pAQl TEHKH JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes Ltd. ZTfio Pioneer DrtigevsLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS AWARD IN MINE SUIT I Baron Qulckstad Wins Action from Stewart Mining Mm VT' TORIA. July a Baron Harry Qui g ud. Seattle mining man was twiudrd $10,000 general and spa-nal damages in a judgment hand ci (l uni here by Mr. Justice D. A. M' D' M,ild in the Supreme Court cf B( uKainst John McNeill and Jami'- Conner, owners of a group n icral claims In the Casstar M!n nr.: District. 1 n.i n Q.iiekstad sought $50,000 (iiti iL'"s :i;'aint McNeill and Con- '.; breach of contract lnvolv wt Mif sule of 11 mineral claims in hr Portland Canal district, knnwii as the Red Top Mine. Th t. ion secured an option on 'v - I , for $30.000. for which s ' i. payment of $1,000 was ni.i'ii A pi mint of $10,000 was to have THE CONSOLIDATED COMPANY OP CANADA, LIMITED TltirOMfHiriSlf VoUMIIIA Mmiufucturwt of ELEPHANT Hnnil riiKMif.u, ri:itTi!.izi:it I "Mi. rr A RrflTim of TADANAC Itmmt KU.ITKOLYTIC SUMMER From Pruxe McnJay We,lneday Thursday 'Saturdays (cllmt Wrintrll KuthMurtt). Wednesdays and Saturday 3XW rim. For Stewart and Anyox Monday 8.00 p.m Friday 3.00 p,m. Weekly service to Maaaett Inlet and fort nightly rvice to South Queen Charlotte Wand Particular on requwt. m E.-n.DiHin,-, niRt TRI CITY SERVICE n-t riiM imcr Ant Daily (rom Vancouver at 1.45 p.m. and i'i iiu Rupert, n o. 1,00 a.m. for Victoria and Seattle. TRAIN SERVICE PaiKnger train 'eave Prince Rupert daily ' v (except Sun Jay ) at 12. JO p.m for Edmonton, Winnipeg and point Eat ! VI20 UMON STEAMSIUl'S LIMITED MlrMmrri Iritve Prince Kupm or Vanceimr: 1-h.s. r.mi.A ,r.vr:nv tt.mav. im. Arriving Vancouver. ThuricUv Noon tpproi. T.A.R. t AHIlKNA KVKKV FRIDAY MIIIMOIIT Arriving Vancouver Bunday midnight Pirox. .! j Mllmgi to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anjrox, Stewart and Naw River poUita. Bunday. 8:00 P.M. farther information regarding all sailings and tickets at rillMT IUTKIIT AOKNCV: fire unit Avenue, I'honc SfiS Hccouse it doesn't pay to It does pay to buy been made to McNeill and Conners. but was not made at that time J. F. Duthie. wealthy mining man of Seattle, became interested In tne Malm. nnj -I - . 1 kouih auu auvtuicea 1U,UUU 10 Qulckstad to make the payment. Ordered Off Property When Qulckstad and Duthie went to the Red Top to examine the claims they were ordered off the property. Duthie had. arranged, according to the evidence submitted at the trial, to pay the amount Into the Dcxter-Horton Bank at Seattle, which was done with instructions to forward the amount to McNeil; Some delay was occasioned in transferring the amount and when Duthie and Qulckstad arrived at .Stewart, B.C., McNeill refused to believe that payment had been made. Duthie wrote a cheque on the back of a telegram form for $10. 000. This was also refused. Duthie ordered the bank In Seat tie to stop payment. MINING & SMELTING AMMONIUM HIOSrilATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-UISMUTII lLi SAILINGS Rupert lor Vancouver: 4.00 p.m. 9.30 a.m. 2.00 p.m. 700 p.m. Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway advertise poor products, those advertised. Local Items Dinnerware, ciitna, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. CNJl. steamer Prince Henry, Capt. II. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 6:30 this morning from her reg ular weekly voyage to Skagway and other Alaskan points and sailed at 8:30 a.m. for Vancouver. Aubrey Jackson, charged with theft of money, appeared again before Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning and was remanded until tomorrow morning when the trial will proceed. CNJl. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived In port at 11 o'colck this morning from Van couver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Skagway and other Alaskan points, whence she will return here southBound next Mon day. Indicative of the general Inter est that is being taken In the new Rainbow Creek placer gold discoveries In the Omlneca district, there are two special articles on the subject In the magazine section of the Vancouver Sunday Province. One article is by T. J. Wlnram and the other by Eric Johnson. A special article by T. A. Lars- sen In the magazine section of the Vancouver Sunday Province enti tled "Sons of Vikings Have Thrown In Their Lot for Good or 111 With Western Canada," Is accompanlel by pictures of a number of pro minent Scandinavian citizens, who have made good In this country Among the pictures Is one of Olof Hanson, MP., for Skeena. There were 177 passengers on board the steamer Prince Rupert on her arrival this morning from Vancouver enronte to Skagway and other Alaska points. Round trip tourists totalled 115. the most of the balance being tourists disem barking here to proceed east by train. Special tour parties on the steamer Include a Northwestern- Alaska rparty of fifteen person from Chicago and a Sierra Club of California group of twentv Bath parties are making the round trip to Alaska. SCIATICA? Here is a never-failing form of relief from sciatic pain: MB TVe Aspirin tablet and youll avoid iwtdifM suffering from tciatira lum-lisgo and similar excruciating pains. They do relieve; they don't do any harm. Just male sure it U genuine. ASPIRIN TRADS MARK RIO. Made In Canada Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 101) Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS SAILINGS FKOai PKINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangelt, Juneau and Skagway July 10. 13, 17. 20 To Vancouver, Victoria and 8, 11, 15. 18 I For llutrdale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 wy- - - a ..Si THE DAILT NEWS Wednesday, July 8, 1931 Good Health Means Much YoBr child's appearance, bis conduct, his success in life, depend largely on his health. And hit health de- Sends largely pon his being kept free front constipation and the llln.i. which result from It. Baby's Own Tablets are a safe, mild laxative. If your child has a cold or coated tongue, or if he is cross and listless, with no appetite, give him Baby' Own Tablets. 25c a package at any druggist's. BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') m Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Dutch Maid Is manufactured by Canadians tor Canadians. Baptist Picnic to Dlgby Thurs day, July 0. Boats leave Cow Bay 1 and 2 p.m. Adults 50c, scholars free. 153 Mrs. -D. J. Child Is sailing this afternoon on the Princess Allr c for Vancouver whence she will return to Winnipeg. Mrs. D. B. McConnan has returned to her home in Victoria after a visit of a few weeks her with relatives. Sisters Martina and Tueslta of St. Joseph's Academy sailed y ester day afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Perkins, practitioner of ttv Iwal Chrlstl'n Science Chnnh sailed tnls afternoon on the Princess Alice for a brief Mp to Victoria. Mrs. W. E. Wllliscroft sails Ini--afternoon on the Princess Allc fot VimPAMVpr v.hnrf ch will nnvwH to Reglna to ettend a Domin ion Lonvrntlon of the Ladies of thr Koyai furpie. Work of extending the OroUr Cigar store premises so as to take in that portion of the Alder Bloc!; formerly occupied by the Whit I Lunch Is now proceeding. O. A. Yardley, in?pector of cus toms, and his assistant, who havr i been In the city for the past week i or so on official duties, sailed by the Prince Henry this morning on ; his return to Vancouver. Col. Yulll, Vancouver mining en glneer. is a passenger aboard th Prince Rupert today enroute to Ju n"au whence he will proceed to the Taku River mining section to ex amine some properties In which h? Is Interested. Stanley Dalby of the Govern ment Agent's office staff returned to the city on the Prince Ruper- this morning from a holiday triu to Vancouver and Victoria. Imperial Oil Co.'s tinker Alber-tollte. Capt. Mountain, arrived In port at 4 o'clock this morning from loco with a cargo of fuel for th? i company's local tanks and wtl. ; sail tonight on her return south. I Dr. J. P. Magulre, well known local dentist, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this mornlnr after having spent the past few weeks on a trip to Toledo, Cleve land and Pittsburg. Ohio, taking . up x-ray and other special work. I Chairman O. V. Wllkli.ron re I ported last night to the Library Board that one Saturday when the Librarian was s'ck he had rural ed for Mrs. Cecil Taylor to help Miss Miller and both were kept very busy. The Board ordered a check to be sent to Mrs. Taylor fjr her services. Mrs. Taylor, before her marriage, was assistant to Miss Crulckshank. e) 'ANNOUNCEMENTS e Royal Russian Chorus, Mooo Hall, July 9. Under auspices Oyro Club. Eagle's Dance, Friday, July 10 Ladles refreshments, dents. 50c. Canadian Legion Picnic July 13 Dlgby Island. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelsey sailed this morning on the Prince Henry for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie sailed this morning on the Prince Henry for a holiday trip to Vancouver. George Keep of the a N. R. in vestigation department arrived in the city from Prince George on this afternoon's train. Game Warden Ed. Martin returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. Provincial Constable William Harrison of Port Esslngton arrived in the city from the Skeena River on this afternoon's train. Mrs. T. M. Spencer, who has been on a week's holiday trip to Sralth-ers, returned to the city from. the Interior on this morning's train. Two Teachers Resign From High School Miss Jessie Grace Lawrence and Charles Fordyce-Clark have resigned from the teaching staff of the Prince Rupert High School. These are the only resignations so far this summer from the local teaching staffs except that of Miss Olive McArthur, principal of Seal Cove School, which was announced some time ago, and Miss Norah Rl-vett, who Is to be married. NO WONDtR llitt tot. food rrty dno covet horn tUid htrdt of cl i pastwtd In lk hmom Fm Vtlltf, n4 iwv thi vm bay kalpt to Mpeort IX. y cm M Borden1! St, OurWs MJNi whtf a rclp4 ufa (or milk, o yoo will M tlx! It ddt o Hi titHdoM lmt to VOW COollaf, m a rU goat ricliMM lo cole. TIM lore! Co. UuRm). t Hoo AicmIc lIWiaa. VANCOUVW Fodoryi SouU Sow !3mhrC6 ST.CHARLES MILK B.C. S avEekvcaiiii DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIAUST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu A. J. I'KUDHOMME, l'rop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Bts. SAVOY C. J. Brewster, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Brayfleld and J. Lomo, Anyox: J. Williams. CNJl. New Royal Hotel I, Zarelll, Prop the norm, uoktii while Hot ft roll Water: Steam Ileal 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphnnp ?KI Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. Mind Your Health and Drink Daily Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 60S P.O. Uox Ivi Visitors Welcome DR. MAGUIRE Has Returned to the City And resumed his practice over Orme's Drug Store. Those wishing appointments will kindly Telephone 525 PROVINCE EXPLAINS Replies to Utter Written By Local Shealth pcople who cnjoy po0r all uesment the Umc They are never happy un less they are sick. And if they are A Prince Rupert correspondent not s,ck themselves they are making takes The Province sadly to taklsomebody else 8l-because in Its list of roads that are 1 waltlne to be built and that mlirht " was at Terrace, I think, where be built by relief work, it did nottne census enumerator called upon suggest filling In the gap between 'a resident and found the husband Prince Rupert and Hazelton, says the Vancouver Province editorially. At the same time, another correspondent feels that too many moun tain roads were mentioned The gap east of Prince Rurjert heeds filling in, of course, as do the oncs that Bot WW- Today In Prince gaps west of Jasper and north of , Rupert members of the Flower So-Vvola and on both sides of McBrlde, ' c,etv are telling of the huge roses, and between Prince Oeorge and tne 8ant Pansles, the exquisite be-Qrand Prairie and east of Bella 8nia' or the tremendous sweet Coola and across the Hope Moun-: Peas they raUe- tains and between Squamlsh and ' Llllooet. And there are probably a i The other day I heard of a girl good many gaps in British Columbia , wnJ was so attractive she was Tilt that could be bridged with highways i y lightning, advantageously and profitably. The ! Province mentioned some of the, Jake says he understands that projects that could be undertaken. things are picking up in town. He It did not pretend to give a com-ww a tourist buy a pound of ban-pletellst. anas. There is one great difficulty with : road building in British Columbia, ind that is that so much of It must be done through the mountains. A good deal of the easy work has been done. The difficult Is still to do. But work in the mountains, the higher mountains, at any rate, can not be carried on successfully In the whU ter. All the more reason, then, for organizing our relief work now, and getting it under way while there is .still summer weather. EPIDEMIC IN NORTH Scarlet Fever Hits Larte Village In Bristol Bay District of Alaska JUNEAU. July 8: An epidemic of scarlet fever that threatens to sweep the entire village Is raging at Kanakanak, In the western Bristol Bay district, according to advices received at local headquarters of the Alaska branch of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from Dr. W. A. Borland, physician In charge of the government hospital there. Kanakanak Is the site of an Industrial school of the Indian bureau and has a large Indian population. Dr. Borland wired he had 43 patients In the hospital and 10 additional suspects under quarantine. He ordered a supply of scarlet fever senim to be sent at once. This was ordered from Seattle and will come north on the first available boat. Report Very Interesting Annual Document Published By Mines Department Has Come to Hand The annual report of the provln cial minister of mines has just made its appearance and is, as usual, ccntratcd provisions; (2) a rifle and proving a document of much In- not less than 50 rounds of ammunl-terest to all and sundry who are tlon or a shotgun and not less than concerned in the mining Industry. As usual, the districts of North - ern and Central British Columbia receive their full share of attention. The reports of Dr. Joseph T. Mandy ixe; U; one pair or snowshoes per and Douglas Lay, resident engineers j person on und from October 1 of here and at Hazelton respectively. I each yc.r to April 1 of the year fol-are most complete. There are also a J lowing." number of interesting scenes of i It Is explained that this amends mining country and operation in but does not cancel a previous clr-he districts tributary to Prince cular which followed the Burke Rupert. ' tragedy. More Value For Today's Dollar at Kaien Motors Ltd. See us for appraisals oh your used car. Estimates on repairs. Jobs, anything In the automobile line. Satisfaction guaranteed. KAIEN MOTORS LIMITED Man in the Mo on How terrible it must be to be a Liberal, the wife Conservative, the cow dry and the baby wet Time was when men told stories of the wonderful fish they caught and tnc much more wonderful big Orator We must Improve the status quo. Voice What be the status quo, mister? Orator That's Latin for the mess we are In. According to a Vancouver speaker Vancouver Is the face of the province while the Interior country is the body. Apparently Prince Rupert Is the button on top of the cap, while all the time we thought we were the brains. T. D. Pattullo is making a raid on the Island just now from Prince Rupert. Later he will raid the ln-ler'or and then the Portland Canal dL'trict He Is adding to his stock of ideas or possibly stealing thunder from the country people. The mayor of Seal Cove Is not tuite sure what to do about the industrial life of that ideal suburb. It seems that If the new pulp mill Is built Seal Cove won't be half so good a place for loafing as It Is now. No, sir, the younger generation Isn't what it used to be. There are small boys nowadays who believe a hair brush Is made to brush hair. PRECAUTIONS ARE ORDERED Burke Disaster of last Fal' in North Results In Official Action The Burke disaster In Northern B.C. last year has resulted in official action by the department of civil aviation. A new circular which has been issued says In part: "All the aircraft which are oper ating in the Yukon Territory and any other unsettled or sparsely settled areas carrying passengers must carry, In addition to the equipment required for airworthiness, the following emergency equipment: ( 1 1 not less than 30 pounds of con- 50 cartridges or, where the country 1 to be flown over is plentifully cov- ercd by waters well stocked with , fish, suitable fishing tackle; (3) one PHONE il