H lUPERT ON OLSENIS RUNAGAIN Li. Pan Donald Brings Veteran Ship Norm mis ween VANCOUVER, May 12 SS. Prince Jipcrt one or tne veterans or the Inidlan National Steamships' Pa- ilc Coast fleet, arrived In Vancou- on Sunday afternoon after her Sr mplcte overhaul at Yarrows in rtoria and last evening took her feular place on the northern run to fence Rupert, aiewari ana Anyox, lling at 8 o'clock. Captain Dan pnald, Commodore of the fleet, Is the bridge. 3n her arrival at Vancouver the Sip prncntcd a much changed ap-tarancc The height of her fun- llr has been considerably reduced Id about 15 feet has also been tak- i ;ff her masts. ;d. J C Brown, Pacific Coast ar.2.f mad5 an inspection over bf i:, much pleased with her gen- ai appearance and .performance r,c? bclns reconditioned. 163. Prince Rupert Is replacing ss. tir.ee George on the north run, the t:r ::hip being withdrawn for an- ial rpring cleaning previous to Sr cpcnlns of the summer schedule lr".' in June rhe week-end gave the water- cm?- quite a Canadian National as all three of the larg-hlp fpcarar.ee Prince Henry. Prince David Red Prince Robert were in port. In to ss. ranee itupert. ss. fd.-.:ca. ire George and ss. Prince John, nr nricr waning iaic aunaay jor p north. CONVICTED Accused In Local Razor Affair is Found Guilty at Assizes It took the Jury at the Supreme Court Assizes yesterday afternoon only a few minutes to return a verdict of guilty of wounding with in tent to maim against Charles Ol-sen In connection with an affray In this city last fall when Warren Scott was slashed with a razor. Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald. thu nciriin Judge, reserved sentence until this morning. At the conclusion of the Olsen case, the last on the criminal doc-j ket, His Lordship excused members ;of the petty Jury panel from further attendance at this seadlon of the, court. The Judge, In dismissing jthe Jury, stated that he wished to ! thank its members for their prompt attendance at court on this JOE SANKEY IS MARRIED Miss Emma Johnson of Port Simpson His Bride at Ceremony The marriage took place in the city a few days ago of Miss Emma Johnson, daughter of Matthew-Johnson of Port Simpson, to Jos eph Sankcy. also' of Port Simpson. Rev. Alfred Wilson of First United Church officiated at the wedding which took place last Wednesday PARKE DAVIS & CO.'S Special Extract of Vanilla "Makes Good Things Taste IJctter" This is a superior product unexcelled as a flavoring in cooking and confectionery. 3-oz. bottle $ .50 6-oz. bottle 00 lG-oz. bottle 2.00 Qrmes Ltd. Dfia Pioneer DrugeisLs 1'honcs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK tnglneera, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! !No.l-3xatperM $3.25 !No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M... $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stratum Irm Prliicr Ituprrt t or Vunruuw: T"S.IATAI,A r.VKKY Tl'KMI.W, I.3(t P.M. t.. Arrlin Vncouvr. i Orn lilln, ThurKUy Noon sppros. t'ARWKNA EVKBV HUKAY MIUNIMIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. "SJ aalllngi to Port Blmpnon. Alice Arm. Anyox. Btwart and Naa River poinu Sunday. 8:00 p.m. j. rUrhr Information r.o.i-rtlnrr ill uilhiui. inn tlrkrl. at J'HIMK IllTUHT AUUNCV Sec mid ,trnu. Pliunt Ml Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileiibroner's Store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates. day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tf Catholic Women's League tea and sale , of hbmecooking at the home of Mrs-, Burbank, Thursday, Mav 14. in ' Dally News bargain 'day offer ends with the end of this month Those who send In their subscrip tions now get fifteen months Instead of twelve. tf Free cooking school conducted by Miss Frances Thompson at the I. O.D.E. Hall twice dally 2:30 to 4:-30 and from 8 to 10 continues each day until Friday night. 113 At the request of Lew and Helen of Seattle, radio station KJR oi Seattle last night played "Cheer Up. Good Times Are Coming," for Eddie and Mamie Boyd of Prince Rupert. The Lief Erlkaon Ladles' Club. Hygga met last night at the home of Mrs. J Johnsen. Seventh Av enue East- The meeting was very well attended. Some very interest ing readings were heard and the secretary's report was read. Dell-clous refreshments were served by the hostess. After the matter had' been brought up by Aid. Collart, the "tty council last night gave the Board of Work power to act in connection with certain minor 'hanges to the sidewalk on Borden Street near J. C. McLennans residence which, under present conditions. Aid. Collart declared was dangerous for school children who used the walk. The report of Fire Chief D. H McDonald for the month of AprP oresented at last night mmting of the city council, showed thau there had been eight calls daring the montr. with damaftcamount-ing to $1,433 fully eovered by insurance. Expenditures for th month totalled $1,17850. The usual of Second Avenue from Second Street to McBrlde Street and wooden sidewalk on the west sUV of McBrlde Street from First Avenue to Third Avenue. DOMINION DAIRY - Oasey Vlnk. Manager John Buss, P De Jong Now Open l or Business Pt'Ki: AND DAILY FKI.SII MILK AND CKEAM- From Government tested cons FREE TRIAL I'I'ON REQUEST Phone Red 608 V, U. Hoi 175 SAILINGS FKOM PMNCK ItUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway May 20. 30, June 8 To Vancouver, Victoria and 13, 21, June 3 PRINCESS MARY For Hutrdale, Ucran Falls, Namu, Alert Day, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, ut 10 p.m. Full Information from V. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Avt & 4th 'St. Phone 31 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, May 12, 1631 hear! hear! hear! " RICE KUISPIES JUST the sound of Rice Krispies crackling in milk or cream makes you hungry. And how good these toasted rice bubbles taste! Delicious with fruits or honey for breakfast, lunch or supper. Use in recipes in place of nutmcats. Order from your.groccr in the red-and.green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. RICE KRISPIES Mrs. P. W. Allen, who has been (spending the past week or so la Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. R Blurton, who has been at Sea Cove; will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Oneway, Alberta, where he expects to locate. The special 15-months offer foi the Dally News cldses at the end of this month. Anyone sending ln a subscription for one year not? gets 15 months instead of 12- Unlon steamer Catala.- Cant. A E. Dickson, returned to port at 11 o'clock this morning from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and sailed at .1:30 this a;iernoon for Vancouver and ' wayporta. J. P. Forde. district engineer fo: the federal department of pnbli" work, who has been on a brief vWt to city and dfltrlcj on Tiff i clal business, sailed - by the Catala Inspections had been made of I this afternoon on his return to ?qulpment which was reported to be in good order. The city eoun-Jl last night gav rinal reconsideration and adoption to local improvement construction bylaws providing for an asphalttc sidewalk on the west side of Sixth Street from Fraser Street to sixt reet south of the property line o Third Avenue, wooden sidewalk on 'he north aide of Second Avenue from Third Street to Sixth Stree wooden sidewalk oi the north sldo Victoria. On her return here this week MADAM ANNETTE announce that she Is closing out her store herr in Prince Runsrt and moving to her new location in Nelson. B.C Her "QUITTING BUSINESS SALE" is commencine on May 15th. V gives the people of Prince Rupert. one of the best opportunities t- purchase high grade merchan dise at very reasonable prices. MOURNING WARDROBE "A death occurred in our family and I had to co in mourning. 1 could hardly afford to buy all black clothes, so decided to dye what I had. I consulted our druggist and he advised using Diamond Dyes. Everything came, out beautifully: coats, wool dresses, stockings and all. 1 have since learned to appreciate the excellence of the black Diamond Dyes. I tried another black dye and the results were impossible. I had to get Diamond Dyes and do the work over. Recently I have tinted my curtains a beautiful raspberry shade and dyed u rug a lovely garnet with Diamond Dyes. They arc real money savers the linest dyes money can buy I truly believe. Mrs, O.K.L., Montreal MUSSALLEM Meat Market Leg of Mutton per lb Mutton Chops per lb. Shoulder Mutton 6 lbs. Stewing Mutton- 4 lbs. Round Stoak 2 lbs. Sirloin Stoak per lb T-Bonff Roast per lb. '. Rump Roast 5 lbs Shoulder Mutton 2 lbs Ayrshire Bacon per lb. 25c 25c " ,. si.oo 1 50c 45c .. 30c 25c $1.00 Chops- 30c I -II Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileiibroner's store. Rev. W. B. Jennings returned to the city on the Catala this morning from' a trip to Port Simpson oa ecclesiastical duties. John Rose, who has been in charge of James Killas' store at Premier, arrived In the city from the north on the Catala this morning. He will proceed from here for a vacation trip to his na tive home in England. Mr. and Mrs, Blott honored by Gyros on Eve of Departure for Vancouver Presentation Made The Oyro Club did honor at luncheon yesterday to M. H. Blott, a popular and active member of the club for many years, and Mrs. Blott on the eve of their deDarture A meeting of the Prince Rupert toT Vancouver. William Crulck- FlOWCr Society Will be held in the .hank nn behalf of the rlnh and City Hall, Thursday, May1! at 8 wlth suitable remarks, presented p.m. Short lectures will bo dellv-Mr and Mrs Blott witq a hand. cred on the cultivation of roses, 8ome engraved .silver entree dish dahlias and bedding plants fol-'as a token 0t eood wishes of lowed by a general discussion. Ill members of the club. Mr. Blott re- 'piled suitably. C. P. Ashmore. manager of the, winiam Mitchell, chairman of Granby Co.'s store at Anyox, ar- the recent hoedown committee, re-rlved in the city from the smelter porteci to the club on that affair town on the Catala this morning announclng that the very substan-He will meet and proceed to Anyox tlal sUm of $115 had been realized with Mrs. Ashmore who will ar- a, niit thproof a vnt of rive on the Prince Rupert tomor- thanks wa5 tendered the chairman row morning from a trip to Van- and other members of the hoo- COUVer. rinin rnm.mltt.PM. ' J. A. Clayton, local manager of Rev. W. S. Cooper, Anglican the Home 011 Distributors Ltd. Church missionary -at Greenville W8S initiated as a members of th on the Naas River, was a passenger c,ub and Howard D. Barrett, chief aboard the Catala this morning riprb n tV nwuinni snrwrtnpn. bound for Vancouver whence he dent of the Canadian National will proceed to Montreal where he Railways, was elected to member-will embark for a three-montbi' shlp ln the cIuo. vacation, tnp to ms native nome The winner of the luncheon raffle in England. i was E. J. Smith. New Royal Hotel I. "Jirrlll. Prop TIIK IIOTM. miKTII WHILE lUi ft Colrt Water: 8tfm llftt 75c PER DAY AND IIP 1lrl c till Royal Harry Scott, Lowe Inlet. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Partes S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Garage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-Hour Battery Charger OUR TOWING St WRECKINQ CAR WILL HANDLE ANY JOB Phone 56G Nifi'it f;il!s Phonr 161 ' FAREWELL LUNCHEON C. C. Mills, president of the club, was in the chair. U !T Philip Ryan Is Eagles' May 13. Whist Drive and Dance' S.O.N. Vlnland No. 23 Indepen dence Day Danoa, Moose Hall. May 15. Canadian National Recreation Association Monte Carlo night, May 18 and 19, ON.R.A. Badminton Courts Winner of Five Dollar Sub. Prize Kitwanja Men Sent in His Subscription Just At The Lucky Time Yesterday a Kitwanga man. Phil-1 lip Ryan, was the winner of the five dollars offered for every sub-Moose picnic, Digby Island, June scriptton to the Dally News uncle; 31. the special offer made a few week?-, - ago. His money order for three Moose Whist pdvc and Dance dollars came ln yesterday and ttv May 22 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot ind cold water In all rooms. A. J. ritl'DU'VYlME. Prop. Cor of Frawr t.nd Fifth Sts check for five dollars goes back to him on the train tomorrow morning along with a receipt for 15 months subscription. Horiiculturalists Will Lecture At Wednesday Meet Following a regular meeting tomorrow night, the Prince Rupert Flower Society will hear three lectures of exceptional interest by well known local hortlculturallsts. William Millar will speak on "Roses," C. P. Balagno on 'Dahlias,'' and W. E. Funnell on "Bedding Plants and General Gardening." A general discussion will follow the lectures. A thrcc-mlnutc spvech by Pro . mier R. B. Bennett ln favor of the Dominion of Canada conversion loan will be a feature in thencwj! reel at the Caplt'61 Theatre here! The best money can hny WEDNESDAY SPECIAL CHOCOLATE CREAM ROLL 25 cents The Electric Bakcry Wc Deliver Phone G67 NATURAL PURE Fresh M.Ik Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. rillNCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Station rhone 52 Service CHEVROLET and BUICK Open Day 'and Night Third Avenue imrj lui BJM COAL Huj the real Coal our famous Ed son and Cassldy-Wrllinglon in any quantities. AHo Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Roblu Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co CHUNKS 58 AND 558 Miss Avis Wall, student nurse at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospl- thls week. The public ln 150 Cana-! tal. who herself has been a patient dlan cities and towns are to be ln the Institution for the past cou-i given such an opportunity this pie of weeks, is now making gooi ,week to hear the Prime Minister's recovery and will be out ln a few , message ln support of the loan. ' days. PLOWING! Or discing or seeding or road-work "Caterpillar" power has proved by a wide margin to be the most economical and speedy. 'CATERPILLAR' Proof of performance free. Morrison an Institution ' built on Service. t . US; His- T rf u