h Today's Wher Trince Rupert g 2 iy, fresh southeast wind; 2 jr. 30 21; temperature, 37; ; 'a 2 p. Vul XXII.. No. 282. ta M Si ' DEAD FOR TWO YEARS Are Found, Passed A war Vancouver in I9t9 in CampWi. local fisher- William citrus imr.r.s FIVE-DAY WORK WEEK KOaD4a 'bor to co-operate iperaie in m bringing uuuui) ,Mlss ,mi Edith Johnstone - bout an Oreen declared red. BAZAAR WAS SUCCESSFUL local Fisherman. Whose EfTeclsTnrtT United Church Ladies' Aid Makes Annual Effort Large Attendance at Affair The annual bazaar of the Ladies' rfin f riothinc and . AM of First United Church, held r floating on the Oulf of yesterday afternoon In the chureh Oi -u was reported recently, died pa flora, was a very successful af-. Vancouver hospital over two! fair. The rooms had a cozy and in- ivo. it was stated this room-, vlting appearance with their decor. J M. Morrison, local agent, auons oi rea aim w Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. . colors being used on tne tea tames 'to u no explanation, now-as to how deceased's clothing - fleets should have been found f h a manner at so late a date. RESPONSE WAS HUGE National Service Loan Oversub-srribed by Over $63,000,000 Acting Finance Minister Announces ' TTAWA. Dec. 4 It la offleteUy Minced by Hon. Edgar N s. acting minister of finance the National Service Loan wmj inscribed by more than $96.- '00 WEATHERREPORT ; ' n uara Island nalnlog, moder-wuth wind; an choppy. !npp Inland Overcast, light; iif-uHt wind, light swell. i " id Tree Point -Part eteudy. ' southeast wind; barometer, temperature. 38: light swell. wnicn were cemrea wiui irgx wa of poinsetttas. Throughout the afternoon the place was crowded with visitors. The basaar was officially opened at 3 pm. by the pastor. Rev. Alfred Wilson, and was carried on in full swing until 8 pjn. The guests were received by Mrs. J. J. Payne, president of the La dies' Aid. and Mrs. Alfred Wilson, wife of the pastor. Mrs. W. H. Kergtn, Mrs. Thomp- . , l A t. son. Mrs. u. a. tngecuniDc u ran Derry presided over the tea table. In charge of the tea room were Mrs. James Krlkevsky. Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson and Mrs. Clavrlng. those serving being Mrs. W. B. Cornish, Mrs. Oeorge Cicoonne. Mrs. W. P. Armour. Miss E. M Barle and Miss vivaria Krtkevsky Mrs. Thomas acted as cashier. The different stalls were In charge of the following: Fancy Work Mrs. D. Santer-bane. Mrs. Hugh Killin and Mrs. Thomas. Plain Sewing-Mrs. H. Macfle, Mrs. SUverside. Mrs. Styles and Miss Dorothy Styles, nihv Booth- Mrs. D. R. Barclay UiKl Mrs. Alton. - Toyland-Mrs. Jenkins ana wi. Owens. , Country Stbre Mrs O. A. Edge- ' k- .nH Rev. Alfred Wilson. v ! Candy-Miss Sharp and Mrs. Mil- J. Slrvlne. Home Cooking-Mrs. and Mrs. B. E. Mrs. W. T. Kergin Valde. "'"V1 .. .. tk rfftMir. ' Out 53 Hours Had No Food For Over Two Days Supply of Matches Became Exhausted Alt Skolvik, engineer and part owner of the local halibut boat Oony, Is safe back aboard his vessel after a rather harrowing experience when he became lost on desolate Campania Island, down i the coast from here, while hunting deer. The halibut boat Melville.' Capt. John Ivarson, which return-' ed to port yesterday afternoon after ; having joined the search for the missing man, reported his safety, j Skolvik was lost from Monday! morning untU Wednesday after-1 noon. He had had no food between x Monday morning, when he ate a ! couple of pieces of bread before! leaving hU boat, .and Wednesday 1 lajtenobn, Trbenih5rasi oSn'lqfein1, exhausted condition on the north 1 -coast of Campania Island by the J halibut boat Viking, one of the! search boats. He was out for 53 . hours. According to word brought to the City by Capt. Ivarson, Skolvik walked himself into exhaustion before nightfall on Monday. He had reached the beach, however, and lit a fire that night but a storm blew it out. The lost man had exhausted his supply ot dry matches and on Tuesday and Wednesday had no fire. He had also fired all his bullets In the effort to attract attention. It was fortunate that the Viking was searching close enough to shore to sight Skolvik. He was Immediately taken on board. Meantime, the Oony had come Into port for the purpose of obtaining more searchers. The Oony, accompanied by the Melville, went back on Wednesday and. on arrival at Campania Island, found that Skolvik was safe. The Oony and the Viking, like a number of other local hallbuttera. are "camping out" for the winter. The two boats arc now at Union Bay in Orenville Channel and later plan on moving to Bella Cook. Station Agent New Alderman PRINCE OEORUE. Dec. 4j-W. L. Armstrong, station agent here, defeated ex-Alderman Edward Opie by a majority of 17 votes in the by-election held recently to choose a successor to Aid. D. O. Fraser on the city council. Mr. Fraser resigned to become temporary municipal relief officer. MANCHURIAN PEACE TERMS ACCEPTED nV JAPAN ON THURSDAY - wn. preswentor tno Amen- t anon. , MtaB Isabei rVd here yeslerday that ii Federation of Labor, ye. .Mn. trans v. , . nad flnaUy accepted 'ratty prescribed a five-day Haddock. , . tne a of Natlons 4. wurK 01 ja wnrKinu iiuuia aa a t iusatti m . 1.1 ik. a j.iiutfiii musical ol rrmeayinB vy Y'y y " .,,-nli He orcheatra orchestra nroaram by for restoration of peace in the Manchurlan situation. The '"l economic wuiiuuub denreSSlOn. urjjiOTiuu. ll t.AIISS . uawjcin.- - j terms InvnlvA involve a a tlm time umi; lmlt for ior pameron. as necessary for oapial and comprising- Miss win evacuation by Japanese Mlai and and mm. troops oi tne neutral zone in . improvement. Mr. Franks. Miss Eva Morris y t.Audrey Parkin with Mrs. J- Biac also a v.o , , at the piano. There was ry jun solo oy uoDoy mu. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931 Here are Robert Dallas and Mel Tin Qoodrick. America:! Legion and i.xarm. maioois. nolding tne trophy which the Legion team won In their grid-iron butle alien they defeated Marines 14-0. QUEEN-HAS COLD NOW Condition Not Serious Irince ot Wales Recovering From Chill LONDON. Eng, Dec. 4: The Queen is ill at Sandringham Palace with a slight cold but Is progressing well. The chill from which the Prince of Wales has been suffering Is taking its normal course. Vancouver Stocks (OOUTttOJ 8. D. Jn&ostOl. OO.I Big Missouri. IS. 16. Cork Province, 1, 2. Oeorge Copper, nil. 50. Ooleonda, 26, nil a rand view, 5Vfc, 0. Independence, 1, nil. Kootenay Florence, 1, m. Kootenay King, 1, 1 Va. Lucky Jim. 2. 3. National Sliver, X 2i. Oregon Copper, 2lfc, 0. Pend Oreille. 90, 10. Premier, 62. nil Porter-Idaho, nil. 8. Reeves Macdonald. 31, nil. Rufus-Argenta, nil. 2, Silver Crest , nil, 24. Snowftake. nil, 2. Woodbine. 3. X. OILS A. P. Con., nil, Galraont, 5. nil , Dalhousle. 21 nil' Devenlsh. 1, nil Fabyan Pete, 1, till Home. 45, 50. Merland. 5. nIL Mercury. 10. 10 ft. United, 84. 10. " ' EASTERN STOCKS Sherritt-Qordon, 01, 65. Noranda. 17.00. 17.25. Int Nickel. 9.75. 10.25. Cons. Smelters, 70.00, nil. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Dec. 4: Wheat quoted at 61c on the local ex change this afternoon. BAYCHIM0 IS FOUND Hudson Bay Trading Ship Drifted 45 Miles in Ice But is Utile Damaged POINT BARROW, Alaska, Dec. 4: The Hudson Bay Co'i trading steamer Baychimo, which was believed to have been ground to pieces following a terrific storm earlier in the week, was discovered yesterday 45 miles from where it had been frozen in the ice before the storm. The discovery of the vessel was made by an Eskimo who reported that the vessel, apparently, was little damaged. PUT MEN ON LAND Would Be Better Policy Than Herding Them Into Unemployed Camps, Pattulio Feels VANCOUVER, Dec. 4 Visiting here after having completed a tour of the entire province, T. D. Pattulio, leader of the Liberal opposition in the British Columbia Legislature, contended that a policy of getting men on the land, thus establishing solid assets and providing sustenance for more people, was preferable to the present system of establishing unemployed "army camps" throughout the province. A large part ot the money spent in these camps. Mr. Pattulio felt, would be eventually wasted. Noranda Dividend Word was received this morning by S D. Johnston Co. Ltd. that Noranda had declared a dividend of 50c a share. Prior to this the company had not paid a dividend for two years. The island ot Cuba Is populated by nearly 4,000,000 people. TAXI 32 Prompt 24 Hour Service PRICE: FIVE CENTS COMMONS ENDORSES INDIAN POLICY HUDSON BAY COMPANY TRADING SHIP FOUND UNDAMAGED Federation of States and Provinces To Be Eventually Provided Division Was 369 to 43 in Favor of Government on Issue Labor Members Vote Against Administration On Question LONDON, Dec. 4: The British House of Commons last nilit endorsed the policy of the government in India by a 'le of 369 to 43. The government's policy calls for the tcutual establishment of a federation of autonomous c) . a inces and states in India, London to have certain safe- .arcing powers in regard to foreign affairs, finance, etc lai or members, believing that India should be at once i clo an independent Dominion, voted against the govern- iit on the division. LOST MAN IS FOUND All Skolvik ricked Up Exhausted After Being Missing: on Campania Island Football Trophy and Mascots Colonel Nicholls Discusses Gold As Money in Interesting Address To Rotary Club at Its Luncheon Yesterday afternoon Colonel J. W. Nicholls gave a very interesting address on gold as a financial medium, at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. He explained the suspension of gold payments by Britain and its effect on that and other countries. He said in part: "In the primitive days commodities were used as money, sind we can read In history of many typical examples: Cattle, grain. gram8 oi pure gokl . our dollar con-furs, salt, cowrie shells were all ins 2352 grains of gold. There-used, but with the advance of po-, fore lt is easy t0 caiciate that one litical and economical civilization. gold equals 4 86 2 dollars the metals have proved to be thegold Xneref0re. if one pound will best. Copper, silver and gold haveanly buy foielsn bins amounting to each In turn been chosen until to- j mo the merchant wm buy instead day gold is almost universally used amongst the highest developed countries. It is a striking example of the survival of the fittest. Oold is of equal quality in its pure state, so that no matter if it is secured in the Yukon or Australia it is the same for all practical purposes. Oold has large value in small bulk, is durable, easily converted from bullion to coin and vice versa at little cost and without loss. It has a low melting point. "It has been said that the pro duction -of .gold is not keeping up with the requirementsvand that the fall in prices and business depression are due to inadequate supplies of gold. This theory is flatly denied by the McMillan committee. This committee was created by the Ramsay MacDonald socialist government and comprised not only the best bankers of Oreat Britain, but 113 grains of gold which costs one round and ship it to Canada and sell it to the mint here and get $1.83 2-3. This will be done to the -xtent of $1,000,000 which will balance the international trade by removing from the exchange market the demand for the surplus of $1.-300.000. This transaction, In actual tact, is not done by the merchants but by experts in foreign exchange find gold shipments. It is a very volved transaction and the profit is very smalL "England, by suspending igold payments, has prevented stabilizing gold transactions to be made. In other words, the pound 'will no longer buy 113 grains of gold because the Bans of Er.;lor.i, rhich Is the gold depository for Oreat Britain, will refuse to sell gold. Wealthy Nstion England Is a rich nation and also eminent economists, organized her weallh eaplta u probably labor leaders, and outstanding bu-,greaUf other m . .IT . j s the world. So why did England have further and say that were the sup plies of gold greater the same conditions would prevail. Gold Standard "Now what is the gold standard? "I will try 0 explain it as lt appears to be rather haay to some people. Theoretically it means that countries having a gold standard or using gold as their medium for exchanging commodities win always exchange their paper currency for gold. In Canada the dollar is cotiiposed of 2322 grains of pure gold. Therefore, Dominion $1.00 notes should be exchangeable for that amount of gold. But in actual fact it means that gold is simply used to adjust international balances of trade. I will give a simple illustration, which applied, of course, before Oreat Britain sus pended gold payments. Supposing Oreat Britain had bought $1,000.-000 worth more of goods and services than she, had sold to foreign countries, the demand for foreign bills to pay the foreign countries would be greater than the supply. to suspend gold payments? Well, France not only suspended gold payments a few years back, but settled her debts at 20c on the dol lar when she established her franc at 4c in Canadian money instead of 20c In 1014. In other words, she repudiated 80c of her debt external and Internal. Oreat Britain didn't do this, but while she suspended gold payments from 1914 to 1925 she then re-established her currency at par, in other words, she loouMantd on pan Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, December 5, 1931 High 9:39 ajn. 20:7 ft. 22:26 pjn. lav 3:05 ajn. 16:09 pjn. 18:0 ft. 6:9 It. 5:1 ft Card of Thanks The Fraternal Order ot Eagles Foreign exchange. In terms of extend their sincere thanks and pounds, would rise, or In other appreciation to an those who co-words, the pound would buy less ' operated and assfited in making dollars. 'the Benefit Smoker of Wednesday "The pound sterling contains 113 last the success It was. LETTERS FKOM SANTA CLAUS People ot Trince Rupert, Dear Folk: North Pole, December t. 1931 People often wonder how I can visit so many people at Christmas. How am I able to make to many people happy all In one day? 'It's the majlc of the kcason that does it. People are in the mood to be happy. Some are happy because they give and others are happy because they receive. On that day men are no longer the grasplnr selfish creatures that you often find them. They relax and Ihrir real selves come to the fore. The magic of the season Is on them and when people are like that I, the spirit ot Christmas, ran work wonders. All you need Is to get the Christmas Idea in your minds and I ran easily do the rest Watch for me on Christmas Day. SANTA CLAUS