PAGE FIVE The Daily News CLASS! FOR KENT i FOj: kknT Furnished 4 room fl.r. bath. Phone 547. tf CO"'! i:TAULK Room to rem. in Phone lied 218. t' 2 fi i"n and five-room apartment! f.i. i -nt. Mussnllcm Grocery. Ut FOR SALE Fi.!' Al.t Cary Safe. Apply , News. if run I,E Good used cars at b - rii'! prices, Kaleri Motor Ltd. It Fc P ale Player piano In good inn. modern 88 note wllhl oils $100. Walker's Mtaltj S: F('l! ME- Elegant Chesterfield solid walnut, beautifully srpred in lustrous English ,r antique .Tench cabinet; i XIV period; Encyclopedia .inica. up-to-date; (Jhronl ! Canada inewi 32 volumes. lovely Christmas present MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Shoes re-Mrs. Hyde, Room 13, Fed- paired. Second Avenue West, tf Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS Friday December 4, 1931 Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column FIED ADVERTISEMENTS BJock. 2W, HOARD AND room ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red tf TRANSFERS B H TRANSFER. Cartage and i urc Moving. Phone 804. tf i i V D i:ON S Transfer Phone 177 Dry Birch, Cedar and Jaek r tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on ot under the water Vei do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. i f. quipped tor Diving and . nt-ral Salvage Work Ajtnk for EAST1IOPE ENGINES 11 "' r.d Scots of all deserlp Uons for Charter 1! Boats and Canoes for litre . BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES ! hum B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers ' San! end Gravel hi any quantity .' : crod ahywhere by water 1'hone Day or Night 561 i P.O. ltox 15C4 mi i MACKENZIE'S EXTRA SPECIAL t '""Id Suit, 3 piece Special $113.00 ado Suite, 3 pieces spi-eial I157J0 ' riflfi suite, massive ennui. Extra Special $168.00 in these baifains for Frl-ui(i:iy and Monday. Terms arranged. " Kcnzlr I limit lire rmnnanv l ' Mi i'rd Ave. Phone liJ WOOD 1-OR SALE Any Length APPl T. Glenn and It. Vlererk T. & R. TRANSFER r ' irron 609 Reasonable prlcei i' i s Promptly Attendetl Fresh'Fish Daily Aboard, gasboat Dolphin ll at Cow Bay floats. Number of mietles, Just out of water. Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Kose, Cowan & Latia Phone 234 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAtERS GLASS LOSt LOST Buren wrist watch at Eagle's smoker. Finder please return to ueJongs store. J83 mmm cntkrtpRAcTic W. C. Aspinali Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Itay Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 311 and 510 Open Etnihgs 6 Exchange Blk. '" 1 Itttimm K hnnr i llealth Service ThS PALMER MfiTllOO (Absolutely confined to the 8tJ;ha! column. T. W. HOLLAND 15 Besner Block Phone 857 SHOE REPAIRS ! SHOE REPAIRS Best materials finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Of flee. tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block, Phone Oreen 701. ' I ' Steamship Sailings For Vancouver TAiwday-yss gala.. 1:30 pin ""Thudait-Pf. 'RUpert 10 pjr Friday St. Pr". Mary 10 pjn. . ss. Cardena, midnight. Dee. 2 ss. Prince Norah pjn. Dec. 20 ss. Princess Norah p.m. from Vancouver Sunday ss. OataUt p.m Wed. as. Pr. Rupect . 10:30 a an. Friday ss. PrineeM Mary 4 pjn. Friday- m. Cardena pm Dec. lft-ss. Princs Norah Dee. 30 at. princess Norah dm. For Naas River anil Port Slmpsoit Sunday as. Catala S tn. From Naas River & Port Simpson Tuesday k Catala .11:30 am For Sttftarl and Anyox StiixMy at. OaUU 9 pjn. VVextaday as. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Slewart and Anyox Tueioay as. CaUla J 1:30 ajii Thufl. ea. Pr. Rapert , 8 p.nt From Ocean Falls We4-& Pr. Rupert ... 10:30 am. Frlti V Pr. Mary 4 p hi Fildaf ss. Oaroana pm For Ocean Fails- TtteAiay as. Oats la 1:30 p.m. ThuWay . Pr. Rupert 10 pjn Frldti . Princess Mary 10 p.m.; For Ojien Charlottes Dec. 3-a-M. Prince John io pm. .... . .n . Dec. 14 I'nnce jonn iu juh. Queen Charlottes Dee. 3 as. Prince John am Dec. 17 s. Prince John am. For Alaska- ' bee. 18 ", Dec. 30 as. Princess Norah a.m.; From Alaska j Dec. 2 sa. Print Norah pm.j Dec. 20 ss. Princess Norah p"m.. rtont sketna Rivrr Friday-. Cardena pm "TILLIE THE TOILER" VOUM3 HAN WEb 30iN3 OUT FRBMt OP tvvc'K ; I UXI) NOTICE NOTICB Is hereby given that I. Geo. Bacon, cacajpatlon. mirier. Intends to aDDfV to (hi &mllaimu rf ureJijie the jPton Oommpdng kt a pastiaBout 1 J, ralle uthiljr frorrt TUheatialftpesl Off!? thence ?0 chains southerly, thence So chMw weattHt. thwice 20 ehalhs nor- therlT. thehca 20 chain to point . cf cemmenotmeat, containing 40 acfM tnote or its ' OEO BACQN October 27. 1931. SKDIIXA LA Ml IHsTllirT IllfltltlCr or im;x riiAiiUiTTE isumis Take noticf mat t rmhrn if. Mount, M Portland. Origin, Intend U ,PiJT for a license to proweel for cqkl and petFMetifh. over and Under the f. www tierertbed land, oentraenetng f a pool planted .l the Uorthwat come Of Section 5. Tp. 9; tliftJC 8oll,tn fl ebatfts, tnene West 80 ehaln', thtnt " North 80 chains, thence Enst.80 chair., to polifc of commencement and cohtalf- Ihg 840 acres ihore r less. LocaUd 17th Oct.. 1031. ROBERT M. MODtTT. Skeerta Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that 1. C. D. Xmntav of Portland. Oregon. Intend to apply IPT a license to Drovmet for eoal and pttroWura. over and under thi follow ing tseserloed land. Oommenetng at peat planted t the Northwest corner ol section 4. Tp. 9: thence South 8'. Chain, thence East 80 chains, thenct North 80 chains, thence West 80 chains to point of commencement and eoti-talhlhg C40 acres more or less. Located 17th Oct.. 1931 C. TJ. tMMONS KKI.ENA t..I IIHTMCT MSTHICl or nr.i; ciiakiotte butNos TAKE. NOTICE that 1. C. D. Ztamoa of POrusnd. Oregon, tntehd to spiilj lor a ltcenii to prospect for seal hi 'petroleum, over and under the follo-iln described Sand. CommeoeUM at post ptanted at the Southeast odrner ol Section 8. Tp,. 9; tnence North 80 chains. tbnr Wet 80 ohalna. thente strain eo chains, thence East 80 chain to potnt of eommenccBMiH and coll taming 60 aerea more or leu. Locate 17th Oct . 193L C. D) EMMONS. SKEEVt I.AMI IlHTnirT DISTRICT or tJI EKX CilAKI.OTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTlCV that I. C. D Bmmonk ot Portland. Oregon Intend to apply for a Host) to prosiMct for cosl anil petroleum, over and under the following daactUwl Sand, commencing at a pott planted at the Southwest etirne of Seclen 9. Tp. 9: thence North 8 ohalns. theuoe Esat 80 chains, thenc South 80 chains, thence West 80 chair to potnt of commencement and cob Tl" C. D EMMONS. Guide to Correspondents The ' Dally Ncwi welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In Modern journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents co to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be wrlttnn on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. you sse , MlS, 30MBS I'M "TT4.y IMG TO PUvCE tW VoOti I 3uE HE TV4lsllC3 I'i-C UONBSOMB V1HILE LIFB C5CME KC-l Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday .. ;i 2 p ro From the East ' ' Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday ... 10:40 a.m. For Vancouver Thesday 12:30 hodri Thursday 9 pM. Friday 11 pjrt, December 2 p.m. Dec. 20 i pan. Frorn Vancouver- SUfiday pjh. Wednesday , 10:30 a.m. Friday pan, Dec. 16 a.rh. Dec. 30 a.rn. For Stewart and Anjfox Sunday 8 pjri. Wednesday 4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ...... ..11:30 ajh. Thursday 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday , 8 pjn. From Naas. River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 ajh. For Queen Charlotte Islands Dec. 5 Jt 9 pjn. DeCi 19 .'. 9 pjh. 7rom Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 3 a.rh. Dec. 17 9 pjn. For Alaska Dec. 16 ajh. Dec. 30 ajh. From Alaska- December 2 .... p.m. Dec. 20 . pjh. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 323 Granville St- Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store; Anyox. Smlthers Drug store, 8mlth- " f ers, B.C. f T aTHETIIER It be a cut. burn or scald, Zam-Duk provide tha handlett and surest means to quick, perfect healing. It 1 from certain valuable herbal extracts that Zam-Duk gets Ita power to aubdue pa la and inflammation, its gtnn-destroying activity and fine skin-growing1 property. Zam-Duk 1 Splendid for chapped hands, frost blte.chU-bLiins.etc. Get a box to-day I yam-Buk Tor QUICK CLEAN HEALING rr rWh& Getting No Breaks ( THAT'S SVMtsST AVMFut.x.y 1 CP yeo, Boti 'U DO My VJHtUC mm I:" fliasisalaw Cheapest and Best Christmas Presen The Daily News is co-operating with those who wish to give a Christmas present to a friend anywhere in British Columbia outside the city of Prince Rupert. All that is necessary is to cut out the appended coupon, fill it in, wrap a fifty cent piece in it and w do the rest. We send the-paper to any person who is not already a subscriber., Fill out "the coupon at once and we see that the paper is sent to commence at Christmas. ; The value of a six months subscription to the paper is $1.50 Which We give for this purpose for fifty cents. That is our co-operation to your Christmas present. Coupon To Circulation Manager, Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Please send the Daily News for G ihonths tt- Address 4 . . xand notify hiiii that it Name ... AddreSS . . n . . I n . in . . .mi Cut out this coupon. Fill In the, blanks. Wrap it aroiilid half a dollar and mail. A GIFT THAT KEEPS' COMING FOR six Puii MOTliS Keep your frieriil jiolted dh PtinCO t Rupert and its futlirt? activities, THE DAILY NEWS PK0NE - 98 ctPAoYitJuL ilbT ACt3lUAIMTI3 WitTH you WICE 'ted I ,r!t ktn - t rtyod. alt. Ine C. n 0i taj Offered this Season .. 4 ... - -.jiU . i. . . s , . , . . . ia ft Christmas present frtihi I 4.11 : - I GOTT( J Westover. FBEUki'" I OX-TJ f f its owriM xs'w I ktft3 life ANO k.-i-aUW