joirre Crazy" foxmor 22572 'THE , PEANUT VENDOR DON AZPIAZU HAVANA ORCHESTRA FOXTROT 22483 "THREE LITTLE WORDS" DUKE. ELLINGTON and H,i ORCHESTRA FOXTROT 22513 FBANKCt-iMfT VOCAl JZ 'CHEERFUL LITTLE EARFUL" THE HIGH HATTERS FOXTROT 12566 Ar Any Victor Dealer VKTOI TAUJNO MACHINE COM ANY Of CANADA LIMTTtO HnlaM McRae Bros. Records, Vietrolas, Mieroynhrfie Victor Radio HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prtaee Raperfs leading fara-Bt hotel. Hot ind eold water m all roorru A. i. PllUIUIOMMR, Prop. Cor. of Praser tnd Fifth 8U. it) New Royal Hotel I. Zwflll. Vrp Till: IIOTKL MOKTII WIIILK But O.ld Wiwr. Btetm Ileot 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlihoiif til Boston Grill , Phone 457 Prince Rupert-Large Cabaret SPKCIAL DINNERS . Thursdays and Saturdays DANCINO Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Oet the AO. reading habit. py. SPORT NEWS LEAPS WIN IN HOCKEY SPORT CHAT Billiard line-ups for tonight: j Balagno 'E3ks ts. Brown Grot- ,to. , Mitchell ts Waugh. , Bray ts. Andrews, i Williscroft ts. Howe. Young ts. MeLaehlan. f There are to&eatkmt that the cradle of hockey may soon lose tU famous tenant the Ottawa Sena- tnr InAtkao vn&a4-Kl 144 w 4a ihal tmvm ' kssav uwini twoawussj asa vaaaa ssn. its a W J a . block. A disastrous slump into i which the team has fallen In the last few weeks has tumbled them deep into the cellar of the league landing. A dwindling in the gate receipt for their home games has followed, and operating the team nowadays Is hardly a paying The statement of Director Qualn prompted by reports that for mation of a syndicate of Influential sport fans and Ottawa service club members to purchase the Senators was a strong likelihood. "Such a coarse won Id please us Immensely and would rerieve us of a difficult obttgatton." said1 Mr. Qualn. He also let it be known the hockey association would be willing to grant better terms on purchase to an Ottawa ! syndicate than to one which would , operate the team elsewhere and leave tne capital city wunouv a professional team. A prominent member of the Gyro Club said efforts are being made to Interest a number of Ottawa sports followers In the acquisition of the team. Sentiment is strongly in favor of the move, he commented, but the matter Is in a purely embryo stage. ' T. P. "Tommy" Oorman Is mentioned by The Journal as the likely managing director of the Senators Club if the reported deal goes through. Gorman piloted the Senators for many years, during which they Wort the world's championship several, times. At present he Is ias-slaUnt:manager of the Agua, Call- enter Mexkd Jockey Club. : S.M1THKH8- HOCKEY TEAM EASILY DEFEATED TELKWA Except for a rally In the early moments of the second period. Smithers had little difficulty In defeating Telkwa 8 to 3 in the first! hockey game played between the I two towns lh five years. It Is likely a return game will be played be-' tors long. I 'SOCCER . BRIBERY; Toronto .Takes Second Plat in : Former Scottish Inltnutionil ' r Canadian .-.... Section cu: D n t 11 - Tc Prur rvrl nt tni By Winning Over Ottawa Goes to Jaa ! OTTAWA. Jan. iOT Toronto' GLASGOW. Scotland. Jaa. 3e: ; Maple Leafs took kmc possession of 'Far atwtspttng to bribe a teeter j : second place in the standing of the ptayer to throw a match. Asaaabatd j Canadian section of the National Kyle, roraaer Scottish mtrrwmoaal .Hockey League by defeating the lo-! player. was yesterday jentwwd to ,'cal Senators last night The Sea- three onth' imprtsonmeBl with ators were leading two to nothing hard labor. J at the end of the second period bat: Kyle offered SSOO to WiDiaa Mef- a whirlwind raDy by the Leafs in fatt capnrn of the ""t11"" Aead- the final frame overcame Ottawa's advantage J In an inter-sectional game at 'Montreal, me Canediects gave PhU-aderphte Quakers a good waBopteg After a stow start, the Canadieas ran on a rampage through the I Quaker defenee. I In the American section, Boston IB ruins once again turned back the I New York Rangers to tighten their j bold on first place, j Last night's scores: j Philadelphia l, Canadieas 7. Toronto 3. Ottawa 2. Boston 4, New York Rangers 3. leafeak. to allow kit team to be beaten by Leith Athletic at Hamil ton on Janaary 3 WIN OUT' Defeated Portland Two to Ml Pacific Coast Hockey Lea goe WHIST LEAGUE I. O. O. F 5 Canadian Legion 4 Lief Erikaon 4 Old Country Soccer English League Second Division Preston Northend 1. Bradford 1. JWCANBIRRY r ftLilssass tkl WT 2 ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 25? PLUS 30rORttWTAINER (UTimitQ ' MATURED AWD EOTULD BY VICTORIA WINERIES This advertisement U not published or displayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia THX DAIL7 in I PORTLAND. Jan. M: Seattle. Eskimos went back into first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey Leasjae by df eating Portland Backaroos two to nil here last night. The game started roughly with several penalties in the first period bat settled down later to a clean exhibition The firat goal came in the second period and the second in the third. Seattle is now eren with Vaneou-Ter at the head of the league and Portland is in the cellar. GAMESPUYEDi I YOU NEVER KNEW BRAN COULD BE SO DELICIOUS A Kjxlmx'S Aix-BaX is a de-Xlfetfal sarvrfee. It is as rood to eat as it is rood for you. Tats sKxttoer ready-to-ett cereal proteet sad relieves yeu fiam toasttsati and from tie feeadaeaes, tke ottxaiaess, tio Uek of -pep" tkat g with it Start tao whale fanny on tats bealta-kabit tomorrow. Two tabteopooofats af Alt Biax, eaten d&tfy. will pretest aad rettere both teaoperary aad rtoamng f stiaatioa. la severe cases, eat All-Bbax waa eack mraL Delicioas with milk or cream, fratts or honey added. AlX-Bkax alo famishes rrea. which ariags color to cheeks aad lips. At all grocers hi the red-tnd-rreea package. Made by Kellogg hi London. Ontario. All-Bran District News NEWHAZELTON , wmt . . r loos n Top With Six Masketeei"l-Br" ! be ooerated in the future by a new ..... nt. s ., !anfl Ktox K"ers- ' .. Ji..l. -. . t . Word that the team which has long Prince Rnnert Fraternal Whlt represented the capital-the Na- reguiu nlgBt Ktn u nonal League, and brought many a follow.- - ' world's professional hockey championship to the city, is up against it financially, came from an officer of the crab. Redmon Qua In. di- rector and legal adriser of the tawa Hockey Association, said: "We are anxious to keep the team in Ot-tawa but we cannot affprd to any longer." I The natural construction to Moose 5, Grotto Ramblers 4. Canadian Legion 4. IjOO . 5. Grotto 5. Six Musketeers 4. Seal Core S. Wanderers 4. Dry Dock S. Lief Brfkaon 4. League Table Won Lost PU. Moose 8 Six Masketeers . 7 Drv ffdelc ' 7 GrottO . 6 ; placed on the Quain statement Is nmttn Ramblers 5 ithat the Senators are on the sale wanderers 2 Qks of OW and New Hazelton staged a fine dance last Friday night in Kttanmax Hall. There !were '"persons present at the af fair whkh was staged to benefit the new haM fund in Hazelton. Smlth-ers and Telkwa persons came down in a special train to attend the affair. At the annual meeting last week, W. W. Anderson, R. S. Sargent and F. Hunter were re-elected members of the board of directors of the Hazelton Hospital. Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer, paid a visit recently to the Paelfic district. The FeHx Bridge Club met last week at the home of Mrs. John Newtek when the prize-winner was Walton 8harpe. SMITHERS i j There is a marked tmproTement , in orders for cedar poles from the ! central interior. Larger shipments i have been going forward lately 1 from sstch points as Morketown. : Nash and Terrace and efforts are. now being made to open some of the camps along the upper Skeena I Magistrate Stephen H. Hosklnti ' was at Bums Lake the first of this week to conduct the preliminary .trial of Fred Wiggins, Francois j Lake Merchant, who Is charged 'with arson In connection with a recent tire in the store of Phil iBrunneil there. Wiggins has been "committed for trial. j I At the annual meeting of the iSmlthers District Hospital Association on Monday night, Mrs. N. P.J jMoran. Mrs. Alex McLean. Charletj iReld. Dr. H. V. Agnew. J. P. Dow-j ney. S M. Mayer and L. H. Ken-1 ney were elected to the board of i directors. There was a large de-' crease In revenue last year and the fnanclal position of the hospital is not very satisfactory. The annual general meeting and mining dinner of the Omlneea nh of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines was held last' night in the Bulkley Hotel. There1 was a large attendance. t Snowfalls during the past" week i Ka ViAlriMt ffmnilv In I tin triria. portatton of heavy loads by sleigh. 'The tie Industry particularly. has benefitted' j The corporation of the village of iSmlthers had a deficit of close to $3,000 In 1930. I With five victories and one de-I feat, the rink skipped by R. C. Da-jvldson Is now high In the Interlink competition for the Hanson JCup, curling 'trophy GOLF IS STARTED Northern RC. Airways Made Low Score, in Opening of- Mereh-' ants' Lea rue Last Night , Northern BritMt Colarabla Airways made the lowest score in th. epenlng of tee Merchants' Ool' Leagae at the Sanken Gardens but night, defeating Bailers' by a seor? Of 359 to 397. Hunt's Fwrniture beat Old Empress 377414 and the Power Company Tsnqatsbed Printers 364-371 'A ladies' miniatare golf league will get tnto action next Tuesday evening, it kt announced. Vancouver Stocks (Obartecr 8. D. Mmmo Oo.) Big MhWMHt 4f 44. Coast Copper. 4J0. ail. George Copper. M, 58. Georgia River 1V, 3. Ooieonda, 33. 37 Grandvfew. 3. 3. Kootenay Florence, 1, 1. Kootenay Kfog. 1. 2. L. & L, nU. 1. Loeky Jim. 1. nil. Morton Woobey. 3. AO. Marmot River OoM. nfL 1. Marmot Metals, nil, 1. National Silver. 24. 3. Noble Five. $. S4 Oregon Copper, 5'. 6. Pend Oerille, 7S. 90. Premier, 72, 74. Uorter-Idaho, 7, t. Reeves Maedonald. nfC'SO. Rufus-Argenta. 2. 3. Ruth-Hope. nl. 4. Silver Creot, 1H, 2. Snowflake. 3. 34. Woodbine, 1, 2. t' OILS 1 r A. P. Con, 2. 31. i CalmonV 23. 25. j J Dalhoosie, 53, 36. --Devenish. 7, 9. f ' ' Fabyan Pete, J. Home, 135, 1M. Royalite. 1650. 17 X, HargaL 11. 12. " Freehold, 16. 18. Merland, 17H. 18. Mercury. 334. . ' United. 27. 29. CRIBBAGE ! SCHEDULE February 2 j ' Moose vs. Operators. Kts. of Columbus vs. I.O.OF. I Elevator vs. Grotto. Six Musk. ts. Seal Cove Sawmill Toe H. vs. Hawks. Pit. Hotel vs. BagJes. I The Man Who -Stole Her GeJ Thit IheGiou Stops Body Odour Thi ike Mark He Left His Mark A society Woaun in a Western city left ber home one afternoon. A robber entered and stole ber jewels frata a safe. lie af-peared to hare left not a mark or due. Whatever be touched IndiKHDR theaae, bad been rub-teil or waited. Rut he foraot One Uiinp, at robbers a! way no. A eareeeMHy piaeed drfnkins; fdasa on the suielioanl showed be hail takenalr; a thuml-! ! ..The po' print or; n-tliemun. II and the 'y. hi hL room of them 1 htison mm & niisjer-pi; So Do You on Foods Dangerous Finger-Pry This true story shows how 1 soap, you leave ntjcer-printe on every- i That thing you tottfh. They will not incriminate you boneat people, but tkejr oftea do some fearful damage. Those print are germ-ladeo. Lila Eateneiou Institute liss 27 dawasee which may n conveyed by such imprint on food. These germs come from touching tbinjDs which other people touch, reople who have coMm. pefbapa, ana have couched or sneesed in tbeir haoda. People with other troabfa. We cannot dodge thorf germs If we mingle with peop ftnl handle whut tbey touek. Id a eard game, for instance, every card may eoovey some dangerous germs to you. The safe way is to wasb yonr baads often, and always before you eat. Not with ordinary but Coiit.i. i powerful t' i eiat after n- Wash vr.'; I l)iuy oftet, voiir ehiMf valuable to jieopie ar' of trollil - ; But L: ' foai. it i-: Sn-ed on t wsrid h:ts to make a and Itath ave the you will "! aneat oxii :: Your th-:i r-buoy. YYiiv aad test for ablqii:ili' Um Br Lifebuo Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a GermleWi PRODUCTS riLSLNUJ DLUt KICDON . CASCADt OLD AilLWAUIvCC yllE locitioni of the breweries (whoie proiocti 1 tre liitcd below) ire Ideal In that they kiv scceu to clear, cold mountilnwiter. in important rcquUiic in he brtwint of gooJ beer. Further, they tre equipped with enormous storige ficlM' o lint the bers ind ties mule hsve tmple tl" become fully iijed, Etch of the brewcriet chtrac of tn 'ckpcrlenced brewmutcr. t h dUpostl U the niott up-to-dttc mechmlctl 4ulr mcnt tnd vkillcd Ubor. The beert listed below trt qutllty rroJo" J BritUh Columbia brcwen . . . absolutely P' equ to the best Um brwcJ snywhert i (M world. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Uquor vu""u' 1,uru "r government of British Columbia. Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.