if ..R 4 'V 4Kw All Kinds of Mountinr, J. A. LESTIN Ptlncc Grorte Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total rapacity 2I.0M tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel ant Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlncMachlnery Repaired and OTerhaaled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding SO-ton Derrick for Heary Lifts ,! QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN RC. Our Prince Knpert Price: No. I 5 per M. SZM No. t 3x per M. 125 Na'2 per M. 2.M ' ROUEKTTiO.N & SIMPSON . Massett. B.C Aent: Hyde IraMfer. Phone 5 ; BUILT FOR UTILITY AND PERMANENCE S3 lfi It would be impossible to close them .mg quarters except through the an-utterly. but we can make a very good i trance to the dining room. A rear job of It by entirely practical meth- staircase and rear door allow aceasi ods. Then the cubic feet of in- ouUkie or to the bedroom floor from leaking air would be reduced and the .the kitchen without the necessity radiation reoutrements proportionately. There would be resulting sa rings in faeL Let us tell It in another way. The ordinary wooden window of the double hung type, ordinarily well fitted, maintains cracks around its margin such that If we calculated the entire area, would amount to about 14 square Inches. But take all of the windows is the house. 20 as an average. Then the combined area of the cracks would be 280 square Inches, almost 17 In ches square. What is this an about? It la of passing through other rooms. Outline Specifications Stse of bouse: 42 by ft. Suitable lot: ft frontage. Walls: Stone. half-Umber and stucco. Roof: Slate. Built-in features: Cupboards. Readers desiring further informs Uod regarding a house of this design should communicate with Messrs Perry & Luke. S24 Cathcart Street Montreal and mention design No 294. Consult a local architect If deslanlne architect is too far re " vimoved. uopyngnt mi iar lowaru stopping mat it-inco hole in your outside walls with Interlocking metal weather strips. There are all sorts of sections. specially made of bronze, brass, or zinc, each of them with Its special j use. which fit together with friction 1 or by spring action exer. friction on , the margins of the windows; briefly, j in such a way as to stop nearly four- Shrubbery to Be Planted on Hill Near City Hall fifths of this leakage Copyright A motion by Aid CoUart. see-1931. The Architects1 Small House onded by Aid. PlUsbury. that the Service Bureau. Inc. dUr engineer be authorised to em- jptoy a man to put In shrubbery on 'the rhllstde near the City Hall was An Interesting story by Noel Ro- passed by the city council last blnson In the magazine section of night The man's services are nt the last Vancouver Sunday Pro- expected to be needed for more vtnee describes the famous old than a day. Aid. CoUart's motion Fraser Valley Indian medicine man came as the outcome of an argu Jacob John who. during his lite, ment at last council meeting when was with government surveys in It was decided against this wort: the Ha Ida country on the Queen being done by prisoners in the Charlotte Islands. .city lock-up. anee enaeaHces that deeds be drawn op in fitvor of the follow -ing winners of lots at the exnibi- hard. your noose woold quickly be- r.L2T Z1 ZriSnJZ ' Oon drawtaag this year waa adop- comeehOled. rJeO at 1U eet- tober vHh uacea and toe atate J -But then." yoo say. "this is an eombiae to torm a aabctnnttaJ nht absurdity. No one would aOow each home both tn coostroction and ap-1 Hedman ArMeriw. Iota 13 aw a condition to remain long. Some ne ranee. Wmdowa set well hack u m. i war woold be foond to stoa un that i . .w-i - i . -r Ui C nVUClWfc MlfCM UllCft WftUI , opening " 2nd the ornamental atone surround- It U not an absurdity. The actual tags the rather massive door has a condition is worse than we have sg. dignified effect, gected. Most householders fire tons Logical tn layout the rooms are of coal into rapactous house heaters eanrenient and In some respects un to make up beat losses that eorae usual There can be no doubt that through cracks around window saah the kitchen with Ms splendid panto nd between the window frame and and Larder to a large contribution tattle wall it is in. the efficiency of the home. Built-ir The combined area of these cupboards line the wall beside thf cracks, especially in a bouse that sink in the kitchen. has stood for a few years, would Cupboards are also built in tbr appall the householder if I knew It. pantry where there la another sink Now suppose we close those This portion of the house Is com cracks as well as we can practteaDy. ' pleteiy separated from the other Itv William and haWht Thata. loU 25 and 3d. block 3. section 2. W. L. OordorloU 3 and 4. block S. section 5. ' The lots had been turned over o the fair board earlier In the ar to assist it In raising fundi w the exhibition. BOB'S HANDY SHOP lumbhw reoairs. General repairs. Window cleaning, etc. ROBERTSON Is ROBERTSON 591 sixth. Avenue West Phone Blue 937 iHjr just Phone 125 Sometimes when a vacuum cleaner feels temperamental and loses Interest in scurrying away with the dost settlements it's a very simple trouble. We are Intimately acquainted with all makes ot vacuum clranera, and we know how to persuade them to go on about their business with a stout heart and lots of vigor. We repair all things electrical. Parkin Ward Electric Company Repair Shop 319 Third Ave. DEPRESSION JUST GHOST Present Situation Absurdly uwi- culous. Declares Eastern Trade Publication When as youiwtters we w?i? warned by our parents uiai wc were looking for trouble if we went near a certain place because "there was a ghost around there." we be -myth- something which did not exist at aO. says the Canadian Lumberman, published hi Toronto. At this late stage of our emana tion, the world seems to have gone back to those oat tunc scare 1 I lieved it until such time as we, grew older and were able to In-; vestiKate this strange pnenamenon. cnlv to find out that It was a which our parents infused intoj our minds. The situation is ridiculous. Kv-I ervone Is inclined to go around. iwvtiw thMv'c & shaft in there.-i The uhoat is that old feOew which everybody has been acquainted! with during the past two years, marauding under the nomenclature of Depression." Ita strange, but nevertheless it s rue. The "Ohost" and "Depres- ion" are one and the same phan - 'in Both are reaPy a mirth, but 'ike th netted of our childhood ts taktns; an awful long time forj u to get It Into our minds that there is no ghost" Look around and see the values hlrh are available In every com- -no'titv today. Extraordinary bar gains no question about that. And vet people go around fearful les! this mythical ghost Is gotog to get them, they won't spend theft money. It is doubtful If such an ab surdly ridiculous situation has ver rises before in the history of the human race. And when every one comes back to his normal sen ses it will be amusing to reea.l this era whirh we are now passing through when the majority of tli- neople were affected by this mythical " " ghost Food Specials!! Our price are offered you in the interest of Economy. You will find by dealing with us that prices are always low and quality the hirhest For the benefit of those wishing to purchase Hallowe'en Apples we offer- Macintosh Household Pack si.40 Macintosh Household Pack rn Apples, per lb. Macintosh Ce Grade Apples, per box t lbs. for Orchard Grove "Tomatoes, tins (lowest price la years) per Un Per doten . Ills rsCT3aEJsTmarcmr t H i R 8 S S1.60!( 15c! 10c -J1.15 Royal City Fancy Oolden Bantam j Com. rs Una. ftp' tlna fro- UUl Aytmer Cut Green Beans, rs tins. 3 tins for Ayhaer Soups, all varieties. per Un Royal City Peaches, sliced. 34-lb tins. S tins for Malkin s Best Tea, 1-tb. packets. 3 ma for Malkins Best Coffee. 1-lb. packets. 2 lbs. for Ensign Crab Meat Vi-Bj. Una. f) O 0 per Un . i Empress Pure Jam. 40c 10c 85c 85c 85c the jam nnn of Jama." 4-ib tins, per Un Fraser Valley Strawberry Afn Jam, 40-oa. jsr. per Jar Dried Oreen Peas, for soup. OT0 4 lbs. for Ot Red Pickling Cabbage, 4 lbs for 25c We carry a fall ranee of fin-' and staple groceries, fruits and vegetables in season. Mall orders are given our best attention, Mussaflem's Cash and Carry Stores -Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3(0 Phone 18 81 31$ 3rd Ate - 417-ia Jth Ave. P. O. Box 575 . 1 Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS - U P-M. Feature Starts at 7:40 It 9:40 Admission 0c k 65e At 9:W pjn, presentation by lib Honor the Lieutenant Governor to Captain Bro-deur of H.M.C.S. Skeena. Tuesday October Ji PAOE BJX THB DAILT NEWS 1I3J Silversides Bros. FAINTS WALLPAPERS - GLASS Third Avenue SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AIR H RATING and VLsnunox Alexander Murray's Approrrd Reefers. Work guaranteed for 1 and SB years by bonding company. S teens Limited P.O. Dos 928 Phone 5 DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailor-in; Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY ZZZ 3rd Ave. W. Phone C3 Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE PLYMOUTH CARS Phone Stt Nlrht Calls 1S1 TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up II Tears' Experience TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRT fOK SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILT Early Delirery Throucheat ibt City j 43'flT 4 o pound ruxs pun 1 WEATHERSTRIPS SAVE FUEL AND ADD TO COMFORT Minimizes Fnel Wastes PERRY & LUKE. Architect l. V , f fjV iffft k. i Mir ir I LUOJaH4.BI fc. . m) UL . 5 t 1 SEPgQOM P-O02 PLAN. The Tudor style ot domestic arced- t-v IT) Ti teelur has flourished ooro through UeetlS DCUl UraWtt ine centuries sanee us dbu. garnering additional charm in Us transit, gradually ettmlnattng ehnnatncM and adding coaventeaees as Uwy were brought into being. Today we h 4 warn Tn?l!P t iiii 1 1 mm ark4ki arak t iim9m ' Seppose there re an opening TT V ,. i , rillvlt modern to erery way bat which pas-1 tZJ.??? y.! the charm of the orttfnals. j wnfS to the above atjrie snowing now ,K. wi!-. " !Ld JkL' -ell the modem sirucUre can rol- " I . . . . V' " " . " Ie the pirR of the old archriec- Up for Winners of Fair Lots A iiwitUlhni from the Ra Britain's Screen Masterpiece The story of Gallipoli was it a tragic error" 'Tell England' WITH ALL-STAR BRITISH CAST Every British subject will want to judge this picture .4:: P .. ( Rupert will be discussing It Ratinrs of H.M.C.S. Skeena R.ON.V.R. and Sea f artft if in uniform, admitted free. Comedy "Studio Saps" Musteal "Crazy Compositioru' Hodje Podge "Speed Up Results of British Elections will be given tonight Wed. and Thurs '.'Phantom of Paris" PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say thattheir cu.- t murs like to buy goods of the best quality. Tney are a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not f a the Daily News regularly we suggest that th . making a mistake in not taking the best. Th. j is now so low that it is a mistake to do withm: ;;i:2 t the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News business office an ! a that the boy call and collect 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow TheFish which made Prince RupertFamoui "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg.... ..... $11J Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 rembma Peerless Egg $11. HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 lilVi,.iSabU ?f r?lVlns t,,c advertisements .... in this pip arm taking mii-nnt.. r ,t - uu,m""ficw incitelp they bring you.