PAGE SIX Cash Box in Disused Well Sends Woman Before Jury Finger Prints said "I Did It" The proprietor of a pronperous grocery (tore in Kewance, III., was in the habit of keeping the day's receipts in a tin box and depositing the money next morning when the banks opened. On August 29th last, after a big day there was $300 in the box. During the night it was stolen. There were no broken doors or windows. It looked like an inside job. Suspicion fell on John Schultze, a clerk who bad lately been tken on and be was arrested. A large sum of money was found in bis room. He said it was his savings but things looked dark for him. The detectives were puzzled at You do not rob cash boxes nor com-1 mit crimea but your finger prints are even more dangerous to you than ber's were to the women in the abovj incident. Several times a day your prints may be exposing you to great danger from disease germs. Strange? No because germs are everywhere, on door knobs, books, money things you are constantly touching. Then your germ laden fingers touch something you wish to eat a biscuit, fruit, chocolates, and the germs enter your mouth. Once there, the warmth cauncs them to multiply and penetrate all through your system and if you are susceptible, to cfisenne you fall ilL Life Extension Institute names 27 germ diseases, some very deadly, which may be transmitted by the bands. Safety with Lifebuoy There is a way to be safe from this danger. You must wash your hands many times a day, and always before a meal not with Just any, good soap but with lifebuoy. It contains a germicide. Children especially should be Stops Body Odour not finding the tin box and in their search they uncovered an old disused well across from the store and found the box. Handling it carefully they bad experts examine it for finger prints and prints were found of two persons. Prints of the store employees were quickly taken. The prints on the box were found to correspond with the Proprietor's he alone was supposed to handle the box and those of a woman employee who had not been bus ec ted. She was arrested and con-fouled to the theft. She had wanted to buy a fur coat but her fingerprints sent her up for trial for robbery instead. Your Prints are Dangerous too on Food trained to use it. They get cuts and scratches in their play which Lifebuoy will safely cleanse and make free from infection. A Luxurious Soap You find no perfume in lifebuoy only a safety scent you will learn to like. Many thousands the world over use Lifebuoy every day and delight in its luxurious protective lather. Safety from the social offenso of liody odour for many hours is another happy result of the Lifebuoy bath. As luxurious a soap as world famous exjierts can make for you is lifebuoy, blended from two fine palm oils which a' e famous for their beautifying effects upon the human skin. Why not have this extra protection, this extra beauty aid in your toilet ana bath soap? Iifetxioy costs no more, or maybe leas, than the toilet soaps you have been using yet they cannot give you the same benefits. Your dealer baa lifebuoy ready for you, order a supply today. Lever Brother! I.imllM. Tonbto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. 1 20.000-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, UoilermaKens HlarkMniths, Pattern Makers, Founder, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office ACCLAIMED ! CHOIR Russians Get Flattering Press So- tices All Over the World i i- - The Gyro Club who are sponsoring the concert to be given by the world famous Royal Russian Chorus here tomorrow in the Moose Hall, are very elated over the almost un-: believable praise that has been won by this celebrated group of Russian artists, from leading music critics, ' clubs, colleges, etc., during their recent tour under the national management of Laurence A. Lambert, prominent impressarlo of New York i and Hollywood. Press reviews speak in the most superlative way concerning the remarkable singing and dancing of this chorus, and of the thrilling and fascinating programs given by them. Just a few headline reviews are reproduced here: New York "Brilliant achieve ment. It sings like one. Saturated with the expression of the folk spirit of these native songs." New York Evening Journal. Shanghai "Shanghai has never heard anything to equal it." China Press. Honolulu "The record atten dance that was accorded the Russian Choir throughout their local engagement wis fully deserved. It was indeed the greatest singing hat Honolulu has ever heard." Ad vertiser, ' Madrid "Most successful concert Madrid has ever seen was brought to a close by the presentation of King's medal of the Order of Chivalry Vanguardla. Rome "By special invitation of Prince Chigi, the Slavlanski Choir sang before Pope Leo XIII. His Holln'-ss expressed himself as charmed and personally comnli- nented M. Slavlaniky." Wanfulla. Tokyo "By far the best singing Japan has ever heard. The Mpdal of Harmony, presented them by the Imperial Conservatory of Music, was fully deserved." Japan Advertiser. Painting Job Goes to Moller Library Board Gave Contract at Meeting: Last Night At the meeting of the library board last night the contract for painting the interior of the building and the outside of the door wa let to J. P. Moller for $84.75. Other tenders were as follow: Bell and Keays, $35. Fred Scadden, $35. C. Ercole, $35. Silversides Bros.. $37.80. , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spanger ani two children, who arrived in the city yesterday from Anyox, saile'.' this morning on the Prince Henri for Vancouver whence they will proceed on a visit to their native home in Finland. VLy Jones never feels tired The rt.ton i.-WRIGUY'S. tone, hai found out that if you eep your mouth freth, you feel rein. WRICUY'S-"fter ever meal" li recommended by doctor and dentiiti. It keep the teeth deaoted. 1A INEXPENSIVE SATISFYING COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-U'elllngton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 (I) Wednesday, July 8, THE DAILY NEWS 1S31 lOHEOWL CANNOT" MOVE ITS EYES ' ill 1 III I I I I I M I RVE THE WISDOM -r- nut vtt n chmf: SUM -TREATED - HND COOL. : Send in ten cents in clamps and we will mail jou a complete art of "Do You Know'" carda sixty cards of knowledge and curious facts printed in cpfar (sue il x IH'). Or twenty cents will bring you tbe auty cards accosnpantcd by an album in which t tie cards can be placed a a permanent collection. Address IVpt.ll, TuckeU Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Ruclcingham Cigarettes a smooth refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, s untreated by powerful ultra violet rays. There is no more mellowing influence than the sun. liuckinghams, treated with giant sun lamps, are remarkably cool and mellow an all-pleasure cigarette, never varying in quality, packed for freaLoeas in the pttented sealed package; Queen of Fiesta Representative ot one of the oldest historic fam.'y lines in California. Scnorita Juanlta Oarflas has been nominated for honor of queen of fiesta with which Los Angeles will celebrate lt 160th birthday New Building For Library Is Suggested PeealMuiy of ts Emtlwi as Krlief U'erk In the Fall Discussed By Board At the meeting of the library board last nixht, George V. Wilkinson presiding the possibility of securing the erection of a new library building this year as a work of em ployment relief was discussed and the aldermen present were asked to investigate and report if anything could be done. The librarian reported that the building hud become so congested thtit it would be necessary in the fail to remove the reading table in lords, to make room for the circulating section. It was thought by 1 some of the members of the board that if the city could provide the material for a new building, tbe ' provincial and federal governments 1 might consider the actual budding i operations as a measure of relief and out ud the money for It. Aldermen PuUen and Linaey, while not hopeful of success, agreed to find out what the possibilities might be. R"v and Mrs. J. 8 UrayflelL wIki :u rived in the pity vesterday fl'uia Aiivix where Mr UrayflfM Is .V -v.m Chill nh re-ir. aaUrt th Mm,- 'ii tli" Henry for Vl ver wlflin 'jy wilt proreed on a trip to Winnipeg Vanderhoof Has Lost Pioneer Whole District Shocked at Recent Death of Murdoch McLcod, Resident Since 1911 VANDERHOOF. July &-People of this whole district were deeply shocked to learn of the recent death of one of the old-timers of British Columbia and the Yukon, Mr. Murdoch McLeod. who cam? i to British Columbia from Ills native province close to forty years ago. The end came quite suddenly. During his lost illness he staved at his sister's home, Mrs. George Snell. j The deceased was born on New Year's Day, 1872. in Lome Valley. Cardigan county. Prince Edward Island, and was the sixth son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLeod. While quite a young man thirty-nine years ago he came est, and as far back as thirty -seven years ago worked in the Manson Creek mining country. j The gold rush of the Yukon caught the fancy of young McLeod. and he started for Dnwsop in 1808. but at that time did not get further than the Pass and I worked for some considerable time I with the Yukon & White Pas Railway. lie was in Dawson City and dis-! trie in 1914 and has made his , headquarters here ever since. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 8. 1911 ! To eliminate difficulties such as were caused last winter by snow-s'idos. the railway company has decided to drive a tunnel from 1400 to 1600 feet wide through the mountainside at Mile 44. The con-his been given to Foley. Weleh tt Stewart. David H. Hays today let the contracts for the construction of an up-'i.-nite store and office building on Second Avenue at the corner of Second Street. Tony Christian wiU do the foundation work while the ! Coast Construction Co. ha the contract for the main building. W. L. Barker is the architect. Oeorge Tite lias offered to furnish a ward free of charge in the women's section of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. CPJl. steamer Princess A" Capt. 8. K. Oray. Is due in p .i' at 4 o'clock this afternoon .."-r. Skaajway and other Alaskan point and will sail at 5:30 for Vancou ver and Victoria. , Don't Miss It! Our Tinetccnlh ANNIVERSARY SALE Will Benefit Your Pockttbook Don't Tail to Call and See l or Yourself. Look at our windows and read the poster; or ask for one If you haven't already got it. A FEW OF OUR 19c SPECIALS Libby's Bauer Kraut XtU 1 Q p 2l s, per tin ... Aylmer Peaches Ifjn 2's. per tin Dates, fresh stock 1 0n S lbs ...Awt Salmon IQn rs, J tins Clark's Ketchup i(n per bottle Clark's Corned Beef Q n per tin , Lrbbya Qoeen Olives 4Qp per bottle XVK, Lifebuoy Soap f Q 3 bars Wv Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores Where dollars have more cents Phone SCO riione 18 St 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-413 5th Ave. REPORT OF LIBRARIAN Institution Received Larre Measure of Use Last Month At its meet ins last ni(?ht th -Library Board heard the report of the Librarian for the month of June in regard to circulation and other matters as follows: Total circulation, 5.329. Average per diem, 242.2. Fiction, 3.485. Duplicate pay. 150. Non-fiction. 505. Juvenile, 1.183. New borrowers were registered to the number of 28 and 20 cards were cancelled, the number now registered being 3,335 borrowers. Books were received by gift 18. by purchase 108. Tbe total number on the shelves or In circulation now being 7,000. Miss Lillian MacKenzie R.N. head nurse of the dlebetlc ward of the Toronto General Hospital of which Institution she is a graduate, ar rived in the city at the first of the week and is the guest during a visit here of Mr. and Mrs. G. A Woodland. Fifth Avenue East. She is the twin sister of Miss Ger II trude MacKensoe or inis city. i Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Vni Voted the Most Popular Actor on the Screen LEW AYRES in "Doorway to Nowh ere The thrilling crime career of a baby-faced killer. Wanted bj the police marked by the gang once a gangster. . ways a gangster. Comedy CHARLIE f IMse in "ONE OF THE SMITHS Cartoon "SALT WATER TUFTY FOX NEWS -D.MISSION 20c & Cj( Feature Starts at 7: 10 Ml THURSDAY MATINEE at 7 31 15c $ 40c Feature Starts ; K Friday and Saturday WILL ROGERS in "Connecticut Yankee SHORTER EASIER Cleaning Hours LIMITED TIME Special Prices Premier Duplet I'uli nm eluding Premier Dipiej, WIT. 189.00 Premier Jooioe twi (in. iiSL '"T J"" Jan. Fkxx . , . loiiihcf).. '64.00 Fhber unit mtr in. t . nw pur (wed wo the budtet plio. I). 00 daw, befuwe In rnm an uiudm kiwi rh.tta. P you almdv Special FREE FLOOR POLISHER Offer A Premier Complete Geaniog Unit ii an investment that will psy job exceptional dividends in shortened sod easier bousedesning hours for Tears to come... and there never wis as fivorible an opportunity to get ooe as now. Under this special limited time offer fou buy either a Premier Duplex or s remier Junior Electric Vscuua Cleaner and a Premier Spic-Span. You get, FREE, a Premier motor-driven Floor Polisher. Theie Units form tbe only retllj ttmpltU cleaning Unit. They dean practically everywhere In the bouse sj well ss applying moth repellmt sod dispelling cooking odors. Get one NOW while this jpcciil offer lasts. nl you purchne either a Premier Duple or t Premier Junior deioer from ui durin t.t. you will meivt a floor ruliibcr HUE. 1 Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Dry Cleaning & Pressing Lower than Vancouver prices We call for and deliver M. T. LEE CO. 3M Jrd Ave. VV. Phone CC3 Next Benson Studio NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk free from any preservative treatment whatever. Milk' and delivered dully from own cows. Four sucii.smv years Government Orud' certificate Health and Suniu tlon. A trial solicited. Sat faction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box K9J Thone "I