pAOH TBRg NOW OPEN! gsteaaxxsmmjBmss In Our New Store Phones 81 & 82 T! r f;., Z77ut Pioneer Druggists . evERFA Third Ave. & Fulton St. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TK.llli HUITIMI tOU MIlIA M i mi f tr it rrm f ELEPHANT CHEMICAL IEIlTILIi:Rt r I'i'crs Si I Itinera of TADANAC ELECT ItOLYTIC Aauiu.MUitl rnosrilATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINO CADMIUM-BISMUTH sends out an v italHngt to Tort Simpson, Alio Arm. Anyu. or batteriet, ut new pep Into it with LayV rbilra, die btrr batteriea with the longer life. There'i nothing lilt Layerbilta to ginger up tht performance of your art, And Ultra' nothing cia touch them for real economy. Every inch of paca inaid a Layrrbilt Battery i filled with cut-rent producing material. There'i no waite, no tucleu padding. It'a battery clear through . . . and the ONLY battery of its kind in tha world. Look, for tha nam Evtready, Sold t Rsdie Slotn tnrfhttt. Radio Batteries CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. UUITKD Calry Vancouver TORONTO Moaireal Winnies O tnntdf Rii StaUoa CKMC. Teranfa UNION STEAMSllll'S LIMITED flmmrrii l.-ave "rlnc. Uuiwrt r r Xaiioimrr: '.mi r.r.n irisiiw. iM. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. MUirW KVKKV millAY MWXUillT Arriving Vanoouwr Sunday midmglu appro, RB4 Btwrt and Nat wver ioinia eamcMj. h.u. "if r:natlon regatdlng ill alluiK and tlcketa at fitlsci in -'KT AOK.M'V: ft- ""I Aii-nne. Vvi mmm saws The most economical saws to use Simi ndn Canada, Saw Co. Limited. St. Rcml tk. and Acorn Ave. V ovv.r. D C. MONTREAL StJohn,N.D. NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk aim i own ni any preservative or " whatever. Milked I'vcrcd dally from our Ocvt-mment Grade A 1)1 Health and Sanlta. ,!R.,;NCC RUPERT DAIRY ' Phone 287 Suits Made To Your Measure Extra Pants Frecl $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. 333 3rd Ave. W. Thone 663 Next ltrnon Studio Local Items Dinncrware, clilna, crockery, glassware, Heilbrbner's Store. The Boys' Band will meet for re-hearsel tonight at 7:15. Full at tendance requested. 180 Furs remodciied, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter Ooldbloom's Fur Shop. tf John Bergman, who has been on a trip to Smithers, returned to the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey sailed this morning on the Princess Alice to make the round trip to Skagway as a holiday. D. B. MeDougall, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver and Seattle), returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. Dr. Sweeney, physician and sur geon of Drumheller, Alta., was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon returning south after having made the round trip to Alaska. Capt. William Bell, purchasing agent at Victoria for the Canadian Pacific Railway, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Sa turday afternoon returning south after having made the round trip to Skagway. Norman Short returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. His mother, Mm. William Bevcrldge, Is remaining in the south for a while longer. Charles Young, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer in the Yu kon. and Mrs. Young and daughter were passengers aboard the Prln cess Charlotte Saturday afternoon hound for Vancouver whence they will proceed on a trip to Toronto. There were 102 passengers, round trip tourists returning south, aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte, which was In oort Sa turday afternooh'bound from Skagway to Vancouver Only one person Jlycmbarked from Ihe vessel here. Miss Edna Ollker. R.N.. who has bech taking a special course of training In '.ubercolosls nursing sc Tranquillc Sanitarium, returned home on the Princess Alice this morning. Mlv Ollker recently graduated from thr nurses training rchcol of tr Prince Rupert Oen-ral Hospital. "BUILD U. C. PAYROLLS" Pacific Milk Ten Years At the close of letter, stated In an incidental way, Mrs. Jeanette Oray. writing from an up-country post-office,-says her family have used Pacific Milk for ten years. One day the baby wanted milk. Site gave him Pacific. He went Immediately to sleep. From then on the family came to use Pacific Milk altogether. PACiHC MILK Frit-lory nt AMiotftforil. IIP. 100 B.C. Owned and Controlled SUITS i Made to Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sharman Co. Phone: Iilack 78 Opposite Post Office THE DAILY NEWS Monday, August 3, 1931 HEADACHES Needless pains like headaches are quickly relieved by Aspirin tablets as millions of people know. And no matter how suddenly a headache may come upon you, you can always be prepared. Carry the pocket tin of Aspirin tablets with you. Keep the larger size at home. Read the proven directions 1 . iur pam, acauacacs, neuralgia, etc 1 Made in Canada Football tonight, Canadian Le gion vs. Merchants. H. MeEwen of this city was re cently registered at Jasper Park Lodge. The Pacific Steamship Co.'s freight steamer Admiral Nulton has been at Ocean Falls during the past few days loading paper for California. P. O. Russell, assistant superin tendent for the Canadian National Railways at Smithers, was in town overnight on official duties. He ar rived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and returned on today's train to Smithers. CNil. steamer Prince George Capt. Nell McLean, returned to port at 8:30 this morning from Skagway and other Alaskan points with a large list of passengers and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Van couver. It Is expected that the Ocean Falls Pulp St Paper Co.'s plant, upon which $2,000,000 is being ex pended, will be In operation by November. Part of the plant wll: be operated day and night." Twenty Years Age column, Van couver Province. C.N It. steamer Prince Charles Capt. Dan McKlnnon, arrived lr Iport on time at 1&30 this morrrfng nrom Vancouver anHA will sail at 8 o'clock this evening for Stewart Anyox and Massett Inlet points whence she will return here next Thursday southbound. Rev. Charles E. Motte. who is conducting a vacatlonal school for Skeena River children at Sunny-side during the salmon canning season, arrived on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit t'j his homo here, returning to the river this morning.. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dickson, arrived .in port at 6:15 last evrnlng from the south wltn a fair-sized passenger list and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning anu sail south at 1:30 p.m. H. M. Butler. Oovernment Telegraph operator at Alyansh. and Mrs. Butler, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound for Mill Bay when thev will disembark from the steamer to proceed up the Naas River by gasboat. The followlnc Is from the Years Aro column of the Van couver Province 'Lord Laacelles aide to Earl Orry. Oovernor-Oen end, and W. W. Ward of London Bntrland. arrive in Vancouver from Ottawa today enr nitc to Casslar nnd other North -rn British Co lumbla districts where they hepo to ban mountain coats and grlz sites." Miss Winnie Dibb, R.N.. who 1 o be married shortly in Philadel phia to William W. Wood, repre 'r-ntatlvc there of the Camdlan Fish it Cold Stor -isr Co.. will sail Wednosday mornlnn on the Prince Henry for Vancouver enroute oast. She will be accompanied to Phils delphta by her mother, Mrs. Frank Dlbb. and Mlaa Berths Efford of Vancouver, who has been visiting here for tje past lew weeks. Mrs. Dlbb cxpceU to be away from the city about five or :lx weeks. ANNOUNCEMENTS ,. Eagles' Dance. Friday. Aug. 14 Ladles refreshment .. Dents. 50c. Catholic bazaar d tobcr 21 and 22. Glasses fitted D registered optometrist at Ueilbroner's store. A number of people have called at the Dally News for Fair Prize Lists. Still others may want them. Drop in and get one. tf Mrs. John McRae and Mrs. Dixon of England returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train following a week's visit to Kltsumkalum. A. J. Mathcson of the drv dark office staff returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a week-end Visit to the Skeena River. John Bulger 6f this city was el ected to the executive council ol the British Columbia Optometrists Association at the annual meeting which was held in Vancouver last week. Mrs. Haan and daughter of Sandspit, who have been spending the past couple of weeks In the city. will sail fcy the Prince John to night on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. W. R. Lindsay, superintendent for the Granby Co. at Anyox, a pas senger aboard the Catala last ev ening returning to the smelter town after a trip to Vancouver, ac companied by his son. Miss Violet Thompson, R.N., and Miss Mary Thompson of Lulu Is land, Vancouver, after paying a visit here with their sister, Mrs. J. B. McKay, Sixth Avenue East, left on today's train for Jasper Park. There were 127 passengers aboard the steamer Dorothy Alexande which was in port this morning outhbound from Alaska to Seattle. One person disembarked here Iron the vessel. Following Is an Item from the Twenty Years Ago column of th? Vancouver Province: "George H Cowan, MP., has announced h? will not be a candidate at the com tag election. The choice of the Liberal convention next week will probably be J. H. Senkler. It Is expected that Judge W. W. B. Me- Innls will resign from the County Court bench to become the Liberal candidate In Comox-Atlin." KINGSLEY SCHOOL North Lonsdale, B.C. A Boarding and Day School for Boys from 8 years of age and upwards. Locat?d In North Vancouver nil the advantages of the suburban surroundings and immediate touch with the great city. Splendid location soaclous grounds -- healthy surroundings. Separate houses for Junior and Senior boys. Course of studies to Junior Matriculation. Special attention paid to Athletics and Physical train- U1B. School Re-opens Sept. 8th For full particulars write Headmaster. Kingsley School, North Lonsdale. B.C. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooira A. J. I'lM'DHOMMK. Prop. Cor. ol rrasw Mid Fifth Si SAVOY i Miss Rita Brentten and Carl Brentsen, Port Simpson; Mr im: Mrs. Len Sherman, city. Marvi.i Oourd, Klemtu. New Royal Hotel I. 7-irrllt. Prop TDK HOTEL UOKTII Willi E Hut ft Cold Water; Btcam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlfph.ine tSI ROYAL William Roy, city; Harry Scoit. Haselton; Joe Johns, city. Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. HUGH L. DICKEY, M.I). SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel Mrs. A. J. Gallwd and son sailed Saturday afternoon, on the Princess Charlotte, for a ;holidav trip io Vancouver. H. E. DeWolf, local manager of W.-H. Malklh Co. Ltd, sailed latf, evening on the Catala to make tha round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. A fine of $'300 was Imposed by Magistrate McClymont In city police court Saturday afternoon upon Hans Berqulst on a charge of supplying liquor to a minor. Miss Helen Starr of Seattle, who has been paying a visit here wltn her cousin, Charles E. Starr, and MrsJStarr, sails by the ss. Prince George this afternoon on her re turn south. Mrs. Jeanette Albery and smail son, James, of Wrangell arrived in the city from the north on thi Prince George this morning and proceeded by train to Vanderhoof where Mrs. Albery has been called owing to the serious Illness of ho; father. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frasher of Wetaskawln, Alberta, arrived In the city at the end of the week to pay a two weeks' visit here with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fraser, Atlln AYenuf-. Westview. Mr. Fraser Is city treasurer of Wetasklwln. There were 183 passengers ar riving here from the north on th Prince George this morning. More tnan half of these disembarked here including a party of 01 Main-people, who have been on a tour to Northern British Columbia and the Yukon. Three local passengers left the vessel here. YOU Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of ; the city detachment of the pro- : vinclal police, left on this afternoon's train for a brief trip to Smithers on official duties. Mrs. H. T. Cross and daughter, i Miss Lillian Cross, sailed Saturday , afternoon on the Princes3 Charlotte for Vancouver. Mrs. Cross will visit in the southern interior. ii f J. B. Harty, retired millionaire ' of New York City, and Mrs. Harty were among the round trip passengers to Skagway going north on the Princess Alice this morning. Somewhat late this trip, the Admiral Line steamer Dorothy Alex-, ander, Capt. A. W. Nlckerson, ar- ' rived In port at 11 o'clock tWs ; ' morning from Ketchikan and other Alaska points and sailed a coupl? of hours later for Seattle. Despite the bar which has been put across, a number of impatient car drivers did cross the Galloway Rapids bridge yesterday to get across to the highway on the other side. Motorists are looking forward to the time when they will be permitted to cross the bridge and drive on the other side. Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 KNOW that Kellogg' s Corn Flakes have a special package that is different from all others? a WAXTITE, inside bag perfected - and patented by Kellogg? a WAXTITE bag that is actually SEALED against odors, moisture and contamination? that brings Kcllogg's Corn Flakes OVEN FRESH and FIAVOR-PE1UECT tojour table? Just another reason why it pays to specify the name Kcllogg's when buying corn flakes. One of the most economical and convenient of foods. Delicious with milk or cream for breakfast; extra welcome for lunch with fruits or honey; fine for children's suppers or a late snack. Easy to digest. Always ready to serve. No trouble. No work. With a "wonder" flavor that can't be equaled. Look for the rcd-and-grecn package at your grocer's. It means genuine Kellogg's tho original Corn Flakes the world's most popular rcady-to-cat cereal! CORN FLAKES