I ( j FAITH VISION COURA 1 . . . These are inherent attributes or every true Canadian; Too much disturbing gossip too much unjustifiable gloom are, perhaps unwittingly, being countenanced in Canada today. Every patriotic Canadian should be working now for a greater Canada. Let us have aggressive, constructive leadership. Build up I Do not tear down I Our industrial leaders are awakening to a realization of a brighter future. Retailers report an increasing-demand for goods. The shrewd consumer is buying to advantage today because the purchasing power of the dollar is greater now than it has been at any previous time in the present generation. Put the dollar to work I It means employment for Canadian men and women. Well pi anned an d efficiently directed daily newspaper advertising today does more than benefit the individual buyer and seller. It quickens the pace of economic rorces that are already bringing nearer the return of prosperous times. DAILY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING has always proved its effectiveness in the past. -V,, It will assuredly do so today for those who employ it . intelligently and courageously. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY , THE CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION I