PAGE BZZ BTniAviiirBiiitiaiBatniri ! Values That Make Sales V We Invite Your Inspection We have a wonderful assortment of staple articles for your friends and every member of the family In Our Basement Store You will find a wonderful selection in Dinnerware, Fancy China, Cut Glass, Crystal Hand Bags and Suit Cases Medium priced Glasses from 90c. per doz. up A large line of Brassware at special reduced prices And a very special price on Flatware, Hamilton, Waltham and Elgin Wrist Watches Quality & Service Our Motto MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist w rwanrai sm mmxmmwmm i:i ci ii nam i mrmemtm tmnmuMm mm ;: is ; n m m ENDING MALL UMS AFELY . N T .ft W Whenever you wish to remit small sums of money, use a BANK OF MONTREAL Money Order. There is no cheaper, safer, or more convenient way. Payable without charge at any chartered bank in Canada (except the Yukon). Money Orders are sold at every branch of the Bank BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 MORE THAN A MILLION A DAY Cigarettes 14 Citfarette for Fveiy Hhsie Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns E r ft m m a THE DAILY NEWS COLONEL NICIIOLLS DISCUSSES could get the same coal In Cardiff GOLD AS MONEY IN INTEREST-' for $4.80 per ton, or 1. Suddenly ING ADDRESS TO ROTARY the exchange In Montreal on Lon- CLUB AT ITS LUNCHEON. don Is $4.00 to the pouna, in omer (Continued from pane one) told the world she would pay her debts both Internal and external at 100 cents on the dollar. The only honorable thing for a debtor to do, and what she will do again in my humble opinion. Oreat Britain through force of circumstances has suspended gold payments five times In the past century, 1847, 1857, 1863 and 1914 and 1931. Each time prior to this she has resumed Unlimited gold payments or re established hex international pay ments at par or in full. "Why did the Bank of England have to refuse to redeem its notes In gold? Well, it is quite simple. For centuries London has been the in ternational money market. Foreign governments, foreign banks and foreign merchants kept large sums if money in London in deposit to settle their trade and other obligations. The London banker allowed interest on these balances and In turn loaned it out to other parties it Interest. It was well known that some of these parties to whom they had loaned the money were In dif ficultlcs. For example. Austria and Germany, Brazil and Australia. Ad iltionally, the government of Great Britain was regarded as extrava ?ant in Its expenditures for social and other services. There was a temporary loss of confidence and 'he whole world started to call for '.heir money from the London banker. He couldn't pay it all at once is he could hot liquidate his loan immediately so he has temporarily told the world that pending an im 'jrovement he can't pay. It Is ex ictly the same as If everyone who deposits with the Bank of Montreal demanded payment the same day. (t couldn't be done as the bank has invested Its money In bonds and loans to merchants and, while It is perfectly solvent, it couldn't pay until It had sold its bonds and col-lected its loans from Its customers. Trade Stimulated "What kind oi currency has Great Britain now? i Well, her currency is tflll pounds, shillings and pence and secured against gold, and her International ibalanco of trade is settled by supply and demand. In other words,, no longer is it settled by gold shipments. If she buys abroad more than she sells there Is a greater demand for foreign currency and down goes the value of one pound hternvs of dollars and francs. It is at present being pre vented from collapsing altogether is it did in Germany, but Is regu lated by the old law of supply and demand. Great Britain is owed large sums of money and the whole world is now paying off some of these loans in the depreciated "What docs It mean to Great Bri tain's trade. It Is a very strange economic result and the old econo mic law is working out exactly, that her financial distress has temporarily stimulated trade. How did this happen? Well, take a simple example. A coal merchant in Mon treal has been buying coal from Pennsylvania at $4.50 per ton. He BEAUTY $ IS NOT TA JUST A GIFT For every woman who inherits beauty, there are five who vAn charm and good looks. Without health, there can be little natural beauty. And a serious handicap to health is constipation. This widespread ailment often causes headaches, Ilstlessness, sallow skins, pimples under mining both health and beauty. Yet constipation can be overcome by eating Kellogg's All-Bran. This delicious cereal . provides "bulk," which gently" clears out the wastes. And Vitamin B to tone up the intestinal tract. The "bulk" in All-Bran is much like that in lettuce. Try two tablespoorifuls daily usually sufficient for most types of constlpatldri. If you suffer from intestinal trouble not relieved this 1 ALLBRAN way, consult your doctor. All-Bran supplies iron for the blood. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. HELPS KEEP YOU FIT words, the coal would only cost $4.00 per ton, so he switches his order to Cardiff. Now similar transactions are going on in all lines of trade and Great Britain is temppr-arlly able to under-cut her compeV titers. In the world's markets. Bat can 6he keep it up? Most decidedly nol It might keep up If international trade Improves, which apparently is happening today, but she can't keep it up for long without a universal trade improvement, and why? Well, the old economic laws will work again. England is not a pro ducing country excepting in coal, Iron and in a small way. She .'is a manufacturing country and has to Import her raw materials to make up Into articles for use and export, Those merchants who were lucky enough to have. the raw materials In the country and paid for before her pound depreciated will make a profit when they resell them abroad in the buyers currency, but when the same merchant goes to replace this raw material he has to pay 25 more or exactly higher in proportion to the lower value of the pound. England has to import most of her foodstuff and as soon as her present stocks are consumed she will have to replace them, an in terms pounds, shillings and pence that will cos.t exactly 25 more. . "I was amused to read some of he political speeches In Great Bri tain during the last election. The candidates were promising the vo ters notwithstanding the lower va- 'ue of the pound they would not -ermlt food prices to go up If they rerc elected. Well, they might Just is well as uromlse to emntv Prince Rupert harbor with a spoon. Vood prices will advance In Great Britain by 25 notwithstanding all the parliaments in the world. This eventually will cause higher labor costs because notwithstanding the efforts of Henry Ford, wages will rise and fall with commodities. Not so fast, but over a period of years they follow pretty closely. Therefore, it won t be long before Great Britain's temporary advantage will be lost in her foreign trade." Mr. Nlcholls then spoke briefly of silver and Its relation to cold and the futility of attempting to agree on a system of bl-metallsm. Orr-at Britain has had 17 unsol ved murder mysteries In the last three years, involving the deaths of ?0 persons. Food Values For Yiday & Saturday Pastry Flour Wild Rose tin per 10-lb. sack - Lard Swift's per 3-lb. tin Lard Oalner's per 3-lb. tin 43c 40c Eggs B. C. Extras, Scott's AQn In rartnn nor rtn Coffee Malkln's Best per 5-lb. tin $2.00 Orccn Cut Beans Ensign 1n No. 2 tins, per tin XXi Saanich Clams per tall tin Red Pitted Cherries Ensign, No. 2 tins, per tin Crushed Pineapple Mai kin's Best, No. 2 tins, each 14c 19c 25c Sweet Mixed Plckleq AQt Happyvale, per 38-oz. Jar" H. P. Sauce per bottle Gold Dust Washing Powder, per pkg Currants Reclcancd per 1-lb. pkg. ... Sunmaid Raisins Puffed seeded, per 15-pz. pkg. Cut Mixed Peel Robertson's, per 16-oz. pkg. ... Swansdown per pkg. Dcsslcatcd Coconut per lb , ..... Brown Sugar 5 lbs. '..,.!: Matdies per pkg. of 3 boxes 29c 28c 14c' 16cj 22c 30c 17c 27c 29c Watts' Grocery I PHONE 55 PHONE 56; THE REST FOR LESS j aiBIIBilBffilSiaESiBIIHaflHMIBIIlMCBCIBnj:-,,, . V I k t . . . i ll. IX uau vinjr t TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. !a Feature Starts at 7:30 and 9:30 I PI m m f I OA- .. B w amission vc at jc 5 Sat. Matinee at 2:30 15c, 40c B 1 2 mmm Charlie Chaplin in "CITY LIGHTS" Remember His nattered Derby, Baggy Trousers, Trick Cane md Funny Mustachlo? "Laugh and the World Laughs With You" Come and Lau;h! Laugh! Laugh! MICKEY MOUSE in "TRAFFIC TROUBLES" Hodge Podge "HIGH LIGHTS OF TRAVEL" Musical "NO MORE IIOOKLYT g Monday and Tuesday "WATERLOO MtlDGE" aca mmsMmsmvmxmsm sm amxmsmnmumxm kutmiu smzu im ..K:i4 J 3 OUR MOTTO Economy Service Quality When" buying from us. Free delivery on orders of $2.00 We stix n,(ti .:ia, adverh.M i Our prices are uniform, we sell for less and list a few of our man; low priced articles for your selection. Use our phones, we hare them for your convenience and arc always pleased to quote prices not advertised. Woodland Butter 3 lbs. for Swift's Pure Lard-bulk, 3 lbs. for Eggs-No. 1 extras gQQ Shredded Wheat Biscuits, per pkg. Kcllogg's Corn Flakes Qp per pkg Aylmer Catsup 2 bottles for Aylmer Plums 2's per tin Aylmer Strawberries Raspberries, 2's, tin Aylmer Saurkraut 2Vj'. per tin Beeklst Honey 5's per tin 95c 40c 10c 27c 10c 25c 15c 68c Beeklst Honey 2:, per tin Malkln's Best Jelly Powders, per do Malkln's Best Jam- 4', per tin Economy Bulk Tim in the cup 3 lbs. for Liquid Veneer Furnituf! r large bottles Vegular 60c. for Bruseell Sprouts 2 lbs. for Bread RaUin. Brown Whit, per loaf With each order ( if S5 we will sell 10 lb . Sugar for 35c 55c 41c 95c 45c 25c 7c 45c Out of town customers can be assured of having their orders gives the best of care and attention, Mussallem's Cash & Carry "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS No. 1 Store. 5th Ar No, 2 Store. 319 3rd Av No. 3 Store T"7 !rd Phone 18-84 Phone 360 riione S75 PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their n f like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that Mify are making a mistake in not taking the best. Thn price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without Hie paper; thaf circulates UirougtauUhe district tall up the i)aily News busihoss office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Early Ad. Copy is appreciated