flaring lines, tight hips and bodices which are generally attached to the trousers. Pajama costumes have loose hip length coats. Omlneca Timber Products Ltd., with capital of $10,000 and head of- lfce In Vancouver, is among the In corporations announced in the last issue of the B. C. Gazette. FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples just arrived of sorlne and summer good of the finest quality ana me patterns oi tne very latest. LING THE CUTTEK Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING 'THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. t'hone 619 Dr.H.0. Johnsen Dentist Successor to , Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Rlock rhone 109 Tuesday Febr-,r THE DAILY NEWS it i, A Friend to Women Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1.YDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE "O. Lynn, Mau USA nd Cobourt, Cnt . Canada. Anglican Woman's Auxiliary Holds Tea-Sale Today The pretty home of Mrs. O. A. Woodland, Fifth Avenue East. Is the scene of a tea and sale of home cooking this afternoon by the Wo man's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's! Anglican Cathedral. i Mrs. Thomas Andrew, president! of the Woman's Auxiliary, and Mrs. , J. B. Gibson, wife of the Dean, are receiving the guests. The hostess Is being assisted by Mrs. F. Stamp-Vincent. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. George Rorie are pouring and ser-vlteurs are Mrs. F. A- MacCallum. Mrs. A. E. Parlow, and Mrs. H. Tre-leaven. Mrs. C. E. Cullin Is cashier. In charge of the home cooking table are Mrs. W. A. McLean and Mrs. Bert West In charge of a bean guessing contest is Mrs. P. M. Ray-ner. During the afternoon, there Is to be a musical pifogram with Mrs. C. E. Cullin contributing ptano selections and Mrs. F. W. Allen, vocal solos. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 21, 1911 The members of the city council argued until 1 o'clock this morning on the matter of wages and were then unable to reach any agreement. They will meet again on Monday in an effort to reach a decision. Meantime, a committee; will go into the matter further. I Fire Chief Mclnnls paid a surprise 1 visit to the King Edward School yesterday. A fire drill wns staged, the building being clearel of its 200 pupils within one minute. Fire drills have been innovated in the school by Principal D. McD. Hunter. The Prince Rupert Industrial Association is circulating a petition asking for the 45c rate of pay for common labor employed by the city. Whist and Bridge Played last Night G. II Gulirk and Mrs. II. J. Racon Were High Scorers at Event Last Night The fortnightly whist and bridge tournament of the Ladles of the Royal Purple was held last night in the Elks' Home. O. E. Oullck had the high score in bridge and II. Armstrong, the low. In whist, Mrs. B. J. Bacon was high scorer and Pete Wlngham, law Mrs. Ffank cHpl for the evening; Angelo Astori and lick. mm 1 ' convener by Mrs. Irs. O. E. Gu- COLLINGWOOD GETS ! IIYDROGKAPHIC JOR OTTvWa'. 1 - The Colllngwood Shipbuilding Co.. I Colllngwood, On., It is under- ; stood has been awarded a con- ' tract for the bunding of a ves- , sel for Hydrographic survey work by the Dominion Oov- ernment on the Pacific Coast. ! The contract price Is $600,000 approximately. , Progress of Insurance Firm General America Corporation Made Good Profit During Past Year G. Percy Tinker, manager of O. P. Tinker Sc Company. Limited, stated yesterday that a story of very substantial progress during 1930 was disclosed at the annual stock hold ers meeting of the General America ! Corporation held January 29 at the j home ofIces In Seattle. I The Corporation is holding vehicle for the General Insurance Company of America, First National Insurance Company of America, General Casualty Company of America and the American Insurance Agency. The report submitted to the stockholders by H. K. Dent, president, states that the 1030 premium income of the General America Companies exceeded M,000,000. The consolidated adjusted net profit of the four companies, after dividends to participating stockholders of more than $250,000 and writing off depreciation on more than $8,000,-000 of Investments, totalled $307,-896. Dividends paid to stockholders during 1930 called for $210,000 the report revealed. The stockholders heard that the volume of insurance written by the General America Companies decreased ( only one-tenth of one per cent In 1930 as compared with the previous year, 'this slight decrease being in large part due to the fact that throughout the year the company's agencies had been instructed to strive for quality rather than quantity in selecting risks to be -written. Mr. Tinker in commenting on the healthy condition of the! companies he represents in Prince Rupert and adjacent territory, stated farther that these companies are sponsoring, this year, in cooperation with their agencies, an aggressive campaign of advertising in Canadian newspapers. Intended to Inform the public on modem developments in sound insurance protection. The Dally News has been selected to carry these mesas gas to the community, Mr. Tinker stated, i Provincial Election Commissioners Named' ! Henry S. Avtson, Selby J. Watson and Mrs. Ef ltaabeth Ellis of Prince i George and Clarence S. B. Holmes, 1 Roy B. Patterson. Franklin D. McDonald. Adrian A. Monroe and William J. Payne of McBrtde haw been appointed provincial election commissioners for Fort George riding.' For Skeena riding Joseph MaLaren j of Terrace has been appointed ai commissioner. Weekly Specials This will be our last weekly special under our credit sys-, tern. After March 1 our storo will be cash and carry. We feel indebted to our many patrons and offer these ape-' cials for their benofit. i White Beans 4 lbs Rice No. 1 Jap 4 lbs Sago ii TaptOBfi 3 lbs Braid's Tea Bach Cup and Saucer per lb. Fresh Ground Coffee 3 us ..: Rinso Medium 3 pkgs Gold Dust Large 3 pkgs Malkin's Best Corn on Cob, 3 tins Malkin's Best Baking Powder, 12-cf., 2 tins 25c 25c 25c pkg. contains 50c S1.25 35 c 95c 1.00 45c Malkin's Best Marmalade CCp 4's. per tin 00s, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving ' Every Roat Mussallem Grocery Co.; Limited j 417-123 FIFTH AVENUE EAST I P. O. ROX 573 Phone 18 and 81 ammniBMtwiaimmmmmKmaB xiFKiaacii : .... - . i i m i vvi., ' Monday and Tuesday 3 TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 PJvI. . Charles 'Muddy' Rogers and Nancy Carroll in I'taV' FOLLOWS HRU 9) H i i I a H 1 i Rroad way's Great Success A KM of Laughter and Son", ah ' in Technicolor - '' A Paramount Picture Comedy "One Nutty Night" Screen Song "Accordion Jo- S Admission 20c & C5c Feature Starts at 7 JO & Weds. & Thurs. Joe E. Brown in "Maybe Its Love" iixa b i.isra CD't'Bxa "Mmm xuuvm vbiiw ' nni ;;.b : : : c z ,lf OVR HACK CO! Prepared Daily By IS A SPLENDID PICK-ME-UP TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. be a social lion tliis A faded, battered hat U hardly respectable ... yet no Horse than dull, gray-looking shoes ...your morning toilet should always include a "Nugget" shine which waterproofs the shoes as it polishes. CGET SHOE POLISH Ijk NUGGET TIN cpttt) lliili a tnUl I For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTH AVENUE EAST 4-roomed house with bath cash, balance arranged. EIGHTH AVENUE WEST-Lot. and 4-roomed hou.- $1,000. Balance on easy terms. Houses on English Hill. Summit Avenue. Borden 8tp part of the city at reasonable prices and t i McCAFFERY, GIRHONS & COLLAKT. I TH. TIIIKII AVENUE W. TIXKi H Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 573 RESNEIt RLOCK DENTIST 11 ' coalI Ruy (he real Coal- nv-t ' ; mous Edson and I. iLi j Wellineton In anv onu'il .u " j Also Bulkier Vk' JUJ' ! firaln and Robin Hoed Hour Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58