PAGE TvvO DAILY EDITION Sore's Broke Out All Over Her Body Mr. T. E. Cliff, Kelwood, Man., writes: "My little daughter' hands and arm broke out in tore which spread all over ber body. Nothing I tried gave her any relief until I got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitter, and I could ae. an improve-' ment, a the soree' began to disappear. I gave her three bottle and she has had no more trouble." For Ml t nil dnv nd nvnl tim: msnufsctuiW, (or to jwat 12 yean, only by Tlx Milbwu Cu , Ltd.. Tufiat-. Uiu. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publisher! Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Thin. Avenu; H F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING llATES Transient display advertising, pe: lncn. per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word i Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notice, earn insertion, per agate line BUSINESS CUT OFF EXAMPLE OF HALIFAX 1.40 .02 25 IS Thursday, Dec 10. 1931 The higher duties combined with the exchange rate with the United States has had the effect of, practically cutting off buying in that country. Also it has checked very mater- j ially the Chrstmas holiday visits which would have been ; made to California and other states. i In every line of business efforts are being made to elim-! The Letter Box HISTORIC INTEREST i Editor, Dally News: I have the Jipnor to. say, as a .matter of historical fact In which! perhaps the people of Prince Ru-pert may be interested, and, lest I the fact be lost through neglect to record It, that the Indian head which appears on the badge of the 102nd Battalion, "North British Columbians," now "The North Brl-lsh Columbia Regiment" of your city, was adapted as "distinguished feature of our maple leaf badge at the desire of Col. Warden D.S.O., O.BE., V.D. after having jeeen a full blooded Indian, Frank iGott, of Ullooet BjC. In my com-ipany training on Spit, Cora ox. about February. 1016 Private Gott afterwards served . with distinction as a scout In thej Ypre: Salient, and on the Somme.. age., not his military one. was 63. He' was a fearless and valiant soldier, remarkably cool under severe hostile fire, much esteemed, and still llvlne at Lillooet. ! I have the honor to be. sir Your obedient rervant 1 3. 8. MATHEWS, T.otr ilnn 102nd Batfna Canadian Infantry! Vancouver. BC.I inate altogether buying of any kind to the south of the . . D boundary line and the result of this will in the near future Ann iiai BcinQliet bring about a change in the balance of trade between the ' t m ii a i l two countries. p Is Weil Attended Those who should know state that within a year or two , at the most the Canadian dollar will be back to par or! women of Mooseheart Lfjin Hare Very near it. ' Sacccsstul Get-Together The Women of Mooseheart Le- Halifax and St. John businessmen are getting together the Barton cafe a few evening aeo. in an endeavor to secure a share of the wheat business for the event being an unqualified suc- those ports. The chairman of the Halifax Harbor Commis- cess. , won in discussing the matter pointed to the example of , The senior Regent. Mrs. Percy! Vancouver to show that if the grain could be obtained jc, ships would come for it. He said: No obstacle that can Christmas colors. There was an I not be overcome stands in the way of Canadian grain traf- address appropriate to the occasion.' fie through all Canadian norts.' ENTER THE GYROS of VANCOUVER, O.C i jj wwvj a ms. ttvjvuvi .i . A a .l l I m . What applies to Halitax applies witn greater iorce to s y wnwroi. The Gvro Club has entered into the relief picture and , Mrs. Mae Ratchford oTiirR nr.sT B.a BREV9 Mht Ppr4t Mf9 Phorftli Itport Lr Hur t.; . ,1- AU Fprto. XXXX NmI HERE'S the best of Leverage for the Holiday Season. Special care U taken by mater brewers to Insure the delicious flavor ami satisfying quality of li.C. Hud. TliU superior, pale Lager is daily winning hosts of fricndi. One can always depend on H.C. Hud . . Its high quality never varies. Ilrewcd from only the choicest malt and II. C. hops. Order B.C. Bud by Cue $2.04) PER DOZEN At Goprrnmtnt Store This advtrtUenunt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. GB.I Senior Prince rince Rupert. Rupert. Here Here we we get get some some of of the the grain grain but but the the dif- clif- JE J es Edward S f lculty seems to have been to get snips to come nere on ?ent other memhets. "equal terms with Vancouver possibly, if yieeleya tor were , coIomJJnUvs singing .and cards once more freed from the clutches -of the wheat pool, Prince Rupert might stand a chance of getting the business. At any rate there is little to lose by making a change. were enioyed. The winner of the first prize was Mrs. Edwards and fhe consolation prize was won by Mrs, Ortmson. The committee members were Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mrs. H. Lont.: Mrs, Mabel : etfJ. nknnf voiafrnr nmnPv for thp propllpnt. niirriosfi (HatHford and Mrs. Percy Cameron of helping those who are in need after the Christmas sea-1 TiflSl son. They propose to expend five hundred dollars which . they will raise by means of entertainments oi various I The world's annual expenditure! i on military preparations' Is. $4,450.- The members of the Uyro Liuo are very energetic antncoo.000 of whkh Europe, alone; will doubtless carry through their plans successfully. nds $3,600,000,000. A Case ' THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Dece.-bnr 10. lfy Man in the Moon There are two courses to take; at a time like this. One is to sk and wait and starve and the oth v ' Is to hustle like blazes and enjov life. . The doctor told his patient his sickness was probably defcctWi teeth, so the patient passed them over and suggested that he point out the defect. Doctors will be doctors. It may be for personal reasons that some' of us want hell abolished but all the same thsre an a lot of us who will have a pretty BWd time there If It Is continued as a permanent lnstltuation. Jake says he likes snow but It's like some brands of butter, It doe not keep very well. , The late Lord Balfour, who, as Is well known, wa's a confirmed bachelor, was once sitting In the drw- In j room of. a friend who wmi1 rapplly married. Before them on National Emergency "In order to meet distress and suffering this coming winter, as a result of economic conditions, unemployment and crop failure, I appeal to YOU to contribute generously to the National Emergency Fund to be collected and distributed by the Canadian Red Cross Society." RED CROSS torn ADDRESS the heirth-rug were a cat and dog ... lying together; Said the friend: thelfctate ApproxlrnaUlv ,0,000.000 WM bnd hM bfn Branted to ctes- oo peopu- spean oi a cav- sum spent by United States covem-"tltute families by State authorities and-dog Hfe?iSee how happy these ment in 1930 In the enforcement of i in North Dakota. Lord Balfour paused for a the prohibition law. moment, smiled, and then said 'Tie them together." Forty-eight ship can be trani- The privilege of coal mining on ferred from one ocean to the other Victor radio INlSTf.rJ OP CANADA. Attifh vnur Mntrlbutlan anil htr. i. . . rimtii - - ivwt A KJ " D I A N Ca""51" R "I Crow SorLly. in 24 hours by mean of tii, Panama Canal. Sale of dm and moose ms-jt a Province of Quebec (iujin m.. three years 1 prohibited brings joy to all the family ' at prices you can a "The Gift that Keeps oh Giring" Ilk AirfeHMtic lOVSQ, Iftl I v.u..Cot,oi ' Victor Ridio! The gift that keeps on giving t ibt ftki yen ttn f jet J to ff. From the min "Supcftttt it I89.J0 to the rest doublyshtelded Model R-2t at I219.J0. thee is s Vk tor Radio in tttjj frkt (Usi ihu offtn true Viaor leadership in performance, tone and cabinet betutj. This Christmas, bring permanent joy to the ernite family. With eight striking Viaor models to choose from, there is no need to be satisfied with less than the quality and value assured by Victor ... the selectivity, sensitivity and match Outstanding, performance quality beauty value in a choice of eight models less tone of the Vi Super Hten dyne, engineered to eight, Vine tea rubes. Every model is equipped with pentode and supcr-tentrol rubes . . . trigger' touch" station selector . . . increased-range toneonttol . . . tlectro-dynainn. speaker ... and an Lwnncally correct cabinet. Models R-12, R-20 and f -l feature Victor's imptoved sniomtiii rolumt-ttntttl. See your Viaor dealer today. He help you in ;he selection of yf fit that keeps on giving . . . s Victor Suptfr Heterodyne. Convenieni tetms. VICTOK RADIO VICTOa TAtKINO HACI1INI COUPAHY Of CANADA tlU lltD-MONTl At MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO. S4I Micro-Synchronous m n Orthophonle Victor ffl L?M I JL.1 ,n,l Radios Records msmMtmtmm eb vmmtm mam MmxumaMmmmmmiam m trntamms a ra aaBJcB msmmtMmmmxM-- x"'