ToJ VWeathcr p .,. w t- - Prinq 5' i H :,-Clcar, light north west w.,e meter, 30.41; sea smooths V !l XXII Trantlc Ktrorls Being Made to Extricate Harvard From California Keef . new vrtntr Jnni s: Taxlcab Harry Bowman of the Cana- rtlun National colonization de- oartmcnt arrived in thc city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. Bow- man is moving his headquar- tcrs from Vancouver to tjila ity owing to Prince Rupert be- tng nearer central Interior farming lands. 11 l U I i l.i I Ji l.l !.! I.os ANGELES. June 3: Under factory. Crawford and Herbert Spencer, eulariy. At Uie same time It would n,i.v Riving him large support in nis tish put on the market. ruicttdature for a Judgeship. At the j The conference was called by the l it xt available count last night, mayor for 9 o'clock, following other l i.iik was trailing his opponent, iclvic meetings and was attended by McCoy, by a mere 8.000 votes. iCantalns Larscn and Chrlstensen liberty pending trial $100,000. FLOATING STEAMER telegram sent was not very satis th thrnnt nf Imnonrtlni rlslnc SCaS r-nlnnol NlchollS OUUlncd the Si-! swell. Langara Island-Cloudy, light .westerly wind; light swell. tl Dead Tree Point-Clear, calm; ilbarometor. 3054; temperature. 60. sea smooth. mmln a result of an accident while employed in logging. Bolton, who was Captain Larscn, who told about the 132 years of age, had his leg badly dlan fishermen operated. Most of 1 day of last week. He was rushed to them would have to tic up If the the Hazelton Hospital where he died present condition continued. last Saturday morning from hem-Mr. Morrison told of the efforts morrnage. already made to Induce the Seattle, The service conducted by Com-! a a r;cc naj vjj cnabe owners to agree ui a uc-uy i wi manuHiu ncu wo luigcijr ikiiui.h hoat for ten days. The reply to a as was a memorial service which loiiowca immediately aiier me interment. Bolton Is survived by a widow. .uki winds, salvage workers were tuatlon from the point of view of mother and faUier, n. iking frantic efforts last night ln'the buyers. The market was usually and two brothers. ' linal attempt to refloat tne poor at this time ol year. mey "imcr Harvard, which wrecked j couid reduce the supply for a short i -ward the end of last week on thc'Ume he thought prices would lm- hrlne tr thmtsht the remedy was New York City two children SEE SIGHTS - ........niu, wu.t. """ JJiu-- " . : , w-kW 1 T-t :mupod overboard tn order to iargcly in " the " hanas V oi me ...H.I.. vw. - A I I W Ml A ISi Vi iton the ship. owners and fisnermen. rossiui, u officers of the ship unequivocally wcek's tie-up might be better than iimy rnargea of negligence in cuu-i M Hon with the wreck. TY llli 1 umiju ten days. Northern II. C. Airways uypsy nioin Practically every person present ( tMaiIc xumber of Short Flights had something tb say and all seem-1 Morning cd agreed that, to tic up each boat, for a period after arrival, would j Thc new Qypjy Moth plane of ihn nroblem. Finally, tne ju. Mnrthrm B. C. Alrwavs made a T Pfnc I llflmayor suggested that the council number 0f sightseeing flights with IdAl IVttlCO VUI . hl ftDDolnt a delegate to work Dassengers this morning. All who rnmmittec from the other , lir) ln he nlane SDoke hiehlv New Srale Provides For Charge of interests to try to bring this about , the periormance of the ship and 15c Per Mile Throujhout thc City . . ... TiiiiiAn . and. on motion ol Aiaerman ru.M. p Jot D. MUrpny. thc iiiv mayor was "-n appointed. He agreed . ayor C. II. Orme. president ' of SHOP GIRL AND HER FRIEND WIN FORTUNE IN ARMY-NAVY SWEEP Miss Blnnle has been the sole support during tha past winter . . il a ' vWJIY NO HELP FOR- -THE FISHERMEN? In his budget speech this week Premier Bennett announced that the. government would pay five cents a bushel of the cost 'of transporting exported 'wheat. This is really a bonus on wheat growing for the purpose of helping the farmer. Now the fishermen arc just as badly hit as the wheat growers. They are unable to sell their product them to carry on and pay their bills. Especially arc they handicapped in connection with marketing, owing to thc two-cent duty on halibut going into thc United States. Wc suggest that the federal government meet the situation by giving a bonus on transportation of halibut to thc extent of two cents a pound to meet thc duty. If it is proper to bonus the farmer, it surely is also possible to bonus thc fisherman. He is equally deserving, finds himself the victim of equally difficult marketing conditions and just now needs help badly. More aiUIV than mail tlmt, wrui, the iiiv to act provided the fishermen and tne company, and . S. D. Johnston.1 ... ,. nfrn:n ;, ninn. Ol n Sro mg grain IS a piea-The other interests wished him to do so. 8ecretary, were among the passen- ti, ranadlan Canadian w - vessel vessel owners owners . are a,re a j . sant-occupation linaccom- !.,, .ui. .w.. ,. rut their I to Ul v I II w C.VJ ' - " ni lces to 15c per mile througnoui anxtous to have me goYeu....... . -: . the rltv laulatc the lengtn OI ine p - TT-PTTT-r-r COLONIZATION MAN OF CANADIAN NATIONAL MOVES TO THIS CITY tween each can oi boat so that the tie-up may be en- forced for every vessel comma the port'. The Weather to WINNIPEO, June 3: Minnie Blnnle. department' store employee, with a friend drew Sandwich In the Newfound- . . .t, land Army it Navy Veterans Triple Island-cicar. ng .weenstake and won $30,000. niAit winn' muuuinvv MIOII panied by danger to the grower, whereas fishing is an occupation in which those engaged undergo hardships and arc in constant danger from thc elements. Under these circumstances wc do not sec how thc government can refuse the fishermen thc same amount of aid they are giv ing thc farmers. of her lamuy, ner lamer ana t, three brothers having been un- 'Jack McNulty, ..... who has been or. Pmoloved 'a trP 10 Vancouver and Seatt ;. empioy. returned to the city on 'the Prince Rupert this morning. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1931 Vuu-rs of Los Angeles were yester-,verv irreaUT reduce the amount of Henry Bolton Dies as Result Logging Accident Funeral At Vanarsdol Commandant William Kerr. Salvation Army, returned to the city Yisterday marked Clark's being f0r the vessel owners, J. N. Morrison on yesterday afternoon's train from f i mally bound over for trial on the for the fishermen, Col. J. W. Nicn-1 Vanarsdol where on Monday nignt jnurder charge. He was given his 0ll, Charles Starr. James Lee and , he conducted funeral service for the on ball ol c. A. Klrkendall I6r tne miyers. ah j late Henry Bolton, wen Known na- thc members of tne council were jtlve oi mat village, wno naa aiea as I present. The discussion was commenced oy T Above is seen a picture of the principal figures tn :he R"val Fam "y during a recent public appearance His Majesty is riding to church, accompanied by Queen M;.:v und ihr Prince of Wales. LOST LIFE IN WOODS of EDITORIAL WHEAT CRASHES Prices Take Heavy Drop as Federal Farm Board Withdraws Support From Old Crop CHICAGO, June 3: On the strength of reports that the Federal Farm Board had withdrawn support from the old crop, June wheat crashed 13'jc at Minneapolis today and 12c at Duluth. Before the market closed, however, ' it had rallied five cents, The Chicago price was oft three to four cents. APPLY FOR UNSEATING City of Vancouver Takes,. Steps Oust Police Commissioner Harry Burgess to VANCOUVER. June 3: A writ asking for the unseating of Police Commissioner Harry Burgess on the ground that he had been con- vlcted once In city police court on j te$led HONORED BY KING Ben Turner, Noted Laborlte M.P, One of Those Knighted By His Majesty Today LONDON, June 3: The King's Birthday honor list contains four I baronets and 25 knighthoods. ! Ben Turner. Labor member of : Parliament and one of the best i known trades union officials, was knighted. Rev. John K. Hanson, who hii been on weeks to COAL BEDS RELOCATED Fred. Ilaslcy of Pouce Coupe Makei Discovery Is High Grade Fuel SOUTH PINE, B.C.. June 3 Deposits of coal, said to be of .evea finer quality than the famous coil beds at Hudson Hope, have been! "rediscovered" near here by Fred Halsey of Pouce Coupe. Twenty years ago Hasley found out-cropplngs of a coal seam o i Beaudette (Blondelle) Creek. Analysis showed them to be of venr high quality. He has taken out a I new set oi samples in tne oeuri jthat the rapid increase of population ln the Peace country will soon Justify opening a mine. He has also taken out samples of another coal seam found by Phil Essweln opposite Pass Creek. When ln Essweln's blacksmith i a tnelt cnarge was niea in oupreme , jnop tnl5 coaJ proved excellent for Court by the city clerk yesterday. I weidlng purposes. I The case will be heard on Thursday j ' or Friday. I The city council some time ago tasked Burgess for his resignation but he failed to comply with the request so the unseating proceed- Mlga UitlC MUVV Mini amivvv. LINER IS AGROUND President Jefferson Able to . Itself, From Rmks Near Shanghai Business Better Tomorrow's Tides Thursday, June 4, 1931 High 3:12 a.m. 20:2 ft. 16:34 p.m. 17:9 it Low 10:0a am. 3:1 ft. 22:15 pjn. 8:0 (t. Free SHANGHAI. China. June 3: The American trans-Pacific liner Presi dent Jefferson ran aground near here yesterday but, after a few hours, was able to refloat herself by her own power. The vessel Is believ ed to have sustained no damage. In Three Cities WASHINGTON, D.C... June 3: A the western cities of Portland, Salt nnn 0 iQU'nprn in i.i i mniLii. ' n 1.0 w a vivivo w v mhii , , under the Ice. PRICE FIVE CENTS TKf TO LIMIT HALIBUT PRODUCTION CAMERONIAN WINNER OF DERBY AT EPSOM DOWNS TODAY Joint Meeting Held in Attempt To Stabilize Weak Price Situation Boat Owners, Fish Buyers, Fishermen and City Council Have Gct-Togcthcr Will Try to Have Tie-Up The city council, at a conference last night with, representatives of the fishing vessel owners, the fish buyers iind the agent of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, appointed the mayor as a delegate to act with a cdmmittee representing the other interests to try to induce the American lishing vessel owners to agree to a, slowing down of fish- ' mg operations so as to relieve we a Tw. vr a n I market from the present glut and LLAKK. HAo BIGVOTE Man Charged With Murder Nearly Elected Judge In Los Angeles Yesterday thus Improve prices. According to reports received at the meeting, all the owners of Canadian boats, are willing and some of the American. The difficulty is to secure a complete agreement In order to induce united action. The proposal is to have each boat tie up for a week .or ten days be- twecn each trip. This would Insure LOS .ANGELES. June 3: While ,a contlnuaUon of the supply of fish Diivid Clark, former deputy district m a TOOre or jets orderly manner uttomey, stood charged with the and thus enable the dealers to con-nuirder two weeks ago of Charles tinue to supply their customers re- The King is 66 Years Old Today Favorite Romped Home By Handy Margin Over Rivals in Great Race Orpen Second and Sandwich Third Day Was Rainy and Track Heavy King and Royal Family In Attendance EPSOM DOWNS, England, June 3: Cameronian, the favorite, owned by J. A. Devvar, and ridden by Jockey Freddie Fox, won the Derby, blue riband of the British turf, in its one hundred and forty-eighth renewal today. Cameronian, by Pharos out of Una Cameron, was quoted at four to one to win. He won the classic Two Thousand Guineas race at Newmarket In Ap- " rtl. The Derby, however, was run . over the old course of about a mile v A j-rrjvtf I I I 1 1 rrn I I X and a half whereas the Two Thous- 1 11U 1 JULiUfJ and Guineas was on a one-mile v course. Cameronian won by a handy j I S I yyT f N r A I luaiui. mm m A A Sir John Rutherford's Orpen, with - Jockey Jones up, was" second, while Lord Roseberry's Sandwich, with Jockey A. Wragg, was third. Twen ty-five horses ran. . ww Twnnw rvmn jnn v The crowd on hand to witness the 5ubmarlne Nautilus, with Sir " be TO " nnnC "SV Hubert WUklns on board, left here 000 and 1.000.000. lthls -The-traek-as mornmg-on- the first lap of Its sllppery and he tnc.NJn ,projected age pole wcauier was tuiiiy. as usual, uic entire Royal Family was in North Tole Submarine Leaves New London For Cape Cod The Nautilus will make stops at Cape CQd and Bergen. Norway, before arriving at its base at Spitz-j bergen. ! Diving tests will be made with the I Nautilus during the early stages of the Voyage. POLL BILL IS PASSED Electoral Reform Measure Gets It Third Heading In British House of Commons LONDON, June 3: The Electoral Reform Bill, which will revolutionize the British election system by adopting the alternative vote, sys tem, passed its third reading in tin House of Commons by a division of 287 to 228. Halibut Sales Summary American 97,000 pounds, 6c and 3c to 7.7c and 4c. Canadian 34,000 pounds, 6c and 3c to 6.1c and 3c. American Llahona, 40,000, left for Seattle. Mltkot, 28,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 3c. Nordby, 30,000, Booth, 6.5c and 3c. Thor. 30,000, AUln, 7c and 3c. Slrlus, 9.000, Pacific, 7.7c and 4c. Canadian Capella, 8,000, and Livingstone, 11,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 3c. P. Dorreen, 10,000, AUln, 6c and 3c. T. B 5,000, Booth, 6.1c and 3c. ANTI-CATHOLIC 4? MOVEMENT IS ON IN SCOTLAND NOW GLASGOW, June 3: An anti-Catholic movement has broken out in Scotland. On Monday In Lanark a Catholic parade precipitated a riot, five- a trip of three or four I statement issued by the Department men being placed under arrest Vancouver, Vancouver. Belllngham Belllngham of Commerce yesterday stated that before It could be quelled. 81ml- I. a.. H 1 M-lA.f.lAaa demonstrations JamahcIm ltta rttfAtl H (fllf Into li lar spread fiirnrt tn h citv on the Prlno-f.Lake City and San Francisco had. Glasgow yesterday. Rupert this morning from th! showed marked Improvement in south. business conditions Just recently. Is ... f "' m IT Ik: ' 1 m ii itl a. i ' 1 - f5 t Hi' t A