..i: M y 12, 1931 mi nr w I e IX 723 DSETMWTF pegs nn y i Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. BLASTING AND classified advertisements NELS EarthWork ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street ' Phone Blue 823 Evenings LOC FOR RENT Apartments ihaver Bros. bath. Phbne 547. for rent, tf tl hi d five-roomed flat for :-am heated. Phone Bki6 tf NT - Furnished 5 -room .w Phone Red 699. tf ra.NT Five-roomed furn-r' ipartment. Apply Mussal-Plione 18. tf tNT -Cleats well furnished mi apartment. Palmer Ap-Phone Red 444. ?.,KNl -Pianos, phonographs, machines and can, : cor. Second Avenue 1 ;.rth Street. tf FOR SALE Ai.r. Lot ;3fi, Bteek 9, Se oood butteta lot. Will be . up Phone H or Black 113 '.ALE Five-drawer drop siMKcr sewing machine, al-n"w condition $25. Phone 15 109 I.F cheap, 18-foot open lifeboat style, 4 horse-k.i sthope engine, move We ''over. Apply Dally News, 8 tf M.T. Automatic Peke i Plant, in good oondl- volt. 1250 watts. $850 0C. s rretary. Skidegate Inle. Pocltty. Queen Char-v B.C m i ! ur trade good building 2x1. 2x. 1x12; atalpMp, I' cot flooring This Is all i condition Also 1809 used i: half price ol now. M Berry 19 Dyer Apirt- tt SITU ATIONS WANTED :s housework or work in t"i ne aseen 3M. tl HELP WANTED ' capable girl for general "i k Apply Box 180. tf f 1 am - l U IUINS niPUOVB cRors PAUTS OP PRAIRIES; GOOD ARIXU ALL OVER NEEDED. 'itinuftd from uge 1) 'uuds wMb wbteb te hire grain seeding to Just I'm. North Saskatchewan i - theaat terrltorj' of Sai-t along the Tbuchwood, Rhein subdivtokma, wheat iU be completed early this 'i seeding of cearse grains ii iiceome generirl. Rain ex- ii i the whole of these sub incurred on May 7, whieh 'lu.. present put a stop to 'as in which drifting was -indltions over all subdivide Prince Albert division ; us heavy rains were gen- .ill crops have sufficient to promote uniform ger-i There will be a slight de-1 he total acreage seeded, ur? desirous of Increasing ' iviue-g but progress will be ibdi 1 1 finances are lacking. 1 1 1 uentalAlbeta,loug the ovftt. KteStler. Tliree visions, wrather far the tins continued dry with a i iw flurries, llaavy winds ubdlvislons still persist. no evidence of any reduc- kl'K place In the oats and 'ua. but a small reduo ,v be made in the wheat ao " i o prevailing prices. vidence of a swing to- i vuttjt and mixed farming, p districts which in the been considered totally wheat belt . ' Viking, Viking, Camrose, Camrose, King- Seville subdivisions, early Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Westen-haver Block, Phone 782. tf DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROGERS. Phene Black 236. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEFT AUCTION MART We buy. sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlbl?, 331 Second Avenue Wert, Box 30, Prince Rupert, B.C. tl PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES and Crystal Reading. Block. Telephone Black 637 FURRIER MR8. O. FOWLER, 501 Sixth Avenue Wert. Pnone Blue 1S8. tl TAXI & MESSENGER do if Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd., Kul'y Equipped for Diving and! General HfiJvnije Werk Agents tor EASTIIOPE ENGINES i Boats and Scows ef aB descrlp-l tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoe for Hire ' Bargains in Gas Engines j Northern B.C Distributors Coolidge Propellers ' Sand ind Gravel in any quantity., delivered anywhere by water j Phone, Day or Mtht 564 PO Bi 1MU seeded wheat la showing through j the ground. Weather has been fairly warm with no rain, although there were sHetat snow ttarries cm Way 3. Rata would be beneficial as top soft are gotting dry. A slight kertaMe in total acreage eon De In Peace Ktver In the Peace River district wheat is about (50 completed. General snows last weeK-ena ana heavy rain on May 6 improved moisture condition which are at present Ideal for growth, i roii nrim have strengthened about 50 cents per hundred weight but lamb prices nave anw" uuu" j50 cents since our last report. Hegs Vi.v. f)iieinatd around the seven riniior mark and an increase in re- LcelpU wttl tend to lower prevailing CniROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Kay Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' - Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASP1NALL (Chiropracteri Phone Green Z41 & 7 Exchange Biz. tOpp. Onne's) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Furniture Moving. Cartage and Phone 204. tf MINERAL ACT Cwtlfkiitr of lmprrmrnt NOTICE Polygon Fraction! Mineral Claim, situate in the Atlln Mlttng Division ol Oaaalar Diaulct. Where located: Abaut one rail Northerly Iran the Engineer Mine and adjstetng the Speculation 8weepstak and Iron Mask Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jhn Dunham Free Miner's Certifloate No. 35440 C. intend, six days from ttie date here.'i I to apply to the Mining Recorder far a CLARK, Palmistry I CertMcat of Improvement!, tor the WalltR P"1!""" omauunc; a vrown urant us the above claim. And lurtbtr take notice that action under section 8. must be commenced More the Issuance of such Certificate W Improvement. Dated this Ut day of May. AJ). l&U. R. MeN FRAEEB. Aaent BSXLA. PIKK ROSE. COPPER CUFF KIT. LAST CHANCE OF THE PINE ROSE Q ROUP OF MIKERAL CLAIMS. Situated in the Ooaat Skeena Mining Dirlakm at head of Klekane Ialet. TAKX NOTICE we V. H. Mason, fras miner'a certificate 4767. France Nlesll. free miner's certtficate S631BD, Alexin- FOR satisfactory TAXI or Mes- & "2?" 21 1 senger Service Phone 078, Dar-1 tiricate S47MD . intend, autj day froa row Casey it Bert Qoghtin. tl", mtnta TV tor certificate of lmnrovemeott - ! for the purpoav of obtaining crown mi uinv ivn TVitvfvn grant for the aboe claims. . AlK) further tpfce notice that action : under Section 85 of the Mineral Act ... j, . .... mi;t be commenced before the laauance If It's en or under tbe.waw we wrh ccaie. of improvements Dated this '7tb day of April. 1931.' QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices! - No. 1 5x per M $J.75 No. 1 3x per M 3.25 No. 2 per M 2.75 KOKEKTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.U. Acent: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 prices. Around 70 of cattle fed In western feed lots have been marketed to date. WAS GREAT VIOLINIST (Continued, from Page One) daemon armies. With hundreds of J his fellow-countrymen he made his i way to London on a fishing boat. I Played By Memory 1 Because of his original style of. playing, he often was referred to as a musical colorlst. He played almost invariably from memory ana was known on many occasions to me morize a new piece with no further knowledge of it than that gained by reading the score. He received many orders and decorations, among them the Legion of Honor of France. BRINGING UP FATHER Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office- Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 - 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment Consultation free. Phone UK Raem IS Besner Blk. House, Blue 529 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper Us wry than rent All makes of machines repaired. McBAE BROS. LTD. . INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phonr Red 802 Tfch Ave. W. "WONDERFUL TLELL" Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm Beach and Meadows for the children. Exeeitent cuisine. MADAME RAJ ACT FURNITURE Chesterfield and Two Chairs Ufccd, a bartain Solid Oak Dinktr Room Table Als a Bargain MACKENMiTH FURNITURE Phone 77 THRIFTY CITIZENS The advertisements of local mer-cliants appearing In this paper from day to day are of the greatest possible value to Prince Rupert citizens, and especially to the thrifty housewife. If you are not already a subscriber, get on our delivery list right away. (See special offer of 15 months for $5.00. The savings to be made from Dally News advertisements will pay for the subscription may times over. DO IT NOW! Phone 08 Circulation Department DAILY NEWS I DO IT NOW! This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30 Special Offer 15 Months' Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern W.C " Outside of the city limits FREE! To.the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for KMaVHaMaVaVaaaVaSaHaM Mail Schedule For the- East Monday, Wednesday and Sar- iirHny , , 10.30 ajU From the East-Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday .350 p.m For Vancouver- - Sunday ....1 B pjn. Tuesday 1T30 noon Thursday 1 pint. Friday 1 n.m. May 3, 13 and 24 .....p.nr From Vancoovei Sunday pjn- Wednesday 1050 pm Friday .... pan, Saturday 10:30 um. May 0, 20 and 3D p.m. For Anyox and Alive Arm . Wednesday . 3 wn. j Sunday 7 p n I From Anyar anit Alice Arm Tuesdays 11.30 a.m: $5.00 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. This Offer Will he Withdrawn May 30 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 10 pjn. i Tuesday ss. Oatala :30 pm. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pin-Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. SS. Oardena, midnight. May 13" ss. Prtn. Louise, 3 pjn. May 24 as. Princess Alice-5 pjn. front Vaneauvcr ',. Sundayi-ss Gatala 4 pjn. Wedne. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 ajn. Frldaywss. Princess Mary '4 pjn. ' ' 8S: Oardena pjn. Saturday ss. Prince Charles 10:3O a jb. May 0 ss. Princess Alice .. .ajn. May 20 ss. Prln. Louise . .ajn. May 30 ss. Prln. Louise a.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunduyi ss. Catala t pjn. Fram Jfaan ItivrrX; rort Simpson-Tuesday as. Catala .. 110 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. Saturday ss. Prln. Oeorge 8 pjn. )-om Stewart and Premier Tuesday ss. Catala ...Jl:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 8 pjn 'or Anyox and Alice Arm-Sunday ss. Catala .....r ... ,8, pjn Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorg"e B pin I'rom Anyox and Alice Ann-Tuesday ss. Catala, 11:30 ajn. Thursday cs Pr. George 8 pjn. For Ocean Fans-Tuesday ss. Catala .....1:30 pjn. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pin. Friday s. Princess Mary 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands-May 16 ss. Prince John 10 pju. From Queen Charlotte Islands-May 14 ss. Prince John . pm. By George McManus . . : aa aw .niaai. , n, smsais. iisana. a P -j : r oomT TAUK OACK TO Mk':l irFH tl I'LL HURFCt OP Ajsf CVT lTHAlK COOOMEftS- rt"6. j YOU BlC TOOL- II I 7 easy THAT -TOUVE COT f IIS iT OOVA,rVC Cat , .IMMLSO OOViM TtR 1 .VOO'NJE lv0-THV . ik ' s 1 E31 keeps am1 now tL e jMM A lyri uaV thij cape-t ,! frrowrotUE carpet in the J I f- U 1 1 "" u" "" '" 0n" ,,H"' 1 !.Wfrr7 - : - I I t 'I ? i & - I I I W ITusT N.tKgr ' JstSi V. 1 a. , . ; "iMf " & v 4jgjl