psoa rora THE DAILY NETS VANCOUVER LIONS CAPTURE COAST HOCKEY TITLE BILLIARD - PLAY-OFF First (lame Played Last Night With Remaining Four Scheduled For Tonight v One game was played last night In the first of the Billiard League play-offs between Elks, winners of the first half, and Canadian Legion winner of the Becond half, for the city team title, Frank Zieman winning this for she Legion with a score of J60 231 over M. E Young of the Elks. The remaining four games will be played tonight as follows: C. P. Balagno Oks) vs. A. Murray (Canadian Legion). Wflliam Mitchell vs. O. P. Tin-ken' W.-E. Williseroft vs. Charles Bap- Johnson Smith vs. Marcus An drews. 'pota on 'two home and J home games, tonight and Friday. ! will decide the champion team. Billiard Averages A. Murray (CD . .2$ 6064 243 C. P. Balagno E .26 6244 240 Q. P. Tinker iCL) .35 5901 236, Don Brown 0 ......17 4000 235 F. pieman (CD ...23 5380 233 1 O. Waugh (0 26 5991 230 C. Baptle (CD 20 4604 230 ' O. Howe (O) 27 6122 227 M. E. Young E .. 2 5858 225 MliMcUfchlan (O) 26 5786 222 J. Andrews Gi 25 5562 222, J. Smith (El 17 3776 222 M. Andrews (CD 26 5734 221 W. WfltBmft (E5) 15 3328 222 J. May G) 8 1767 221 W. Mitchell "Ei . 26 5590 215 A, Macdonald (CD 7 1499 214 F. H. Stephens (E) . 5 1026 205 CX. Youngman (CD 4 814 204 T. Clough 0) 3 599 200 F. Bray E) , 7 1332 190 ' W. Murray (E 8 1493 187 J. Scott (CD 1 172 172 1 John Bulger (Q 1 169 169 J Big BU; Terry fiUf f r baseman of the New York (!':,.:,- at his home in Mempru.v Tennessee Knute Rockne, Famous Football Coach, and Seven Others Lose Lives in Crash of Airplane KANSAS CITY, March 31 :-Knute Rockne, famous football coach of Notre Dame University, returning east after a tour of the Pacific Coast, and eeven others were killed today when a Transcontinental and Western Air passenger and mail plane crashed in flames on a farm near Hazar, Kansas. During his recent trip wogt, Rockne, re- - garded as one of the greatest footle IFT V QWflflT ball authorities, had visited and Ali JL Li JilVVy 1 spoken in practically all university f A PT XTir'TlT towni on the t including scat-Hi Ao 1 lNluri 1 ,tle Hte tra8k den,Ue ta a hoek 10 1 the u-hnls fmnrtlrifr u-nrM G. N. It. Office and Dry Dock Tied For Leadership Print Rupert .22 Rifle League results last night were as follows: No. 1 n.CN.V.R. 3T6. No. J R.C.N. VJl. 3M. Dry Doek 388. No. 3 R.CN.VJL 301. Office 38, Station 37ft League Standing W, L. Pts. C.NJI. Office 3 0 2 Dry Dock 3 0 No. 1 R.C.N.V.R 2 1 Station 1 2 No. 2 R.C.N V.R. 0 3 No 3 It.CN V.R 0 3 Marathon Bowler Tommy Franza shares with FTed Lanni. new world recbrd for endurance bowling. Franza bowled SV2 hours, completing 128 games, with average score of 133 PLAY-OFF EVEN UP Boston Bruins Won Last Night From Canadiens Three to One MONTREAL, March 31: The National Hockey League first place play-offs betwten Boston Bruins and Montreal Canadiens were evened up last night when the Bruins won the fourth game by a score of three to one. Each team has now won two games. The fifth and deciding game will be played here Wednesday night and the winning team will meet the winner of the New York Rangers-Chicago Black Hawks play-off irt the final for the championship and the Stanley Cup. Washington and Stanford Meet In Track Events SEATTLE, March 31 Twenty-two Unlveratty of Washington track and field stars leave tonight tor Berkeley. California, to meet Stanford University. The locals have not had much outdoor practice lately and this may handicap them in the California meeting. I wv uiq nvsi. JoeMalcewicz Throws Evcoe Two Falls Decided Headline Wrestling Match Last Night In Seattle SEATTLE, March 31: Joe Mai- leewlec Sflfirerl twn fall nvr Jnhn Evcoe to win In a headline wrestling i "match here last night. A billy New want-aH wilt 'rlllit results. Oliver Redpath, Substitute Man, Netted OnlyJSjcore of Game in Overtime Last Eve VANCOUVER, March 31: The Pacific Coast Hockey League championship play-offs ended with the Vancouver Lions the winners last night when Oliver Redpath, substitute defence man, slammed in the only goal of the game on a long pass from Gosh Pettinger in 10 minutes of the first 15-mirtute overtime period. It was a keenly exciting game and was witnessed by some 6500 fans, the largest crowd that has assembled for years in the Vancouver Arena. A spectacular wind-up for the season was certainly provided. The Lions deserved to win, tod, for. while the first two periods were fairly even, they played all around the Eskimos in that hectic third period when both teams tried frantically to score. In the overtime, tod, the Lions also played offensively. Davie Kemp was time after time tried in the closing stages of the game and he could not escape forever The Llorls stormed his strong hold continually and Were at last successful. The score came after Redpath had captured the rubber from Seattle territory, carrying it down the ice to pass It on to Pettinger. The latter, crowded near the goal mouth by Bobby Benson, Seattle defence man. snaked it back out to Redpath on the blue line and Oliver slammed it safely and surely past Kemp to end the game. Up to that Seattle had played a wonderful defensive game against Vancouver's hard attacks that finally could not be denied. Play was of good quality in the first two periods but, in the desperate effort to score, the third period became rather ragged. There were however, remarkably few penalties and it was one of the cleanest games of the season. It is the third consecutive year that the Lions have held the championship. They won the series three to one although Seattle had the greatest aggregate of goals seven to five. GOLF' April 6 Grotto vs. 79 Taxi. Great Wes vs. Flying Corps. Gen. Office vs., vs. Flying Corps. Gen. Office vs Dry Dock. Bankers vs. Acme. April 13 Grotto vs. Great West. Flying Corps vs. Gen. Office. Bankers v Dry Dock. Acme vs. 75 TaxL April 20 Grotto vs. Flying Corps. Great Wes vs. Gen. Offic. Bankers vs 73 Taxi. Dry Dock vs. Acme. April 27 Grotto vs. ' Gen. Office. Grea. West vs. Bankers. Flying Corps vs. Acme. Dry Dock vs. 75' Taxi. Part of nlonkev dni) o be .f-.-w Myef, Vs. It's La. y ri. tugu FINALS IN PUCK GAME Hamilton Tigers and Winnipeg ti Clash Tonight in First Allan Cup Game WINNIPEG', ' Mirth 31-ltamll toil Titers, winners of the easterr eUon, ahd Winnipeg Winnipeg champion of the welt, wtD clash tonight in the first of the filial Al ten Ovp ptur-offa. The amateu hotkey ohampkmrhip of Canad is at stake. The game will b broadcast. A meeting of the Moose Legion called for list night, was postpon cd until tonight. A large class candidates is coming up for lni tiation. Mis Doroiny Klau and Jockey Bobby June after Nevada Queen, with Jones up, carried colors to victory. in Circus" at Fort :'s done to LMJJN i t Tomorrow The Big Manufacturers Surplus Sale Starts at 9.30 a.m. SEE YOUR B.C. CLOTHIER'S LTD. FAREWELL .MINISTER (Continued from rage One) Chorus, "Clood-bye, Good-bye.' y the children. Solo. "I Need Jesus. Need Him in he Sunshine Hours,' Miss Winnie , Javls. Selection. "I Hear the Savior Say." j fenestra. Solo, "The Wondrous Cross,- Mrs. !. Tait. Solo. "Will You Meet Me Over yonder?" Mrs. Kate Mercer. Chorus, "Precious Memories," Y. M. C. A. mixed voices. Chorus, "Look to the Lamb of Ood," Church Army members. Refreshments by members of the YM.CA. Selection, "Peace" by the bund Quartette, "When I Survey," Miss Gertrude Brown. J. M. Adams. Mrs. Hannah Talt and Prank Tart. Solo. "He Was Wounded For Sinners, ' Miss Gertrude Brown. Chorus. "Sweet Hour of Prayer." YM.CA. mixed voices. Chorus, "The Ninety and Nine." W A. mixed voices Hymn. "Lead tTs Heavenly Father," by the assemblage. Farewell address. Rev. Henry Flores. Address. Andrew Nash, president of the Ohurch Council "Ood Be With You Till We Meet Again." Doxology SECRETARY FOR KING DIES 'continued from inge 1) ! ihe body servant of King George tried to explain to him Mme ncident. The servant began, "Me i ad the King" Lord Stamfordham pulled htm up. "You should say the King and 1" he observed. The man looked up at him and then said. "I beg your pardon sir. I did not know you were there. However, 'you and me and the King" Lord Stamford -ham laughed and left him to tell the story in his own way. Lord Starnfordham was knighted in 188S, commander of the Order r the Bath. Ills subsequent honors tn eluded C.M.O.. 1887; K.C.B.. 1895 K.C.M.O.. 1901; O.C.V.O., 1901; IS 0 . 1903; K.C.I.. 1906. He was sworn of the Privy Council in 1910 and created Baron Stamfordham of Stamfordham In Northumberland, June 23. 1911. His lordship was a Orand Officer of the French Legion of Honor, and received the First Class of the Order of the Redeemer ot Oreece. of th Order of the Red Bagte of Prussia and of the Order of the Crown of Prussia. He married on February 10, 1861, Const ince, daughter of the late Rev. William Frederick Neville. Vicar of Butlelgh, Somerset. There were one son. John Neville, killed in action In I France in 1915; and two daughters, Victoria Eugenie, who married Cap-Main Henry Adeane of the Cold- : "tream Guards; and Margaret. Lady stamfordham died In 1922. ' Although the duties of a private Imcretary to the Sovereign must be liiRhly exacting several of these august officials have come to long years. Lord Stamfordham, as will be noted, was well over 80. Lord Knollys. who for so long served King Edward, died 14 years after his1 royal master at the age ot 87. Sir Dlghton Probyn. for many years keeper of the privy purse, and fin-' ally secretary to Quf n Alexandra, 1 died at 91 years of age. Get quick result with a want ad JbrESvwal ORG CIRCULAR LEFT AT ' :' - ' . j "BUCK&VHITE" Tjtuu fJITi I ?TT !7 f This advertksrment Is not pnoli lied or displayed by ' Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia Best Procurable Pure BtiUJ iiimiJ if "I'M Cn'l a SM Um,u4 . Cini,t DMjUnm, CM. im.CUv.3MkW. "his advertisement is not . Unuor Control Hoard 1 (Irltlsh i i TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAtitV FOR RKTENA lilt AM) Creamery Butter fe Cottage Cheese FRFH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throucliout the City THE HOUSE 616 Third Ave. W. Only One Store Appreciated Everywhere The h.m 'Black & White on a boHl. of whisky H t abiolut. a gutranl. at Ihe haH-m.rk on irvtr It atiuras that tubtla difference in flavour and q .J vhlch diitinguithes this whiiky froto all o'h.rj, If g ar-anl. thai orrfy Ihe have b..n uiti and that always everywhere the quality is tha s ... SCOTCH WHISKY Vi fT! I fTl 1 1 (T ItTLTiT; ! fl-fl GRANT'S (THE ORIGINAL) Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT published or displayed or by the Govtrnnvnt of Columbia Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE rnoNE sis IlESNElt ttlOCR DENTIST