UPSET IN BADMINTON Frank Ruscell and Caroline Mitchell Eliminated By C. J. Norring-ton and Mrs. Parlow The outstanding game so far in the city open tournament being conducted under the auspices of the I. O. D. E. Badminton Club was that last night In which C. J Nor-rington and Mrs. A. E. Parlow defeated Prank Russell and MLis Caroline Mitchell by a score of 15-11. 15-$ in the semi-final of the mixed doubles. It was the first time that Russell and Miss Mitchell had been beaten since they teamed up three or four years ago. Naturally. Nor-rington and Mrs. Parlow were much elated and now enter thp final confident of winning the city title Another interesting game last night was that tn which Shelford Darton and Mrs. H. L. Siiadwell beat Ronald Allen and Miss B. Bdgecumbe, also tn a mixed doubles semi-final, 15-1. 7-15. 15-10. Complete results last night were as follows: Ladles' Singles, Seml-Final Mrs. H. L. Shadwell beat Mrs. J. H. Morton. 11-0. 11-0. i Ladies' DeuMes, Semi-Final MUs Frances Cross and Miss Car-. oUne Mitchell beat Mrs. J. W. Men-! oils and Mrs C. V. Evitt, 15-5. 15-7. Mixed Doable, Third Round Shelford Darton and Mrs. H. L. Shadwdl beat Allan Cross and Miss Prances Cross, 15-4, 15-7. Semi-Pinal Shelford Darton and Mrs. II. L, Shadwell beat Ronald Allen and Miss B. Bdgecumbe, 15-10. 7-15, 15-10. C. J. Norrtngton and Mrs. A. E. Parlow beat Prank Russell and Miss Caroline MttehelL 15-11, 15-. The Flnallfeis The finals will be played tomorrow night as follows: Ladies' Singles Mrs. H. L. Shad-well ts. Miss Kathleen Dunn. Men's Singles Ronald Allen vs. William Tobey. Ladies' Doubles Mrs. H. L. Shad-well and Mrs. Shelford Darton vs. Mte Frances Cross and VUss Caroline MtteheU. Mixed Doubles Shelford Darton and Mrs. H. L. Shadwell ts. C. J. Norrtngton and Mrs. A. X. Parlow. Man's Doubles Ronald Alien and WUUsun Tobey vs. Frank Russell and WIU Lambie. Washington Is Still Winning Defeated Ortsn State in Basketball 31-83 Last Night 0ORVALU8, Ore., Jan. 37: Washington State basketballers continued their undefeated record last night by defeating the Oregon State College team here. 31-23. . Charles V. Evitt of Prince Rupert is a guest at the Dominion Hotel - victoria colonic Tin i Seattle wrestling fans were trea wrestler, pitted his skill against Art Shires, baseball player or fighter, deponing on how you look at those things, recently made his debu on the screen face downward, when he played role in the final episode of "Leather Pushers. Winenr, Kane Richmond; with J. J. Jeffries, as referee. SARPOLIS DEFEATED Giant Ebeoe Ills Conqueror in Seattle Wrestling Match SEATTLE. Jan. 27: By virtue largely of his sheer strength, John Ebeoe of Seattle, won over Dr. Karl j Sarpolii of Cleveland in the main ' event of a wrestling card here last ! night. The match went three i rounds when Ebeoe got his second of three falls. The result of the match was somewhat of a surprise 1 but Ebeoe was much too strong for j the clever Sarpolis. The giant Slav took 'his first faU in the first round when he spinned out of a body scissors on top of Sarpolis. pinning the latter to the mat. It was a clean fall. Although Ebeoe carried the battle to Sarpolis in the second round and had the doctor almost groggy, the latter continually kicked himself out of reverse head locks and fin ally put Ebeoe over with a flying scissors. Sarpolis continued his tactics of kicking himself out of Ebcoe's holds in the third round. Ebeoe won the match when Sarpolis was unable to come back under a 30 count after Bbcoe had knocked him practically cold outjtlde of the ropes. In the semi-final, the experience:! and clever Bob Kruze wen .. 1 five-round match from Btanl'-y (Pin!., bv taking the only fall In 'he fourth round after a nerfes of re-- verso head InckK pnd wrist locks Pinto however made a Rood show- ' v.m MOOSE IN LEAD NOW Are at Top of Cribbage WHh Oddfellows in Second Place Prince Rupert Cribbage League results last night were as follows: Knights of Colombo n, Princ; Rupert Hotel 10. Grotto 15: Open tors 14. Elevator 15; Toe H. 13. I.O.OF. 15; Eagles 12. Seal Cove 10: Moose 17. Six Musketeers 15: Hawks 12. LEAGUE TABLE won Lost Pts 40 33 48 M M 41 4t 3 41 41 40 41 41 44 41 40 41 40 40 41 40 40 41 40 40 41 40 37 44 37 M 45 34 34 47 34 Moose Operators ' Eagles Hawks Seal Cove Toe H 31x Musketeers K. of Columbus Orot'o P. Rupert Hotel Elevator AnvEiiTiaixa cone 4- MUST MS IN EARLY 4- Copy for display advertise- menu should be in the hands f th t; not later than 3 p.m. the day prior to publi- rati.,:.. T!u is necessary to en- blc bes positions to be se- eijied noted heavyweight well against John . '. - -r cd to a thrill, recently, when Dr. Kurl Saipou.-,. that of a huge black bear. Sarpoli didn't do us Dbcoe last night., THE DAfl? LIONS BACK ON TOP NOWi Vitx to Ilea d of Pacific Coast' Ilcckey League by Defeating j Seattle Last Night VANCOUVER Jan. 27 The Van-! ouver Lions regained the top rung I of the Pa :'Iic Coast Hockey League j adder by defeating the Seattle Es- , mc 4 to 3 last night in, as good i game as has been seen here this a son The Lions siored three I cals in the first period. SPORT CHAT BpUard line-up for tonight, Jan :7. Zieman D vs. Bstegno E. Murray L) V . Young E. Tinker L) vs. Mitchell IE). Bnti L TS Stephens E. Andrews L vs. WlUferoft (El. 'Ve-tem Onatte ski championships and Olympic trials will take ;lace at the Connaaght Hi toboggan slide at Prince George February 9 and 10 where one of the biggest winter carnivals ever held in the west is planned. On the first days' ropram 'hers will be cross country Sci races for A. B and C classes. There will also be races for women and an eld timer's event. In the evening there will Mc a hockey lame and fancy skating exhibition y R. J Verne, Vancouver. Tuesday the Jumping championship will be decided in .all classes and most of the leading jumpers of the west will take part. There will be another hockey game In the evening and the function will wind up with a dance. Hack Wilson has confided in friends that he will demand a $40,- 400 salary to rap out home runs for the Chicago Cues in the 1931 sea- ton. The pudgy centrefleWer. who rasbed out 56 homers last year to dethrone Babe Ruth as the home run king of the majors, received 3300 last year but he believed he was worth at least half the salary the Bambino Is reported to receive tor theeame act with the New York Yanks. 'President William Veeck of the Cubs hasn't grown very excited about the matter as yet but prob ably will attempt to arbitrate round the 330,000 mark. GOLF LEAGUE HAS OPENING Qreat West, Bankers, Acme and Flying Corps Were Winners Last Nlht Great West, Bankers, Acme and Frying Corps teams won their ;aues last night in the first fixture list of the newly formed Miniature OoM "League. The low score of 332 was made by the Great West team while low individual score was 76 by Stan Moran of the Great West team and Bob Moore of the Flying Corps. The scores were as follows: OrottoJ45, Great West 332. Bankers 360, Dry Dock 370. Acme 339, 73 Taxi 348. Flying Corps 345, General Office 381. The Standing Won Lost Pts "lying Corps 0 P ankers 0 Acme .... 0 1,. eat West . 0 ' orotto 0 1 General Office 0 1 Div Dock 9 1 75 Taxi 6 1 BILLIARD SCHEDULE Jan. 27 Legion vs. Elks. Jan. 30 KHts vs. Grotto. F?b. 8 Orotto vs, Legion!.. Fob. Ilk vs. Legion. Feb. 10 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 13 Grotto vs. Legion. Feb 17 Legion vs. Elks. Feb. 20 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 24 Grotto vs. Legion. Feb. 27 Blks vs. Legion. Mar. 3 Blks vs. Orotto. Mar. ft Grotto vs. Legion. Mar. 10 Legion vs. Elks, Mar. 13 Elks vs. Grotto. Mar. 17 Grotto vs. Legion. Mar. 20-Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 24-Elks vs. Grotto. Mar 27 Grotto vs Legion. D 'V 00t JJBrt i Jn .j.,., M BETTER CIGAR Est cCJ"" The ono cigarette that is Q 9' " forling, as thorougMy er C) Sift" Hif as wholesomely relaxing, ctmi: U e jjjgg as it is with morning coffee, sminS Dixies Canada's fle STEVENS IS RECOVERING Minister of Trade and Commerce Rallying Satisfactorily Fol- J lowing Operation ! OTTAWA, Jan. 37: Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and com merce, underwent a double opera tion In the civic hospital today for appendicitis and gall stones. Hospital authorities reported that Mr. Stevens had rallied satisfactorily from the anaesthetic and that his condition was good. CABINET FORMEDi Pierre Laval Succeeds In Assembl ing New Administration For France PARIS. Jan. 27 Pierre Laval. who has been working several days to assemble new French cabinet, succeeded early this morning. Laval will be Premier and minister of the Interior and former Premier Aristlde Briand will hold the port folio of foreign affairs. SCHEDULE 0FWHIST January 29 Moose vs. Grotto Ramblers. Canadian Legion vs. IO.O.F. Orotto vs. Six Musketeers, . ' seal Cove vs. Wanderers. Dry Dock vs. Leit Etikaon. February 5 Wanderers vs. Moose. I.O.OF. vs. Orotto Ramblers. Six Musketeers vs. Can. Legion Grotto vs. Dry Doeic. Lelt Eriekson vs. fied.1 Cove. February lt-f Seal Covs'vs- 9r Doe):. ' Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. Lelf Erlkson vs. Moose. Orotto Ramblers vs. Wanderer? Six Musketeers vs. I.O.O.F. February 19 I.O.OF. vs. WanderYrs. Orttto vs. SeoJ Cove. Orotto Itamb. vs. Lelt Erlkson. Moose vs. Six Musketeers. Canadian Legion Vs. Dry Dock. February 26 Seal Cove vs. Canadian Legion Lelt Erlkson vs. Orotto. I.O.O.F vs Moose. Six Musketeers vs Wanderers Stocks ancouver lOourtMf 8. D. JobMfon Oo. ) Bayview, nil .01. Big Missouri, .41, .44. Coast Coctper. 4 JO, nil. Cork Province, .414. nil Cotton Belt, .15, M. George Copper, JO. .58. Georgie Itfrar. .02. A3. OotcoiKla. .33. J7Vt-O rand view, 2, .04. Independence .01. .01. Indian Mines, m. M. Inter. Coal & Ooke, .15. 23. Kootenay Foresee, m. nil. Kpotenay King, XI, .01 4. L. Si L.. nfL ill. Lakevtew, nil, ill. Morton Wools;. M. AS. Marmot River Gold. nil. .01 Marmot Mttale, ntt. M. National Silver. JBtfc, .03. NoWe Five, .06. .06. Oregon Copper. AG. j07. Pend OretUa. -75. 15 Rufua-Argenta, .02 14 03. SUver Crest, JOlM itt'j. Snowflake, .08, 034. Topley Rlchflekl. .01. nit Whitewater, .08 nil. Woodbine. Mft, .01 4. Oeorge Bnterprtse, D3, JOS. OILS A. P. Con, JO, J2. Oalmot, .38, .25. Dalhousle, J3, J5. DevenUh, tOGVfc. .074,.' Fabyan Pete, .024. .03 . Home, 1.62, 1.65. Hoyallte, 18J, 17.50. HargaL .16, .14. Mertand, .IB, .17. Mercury, .33. J4V. United, .88, Ml. LOCAL MAN ' INJTALY Slbftft tTralg Says Climate In Medl- sttrranean Mitch Like That in Prince Itttpert Mfcr ie Craig, wrltinj ttptn Oenon, ssdgj Never let anyane string vou agOHi n belfcrtrttlg that butter melts in winter on the ftlveiera. I see little or no dllferenoc from the climate in Prince Rupert. Certainly January is dark xold and gloomy in Marseille and In Oenoa today there is a. sleety storm." Mr. Craig Is travelling on the motorship Celllna, stopping at most points of Interest and meeting' many people. He writes Interestingly In a seml-phllosophic way and! Prince Rupert people who know him will have an opportunity off rending extracts from some of hi! lettm-s in the Duily New.s Mrs. Killas Sr, Passes Awai Daughters The death afternoon at her son-lr.-i. w and Mrs N !ln Avencr S i-ab-th Killa' !i;e 1814 The late Ms K 'eventj' yea- .'ailing hralth years. 8he v. -nd child r i r as well k this city ai. other relativ Country. The funeral Thursday aft : dertakers bet:. rangements ICfWtll nviNt ' ' 1 Ik a -r ikl ill CA1LONJAF5 RsDTTt ksaviisnrn sun VICTORIA (miamiMHijuirri; twci nuifc." T.tmihr Pnntrol B3r'J tlie Government i.:r;tuh