PAfJT? POTTO.. N son beat Mrs. A. J. Squire and Albert Wood, 15-5, 18-15. Miss Ruth G lilies and Albert Styles beat Mrs. P. A. Rogers and P. Peterson, 15-13, 15-1. Mrs. J. W. McAuley and J. H. Morton beat Mrs. William Brass and J. A. Teng, 15-12, 15-8. . Men's Doubles Bob Tobey and Bob Moxley beat B E. Valde and A. R. Nichols, 15-5 15-0. J. H. Horton and Albert Styles beat Albert Wood and Elmer Clark, 15-3, 15-1. Bob Tobejr and Bob Moxley beat J. A. Teng and Percy Mcintosh, 18 17. 15-11. Men's Singles P. Petersen beat C. P. O. Young, 18-13, 15-12. Bob Moxley beat Bob Tobey, .17-18, 15-12, 16-12. , Albert Styles beat J. H. Horton, 7,2415,: 15-8, 15-4. Mr. Mscfle beat Percy Mcintosh, 15-13, 16-17. 17-16. P. Petewon beat J. A. Teng. 15-12. 15-11. P. Peterson beat Albert Styles, 15-12, 15-11. Mr. Macfte beat Bob Moxley, 15-7. 18-5. CMBBAGE December 7 Swlftl va. Prince Rupert Hotel. Musketeers vs. 0 rot to. Moose vs. Seal Cove. Eagles vs. Elks I O O F. vs K C.'s. Del tni"k rcs Ti'v. with a want ad Another girl athlete who has sta .ted training for the coming Olympic Oames, Anne O'Brien, one of the world's fastest sprinters. Billiard Averages O. Ttl. Ave. O. Shenton Q 2 500 250 M. Andrews (Q 2 500 250 A. Macdonald CS ...1 250 250 0. Howe (O) 1 250 250 ' J. Murray (CS) 1 250 250 C. P. Balagno (Elks) 1 250 250 J. Strachan CL) 1 250 250 f Smith I CD 1 250 250 N. Chenoskl Elks) . 1 250 250 R. Young (E) 1 250 250 j. Bulger E) 1 250 250 J. Saunders E . 2 458 229 n. Baptle CS 2 458 229 P. Zleman (CD 1 228 228 B. Morgan (O) 1 225 225 1. Mav CS) 2 430 215 R. Young G) ...1 215 215 J. Hillman (CS) 1 214 214 W. Murray G 2 416 208 E. Hudson. Q) 1 207 207 B. Hudson (Elks) ..-..1 201 204 L. Raabe (Elks) 1 197 197 A. Murray (E) 1 197 197 F. Aldridge (CD 1 189 189 D. Brown (O) 1 178 178 P. Johnson E 1 150 150 Taue were played over the South California Beats Washington Score of Football Game In Seattle on Saturday Was 41 to 7 SEATTLE, Dec. 7 University 3f Southern California, which obtained fame two weeks ago by breaking the three-year winning stream of Notre Dame, defeated University of Washington 44 to 7 in the football game at the Olympic Stadium here Saturday afternoon. KING IS FAVORED O. Orotto: CS. Cold Storage. E J Hon. Wlllbm Lyon Mackenzie King Blks. NO MILLIARD PLAY None of several deferred games f fixture matches In th Billiard Jjj F jjjs 1 kf t f5K W MiiiiiiiiiiwlX'''A I " .dsVWtfy A. "l'JV-AaaaB SKIDEOATE. Dec. 7: The report which has been circulated that the Liberal party of Canida may jhoose a ntw leader in place of RU Queen Charlotte Islands. The local opinion is that Mr. Mackenzie King who has successfully piloted j his party through many stormy ses-1 sions, is the most popular leader . . . , V. 11 I .1 i wic iiiucruu cuuia nave ana mis is doubly important In view of the hard times through which the country Is now passing. j It Is believed by Liberals of the; Islands that Mr. King is "Just tak- j ing a short vacation" and that it) will be only a very short Ume be-L fore he is again Premier of Canada.. 'ancouver Stocks (OOUrtti; 8. D. JnCnstnt, Oo.l Big Missouri, 15, 18. . Cork Province, 1, 2. George Copper, nil, 50. . Georgia River, 3, 3V. Golconda, 25, 30. Grandvlew, 5?, 61& Independence, 1, lVfc. Kootcnay Florence, 1,1ft. Kootenay King, nil, 1H. Morton Woolsey, 2, 3i NaUonal Sliver. 2, 2)11 1 Noble Five, 6. 6. Pend Oreille, 95, nil. Premier, 62, nil. Porter-Idaho, 7, 8. Rufus-ArgentAj nil 2JJ. Rulh'Hope. nil, 0&1 Snowflake. nil, iVk.' WJUtewater, nlL 6, .Woodbine, i, Ij;. oiLsrr A. P. Con, 12, 14, Qalmont, 5, nil. Fabyan Pete, 14, 2. Home, 40, 55. Royaltte, 6.50, 7.50. Mercury, 10, 11. United, nil, 10. EASTERN STOCKS Noranda, 16.00, nil. Cons. Smelters. 71.00, nil. Imperial Oil, 11.25, nil. f THE DAILY NEWS ews of the Sport World BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Many Games Played Off Saturday Night in 0. N. R. A. Club Competition The Canadian National Recrea tion Association's Badminton Club opened a tournament last night with scores as follows: Ladies' Doubles' ! Mrs. J. W. McAuley and Miss Ruth Qlyllie8 beat Mrs. F. A. Rogers and Mrs. William Brass, 13-10, 18-15, 15- Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. A. J. Squire beat Mrs. M. M. Lamb and Mrs. McLean, 15-3, 15-12. Mixed Doubles I Mrs. William Brass and J. A. Teng beat Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Valde 15-11, 11-15, 15-11 ; Mrs. J. W. McAuley and J. II. Hor-1 ton beat Mrs. J. A. Teng and Percy i Mcintosh, 18-16, 15-7. ! Mrs. P. A., Rogers and Pete Peter-1 Training For Olympic Games" AMERICANS LEADAGAIN Have Two-Point Margin Over Ca-nadiens For Lead in International Section Hockey NEW YORK, Dec 7: New York Americans retained the leadership of the international section of the National Hockey League by defeat lng Chicago Black Hawks here last night by a score of two to nil. On Saturday night Montreal Cn.-nadlens moved into a temporary tie with the Americans for the lead ership by blanking the Detroit Pal-cons four to nil. Toronto Maple Leafs went Into a tie with Montreal Maroons for third place In the international section by defeating the Maroons four to nil in the second game on Saturday night. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. Americans 4 3 1 Canadiens 4 1 ,4 Maroons : .J 1 6 Toronto 2 3 4 American Division W. D. Rangers .5 2 Chicago 3 3 Boston 4 0 Detroit 3 1 L. 1 3 4 5 SCHEDULE 0FWHIST December 10 Orotto vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. Moose. I.O.OJ". xi Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. Old Empress. Sons of Ntfrway vs. Totem Park. i 2238 Consecutive Performances 'This rrrurJ for theatrical performances la held hy the rnarrrlluua Oriental rilrataganra, Cliu Cbln Chow, 2238 ' ronM-cutlvc prrfurmanrea hating Itrrn p1a;rl at Ills Majraty's Tliratre In London. It will live long in IIik rnrmorlrs or Canadian auldieni and officers who wrra lu Loudon during the War. Electrical Gifts for family and Friends Practical Attractive Inexpensive Wide Selection Clhe RECORD SPEAKS Jov ITSELF What a sensible solution to the Christmas Gift problem ... t Electrical Gifts. Wide choice is offered . . . a , washer, range, radio or refrigerator as a "group" gift as well as a host of individual gifts for Mother, Father, sister, daughter, son, brother, friend. Useful, beautiful, enduring, Electrical Gifts will carry their message of love or friendship down through the years. Electrical Gifts for as little as $2.00 up IRONS TOASTERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS SPIC SPAN CLEANERS CURLING IRONS HEATING PADS PORTABLE LAMPS PERCOLATORS AIR HEATERS Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd. TliU outstuiidlng record Tor popularity in tiie theatrical world, held hy Cliu Chln Cliow, U a trihtite to its satisfying hcuiity ofrMtunie, lighling rffrct and niuIr, wliile Turret's rrconl for puhlic fuVour is the rrnult of quality, mildneos and fragrance constantly inuintuined. After all, nothing ran replace good honest tohacro( grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing artificial altout that and tho high quality is "Inbred". Quality and Mildness T urret r i r. A R CTTPC 12 or ISe 20 or 2Sc irul In flat tin "fifty ami one huntlml I i 8 8 is I