PA01 BZZ ;1: ; Dutch Maid Products MYSTERY IN FILM For those who enjoy spooky thrill!, "The Cat Creeps." the cur-Trent offering at the Capitol Theatre, will, afford acceptable enter-tainment. It is one of the best sus Mayonnaise Salad Dressing Sandwich Spread Miss Thompson in iher cooking classes endorses and recommends the use of Dutch Maid Mayonnaise and Salad Dressing for perfect salads. A B.C. PRODUCT AT YOUR GROCERS Made liy THE DUTCH MAW PRODUCT CO. LTD. VANCOUVER, B.C. tained mystery pictures to be seen here in some time. Stars include Helen Twelvetrees, one of the newest luminaris of the scrn firmament, Neil Hamilton, always popular, Lil-yan Tashman. Jean Hersholt, Montague Lore and others. Good entertainment is also offered in the "shorts" with Laurel and Hardy in the comedy and two musical novelties. Another B.C. Payroll Added To Former List A number of Vancouver business men with keen foresight and a de sire to further promote D.C.'s pros perity are responsible for the re cent opening of a modern daylight i factory for the manufacture of j mayonnaise, salad dressing and .sandwich spread, under the well known Dutch Maid brand. The de- i licious goodness of these products is already well known to thousands of British Columbia housewives. The , popularity of mayonnaise and salad dressing has increased tremendously during the past few years. They give an added zest to salad as well as their many other uses. The quality of Dutch Maid Products is unsurpassed and the prices most reasonable. It is a patriotic duty for B.C. peo- j pie to patronise B.C. products, providing payrolls not only for those directly interested in the manufacture but for those producing the raw materials as well. City accounts for the two weeks ending May 8 totalling $132,439.32 were passed for payment at last night's meeting of the city coun cil. Half tlie is a Hotpoint Oven! -For Sale by ID LV CANADIAN GENE1AL ELECTRIC THE DAILY N1EW8 Tuesda? May u 13S NS No matter how severe, you can always have immediate relief: Aspirin alwayi Hops pain VJ- " does it without ami ill effect. HarmlM to the heart; harmlc tn anybody. But it always brings relief. Vhy suffer? ASPIRIN TnADI MARK HKu Made in. Canada Big Bay Mill Cutting Again After Shutdown After a shut-down of about a week, lumber cutting was resumed ecipe GENERALELECTMC HI-SPEED RANGE ,' BOOKING experts have found that baking failures are rarely the fault of the recipe . . . but of the lack of nnlreiltd oven heat. For this reason alone, you should own a General Electric Hotpoint Range.' Its Super-Automatic Oven Control completely eliminates guesswork and makes cooking an exact science. So dependable is the General Electric Hotpoint that it will maintain any desired oven ; heat indefinitely . . . doing away with the uncertainty of falling temperature. The 'Hotpoint oven heats faster than any other and is skilfully insulated for economical operation. Electric current can be turned "on" and "oil" automatically . , . thus making it possible to cook entire meals in your absence. Have your nearest dealer demonstrate Hotpoint Super-Automatic Oven Control . . . arid start today to enjoy its remarkable advantages in your home. Easy terms arranged. . HR-Zlt Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ,-: V: ft. ' .7,. MANY ENJOY FIRST DAY OF COOKING Large Number of Ladies at I.O.D.E. I Hall Twice Yesterday i Many local women were in attendance yesterday at the opening of the annual week of free demonstrations in elctrical cooking and elec- : trical refrigeration so ably conducted by Miss Frances Thompson. The j classes are being held twice daily to accommodate all who wish to attend. j Favorable remarks were heard on jail sides by the enthusiastic gather-ilng. The winners of the many fine j prizes were no doubt particularly delighted. Many expressed in ten -'tions of returning to every one of the remaining eight meetings. On the platform at the LODE. Hall has been installed electrical equipment to represent a model and modern kitchen While actual de- yesterday at the Big Bay lumber monstrations were Co.'s sawmill at Seal Cove. It is expected that, henceforth, the milt will be in steady operation. Inspector 'J- II. Johnson of the Liquor Control Board is a visile in the city. per pkg Flinso Med. size Pr pkg Classic Cleanser 3 tins being given of the clever and unusual uses of electrical servants Miss Thompson also delivered entertaining addresses on all matters connected with housekeeping. Members of the audience received a copy of the recipes used by Mies Thompson in the preparation of the different foods. Miss Thompson expressed pleasure upon Tecetving the encouragement of such a splendid atten dance. The Northern B.C. Power Co., and I the Canadian General Electric Co. who are sponsoring the cooking school are fortunate in having se-j cured the services of such a oompe-' tent instructor as Miss Thompson. Priee winners were as follows: Afternoon Session Fint prise, toaster. Mrs. D. Webster. Second prise, tin canned chicken. Mra. E. Saunders. Third prise, Five Koses pastry flour, Mrs. A. Croxfard. Pourth ortee. Supreme Coffee. Mra. J. H. Thompson. Fifth prise, roast beef. Mra. V. Houston. Evening; Session First prize, toaster. Mra. A. Met- I Second prise, butter and MHd, Mrs. L. W. Kergln. Third prise. Five Rosea flow, Mies D. Sharp. I Fourth price, Supreme . Mrs. s. Jennings. : Fifth prise, roast beef. Miss T. Murray. An application from the Prince Rupert Baseball Association for th-exclusive use of the Acropolis Hill grounds on May IS in eonn'v-Hon with the Ketchlkan-Prince Rupert baseball games was gran ted by the city council last night, subject to the usual conditions. CLEANING SPECIALS! 1 tin Pollflor Wax, reg. 46c 1 Dueting Cloth, reg. 25c ST. 45c Nugget Shoe Polish nt n S for (Black, White or Brawn) Zebra Stove Polish - on iter hMiin JLOV Ooblin Soap 8 bars ..: Lux Flakes Med. else. 1 Johnson's Dusting Mop with stick reg. $1.40 -pt.,Lkuid Wax, reg. 00c f0f ; '81.50 .Johnson's Electric Waxer Ci (( for rent, per day VX.uu Braid's Best Oof fee With Pftp tlimhW nor lh OUt Freeh Bunch Carrots 2 bunches 25c 9c 10c 23c 25c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 319 3rd Ave. 417-US 5lh Ave. Telephones 3G0 and 18 aBJ:B.IKMlIM;lBllIl.lKi.1;::fJWJtlTBn'l;:t;:l.Tr.-.. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 FJH. THE UAIU-KAISINn MYSTEKY DItAMA it "THE CAT CREEPS With an All-Star cast, including Helen Twelvetrees Lihan t man, Itaymond Hackett, Jean Hersholt, Neil Hamilton, Thr of a thousand thrills screams of laughter and i " ment. txt iii Comedy LAUREL & HAKDYin "CHICKENS COME Hour Novelty "IIEIt FUTUKE" and "SOLD1EIIS OF FOItTl'ft; H ADMISSION 20c & 65c M l eature Starts at i an g. g Weds. & Thurs. CONSTANCE BENNETT in "Common n, Jui hub Luis Mian smtrnmmum tm an :.b.:b;j;i;. Purity of Ingredients Arc Very Essential for Perfect Krsult Miss Thompson Chooses SPICES EXTiaCTS IIAKINCi POWDEK JELLY FOWDEKS At Your Grocers Manufactured by THE W. II. MALKIN CO. LTD. ill. I The Fish which made Prince RupertFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCK RUl'KRT, IU We are Pleased to Announce a 0 ntf'lll Hi in Milk races Our Milk Is Now Selling At 7 quarts or 12 pints ot Milk for $1.00 CASH PKICK Produced in the Hulklcy Valley under ideal conditio113 AH herd inspected for T. D. IMione your order to VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657