February 24, 1931 THE DAILY 1TEW8 PAcrn nvj Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Egtkte Ad. FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat with bath. Phone 547. if FOR BENT Four room flat. Apply Smith & Mallett Limited. tf ROOM for rent with private family near waterfront Phone Green 519. 51 FOB RENT Two roomed apartment, furnished- Apply Mussal-lem s Phone 18. tfi FOR RENT By day, week or month, furnished apartment. F: .ne Red 607. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnisher n; dirn apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf FOR RENT 4 -roomed modern '. .use. Sixth Avenue near United Church. Phone 70 or Oreen 4U2 48 FOR SALE FOR SALE Household furniture, including dining room and ehes-vrfirld suite, an .-ewr Phone Green 85 before 6 pjn. 48 FOR SALE Snap 1928 Cher. t uupe. Shock absorbers, ex eel -("Mt- condition throughout. Apply E m 9 and 10 Federal Block. 50 F.OIID Leather Arm Chair, seven ilMV.'cr drophead Singer Sewing Machine and Mahogany Dresser French Bevel Mirror. Phone Bhr.k 914. 4S FOR SAL& Radio. Victor northern Electric,. 6 tube set, com- :c with batteries and tubes, f 0 00 Oood condition. Oust $200. Phono Oreen 395- tf SITUATIONS WANTED 1 EXPERIENCED woman j I housework -by-thouri Apply Bq& :4, Dally News. 31 YOUNO Olrl wishes general house-, i hv o-t . day or week. P': ne Red 195. Public Stenographer mt'riel Morris, office weatsci-Laver Block, Phone 782. tf MUSIC F.INOINO Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-tuvn. Phone Oreen 618. tf VIOLIN TUITION VACANCIES For day Qr evening pu-i'H Miss Nellie Lawrence, Fhonfc PALMISTRY PAI MISTRY Readings by appolnt- ut Phone Oreen 127. MPS JAMES CLARK, Palmlstrj und Crystal Reading. White House 223 Second Ave., Telephone 767. AUCTIONEER. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any, k'nd of furniture or household I guods, musical instruments ma Winery, etc. General repairs,. crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just Phone DlacK 120 and we will O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and nnnrrt Phnnii DrA 120 TRANSFERS cAMeron,b Transfer. Phone 177 Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf REp'3 TRANSFER. Cartage and iwoving. fnone zih tt LODGE MEETINGS elk mpct.lna nlohlB ITIraf nnrl Third Wednesdays, Elks' Home. CHIROI'HACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINAIX (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 & 7 Exchange BIfc. (Opp. Orme'a) SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we, dolt." I Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. ! Ful'y Equipped for Diving and! General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE KNGINE& Boats and Scows of all descrlp-1 tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern B.C. DlstrlDutors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 564 PO Box 15C4 LAM) KtXilSTICY ACT wmcE He: rertlflealr of Tit If No. lt I ami H. UkMk.ll. section 1. lij r Prime Itunrrt, lap SSS. UYKCAIS ' itK rlory proof of loss T U OarWlcate of Title Issued In the naaae of ABan Campbell has been filed In this oCOoe. notice In hereby given that I hU at the expiration .! one month from the date of the tint rOrrt IflosU of TtHe In lieu of the aa4 lost Certificate. unlet In tlx? mean-UM valid objection la made to me In writing. DATES at the Land RcrMtt Office. Bp.. thU 26th day f H. P. MacUCOD. Hur. . Registrar Mail Schedule For the Eatt Monday, Wednesday and Sat- urday . 10.30 am From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 3.30 pjn For Vancouver I Twsday pjn.j Thursday 9 pin. Prlday - 11 pxn Fb. 11 Mid , pjn-i ' From Vanefluver Sunday 4 pjn ; Wedntisday 10J0 pjn n man 10J0 am ajn ' for An vox and Mewart i Wednesday 3 pm Sunday 7 pm KIPPERS AND BLOATERS Fresh Smoked For 8ale at All Local Store Prepared By Local Labor At Bacon Fisheries BRINGING UP t Country Readers of " The Daily News" To the readers of the Daily News who five outioMownf; we suggest that the classified columns of the paper pro-vide an excellent medium for the disposal of articles they may have for sale or exchange. Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear, guns, cordwood, furs and dozens of other articles may be disposed of. The charge is two cents a word but six times goes for the price of four. Many people get good results. Why not you? THE DAILY NEWS Classified Department - 's ' ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MINRIUI. ACT (TitTinrATe or iMrnnvr.MF.XT NOTICE Lot 465 Oolroixl; tut 4680 Broken mil; Lot 4417 Ktnbum; Lot 4688 Bar- EiU? iTn 4S?, 44M Ap; i-ot S488 Rcitanee: ixt 848 1, iQwn. Miner! ci.hiu. itut in ui AOln Mining DlrUkm ot Cutlir DU- irtct. Located on Whit Moone Mountain on BauUi West ld of Wst Taku Ann., TAKE NOTICE that Maurice LorJ Eg- urtoii of Tatton a ad Citatc of Otto ' H. Partridge. Free Miner OrtllleatMi Not 44101 D. and 30591 Dm Intend, sixty ; ilars from the date hereof, to apply to tk Mining Rs4rder for a Oertltleato' at Improvement for the purpose of I jMalnlnc a Grown Orant of the above! claims. I And further iVe notice that atlon. Port Simpson section M, must be under commenced (....J,, pmnen a Slnflay SS. Camosun 8 nm twfore ths lsuaee of autn CerKfleatoj pin. ,m')rov',,',1' From Naas River ana Date Uita lith day of January. J .tiort Simpson . : mesaay ss. uamosun ii:au ajn. ;ii. Men. rnASER For S(ewart and t Agent. g I Sunday ss. Camosun 8 p.m. Oct the AO, Ad, rename nablt. It Days 1 t ." '- ? S FATHER Steamship Sailings ... For Vancouver 'Thursday--. P. Geoffi q Pin. FrJday-ss. Princess MaYy 10 pjn. Friday s. Catala ....12 midnight Feb. 27 ss. Princes .Norah p n From Vancouver-Sunday--ss. Camosun 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10.30 a.m. Friday ss. CaUla pin. Friday s. Princess Mary 4 pm. Feb; 21- ss. PrlncoM Nojah ajn. For Naas River ana Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart, and Jlnyox , V Tuesday t-ss, : Cam mosun iA..pjn. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert .10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 0 p.m. From Ocean Falls Ved. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 am Friday as. Princess Mary 4 pjn Friday bs. Catala p.m For North Queen Diarlolt Feb. 21 ss Prince John .10 p in March 7 ss. Prince John 10 p.n From North Queen CharloltM Feb. 19 ss. Prince John ajn. March 5 ss. Prince John .. . ajn, For Alaska Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah ajn. From Alaska-Jan. 28 ss. Pr'n. Norah p.m. Feb. 25 ss. Prlneess Norah, p.m. rrom Skeena River Friday ss. Catala p.m. C N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays nd Thurs'Says. 3:30 p.m. For East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. JWELU- Tt jOMMA WSMW I I I HE.UO DlMM- k I SURE?. I'M QOS I ( GOVCi- G O OM'.THSRE. T THE MARKET Following are reran pres current here today; ..-Apples , Yellow Newton, household ... $2.2.i Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 Newtons "C" 2.51 Stayman's Wtnesaps, uox ... 2.85 Spltzenberg, fancy 2.75 SpItzenberg "C" 250 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy 3.35 Delicious "C" 2.75 Fruits-Naval Oranges .-15c to 41.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz .40 .Florida grapefruit 12 to JW California Grapefruit ... 5c to .121 Bananas, 2 lbs. J3 Extracted honey, per Jar 25 , Comb honey - .35 Dates, bulk, ltirv. .12'.', ' Raisins, bulk. IB.... 15 I Emperor Gipupes, lb...1 25 Dried fruits-Lemon and'orange beeL- 20 Black cooking figs. lb. Currants, lb Citron peel . 5 White figs, lb .15): Apples, dried 2a : Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb 20 Prunes, 60-70, lb . JO Prunes, 30-40, lb .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb .. .12Vi Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas .50 California soft shelled walnuts .351 Walnuts, broken shelled 25' Walnuts, shelled halves' AO'. Peanuts M Lard ,; I Pure ....:: -Ai 25' Compound. .!. ' 25T i EggS, ,,.,!, i B.C. fresh pulleti, dU.A..rZ.. ? 2 t B.C. fresh first, doz. XL.... 20 B.C. fresh extras!. doz. 25 Local new lild, doz AO, Sugar- - 1 Yellow, 100 lbs. 5.0C White, 100 lbs 550 Butter; . " - j No. 1 creamery, lb 42 Vjr No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs 1.15 i Flour - ! Flour. 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .... 1.90 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs 50 t eeu . Wheat. No. 3 Alberta 1.95 No. 5 Alberta 1.80i Uar-S - ! j Bran 1.50 bnons 1 80 Middlings 2.10. niruv tr CV ... l. 7S , Laying Mash 3.10 . Oyster Shell 1.95' Beef Scrap 3.95 ' Ground oil cake 4.35 Fine oat chops 2JD0 Crushed oats 2.00 Fine barley chop M . Cheese-McLaren's Cream, ars, 45c and camemoert, 8-oz. psg. Kraft Ll.nberger. v& .35 1 ! Ontario solids New Zealind soilcu V an Stilton, lb. ..... Kraft Norwegian goat'..:. Napoleon' Limberger jf..:. 70 ; Roquefort i JL.-.. m , Swift's Broofcfleld, lb uorgonsoia. id. Brookfleld Swiss, ',i-lb. pkt." jo uruyerp . Brookfleld Canadian cheese V4-lb. pkg. 26 Golden Loaf. lb. . I Meats-Turkey x Fowl. No. 1. lb 38c ani .3fi I Roasting Chicken, lb iA r II. J ;r B ; HanVTiiicedft grade ::::::::: Ham. picnic, first grade .30 Cottage rolls, lb 35 'Bacon, nnn side, sliced, m best grade tA yeaj jom 40 Pork shoulder 3) ... Pnri. Pork, rirv dry salt Ayrshire bacon, 1U . 35c to By George McManus H I ClLRTAlKlU "TOOK A CHA.MCB , M HH JUMPlN' OFK THATRAaig BUT m Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment! As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tmy than rent All makes of machines repaired. , -McRAE BROS. LTD. J. P. MOLLER Licensed Painter and Interior Decorator ' 720 7th Av. W., Prince Rupert P. O. Box 397 Phone Red 802 , " Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing " - - -- r Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $70 Skilled artists in all branches of" beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 5C1 BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Froser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings in ritoaVTK IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRL nm ooi iinaiA in the matter OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT. AI.D IN THS MATTER OF TIU ESTATE OF DONALD MAT1IE60N, DEJEASBD. INTESTATE. TAKE notice tht by enter of t aid dl4 Jl aan Amm nt TWmmSof ad. i9so. i was appointed a dm in Mrs- J of poai4 MMbesao. aoamtt the said EsUte are rsautred to foruwh sane, properly verified to ma. 3. t8l. sJtd all parties lodetsd to fee ore required to pay the snooat t thair tadsModneas to em fortfeattk. OUAaLBS L. MONROE, Official Adminvtraac. 5MTrt- B?- mh -prtnt 01 1bnl4r5r' Af . v Veal. shoulder 25 W -W Pork, tog a jBfi'Bwf, pot roast ...Je2e to $1 Beet. boOing 16c Bef, roast, prime rib Lamb, shoulder ... 23 Beef, steak 35c to 20 Lamb. le ... .49 Lamb chops .. .40 Mallon. shoulder .. .... JO P1h-Snvokcd Uppers. p. 'it Salnjrm. froata In. 2 HaJltHit. rroaen. 2b . .15 7ee tables--Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs. 25-2i0 aaek Potatoes Asiwroft. 8 lb. . .25 Sack .... 2.7. D ssiIah k.niAn in AIVCJ. VUllVil , California Celery, head 5c and 20 S;?,ae Cal,,"n!-Ib 15 Oarlic, Imported, per lb 40 Leeks, bunch Cabbage, B.C. Onleiis. 6 lbs .2 California, head lettu'a, hd .lj Menan, outdoors. Tomatoes, lo 21 .InisselA Sprouts 1 11 'ft?5l