Dr Wood' Norway Pine Syrup Turned Blue In The Face He Coughed So Hard ilr. Joseph Laudhardt, Melville; SasV., writes: "Last winter I had such a bad cold that when 1 started coughing I would turn blue in the face. I went to the, droggiit and asked him what I could do for it, and he handed me a bottle of Dr. Wood'i Norway Pine Syrup. When I had finiahed it I felt a lot better, so 1 got another one and after that was finished. I never had another rough all winter." Price 35c. a bottle; large family size 65c.; at all dniK and (teneral stores; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Onf. THE DAILY NEWS. PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third AVeriu! H. F. PULLErf - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid In advance.. . For leaser periods, pall In advance, per week , , By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia paid in advance for yearly period , By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em plre and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other, countries, per year . - . ADYERTlSlNd KATES Transient display advertising, pei inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word ,. . Local readers, per insertion, per line , Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . Contract rates bn application, Editor and Reporters' lelepnorie t Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit ttureiu of Circulations DAILY EDITION MAN IN THE MOON There'll be a Civic election pretty soOh and then . . . But civic elections ate hot as bad as provincial or federal. There's leas hot air spilled over the constituency. The public man drones platitudes As If he'd bought them new He's full ot stuffy virtues as An old merino ewe; He sits the rail, bows to the storm Arid ke?ps "an open mind;". . And he Is where he Is because Or pushes from behind. ,...ft...- ...8 ..98 While we re on tl:? : . ; e. . of b,rn:s. hue's Mis Laura Logan bf California, who grows her own banana? Just to the left of the porch as you go in. Banana plants are common out there, but ut-ually don't bear much fruit. Christmas Ditiners atid Hampers Will Be Provided For All Needy By Salvation Army Is Announced The word Christmas to soitje brings aihrlll of joy and expectancy, but, to others less fortunate it brings a heavy heart, sorrowful cduntenance.'and dark days because through unfortunate circumstances they are not able to partake in the festivities of Christmas. But the Salvation Army is in a position to act on behalf of the Prince Rupert citizens to see that everyone enjoys Qhjistma thajt .the jshadaw Dfrlcpns-sion is chased.ayVay.andLrie darkcloUdlurned inside out. A Christmas dinner for the unemployed men on December 2o will be provided and hampers will be sent out to the families in need, To give those wishing to do so an opportunity to help in this Work a subscription list will be opened on Saturday in the Dally New and the names of dortors Will be published from time to time. Money or goods may be sent to the Daily NeWs office or the Salvation Army headquarters. NEW APPLE ! STOCKS IN Raisins. Aust. seedless, 2 lbs. .35 . . . 1 . 1 . i u. 11 WPl ' Rilslhs, Cai. seedless, 2 lbs. .35 "fered Butter id Fouf at-i. Delicious, Prices Are Stiff Apples fancy box MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET 55 3.00 ! Order Your Christmas Turkeys no. Our prires are right and the birds will be number one quality Friday & Saturday Specials Legs of Lamb. 4 to 5 lbs. av. lb. 20c Sirloin Tips, per lb 20c Rump Roasts of Beef I lb. 18e k 20c Sirloin &TiBone Roasts', perjb. 25c Good Oven Roilstar'peT lb;":: .: 1 5c Minced Beet, per lb 15c Leg Roasts of Pork, per lb 20c Loin Roasts of Pork, per lb, 20c Bhoulder Roasts of Pork, per lb. 14c Pork Sausage, made dally, 2 lbs. 3sc Our Meats are of the beat quality Free delivery to all parts of the city Fifth Atertu f hones Is And 84 Apples, dried ... .10 Pea6nes, peeled .20 Apricoti, lb .20 Prilnes, 60-70. lb. 10 Pruties, 30-4&, lb. 10 Prilii&S; 4ti-50, lb. 12M Turkey, lb. 35c to 40 Fdwl, rfb; 1, lb; .35 Wlflte? Varieties of apples art Wwillng ChJckeh. lb 40 now being offered in local retail Ham, sliced, first grade, .45 stores, wrapped Stocks having Collage Rolls,, lb. commenced to arrive' In turload lots Hani) picnlfc, first grade, lb. . from the Okanogan Valley. The ap- Baebn. side, sliced, best grflde die mflrketls stiff. brk ihoulder, lb Jamaica grapefruit 'are' being of- Pork, ldln, lb, : fered for the-flfst time oh the local Pork, dry salt, lb. market. New Florida grapefruit Is Pork, leg, lb also in. Ayrshire Bacon, lb Onions are advancing on the Veal, shoulder, lb .. wholesale? market " Veal, loilt, lb. ....... Ratoirtfc and Currants; esseritial Beef, pot rtai, lb. of the Australian varieties have Lamb, chops, lb. jgone up. Mutton, thoulder. lb. J Eggs and butter- price are shd Fish i ing the ustial seasonal adVahce, Smoked Klppen, lb. ! Flour and feed prices, after ejbtt Salmon, frozitt, lb. jalderabie fluctuation" lately, are "allbut lb. etUI again. Meat price are father low" Jtist now with stock being slaughtered so at to avoid winter feeding. Market prices current here today are as follows: Vegetables Potatoes. 12-15 lbs 55 sack, $1.45 td 2.00 ! 2. C. Beeta, blUk, 6 lbs, ........... 5$ Friday. DeC 4. 1P31 ku he Eggs ' j i mimtKj. uuusm ......- UJ hhil:. J,L. Many a strong man Is not strong enough to lift the mortgage on the house. Jake says he'd Mke to undergo an operation bbt he fears What he might say while under the The last thing a Mkn wants is a .25 25 AO .15 .25 .25' 55 .30 50 30 .15 W the hoilsewives fdr theif Christ- Seef. BMlitig, lb. 10c to 14 j mas cakes, have made an advance. Beef, roast prime rib. lb. 3dJ to 26 I Duty and excttahg Hive ffrftefl lip Lamb, shoulder, lb 50 $5.00 1 tne ii(.e of ,nc California nroduct Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 30 10c and. With increased dejtl-aiid, prWeS Lamb, leg, lb. 30c to .35 3 .00 $6 CO 9.00 1.40 .02 55 .15 30 . .18 . .15 .12t . 50 B, 0. Freih Pullets, doz 40 B. C. Fresh Fifsts. doz. 45 8. c. Fresh Extras, dot io Local, hew laid doe 60 Mutter Fancy cttrtoned, lb 55 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lb 90 Alberta Creamery, lb 58 Flour Flour, 49's, NaVl hard wheat 1.65 .50 I- Bilu.t. t,t (i- i Yellow. 100 lbs. 5.10 Spinach. B. C, 2 lbs 55 Wh,te' M -f A uupw.u, yt iu ,,u y, . ... . 1s : vkhuw nouiouse lomatoes lb B. C. Catillfloweri hd, 15c tri B. C. Bunch Carrots Sweet Potatoes lb SaVoy Cabbage head, 10e In . Onions. 6 lbs 1. . U . V. , . U . VV W ... . U3 5.60 Wheat, Bulkley Valley 1.75 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 i" Kd. S AlbetU 05 OaU J Bran 1 fehbtU 25 MlHHIItio. Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs 59 jjatley Carrou. 8 lbs, . H Laying Mash ranmp id, .U3 Ovlr Rhell funeral, and that's the last uimgImPortsP(lhl',l0nlt'n,,-ft8' Beet Scrap he geu. I'd worry if I only was sure t was Worryiiig about the right thing. DeMttout, hosehbl3, box 2.10 Thought She'd Die Newtons. fancy, box , 2.60 Newton3. C grade, box 2.80 Newtotu. household, box 2.10 Winsaps, fancy, box fc.$0 Wincsaps. C grade, box 2.d0 I Spttzenberga, fancy, box 2.90 1 8pltzenbergs. C grade, box 2.80 Spitzenbergs household, box 2.00 I Fruits :tn Oranges, box 1.15 Valencia Oranges, doz. 25: to .10 Lemons. California, large 40 Grapefruit, Oalifornla, 74c to .10 Grapefruit Florida. 12i to 5"0 California Emperor Grapes, lb. 5"5 Winte, ..Pars doz. 35c to M Jamaic.11 Gra.iefrult. each .10 Cranbenie.s lb 55 Dried Fruits . Extracud Honey, per Jar 25 Comb Honey 3i oats. bulk. lb. 124 1 Lemon and Orange Peel 55, Black Cooking Figs. lb. .124 CurranK lb 35 . Citron Peel 30 White Fig ilb. .15 If Left Alone Rldgetown Woman Seemed Hopelessly Nervous But Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonifi) Helped Restore Her to Normal Health. Now She Is Happy Again. F. Belway, Terrace. "Sifter and I wrre rngaccd in businen," writes Mbs E. M. Shaw, Ridff town, Ont. "I became es-ccedlnitljr nervous. So muth to that Wbta tMtf wrtit borne to ber hiidday meal, I almost invariably, after few minute, would lock the doort and follow ber, a I wu afraid Lrofffct die before sbe fttiirittd. 1 tiran (Iktn Pink Pills, and six or seven bor restored tne." The iron and other elements in Dr WillUmi' Pink Pills (tonic) increase I he amount of hiemottobin in the Mood tkibSnl Ike btmid to Htt) mr otjj m l Ihi Ihties. Don't remain In a nervous and run down condition. Go to a drug Won and rrt a supply of Dr Williams' pink Pills. $0 cents a packice. i Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ti Cold water: Steam Heat 75e. rfclt I1AV AND VV J Zatelll trlrlioi 1st Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot arid cold water In all rooms. A. J. PKL'DltbMMF., Prop. Cor. of Fraser add Fifth Sts. 15 1.65 1.75 1.10 1.60 1.90 1.70 2.73 1.80 :. 2.90 Axel Johanson and J. MeLellan city; R. O. Cunningham, Port Es-slngton: Thomas King, Stewart; O E. Ashton. Massett. Cut Down PHcOs pri STOVE WOOD 12, 14 or 16-ihch length Dili SI'lll'CE and CE0AII GttEEN HEMLOCK, ALDEK and JACKPiNE Cedar Pilings) and ItSdlo Poles N. Carlson & J. Flosdand Telephone Green 55G hi in . KAYSF.R AND ORIENT CHIFFON ANll SHMI'SEItVICE HOSE .Friday. Dccemhf 4 mt iii.imiLii',iMi.mimiirmim --esaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisississHisaaaisssssassaisaaaii' vr' ma hum hhi -wr in a SATURDAY at FRASER & PAYNE'S We arc fcaturitiK" on tills occasion a full line of seasonable gifts in every depart ihent for riien, wu inert arid children. See our" window display, everything priced, rayser ana ufmi vniiiuii miu otrace weiR-iib uuac, an entirely new luw in ail uie vt ry 1 . shaded, fun fasnloftetl pure thread silk. French heel, ptcot top. new cradle fo&t pfer pair , , 1066 bOXCS OF IlANDKEhCHILTS At LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS PRICE $1.00 We have purchased direct from the rAahufaetftrfes over ltKM) bdstea 6f Hahdkechiefs all pei! I -1 t. ir.Hj .MUw.u.j ci k... k..ji..Hkui. u a inrw cicnu biwca,. iibiiu nuuiunnini swim uuibc imuu, twiniMicitins ui DUX Vt II il 4 boxes for 1UU Hand embroidered fine S--lVLfc, ffoxfd, 3 imndkerthlefJ In b(3x 3 boxes for . Hand embroidered pure Irish Linen, boxed. 3 handkerchlels In box 2 Mxes for BOOKS, liOLLS, TOVJs AS'I) N'tiVELtlES A variety of Dolls, Toys ami Books for children of all ages 2 articles for Various Novelties For Grown-ups 2 articles for . Pure Wool Atlkle Socks, assorted shades, new elastic knit mi top. size ttt 10 Q4 fiA AUU 2 pair for NON-KU.V ItAYON SILK BLOoMEflS Finest quality Non-run Rayon Silk lilootners. new dull finish, in-7 shades g QQ Vests to match 2 for . 1.00 GtFt TOWL SEtS Large site Turkish Towels and two Ffcet Cloths Cellophane wrapped, excellent Q-l A A gift. 2 towel seta lor t?XoUU CHlLOHfc.VS NO.VKUN SiLK ItLOO.llCUS All sizes excellent quality non-run Q4 A A fflbflt in SOeftU shades. 2 pairs for LADIES' CIl A.MUlSfm K CI LOVES All new shades and new pull on sjj fl styles, all stees, 2 pairs for JX.UU $1.00 S1.00 $1.00 $1.00 AIISSKS' SILK MGHTOOWNS Non-run Rajftm Silk Tailored styles. IQn contrast trimmed, ages 6. 8. 10. 12 year- ClIILflUHN S SLKtrEItSf Blue, pink or white fleece lined, also v. v':-. printed Flannelette Sleepers Q-f An all fixes OlsliU CKETO.S'NfcS Oood quality English Cretonne. a CI HO sorted patterns excellent Value 6 yds OlsUU CUKTAIN PANELS Fringed durtaln Hrfiisjft&We. quality, stronc Nottingham net Q-f (( S panels for pl.UVJ LADIES' SCAUPS Ladies' Ocofgottt and Ortptj-de-Chtm - assortott coeors. fuii sze. seventi Qi AR deafens, each UI)1S!S SILK UNDERWKAU Non-Hun Shadowpfoof Slips, built up shuulder and opera top. assorted shades Novelty French Combination Nor-Run Nightgowns, lace trlmmpd anrt iniJored tyle Vest and Bloomer Sets. 4 shades itylei pft set If You are one of the few People Who do not already Take the Daily News ' $1.00 We suggest It would he a good thing to get In line with Iirogress, telephone for the hoy to call .-and then ay him a dime a week and live happy, ever afterwards. M.lJean optimist. Stihscriherto tlie paper that radiate optimism. Telephone D8 THE DAILY NEWS Third Avenue If your paper docs not arrive, telephon the pfflce