Enjoy Every PLUMBING Convenience Install those plumbing fixtures you have always wanted . . . enjoy them now and pay as you earn. We'll install the latest fixtures in your home with a small down payment Act today . . . come in or 'phone 174. Smith & Mallett C. II. Elkins. MfT. PLUMBER PLAN FOR NEW ROAD Fair Board Has Plan For Relieving Congestion of Traffic Near Exhibition Building The city council last night promised a delegation from the Fair; Board that the assistance of the city engineer as well as a quantity I of old planks in connection with a project for the building of a new road clear around the Fair Building would be forthcoming. It was further suggested to the i Fair Board delegation by Mayor C. i II. Orme and some of the aldermen that there might also be f orthcom-! ing to assist in the project a limited amount of money from the provin-1 clay government unemployment relief fund. The Fair Board delegation consisted of H. F. Olassey, George B. Casey, J. J. Gillis, W. H. Sherman Jr. and N. Mussallem. The road project was outlined to the council by Mr. Casey, chairman of the sports and attractions committee, who explained that one of the principal advantages from a road circling the Exhibition Building would be to relieve congestion as seen on the present road to the building. All the delegation actually asked for was the assistance and advice of the city engineer as well as the plank. Mayor Orme brought op the pro Dosal that there might be some money available from the unem ployment fund for the project. Re-surface old walls anil ceilings with Gyproc is a wallboard that does not barn, made HERE from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long. 4 feet wide and Y of an inch thick. It is used for interior walls, ceilings and partitions. As well as being fire-resistant, it has structural strength, insulation value and is draught and vermin-proof. Use Gyproc Joint Filler for sealing the joints between the tall, broad sheets of wallboard. When ydu are "doing over" any room in the house or adding new ones in the attic or base ment, use Gyproc for walls and ceilings because you can nail it directly over the old surface. Gyproc is also an excellent base for Alabaitine, Gyptez or wallpaper. Gyproc is Canada's pioneer non-burning gypsum wallboard. Ask your nearest dealer for full details and a Gyproc direction sheet. Or write us for the FREE booklet. "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc". JJ4W GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINF, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver D.C For Sale By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. - - Prince Rupert, B.C. M. F. Noursc Burns Lake, B.C. U. S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazelton, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers Hazelton and Terrace, B.C. Letourneau&Co Sheet Metal Works anil Plumbing EkV Lights and Cornice. Tar and O ravel Robfing. Job Work a Specialty, All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Free. Corner 6th Ave. it Fulton St. Prince Kupert, B.C. John Bremner Contractor Plastering, Tiling & Ornamental Work lire risers a Specialty Estimates Furnished 323 Mb Av. E. Phone Oreen 127 If your paper does nol arrive, telephone Ihe office TH3 DAILY NEWS Planning and Pricing a Home Some people who begin to think about building a home for themselves are in doubt as to what to do first. Also the question of financing it comes in. Here is the way one man did: This man had rather limited finances. He wished to spend as little as possible and yet get a home that he and his wife could enjoy. He first looked about for a man to finance the job, He talked the matter over, told the man what his present financial conditions' were and what were his prospects. Finally he arranged to borrow enough money to complete the building, giving a mortgage on the house and lot as security. Then theman went to a builder of repute who also had some ability in making a sketch plan. He talked ove r his needs and the man drew a rough plan as they talked and by the time the interview was over there was a floor plan all ready for the superstructure. Knowing the required style, it was not difficult to fit in the remainder of the building. Specifications were drawn, a contract prepared and within a week work on the house had commenced. That is one way. The other is to employ an architect to draw plans and specifications, invite tenders and let the contract. The man who knows something aout building sometimes prefers to employ his own carpenters, masons, bricklayers, etc., keeping track of their time and superintending the work himself. All depends upon the knowledge and ability of the man. SIX ROOMS AND BUILT-IN GARAGE n i Tsa &- Ixsl J eooo- HvH I lvm doom. hoooon. irn I, CQ3WD MjOOCJ fLAH. too TlQoa, RaK By Illchard P. Blakely, FJUJJJl. is a true rerxttssen of the, HERE Engllsb style in tshieh artifice nlays no part. Elaborate steal! tttr i not been Indulged in, the detail work betas' confined to the simple brackets mppettlfrg tbe entraacr canopy, and the graceful entrance tnte which combines so harmoniously with this type of home. As the importance of ornamenta tion diminishes, however, the lees, expensively obtained part of color land, texture increases, and here thin demand has been adequately met by the use of cream stucco walls, wood shingle roof, and green paint- led woodwork with cream window sash. The hall, wWch contains a wide coat cupboard is of distinctive appearance, with a rather unusually ! planned stairway, under which the basement stairs are located. Directly opposite the mullloned window in the good sized living room. Is the fireplace, beside which doors glazed in small lights give access to the dining room. Silver .grey paint has been used throughout for the Interior woodwork, giving the owner freedom from trouble resulting from color discord between the trim and furni ture, for a neutral grey harmonizes with practically any other color. A pantry, having a door Into the main hall la located between tbe kitchen and dining room. No equipment is shown in tlte klUlien. allowing the housewife, whew domain it is, scope to arrange this as she may, while considering, of course, the architect's advice. Three bedrooms with clothes clos et, a lines) estcet, tad a bathroom, - mjirtse fee Mcnd floor accommodation. Use front bedroom. vbjebis the sftEsjMti contains a tiled i 'stfnaec dfretttty stbeve tbsrt In the j ving room. aeoond osst? to electricity, the j et and H mites! supply of which! ravwtht It use. gas is the cleanust j moat oaavenieoc fuel. Here it is used in combination with a hot air furna-e, anal one may easily ima-;'ne tb ease and rapidity with .hich t'"1? house may be heated. A 40-foot by ISO-foot lot provides a-nple space for the garden, both front and rear, shrubs, and hedsjas, which vem so necessary to the Fnglish style home. The cert of tht house exclusive of lot is approximately $5,600, which low ftp tire may be largely accounted for by the abrc? of expensive "frills." Readers desizteg further information regarding the plans and specifications of this bouse should cam- rnunlcate with the architect direct . Address Mr. Richard P. Blake?, F.R. j IJ3A 412 Empire Block, Edmonton, j Alta. Copyright 1927, MaeLean Building i Reports. Ltd. Tn t war to a question by Aid. McCutrhon. Aid. Rudderham. chatrmnn of the Board of Worl, elated at last night's council meet- Ing th.i- ii atop sign was on ordei j 1 '.o be phurd at thr Intersection of' Second Avenue and Sixth Street and would be installed immediate- 1 ly on arrival. The necessary byluti- j tia.s be u passed. PATTERN No. 7069 was chosen by Miss Anne Elizabeth Wilson Selection Service Station Permit Granted By City Council The city council last night granted, subject to the necessary regulations a permit to O. C. Walker to tnstal an up-to-date automobile., rvtar station on his property at the corner of Second Avenue arid ftourth Street. i Any agreement to be drawn up! ; with Mr. Walker will provide for his ! responsibility in connection with! damage that may occur to side-' into Mr. Walker's service station. SiBBHMVHHgflgfli OtHWn cemplt'M fattvm gHVggH nlMl gflpv JggMj ditltttnl 1 ItlM. WORK aim lAUuimg HOT AIR HEATING iij VENTILATION Alenindi r m . 10 and 20 ,, JJ "!:. mi:v S teens LltnlUi P.O. Box f.m ,, REWIRE YOUR HOME Why pet up with those unsightly wires? Thoy We rewire your home, placing sockets in th . cealing wires ... in .short, doing a first clu low cost. 8ince you haw electricity, use It t. b us help you get the most benefit and pleasup : dollar." Electric 319 Third Avrnnf FRED SCADDEN PAINTING INTERIOR DECORATING InltU Untlnm St. W Wr ttmitmtlitmt. for this ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM The floor shown sbove is typical of the many striking effects obtainable with Dominion Inlaid Linoleum, not only in bedrooms but in every other room in the house ss wtlL Drab Interiors at once become colourful and Interesting: furnishings and drapes take on'ncw" life: tbe whole home gains in those cheery qualities that make it more liveable. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Is permanent because the colours go right through to MaJt fa Cmudd h tbi mjitrt tht ftmtui Domlniea RittUlbip Linoltum. the strong burlap back. Light rooppiof or7 brushing keeps it spotless ... P feet floor, either by itself or ss a batk ground for woven coverings . . nd ver7 reasonably priced. Dominion Printed Linoleum snd Don ion Linoleum Rugs also offer wide decorative scope. Designs for every rood. Moderately priced: long wearing. DOMINION OILCLOTH & LINOLEUM COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL -.),, i Radio Service ruuuo oeu servi-.-c tj .urfcn Expert. Satbfacti,,!, u larUs We carry onl hi:-:. Parkin &Ward Estimates Furnished Get Your Interior Work Done Now Telephone t Green 92 DOMINIONS LINOLEUM i St tht ntu dttitnt t llst Furnnbiiti tmi DtpsrlmtntJ Starts, tutfubtrt, t Get your Linoleum at MacKenzie's Furnitun