Further Games in C. N. It. Tourna-, ment Were Run Off Over Week-End Following were results over the week-end In the Canadian National Recreation Association's tennis tournament: Men's Singles W. B. Tobey beat E. Smith, 6-3, 6-2. Roy Somers beat T. C. Wilding, 6-2, 8-C. . I Ladies' Singles j Mrs. J. H. Horton beat Mrs. F. A. Rogers, 6-2, 6-2. .Mixed Doubles Mrs. J. H. Horton and Percy Mc- i Intosh beat Mrs. Hanley and E. Smith, 6-1. 8-6. j Mrs. W. N. Currle and J. H. Horton ; beat Miss 0. Thome and J. Ness, 6-2, ' 6-2. Mrs. W. N. Currle and J. H. Horton beat Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Barrett. 6-2, 6-1 j Men's Doubles I W B. Tobey and R. E. Tobey beat ; T. L. Jenkins and J. A. Teng, 6-2, 6-1. W. N. Currle and J. Smith beat Percy Mcintosh and R. Johnston, 6-1, 6-4. J. H. Horton and M. Watson beat W. B. and R. E. Tobey, 5-7, 6-4, 9-7. The tournament will- be Big League Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Boston 0, New York 2. Brooklyn 8, Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati. 0, Pittsburg 1. Bt. Louis 2, Chicago 3. American League New York 2, Boston 9. Philadelphia 1, Washington 2. Chicago 6, Detroit 0. Cleveland 5,St Louis 7. . LEGION LINEUP The Canadian Legion team against the Merchants for tonight's league football game will be selec ted from the following players: J. Smith, Skinner, Jack, Woods, Webster, Haddon, J, Murray, Warren, Baptle, Campbell, D. Smith, Wood-side, Busaanlch, W. Murray, Oilker, F Hodgklnsan, NO TRACK MEET On account of the unfavorable weather, the track meeting of tha Spartan Athletic Club, scheduled for Saturday evening, was FOOTBALL Aug. 4 Canadian Legion vl Merchants. Aug. 7 Canadian Legion re Regiment. Aug. 11 Regiment vs. Merchants. Aug 14 Merchants vs. Canadla.1 Legion. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOU SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 161) Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS Two men are down and Foxx or As drives one to Detroit centre-fielder, who fumbles. Simmons, who is on second, races home to beat throw to catcher Hayworth of Tigers. Such is the above sit-'' uation at Philadelphia CITY WON SOFTBALL Largest Crowd on Record Watched Encounter Last Evening Last night, before the largest crowd of Softball fans who ever witnessed a game In the city, the City defeated'the C. N. R. A. by a score of 10-6, The City went to bat first, and, in the first inning no runs were scored but, in the second inning, the Railroaders got away to a good start by scoring twice. There was no score in the fourth or fifth innings, and in the sixth, the C. N. R. A. blew up, and the Uptowners circled the bases for n:ne runs. In the last half of the sixth the C. N. R. A. managed to get two more which made the score 9-4. Neither team scored in the seventh and in the eighth the C. "N. R. A. got two and the City one, making the final score 10-6. Score by innings: City 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 C. N. R. 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 R. 010 0 6 II. E. 8 6 13 10 Batteries Wendle and El. Smith; Styles and Howe. SHOOTING JS HELD William Brass Winner of Spoon at McNleholl Creek In the shoot held at McNleholl Creek Ranges yesterday, open sights were used. Results were as follows: 200 500 600 Tl. Yds. Yds. Yds. W. Brass, Rgt 26 29 27 .82 C. McKeown, Rgt. 23 36 30 79 R. Wilson. Rgt. .20 30 29 IE. A. Smith. Rgt. 24 27 25 R. Cameron. Rgt. 23 24 27 A. Palmer, Rgt 27 25 27 iM. M. Lamb, Rgt. 26 27 20 J. Macfle, Navy .. .19 25 27 Ted Smith, Navy 24 21 22 L. Howarth, Navy 25 19 16 w. Brass won the spoon. It is expected a match will be ar ranged next Sunday between II. M. S. Dragon and a team composed of riflemen from R. C. N. V. R. and N. B. C. Regiment. BASEBALL Aug. 0 Old Empress vs. Natlvo Sons. Aug. 10 Natle Sons vs. Elks. Aug. 13 Elks vs. Old Empress. Aug. 17: Native Sons vs. Old Em- i press. Aug. 20 Elks vs. Native Sons Aug. 24 Old Empress vs. Elks. W. Q. Oakley of this) city is stationed at Arrandale during the salmon canning season as coailub'3 on the Naas River. BOUTS ARE ARRANGED Hoys of II. M. S. Dragon to Find Local Opponents on Friday Night There will be seven bouts on the card at the boxing tournament to be itagcCortFrfday night bf this week in connection with the visit of H. M. S. Dragon. The following bouts have already been arranged: .' Ordinary Seaman Storrle (H. :M. S. Dragon Vs. Benny Wendle Prince Rupert), ' , Able Seaman lyelco vs. Pete Holm. Telegrapher Turner vs. W. Bag-shaw. Stoker Salt vs. Pete ChenoskL Bouts have yet to be arranged for Stoker Daniels, Stewart Richardson and Able l3eaman Fleming. . ' . With the exception of the three preliminaries, the other bouts will be of six two-minute rounds. PRINCE RUPERT LOOKING FOR. WARD TO VISIT OF JACK TAIJ (Continued from Page One) Paymaster Commander, C. A. dibb. -v Surgeon Lieutenant Commander, D. H. Kernohan, M.B. Sub. Lieutenant, R. C. J. Dreyer. Paymaster Sub Lieutenant, I, W. O. Plckford. Midshipmen H. H. II. Mulleneux,! O. O. Roberts. R. W. Little, J. 0, aemmell. D.. R. Mitchell, Hon.. j;,D Hotham. , The " program of entertainment for officers and men is arranged as follows: Wednesday 6:45 p.m. Football, Acropolis Hill, Prince Rupert vs. II. Mi S. IrjJ 9:00 p.m. Dance, Moose Hall, Welcome to Ship's Company, II.-M, S. Dragon). 0:30 p.m. Ball, Prince Rupert Club. (Welcome to Captain and Of fleers, II. M. 8. Dragon). aiven;ty president and members of club, and W. R. Mess, R. C. N. V. R. . ' : Thursday I 1:00 'p.m. Luncheon, Rotary J Club, Commodore Cafe, Captain and Officers. 7:30 p.m. Concert, Moose Hall, Concert Party, H. M. S. Dragon. 0;00 pjn. Smoking Concert, Ca nadtan Legion. Friday 6:45 p.m. Football, Acropolis Hill, Prince Rupert vs. II. M. S. Dra gon. 9:00 p.m. Boxing, Empress Social ' Club (7 bouts) Prince Rupert vs. H. ; u. u. Dragon. Saturday Open for engagements. ' Sunday AM. Rifle Match, McNleholl Creek Range, Prince Rupert Rifle Association vs. II. M. S. Dragon, j P.M.-Whaler Race, 2-ulle course, opposite Naval headquarters, R.' C. N. V. R. vs. II M. a. Dragon. 1 rjJ. Swimming OaU, tlt L kcl. rportlngly agreed, to play thefr game on Tuesday of this week and let the footballers have this evening for the regular Mobley Cup fixture between the Legion and the Merchants. TMs, will give ,the players selected against the Navy a chance to; rest ut bVfoVe the big game. He offers you stronger tires - igreater values The Legfon club has signed on Webster, according to the "man In the street." .Webster has played for senior football clubs in Vancouver and the prairies and should streng-hon his new. club. He will play at aitre-half. Ex-footballers will have seen the advertisement asking that those (who would referee football games should report to the president. Bert I Morgan. With Webster becoming a player, his services will not be av allable as an official and it Is hoped that there will be some applicants to be added to the list. At that, Jim ISxiity A'iustJ. PAGE Font THE DAILY t-TVTS 1 TENNIS PLAYED He w Athletics Win Games SPORT CHAT It Is understood piat a request has been' received from Anyox asking if a football game could be ar ranged this motnh at the smelter town and possibly a return game here. A' meeting with a team from the outside would be very attrac tlve but, of course, the chief Item is the matter qf expense. The matter is being: taken up by the football as soclation which is In touch with the Anyox authorities. With tlttVlsit of the Dragon, due this week',' footballers and, indeed, all sports enthusiasts arc looking forward to. a couple of really fine football games. The pragon Is the flagship of the West' Indies Squad- ron and Is reported to have a more than usually good team. The Navy ,boys always put up a good display .'of football and, with football flour-'lshlng as it is this year, two good games should result. Th publication of the names of the selected team against the navy 'has met with general approval. Naturally, it Is not possible to pick a i team that Is beyond criticism but, undoubtedly, the selection commit (tee were helped by the various teams suggested in these columns by various correspondents from timeito time. And of course, some ! good players had to be left off, as after all. only 11 can take the liem. ' Thv baseball authorities have Mitchell, well known us Hn dm bailer himself, and a keen and 7 cenful coach of the Wrt vJl ver High school soccer ana ba&t ball teams, made a wry satfcC! referee- in the ReKiment-M...LrS! n W,l,1.. ""'Mil &mbv was 4 ft VI hi JT . Aiyansh Soccer Team Too Roust Week-End Garni The Aiyansh football tpamwud Caspaco on Saturday Tor a ga, with the Qlt-an-gow i m but u, former were disqualified because unruly play on the field v .. r. Seal of N with weak, worn-down GAMBLING tires may result in a serious accident . . . may even cost you your life. If the tread of your tires won't hold on slippery pavements . . . if you are running the risk of a blowout at high speeds . i . it's time for you to see the Dominion Tire Dealer near you. He offers you Dominion Royals which have proved in rigorous tests to be unexcelled for strength. You need this extra strength to give you peace of mind when you drive your car hard and fast. You need this extra strength to free you from tiro trouble and to give maximum mileage. You want this extra value. The Dominion Tire Dealer also offers you tho greatest tire values in the world ... for Dominion Tires and Inner Tubos are priced no higher than tires of inferior strength. Buy Dominion quality I Another Reason Whu THE BIG SWING IS TO DOMINIUM! TIRE Strength BT.