PAGE FOUR LEGION WINNER Defeated Itf'inient 3 to 1 in Open Football League Game Were Full Value Jack ot Legion Was Star of Thf Match The Canadian Legion recorded another win over the Regiment lsst evening in the first game Oi th Mobley Cup league by thre goal to one. The Regiment had the better of the play in the first half with th hill in their favor but Smith saved well from Wilson. Kelsev defended veil and Watson kept his forwards well supplied with the bail. Thurber missed and Baptle went cjoste. Following a corner-kick. Baptle scored with a simple shot with the Regiment defence napping, Then from a pass from Wilson, Thurber equalized while the Legion defence claimed offside. Baptle again got away but th; ballv was luckily cleared, Kelsey clearing on the goal line. Watson had hard lines with a drive thu was just too high and later from a corner. Norrington crossed o dangerous one and then Wingham missed an open goal from Wilson's centre. W. Murray threw away a chance from Baptie's lor pass and half-time came with the teams level. The second half began the Regiment defence unable to get tlv ball away. Rerlment inside for wards were weak and failed to get away. Laidler saved but was later beaten by a great drive from Baptle. Norrington got away but Wll son foizled his centre. Legion were attacking and J. Murray wa clever. Thurber stopped Baptle and then J. Murray scored with a fin long drive. Laidler stopped a fin? corner under the bar from Bussan-lch. Baptle got the ball In the net but had pulled it down with hi; hand so no goal was scored. Smith saved from Fong. Edgecumbe was prominent with fine tackling and then Kelsey went off hurt. DeJon-r stopped Baptle and W. Murray scored an offside goal. Play was rather ragged but the Regiment could not make much headway and the final whistle came with the Legion holding their lead an'i winning three goals to one. TEAMS leflfln Smltlu Skinner, Jack-W. Murray. Hadden, Wood'tidc Murray. 3. Murray, Baptle, Campbell. Bussanleh. Regiment Laidler: Kelsey. Thur ber; Edgecumbe, Watson. DeJong-' Wilson. Fong, Tinker, Wingham. Norrington. Referee E. Webster. Linesmen P. Doherty, W. Rancr. Comments on Game The Legion was full value for its win, buWhe Regiment is very poorly off for a centre forward and effec 4 (t a IneMb man Cmllti Irorvf n tterii SPORT NEWS Following the Interruption in the Dock team. Both the Sta- baseball activities owing to the ser- tion the Offices are very keen ies at Ketchikan over the week-end, to tak the cup for the next year, 1 Sons of Canada and Elks will play and as both teams are playing good ' tonight in a regular league fixture, ball this season, the game should ' The pennant race has been consld- be a battle till the end. The sports and attractions committee of the fair board met last night, W. H. Tobey presiding, and Merchants 1 Miss Hslen Hicks ileff. long bating Long Island girt, won Metropolitan Women's Golf champion ship at Montclalf. NJ.. by defeating Miss Marion Fisher 6 and 3 Mrs. Frederick B. Ryan, vice-president, of Metropolitan Worn, n's Oolf- Association, Is shown presenting the cup SPORTS FOR FALL FAIR Proposal Made to Hani Up Purse For Competition Among Home and Visiting Teams CITY CUP SCHEDULE Fixture tor Mobley Cup leagui football trophy are announced ai follows: " v July 10 Merchants vs. July 14 Canadian discussed the amount likely to be juiy 17 Canadian required in this department of the Regiment. ' fall fair this year. One attraction T. , ,,.. July 21 Regiment k.. .w kI.v, .. nnii .1,-1 lino aiiVttuj vvi i otbuiiu uai nnla I:,.. " : I i" July24 Merchants vs. Canadian mucin, a UTCusiuii on wiim.ii win ue , .,AKrn Legion. The question of arranging tor the . J"iy WBimcni v- pfml and .5kinner and Jack defen-iBulklev Vallev was discussed and it' Ju,y. 31 Merchants ded well. Jack has been playing a i was decided to confer with the base- fino iKime all seannn and must be ball asKocmiomln reeara to It. ; ment. Aug. considered a strong candidate tor j One suggestion made was that la Merchants. the representative games against I purse be offered as a prize to the the Dragon when the boat visits ' winning team In a series of games Prince Rupert In August. Hadden j to be played during fair week, one was the pick of the halves. Forward ' of the teams possibly to Include a Dantie was always oulck to get visiting team from the Interior, the i 4 Canadian Aug. 7 Canadian Reglmenti Aug. ll-Heglment Legion vs. Legion vs. vs. Merch- vs. Regl-Leglon vs. Legion vc vs., Merch ants. Aug 14 Merchants vs. Canadian away and swing the ball to his wing 1 expenses of which might be paid for j Legion. men. Campbell was good too, and , the visit. I . .. . J. Murray still inclined to waste The whole matter will be canvas-time with useless fancy work. Bus-'sed with the local baseball players The case of Henry Helllwell sanlch took some dangerous cor-, with a view lo arranging a sMos charged with theft of mny from ners. that would be attractive to the fair the municipality of Terrace dur- Laidler was slow in the Regiment and would at the same time prove j mg his term as village clerk, oe-Koal though he had no chance with Interesting to the players. IciiDied all day yesterday bfote the goals. He seemed to do a lot of It was also decided to try to ar- Judge Young In County Court and unnecessary diving. Thurber was range for football games during the jS continuing today. The heorinjfl not so good as usual. Kelsey was same week good In the first half but still hams on too long. Watson was good with Edgecumbe turning in a sterling C game. DeJong was good bat towards )J the end was weak. Of the forwards Wilson was the pick though missing a couple of chances In the tec THROUGH WH RING ond half. Norrington on the opposite wing was always dangerous. Jatk I)eni"ev Has No Intention ef Tinker took his chance at goal well iHceUntr Max Schmrling though he was apparently offside. Wingham and Fong were not up to RENO. July 8 Tack D-mosey their usual standard. BASEBALL Baseball game tonight, Elks $ons of Canada. former ve'Wt heavvweUht .oton. will nt try himself to bring the crown back to the Unltrd afatw. 'Asked here yesterday if he would 1 meet Max Schmellnj, the Oennan jtltleholder, he again gave assurance that he would never return to Uie .ring. should be disposed ot by this evj enlng. w. E. Fisher is prosecuting i while L. W. Patmore Is acting As ! defence counsel. I S. E. Parker Ltd. Fol d Dealers Cnrs Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas ft Oil Flat Rate Repairs - Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 THE DAILY NEWS World Sport News and Viewsf CUBS TAKE TWO GAMES!: the last couple of games and if the Fitted with the regulation size Kf Louis "J? il 'e,er Lodgemen can wlrt tonight there goal-posts, the new playground at will be the possibility of a three- 1 Anyox Mine is already working tv ,way tie Tor first half honors, fro- J ertlme. In.jrtlidtlon to football, the vlding the Sons of Canada win, 1 ground is also being used to prac-however, the Elks will be out of jtlce running and other sports. A luck as far as this half is concerned, five-hole golf course at the Mine is while the best Old Empress could i also being planned. lo then would be to tie with the Native Sons for the leadership. The tame tonight, therefore, should be x hotly contested one, with both reams out to better themselves. Anyone Interested In Softball will have a treat in-tonight's play-off game between the Station and the Offices for the Alonzo Haines Tro phy. This cup was won last year by , season. Regain Third Dace in National .League From Brooklyn Robins CHICAGO. July 8: The Chicago Cubs", by Winning a doubleheader St. Cardinals, went back into third place In the National League but only with a mathematical ad-Vantage over the Brooklyn Robins who defeated the Phillies. The Philadelphia Athletics increased their lead to five and a half games by defeating the sec- Mine, Celts and Smelter are the on Place Washington Senators. three teams staging an interesting! football season at Anyox this sum mer. In one game recently, the Mine defeated Celts by a score of one to nil while, In another, Celts and Smelter played to a one-all draw. Soccer, Is as usual, going strong In the smelter town, this Wins Women's Golf Trophy Yesterday's scores: National League Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 2-3, Chicago 14-6. American League Philadelphia 7, Washington 3. Chicago 10, St. Louis 8. Baseball Standings National League ' l . a- mm 1'' W. L. St. Louis 46 30 ! New York 40 30 ! Chicago 41 32 Brooklyn 42 33 Boston 37 36 Philadelphia 32 42 Pittsburg 29 41 Cincinnati 26 49 Pet. American League Philadelphia 52 21 .707 Washington" 48 28 .632 New York 39 31 .557 Cleveland 36 37- .493 St. Louis 33 41 .446 Boston ..W .28 41 .406 I Detroit 28 46 .378 Chicago ...27 46 .370 J City League i Sons of Canada 4 2 .666 Old Empress ......3 3 .500 !Elks - '.... .'...2 4 333 , Walker and sharkey to meet on' july 22 ' NEW YORK. July 8: The much talked off bout between I Mickey Walker, welterweight champion, and Jack Gharkey, outstanding heavyweight title contender, was assured yester- day when the principals were signed to meet In a 15-round J engagement at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, on July 22. ROUNDHOUSE WAS WINNER Won Softball From R. C. N. V. It. By Score of 9-4 Last Night In the Canadian National Re creation Association Softball League gafne last night, the Round House defeated the R. C. N. V. R. by a score of 9-4. Although both teams played good ball, the Navy boys showed a little'! lack of practice and should improve as the season goes on. However, they gave the Round House a good run for their money. Batteries were Boulter and Skat tebol for the Round House, Pitcher and MacFie for the R. C. N. V. R. League-standing to date: W. Station 1 Round House 1 7, Biological Station .0 ,.,iR. C. N. V. P. 0 L. TJ 0 1 1 j50 j The next game will be the pUy-'j07 . off tonight for the Haines Trophy, 432 1 and the next league game will be on 1 Friday night between the Blologl-cal StaUo nind the Round House. i AOVERTISLSr. COPY ( MUST BK IN EARLY . ; Copy for trtitOoy advertise- menu should be in the hand j of the printers not later thati . 3 p.m. the day prior to publl- eatlon. This is necessary to en- able best positions lo be se- cured. Woman Rider is Thrown Miss Ruth W. Ferguson must h vr tell sudden shock as she wa.s thrown by Lucifer during 38th .nmial Westchester County Horse Show on grourdr; of Rye Turf tnd Polo Club, recently TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IMUNCB RUPERT. B.C. 1 M JBnCK'VH Canadian grown wheat ha won the rliaiupbtniUp at Chicago IS out of 19 timr thr world'i rrcord for quality '" - .alM IBMir rMI1. -J L . Qke RECORD- SPEAKS yoi. ITSELF Quality telU, in a ciKurclto u well us in hcal. In ' fuel, tlie record -Htullili-l ami nuiintainrd by Turret ClRarctics Ims heen muile liy quality alone. Their mildness and fragrance and the dutlsfnetion they give to smokers nro Ilia miliirul rcstiilts of the finality of tlic tohuccos iimiI In tliclr niAniifnctiirc. K After all, nothing can replace jjood, honest tobuccot , grown und ripened right out in tlio field under nature' own sunlight nothing artificial ubout that and the high quality Is "inbred." Mild and Fraqrant ui ret C I CAR.ETT ES fir J