1 K9 mux POLITICAL CANDOR Offer fifty men were present at the Salvation Army Citadel last night to bear Rev. Charles E. Motte, pastor of Rupert Bast United Church, deliver an interestinf address on the topic of "Christ and SoctaHsjn." OoramandUnt William Kerr presided and a musical program ta-etedad eomuunigr stDftaf and vocal solos by Moses Aleaacee, Mrs. End) Carlson and Louis Pitcher. Coraraandcnt Kerr awarded pro-ftefeoey certificates to Corps Cadets Bttward Harmon and France Pleree. The proceedings came to a close with serving of coffee and doughnuts, these refreshments being appreciated by all present "TUT A Ktr TO'tfJCHr' GRANT'S Best Procurable (TH OUCINAL) Pure Scotch-YVliLsky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT, SimU i ninwj V, VSm Um'CUm CWIlnn Daft. I 'his advertisement In not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pabttsbed Rrery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince nupert help Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue YOU can r H. F. PULLBN. - - MaMfrtoBdttor - ' i I s -WstoAi (ate !! By. raafi to aH other part of British fdoiifiQi,Uil British' Bm- THE CANADIAN itftv and United State, paid in advance, pr reff By awiO to a!! other countries, per year JL . ' Corttraet rates on application.' t GROWER Advertising and Circulation Telephone SUt- .3 WHEAT - Telephone 86 Editor and Reporters' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ijaiuy komtiN Friday. Jan. 30. 193: By daring to unpopular with her supporters, Missi Margaret Bondfiekl, Britain's first woman cabinet minister, has set an example in political courage which many j a male politician will view with dismay, says the Winnipeg Tribune. It will be recalled that some time ago Miss, Bondf ield, in her official capacity as Minister of Labor, announced that mill girls and. others out of employment who refuse to ac-cept,the jobft everywhere waiting for thdm in domestic service would be disqualified from receiving unemployment benefit. That Miss Bondf ield meant what she said is evident in a recent decision under which a number of unemployed Lancashire girls have been disallowed benefits for refusing to accept domestic service jobs offering to them. Such decision has aroused considerable resentment against the Minister of Labor. She is charged with advocating "conscript labor," with betraying the class from which she comes, of having her ideals of social justice blunted by contact with employers, and all the rest of it. . Assailed in such manner many politicians and most cabinet ministers would either at once give in, or at least attempt to explain that they had never meant what they ap- eared to have said. But not Margaret Bondfield. She has K riefly replied that she holds to her decision, and that if it has made her unpopular, unpopular she must remain. This is an example of political courage and honesty much needed at a time when so many politicians are outbidding each other in cajoling the electorate. But it is a question whether Miss Bondfield's "unpopularity" will continue very long. It is one of the encouraging things about the working of democracy that the few who speak their minds fraxly.,an4fulWjnthout')fearjof iheuconser quences to themselves are invariably taken back- into public esteem. ; Popularity, like happiness, seldom lasts for the man or woman who sets' out deliberately to seek it This applies to politics. Democracy is not fooled for long by the smooth speeches, promises and bribes showered upon it by plausible politicians with their eyes on the next election. j SOCIALISM DISCUSSED Ret. C. E. Motte Speaker at Meet.; ing Ust M:ht in Salvation Army Citadel ' Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 30. 111 Fire this morning completely de-steoyed a two-storey boarding hiuse owned by Mr and Mrs. Hand-cmchUd on Third Avenue about two blocks eet of MeBntte Street. The fire started to the vaem f a lodger who Ht HrV v est his jam btaakfaet. The struct ore was soon a ataac of Dames and other lodgers, newly awakened, bad narrow escapes with their Uvea. Mab Ling, a Chinaman, was slugged last nieht on Comox Avenue and lost his roll of Hi He claims to have been assaulted by two men who lamped out of the shadows as he passed by. Rtv. F. W. Kerr preached a sensational sermon last night on the social evil before -the congregation I of First Presbyterian Church la the Empress Theatre. IMEN HOLD BANQUET Annual Antliran Event Proves Very Sueeessfnl In Cathedral Hall The annual men's banquet of the ' Anglican Church was held last night in the ParUb Hall. M3ysr Orme4pjkitcK,and It provedmry successful. The banquet, prepared by the members of the woman's auxiliary was excellent and the en-1 tertalnment well above the average. There was plenty of light humor and also a serious vein provided by Rev. Canon Rushbrook and Dean Olbson which gave It that proper balance. Regret was expressed by Mayor Orme and the other speakers at the enforced absence of Bishop Rlx. which was deeply regretted. The and lay a firm foundation for your own prosperity The Wheat Crop is the greatest factor in Canada's wealth. The present depression affecting our Canadian Wheat Growers ; is of national importance to every one of us. All good Canadians want to see the return of prosperity and each one of us can do his part in bringing it back by helping to reduce the surplus wheat crop. ? EAT TWO SHREDDED BISCUITS EACH DAY 9,000,000 Canadians can help materially to dispose of the surplus wheat crop this easy, healthful way Shredded Wheat is made of Whole Wheat nothing added, nothing taken away. It is a nourishing, body-building food. Ounce for ounce it is the most economical food you can buy deliciousndwJi6l a. for anybody, any time. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Niagara Falls, Canada The largest user of exclusively Canadian Wheat among Cereal Manufacturers of the world Bishop always too the deepeat interest In these events which he had initiated years ago. The Mayor aald It seemed too bad that the Bishop should have travelled so far safely only to return home and be knocked down In the street. I Rev. Canon Rushbrook spoke of jthe church as being the greatest power in the world for good. He did not refer to the denomination to wblch he belonged or to the church tendency towtu-a material tilings and gave as the seven most Important factors in the world today the Bible, the church, the home, the Sabbath School, the law and thej press. There was a tendency to turn ; the bark on Ood. While there was a great deal of talk of the brother-1 hood of man. Hits was ineffective i without the fatherhood of Ood. j Toast "The King wi& musical organizations generally but t(honoes that which, for the past two thou- Chairman's address. sand years had stood for Idealism in art, literature, ethics and social ad vancement. It was a spiritual thing, the relation of man to his Ood and the relations of men to each other. The men and the buildings were simply the outward manifestation Dean Olbson opened In a light Commun:. singing Led by F. Bradshaw. Soog- Mrs J. H Mcleod. Song A. R. Hunter. Recitation Miss Beryl Birch and Miss Adelu Thurber from "The School Tor Scandal " frmn R Brad-shaw. "Glorious vein leading up to a serious talk to , rvon members of the congregation on. Toast oir Churrh." proposed such matters ft religious conviction ' by Canon Rushbrook. responded to and tythlng. Uf deprecated the; by D an Gibson MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIANS OF CANADIAN WHEAT ONLY Song Mrs. C. L. Monroe. Sketch The Parson," Alec Con-non. Toast "The Ladles," proposed by Chaa. Evttt, responded to by Alex nix. Closing remarks by chairman. Doxotocjr. Mrs. T. Aadrsw.ww.Convener for Ik. aurmar Th. Munmltlu Irt cnargc uitrcs ovhmsmu k; jura. J. U.- O lbonwMrU TPd rfcTrt? Mrs Oeo. Rorie and Mrs. Basett- Ji.nes. Those helping were: Mrs. W. A Woodland. Mrs. Alex Rlx. Mr. Parlow. Mrs. Trelevan. Mrs. J. P Cade. Mrs. J. Johns. Mrs. C. C. Mills. Mrs. H In Ion. Mrs. C. Evitt, Mrs J. Nichols, Mrs. Rayner, Mrs, W. C Asplnall. Mrs. Russell Smith, j Mrs Wm. McCallum. Mrs. Elliot Homer. Mrs W J. Greer, Mrs. W. A McLean. Mrs. E. W. Tuoker. Mrs Stamp-Vincent, Mrs. 3. V. Cor. und Mrs. Smeeton.' INFLUENZA wi 4 1M1 Epidemie In Eurow M:U f tltentn0 Dead V Sl'J LONDON. Jan 30 has been spreading 1 1 ' UDDclurmp tne, ' and. aJQiouh it is " mild type, the epla" indloatlon of aba tern" The most serious ' from Spain where 1-" reported to have ai 11 week. In London, many nn$ with skeleton m .ifi A W. Llpein sailei1 l u the Prince Oeorge int ' Vancouver, and else " south. -. Ul' . nsr .-it tup