6 )-:- ' THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue 1 y del SCBSCTaPTIOX RATES. ! 1 ., City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance lor yearly period , OWING AtCOVt KITCHEN 7'eVlo'cr t"-io;- I LIVING ROOM ground rxooe zvo" vesr 5.00 3.00 By mail to all other parU of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year $6jM By mail to an other countries, per year i 9.00 . i , T Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . Member of Audit Bureau of. Circulations DAILY EDITION ...88 Tuesday, March. 31, 1931. LIFE INSURANCE No one needs today to urge the desirability of life insurance. PraetkaHv aH are agreed that a man should provide for his wife and family after he is gone and the best and cheapest way of doing so is to invest in life insurance. The need of theday is to so bring home to the people interested the necessity of protection and to make the appeal so insistent that all will be spurred to action. While people all agree that life insurance is desirable, many feel that they cannot afford it, yet'they afford luxuries which should be used for protection. The life insurance- companies of the continent are cooperating in an effort to bring home to the people this truth. They have just doubled their appropriations for the purpose and they have chosen the Daily News as their means of bringing it before the people of this district We draw special attention to this series of advertisements because they deal with a matter which is of greatest importance in the life of every family. BRITISH POLITICAL CHANGE The healing of the breach between the two great factions of the British Conservative party makes it much more likely that there will be a change after the next general election in that country. With the party divided and the factions fighting each other there was little hope in spite of the fact that th&tendency in recent elections had been away from the present administration. Should the Liberal party split develop so that the majority of members merge with the Laborites, the Labor party would be strengthened but even then may not be able to stem the tide toward a .protection policy. "ANOTHER DICTATORSHIP Dictatorships seem to be fashionable today. The Fascist dictatorsWpmiltaly, the Communistic dictatorship in Russia and severaXjriinor dictatorships in Europe are now followed by the Hindenberg dictatorship in Germany, according to yesterdays despatches. Some people prophesy that democracy will be sent to the discard very soon and the rule of the few will take the place of the irresponsible vagaries of the multitude. While we canRot conceive of a dictatorship in a British country, conditions, it is said, may arise which may make it necessary. Just now a dietntnrshin mirrht ho mvi fn Australia for a few years until the financial condition of the coHBtnr fe improved. Communists would have the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in every country of the world, if they had their way. AUSTRALIA'S POSITION One of the states of Australia proposes to default on the payment of its bonds and the Commonwealth government is stepbine in and will make good the defalcation in order to keep the nation's credit good in the money markets of the world. . , In spite of the aftfcion of the federal government in Australia, irreparable harm has been done in that country bv the suggestion that one of the states would default. 16 15c ANNUAL SATIN GL0 SALE FOR T1IIS WEEK ONLY SAVE! SAVE! n 4 pints on hz pints $1.00 25c 30c on 4 gallons on plats on quarts Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Telephone 101 J appreciate the appearance of dark: stained woodwork. It creates a fa-i nlliar atmosphere and helps as to :egard the remainder of the struc ture with a frank. Ideally eye. Other features which demand na Interest are the unique abutters on the bedroom window, the very narrow dormer window, and the entrance. Probabry the swat , important feature of the floor plans Is the large Irving room which occupies most of the area of the ground floor. The side entrance makes a convenient entry to the kitchen so that passage through other rooms on the ground floor in order to reach the kitchen from outside is not necessary, this same entrance also leads to the basement stairs. A window is placed directly over the sink in the kitchen and the other essential equipment Is placed to the best advantage. At tbe side of the stove Is a closet or small pantry The other rooms are equally efrtetent ' Outline Specifications Size of House: M' fr" X 0." Suitable Lot: 48' frontage. Walls: Stucco. lUof : Shingle. r i . I DtD COO X- oyaiv-cr Ua Q- I I FIC3T FLOOR. THE DAILY NEWS Spring is The House Building Season Spring is the season' For houbmidng. It is the time when the thoughts of the householder naturally turn. to improvement. The sun shining in through the windows reveals defects not noticed during the winter. The person living in a rented house looks with envy on his neighbors who are digging their own gardens and improving their lots. The low price of lumber, of paint and other materials and the plenti-tudeof labor makes a special appeal just now to those who would make for themselves permanent homes. The local mill has started operations again and local dealers are meeting the price cut conditions. Today we are showing plans of a house which is different in character from anything hitherto built in Prince Rupert. The plans are worthy of close study by the people who wish i omething low priced yet attractive. OF UNUSUAL CHARACTER W. O. VAN EOMOND. STAN E STOREY. Architect. world of domestic architecture THE to made up of a wide variety of designs and types. Monotony would prevail If we were forced to use only one or two styles. We therefore welcome an occasional dteigii such as the one represented here. The extraordinary shape of the living room window immediately attracts our attention. Its futuristic lines sre unlike anything we nave been accustomed to and we cannot fail to show interest in K. At the top of the front gaMe we Built-in Features: Cupboards, I clothes chute. Cubic Contents: 15,000 CO. feet Approximate Cost: $5,090. . Readers desiring further mfonaa- tion regarding a house of this design should communicate wttfc Messrs. W. O Van Egraond and Stan I Z. Storey, McCaUum IH11 BMg Re-igtna, Saak., and mention design No. 274. Consult a local architect If de signing architect is too far removed. Copyright 1931. EXPERT TREATMENT MUST BE APPLIED TO DORMER WINDOWS The Dormer Must Be In Keeping With the Style of the llsuse THE faults of dormers are many or are liable to be so in the hands of designers and builders lacking skill. They are expensive to build, difficult to make water-tight. Prom an artistic standpoint they ore something of a rtek. Nevertheless their virtues are sash that we would not willingly do without them. Although there are many variations, there are only some six or eight fundamental styles of dormer windows. The ordinary gaMe roof type is the most usual, and alter this is the tup-roofs snubbed gable, and shed roof styles. The seeii-dr-cular, the eyebrow and the arched dormers are somewhat less general, but In their place highly attraotlve. The eyebrow dormer, by the way in which the roof curve over It. Is re- John Bremner Contractor Plastering-, Tiling & Ornamental Work Fire Places a Specialty EMtaate Farnjihed 323 5th Av. E. Phene Green 177 miaiscent of the old English cot-I tages and the manner In which the , overhanging thatch of tbe roof was , sometimes sited and curved at the edge to attow a window m the wan ; beneath. It is used primarily for ; ventilating and lighting an attic ; space.. , If the dormer is tail and narrow, , round-arched hot with no angle between the side wall and the arch, K is sometimes referred to at the prairie schooner type; easily enough accounted tor considering the shape of these old-time conveyances. Sometimes the roof is brought so low en the wall that the second 'storey windows break the cornice line, extending upward to form small dormers. When well executed, j these give great distinction. The most glaring fault of dor-,mets en modern Dutch Colonial ; houses hi their large rise, because of which they give tbe appearance of over-balancing the roof. This b particularly true where the outer wall of the dormer is merely an ex-I tension of the first storey, across i which runs the line of the eaves. When handled with skill and discrimination, dormers of two styles may be used effectively ion the same bouse. The cut-in or recessed dormer beside being comparatively Jwoupieaou, permits i longer windows than does any other I type of dormer unless it be out of 'all proportion. Oc-pyrifht 1931. The Architects' SmaB House Service i Bureau, Inc. i PREPARE LAND NOW Many people like to prepare their lots before they commence bwNdinf. This is a good time to rtmova the stumps and dttch around the lot in order that it may drain, thus making buHdisg operations easier. There is plenty of labor available for sueh work. Letourneau&Co Sheet Metal Works, and Plumbing Sky Lights and Cornice. Tar and Ore rel Roofing. Job Work a Specialty. An Work Guaranteed, Estimates Free. Corner Hh Ave. It Fatton 84, Prince Itupert, B.C. ' t sc WE ARE OFFERING: TIMBEK DIMENSION, per M jjj SIIIPLAP. per M. j9M No. i SHLVLEsieEp'AIt, periMii H )S It. C. rOUTLAXD CEMENT per ML J :- Compare these prices with 1929 and you will find a reduction of over "twenty-five per cent. Albert & McCaffery, Limited Phones 116 and 11T t REWIRE YOUR HOME Why put up with those unsightly wises? They aw not iif. We rewire your hone, pUctnc sockets in Um dealssd spou : cealtng wises . . in short, dotnc a first class job at uipn low cost. Since you have electricity, use it to best advani. i us help you get in most benefit and pleasure from your , deBar." Radio Service Radio Sets serviced by did p Expert. Satisfaction guar We tarty only hlh gr.Ki. Parkin & Ward Electric 319 Third Avenue Modernize Your Bathroom Now Keep in step with modern improvements. PhnnMng fhuure : he had In many colors to Wend with the- saior aehemc oi .. Bathroom. Let us oatote on your rtoulreiaeotg and explain tune payment plan. Smith & MaUett Ltd. (Est 1910) P. O. Box 271 c. II. Oklns. Mrr. Thone V I TONY CHRISTIAN CONTRACTOR Estimates ftirjiifhed for Concrete, St&ne or ttrir Work, Bluatlng or Earth Excavation. Market Place Repairs of-all kind Opposite Court House Telephone Mack 302 Come In And look over our line of Paints and (Ha-Builders Hardware, Gardon Tools, Me 1-anicg' Tools, Household Utengflft, Etc. W can save you money. KAIEN HARDWARE Third Avenue Telephone FRED SCADDEN PAINTING INTERIOR DECORATING Estimates Furnished Get Your Interior Work Done Now Telephone: Green 92