i ii PAais Form. TTfK aILY NEWB FrHn TV '.u. . . PUCK RACE ! IS CL0SE! EMB GEMCIESI WINNERS IN BADMINTON Close May Featured Finals Last Night in C. N. R. A. Club Tournament Finals in the Canadian National Recreation Association's Badminton Club tournament were played last night and resulted as follows: Men's singles J. Macfle beat Pete Peterson. 15-5, 11-15, 15-10, 18-15. Men's double J. II. Horton and Albert Styles beat Bob Tobey and Bob Moley, 15-15, 15-10. 10-15, 15-6. Mixed doubles Miss Ruth GUlios and Albert Styles beat Mrs. J. V. McAuley and J. H. Horton, 15-10, 15-10. Ladies' doubles Mrs. J. W. Mc-i Auley and Miss Ruth Gillies beat ' Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. A. J. Squire 15-1, 15-5. After the conclusion of play, the prizes were presented to their winners by J. A. Teng. Refreshments: were served. Billiard Averages Junior League O. T, Av. N. Chenoskl (E) 1 200 200 R. Fong LN 1 200 200 P. Vaccher LN) 1 200 200 E. Batt LN) 1 200 200 J. May H) 1 200 200 W. Stewart U) .1 200 200 W. Hutson (H) 1 200 200 R. Wicks 'ID 1 200 200 P. Johnson E 1 197 187 P. Chenoskl (El 2 368 184 A. Zadgfoaki E 1 168 163 W, Funnell Ji. 1 192 192 W. E. llayhurst HI) 1 152 152 Aj, Murray (LN) 1 135 135 -jTBuer (J) 1 132 32 tI Raabe iJ l 131 A. Strachan J) 1 129 JUNIOR BILLIARDS December 14- ' I. . I 13! -Hawks vs. League of Nations. December 17 Jewelers vs. Km- League of Nations Leading Empress ! Tobacconists at Head of Wbist By Two Points in Junior Bil liard League Fixture lows: , v. Tj, A. Murray (League of Nations), : Grotto 6 i 135; N. Chenoskl "Errrpreas), 200. Musketeers .5 3 E. Batt. 200; Paul Johnson, 197. Moose 5 3 Primo Vaccher. 200; Pete Chen- Sons of Norway 5 3 oskl. 168, I. o. O. F 5 3 Roy Fong, 200; A. Zadoroskt, 168. Empress 4 4 Frank AWridge (League of Na- Legion 4 .4 tloruw will play George Howe (Em- Seal Cove 3 5 press) tonight. Fish Packers 2 6 129 r? A LYE a n (Note-H.. Hawks; J Jewelers; iLlLvtLi rklLLirilJ L. of N.. League of Nations; E., Em- . press). j As a result of the playing of four out of five games in the Junior Billiard League fixture last night, League of Nations has a scant two-point lead over Empress, the aggregate on the four games being 735 to 733. Individual scores were as fol Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson Down 2700 Points in First Session of Battle of Century" overnight visit ir in town. Iiavin ; Lens and Culbertson are two of arrived In the critv from t'.ir lnf?r- the v irW's best known bridge ex-lor on yesterday morning's tain, perts Gv.'on d;iili''i::i' i, t. .: r "i Hi'h.cc' y ;.:!!iT!i' . authoi and poet. Claris up m tl,c v iiiidory busitu ss in P;'i !. and i - considered ono of tin- most pi-oinismj; jf vounj.-r titineration. Awarded the coveted ccrti-ficnle of ptirity, merit und iiuality by the Institute of Hygiene, London. Rhum Negrita REP. QljART 4.00 Famed the world over oh "Old Nick Hum" For tils mt Vefnlors, or dlrrt trmm th iqits Canr fkiarsj MmU INer IWparlmotit. klH H. ; a. This advertisement Is not publUMKl or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. League Four Kunners-Up Whist League scores lust night were as follows: Sons of Norway 9, Tote'm Park 0 Musketeers 8. 1. O. O. F. 1. Or otto 7, Seal Core 2. Fish Packers 7, Empress 2. Moose 5, Legion 4, League Standing Totem Park I 7. IT H BRIDGE IS, Games Named press. NBW YORK, Dec. li:-At the Junie League December 28 Hawks vs. Empress, conclusion of the first evening's LW of Nations E. Antonelll. ' December 31-Jewelers vs. League play. Sidney Lenz and Harold Ja-iA- Dominate, J. Oilllea, J. Yaegar. of Nations. coby were 2700 points ahead of Mr. D- Tebey ,n1 D- Amey. and Mrs. Ely Culbertson in "The' JPne H. 8;whlra S. Naks- " contract bridge battle of the cen-'moa R- Obto. V. Klshtmoto. J. O. H Ty:ho of Smithrrs was a: tiny." Ter rubbers had been played. 1 Conda s- Kryana Intermediate League Ladies' I,aiie Cardinals--L. Un: C. Irvine. P. Stone. V. Krlkevsky. A OUehriat ind E. Rlvett. Amazons 8. Bar" die. E. MorrU, 1 D. Prltchard. C. Morgan. J. Ritchie and A Koch. Senior League j c. N. R W. Lamhk), R. stalker. B Smith. A. StUes. D. Morrison. W. Johnwn and C. Nelson. Panther?--A Cross. A. Mitchell, II. Mardonald R Trvin. II. Lyons, T. Kelsey and J. McNulty. Basketball Standing Senior League W. Panthers 4 2 M Taxi 3 3 0. N. R. A 3 4 Intcrnuulate League . i W. L. Tuxls High SchpOl ...s43 MercharjU t r........'?; Ladles' League W. Amazons 0 Cardinals 3 Comets 0 Junior League W. League of Nations 4 Boy Scouts 4 Rovers 1 Japanese 0 L. PU 2 3 4 L. 0 3 6 L. 0 1 4 4 8 6 4 e ii Ptt 13 6 0 Pt 8 8 2 0 Montreal. Canadians Shut Out New, York Americans Last Night Late Sir Henry Seagrave's Original Car! new york. Dec. n -The race; Late Sir Henry Selve s oitginal 1P14 car right and another early days Brooklancis favorite, which entered recent Kent and Sussex light car speed trials at Lewis. England. SCORE WAS VERY CLOSE GR0TT0IS LEADING ior leanersnip in me international ; section of the National Hockey. League was tightened up In an in-! tc resting manner as a result of the ' victory of the Montreal Canadlens over the New York Americans by a I score of three to nil last night. The Americans are still in the lead but I : their margin over the Canadlens has been reduced to a single point. ! The New Yok Rangers increased their lead of the American section I to four points by defeating the Montreal Maroons 3-2 in a tight contest. ' Boston Brains and Detroit Tigers were unable t" break a one-all tie and both erapt up a point in the American section. i Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. Americans 5 3 2 Canadlens 5 2 4 Toronto 3 3 4 Maroons 3 1 7 American Division W. D. Rangers 6 2 Boston 4 1 Boston 4 0 Detroit 3 2 L. 2 5 5 5 P. 13 12 9 7 P. 14 Si 8 PLAYER IN BAD SHAPE g) John Simansky. Portland Footballer In Serious Condition Follow- 5 s , Ing Accident J ji NEW YORK, Dec. 11: John 81-1 University football team, Is In a . 1 serious condition, following a re- : lapse after he had been making ap-, : parently good recovery from the , effects of an accident In a football game here on November 21 when he suffered paralysis of one side of his body Pound Sterling Up Wednesday; Dollar Steady NBW YORK, Dec 11 -The Bri. ttsh pound sterling closed at $3.29 on the local foreign exchange mar Tuxis J. Morrison, R. Morrison, ing at 83c which was no change B. Thurber K. Nakamoto, C. Smith from the day previous 'O. Hanson and R. Allen. - I Merchants J. Currie, E. Deig-iwell F. Dinwell. J. MeNulty. J. """omadlna. J. Plerc? and F. I' BILLIARD SCHEDULE Dee. 13-Giotto vs. Elks. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ii Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. l'ICU DAY AND UP J. Zurelll rnrlni, m A. Rosen, Vanderhoof; E. Sanva-do and J. Lemo, Anyox; Hlng Kee, city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's loading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. rtlllDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR KKLKNA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City MMk .. Jfcnnwwy Three St HENNES ar eumiot beob. moments BRANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement is uoi published or displayeu by the Liquor Control Hoard or by ihe w.-ersnnsi of British Column ji DECISION DEFERRED Covcrnor of California Will Need Two Months to Consider Appeal For Tom .M&ony Parole SACnAMBNTO. Cel., Dec. 11: ket Wednesday, tills being a gain ' Oovernor James Ralph Jr. intlma-of Jc over the close of the previous td yesterday that there would be day. The Canadian dollar was sell- Christmas paroles for a number of the state's penitentiury convicts, de- elaring, however, that Tom Mooney, for whom Mayor James Walker of New York recently came west to plead, would not be among those to Dn. 11 -Cold Storage vs. Orotto. b 8ntl paroles for the present Dee. 15 Elks vs. Cold Storage. tat ,e8t- i i He governor aeciarra max ne ' desired time to thoroughly study the Mooney case and it would probably be two months before he ; would he able to make a decision. Pioneer Gold Price Strong! Reached New III'ii mark For Year1 at $1.91 Ir Vancouver Trading VANCOUVER, Dec. 11: Pioneer Cold reached a new high mark for the year on' the Vancouver Stock Exchange Wednesday when it sold up to $2.90 per share. The previous j high price for the year wh $2.85. I Ten thousand shares of Fabyan Pete changed hands durin? ih J. Walsh. C.N.R.; C D. Flewln day at lc. and O. E. Brown. Port Simpson. Georgia River sold at 3c. Premier mm at 63c and Big Missouri at 144o- 15o. SCHEDULE 0FWHIST December 17 I.O.O.F. vs. Grotto. Totem Park vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Musketeers. Seal Cove vs. Legion. Fish Packers vs. Sons of Norway. WEATHEKREPORT jMergerofLos Triple Island Light northeast! Ann-nlno Pmare wind; part cloudy: light swell. , nilgCiCa 1 apt! Langara Island Overcast, light I southwest wind; sea ealm. 'livening Express Tahn Orff ! nQri TrPA Pnlnt rniAt l t.t-.-.. I.. t f 1.1 V. ... Y.m barometer, 30; temperature, 32; sea i Will be Herald Exprtw ! smooth. - - C. N. It. TRAINS , LOS ANQELES n. Los Angrles EveniM' est rvpnlnv pap'r Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl- !) been merged wi - dy - 3 pas. Herald and the ni Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- Los Angeles Hcraln-i day 10:40 a.m. ur under Ileum m This ailvertisjemcm ., not puhlisheil or disi.l:iNcl Control Doartl .r the Mver.iment of Ilritish ! Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Hadios Scwinj; Machines McUAE BROS., LTD. V I. Insist on "GRANrS BEST PROCURADLE"- The 0rijlnl For Sal at Vrndur r direct from "Mail Order IWpl." Liquor Control ll.rd. Victoria. II. ( 17,1 f; I raw 1 I Ii W,(;0',ctf WHISKY I RICHEST n finest MT9- . HIGHLAND MALT I jXtpi noltlH "1 ,uri.Ul be Sta51 Ak RrtniaSvntlJmitHl'llMiftJdK)'';1 II BalwDlCUBUrrt Ui.iillwiM. " SSjgjjmSf ",fW' Sffitlml. Rupert Motors DotlKe & Plymouth Dealers , Phone 566 We special!, ... Jj overhaul Jobs und u" of automoblls repi WU1 Night Call m