4 t" ""to "if r. I'AQE TW.O must have SOVRIL www tunL,',,SM.Wimm When ''she" has that sinking feeling. Bovril is a fine pick-me-up. The strength of Beef. THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA es Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Thlrf. Avenu1 H. F. PUIXEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION gf.nt Thursday, Not. 26, 1931 City Finances Discussed by Ratepayers Association at Largely Attended Meeting (continued frgtn nee ) there was a gret field for uefu'.-iiess In constructive criticism. Mr. Stephen' address mas as follows: Air. Stephens' Speech "To me has fallen the task of explaining some of the matters affecting the ratepayers of this city. Under the circumstance It it perhaps less difficult to criticise than to offer ways and mean of remedying the situation. It is a situation that has been developing for several years and is largely due to lack of courage of council for the time being to balance their budgets. Whatever the causes, however, it is time the ratepayers were taking an reverted area. This is not all. While will be paid, and this Is extremely 1 doubtful, it would only give some $70,000 to credit against these it-, ems. Of course there may be some bonds for 'recent improvements which have not, or cannot, be sold to place against these borrowings, but an estimate of 9100,000 deficit for the year should not be much too 1 high .if it i high enough. "Few cities have taxpayers who! have lived on faith and hope as long as those of Prince Rupert." continued Mr. Stephens, "but the time is here, when we should look' the matter squarely in the face and try to put ourselves right before it is too late. A movement is already ; active interest in the matter for in ion foot among some of the impor- the end it is the ratepayer who tant taxpayers to elato together to foot the bills, and no greater evl- fight the present assessment if dence of his waning faith in his: necessary, in the courts next year, holdings should be necessary than 1 and this movement is gaining a perusal of the map showing the strength daily both with local and lots that have reverted to the city out-of-town property owners, and through tax sales. There can be no: it would appear that the council of more convincing proof of the fool-' the day should take stock of the ai-ishnees of an highly Inflated as-jtuation and having regard to the sessment of property than the fact prent depression, and also to ef-that the city is now the owner of ficiency. try so meet the emer-more than one half of all the lotsltency by the strictest economy, in the city, with others coming on . . . Ileduce at the rate of from 250 o 300 los per ! year. t "Tnwe unpleasant task -When property is not worth the t0 Pefonn but " my opinion taxes it becomes a serious matter. that 1th wtee nd careful could- This is not the result of the present crauon 01 mtter nd w,tn depression Not more than five or cour,e on the part of the council six hundred of the reverted lots have come to the city since the present depression commenced. The process has been under way for some flflteen years, and is becoming more and more acute as time goes on. As a result of the re-Version of all this property to the city it becomes evident that the remaining property owners must make up the entire lev;, without any assistance whatever from the and co-operation of employees, thet city's overhead ean be reduced tyi about 40.090 a year without ser-: inus impairment to any service. Ec- j onomie measures have had to be practiced tn every successful bust- j nets and the city should practice it al'o especially In view of its pre- ent financial oredicament At a time like the present I would tug-; Km uiui we major ana council rerve without remuneration until .uch time as the city is in a better these lots have been reverting our ,,,nDcla, FWitlon. This would set a costs nave been extended until in 1930 it cost approximate $190,000 more to run the city than in 1917, good example, and pave the way ror thorough co-operation in the several departments. The Mhool and 1917 was a war year when our warfl hould co-operate with the money was depreciated and heavy c,,y a,' nnd WttSt tn ttlBg back costs for excliange had to be met ,0 norl conditions. We cannot for meeting obligations maturing eotn,nu to drift much further in New York without defaulting in our obliga- Driftlng Alon t,on!; ? wlth th P"Pt of "We have been drifting along SJ:'P".ted t' ,1UU with ,wim, in oJ bankruptcy, and bank- works too. for a city of 80.000 people while we have only some 0.000 to provide for mmy of whom arc not tnxpavers. is it not time that we realized the nrlou nw of the situation? The 1011 renmw jives us a smaller population than we, had a decade ago. Our municipal expenses are higher. Ten years asn therf were surpluses, left from former councils of approximately $100,000. This year there will. probably be a deficit of $100,000. This year's taxes at October I had been paid ,ta the . "A" 'f materially reduce the asses. uu w.o w iuwii inipioYemem mrnt ft. lon(, as lt taxes, yev me city naa oorrowcci ;,bie $125,000 from the bank, nnd are said to have used a balance shown as a credit of $109,000 from the sale of the hydro-electric, plus another $33,000 for current expenses from the same fund. Assuming that nil motey will bring a receiver What aro we going to do aaout f ' Qtietons were arked Alderman Pttllen by M M. Btephenv Alex Pnirlhomme. nnd Oeorce Cnev Mr St?ohens explained tint tlrj city elntnwd credit for somethini over MO.OAO unpaid taxes but al mnt of those taxes would never bi ouid Uiey were really not a credit. Thh together with the acknowledged over-expenditure, would j make up about $100,000 Mr Pjrudhfmme expressed thoj minion' thai it mhht not be wUe the balance of unpaid taves for 1931 to assist it wai made equl- Preklnt Weaeh thanked Alderman Pullen for beint- preient and plvlnt: them the Information in retard to the city finances Tb objert of the association was ivit to embarass the eltv ennncit hut S GOOD PICTURE C"y Shannon Makes Excellent Debut in "Secret Call" at ,, Capito'Theatre "The Secret Call." current offer-j n at th Capitol Theatre. Is an- other of the attractive legitimate dramas which has been transfer red from the stage to the screen. The story, based on "The Woman." 'produced nearly two years ago, ; has been changed considerably and DlPARTMINT Of Ottsws, 23rd Twenty Years Ago In Prince Hupert November 20, 1911 Ratepayers of tne city turned down by a vote of 184 to 89 the proposed Hays Creek sewer project. . John Crawford, a young man who rccintly arrived from North Dakota, was killed last night In a fall FlNANCt, THE DAILY NEWS Thursday.. Noyerohr 193) not wi.hout effect It deals with the love of an heiress for the son of an unscruouios politician and also vlth musj: wealth The jrMV father Is shouldered with some of the dirty doings of the politician and It Is the girl's effort to clerr from the unprotected sidewalk at the corner of Second Avenue and( Eighth Street. Ills skull was fractured. Small boys found the body this morning and told Thomas Tvo-tlcr who notified the police. a .aa est Colds Rub well over throat and chest VapoRub quite up t-j his usual fine standard in the leading role. William B. Da- j vldson gives a well-drawn portrait of the tricky political leader. Thi comedy is supplied by Ned Sparks, who provides the only laughs tn the film. her father's name that makes the t ; drama of the picture. vtA ' i; The role of tjie girl was ttfTOVeT j. jr. Johnson, manager of the been played by Clara Bow but "t$ In 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. TJXtLTJ7TMT - - ' Shannon -weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru- icreen player, .s pos- esses charm of facial expression, oert Rotary Club In the Oommo- has real interpretative power and lore Cafe. He told Interestingly 0? nn handle the dialoje very cap- a recent tour of Eastern Canada ably. She should become a great and the United States. President screen favorite. Richard Arlen Is O. H. Munro was in the chair. f A THPTT CONFIDENCE Severe Headaches i-uupies on Face Mim Marie h. C. Mark Alfa. writM-. " V... .... Buffered from wvere lunula pimble on my fare. My lieuJathe seemed ionrai I thought- the pimplei won1 ! K friend recommende ! I: ipo4. intteri, snd on trvu. ,, tqund. I Mittf &usW ifa, . I std hdt ix)tlifitd;ny,i,r,, V'.r ! Hi all drill1"! ' (tori. muucturti. fur lh put M ' ..r. . Milburn C. . I.t.l T. cut.. Out in itself and Confidence in its future Faith are attributes of a nation' greatness. They bring independence to the individual, bind communities into a national unit of mutual interest, create a spirit of well-being and prosperity throughout the land and establish abroad the prestige of the nation. The Dominion of Canada National Service Loan is Canada's symbol of faith and self-confidence. It is Canada's challenge to worlds conditions.,, frs success bridges the im passe of credit adjustments which this country, in common with others, must make. e I -- jThe Loan offers a gilt-edged investment. A quick and "hearted response by the Canadian people will impress the world. ' i !Let Your Dollars Serve Canada Send in your order now. Recognized dealers, or any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, will supply detailed information and the neccsary application forms. eaC 5 0nCS and accrued iotereit ISSUEPRICE- 10 Year 5 Bonds, 99 and accrued intertit GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA JL WtXVXXftVtX November, 1931 Service mm The Subscription Booh u ili close when the amount is subscribed. Dominion of Canada G Uonds at 99 and 99U 1931 NATIONAL SERVICE CI7 Second Ave. West Applications taken for these bond s without charte S. D.J0HNST0N CO., LTD. LICENSED IlltOKKHS 1 ' Ki ''Hi) evil ! Willi H. iht Trial of Bert Mitchell and Joe glitrute McQlymont in ....... ,,,, Bretton on charges of theft of court this afternoon, u, UI.VUI firewood is proceeding before Ma have been started this h.m: ;, Telephonr V