) rial 71 I Hockey Standings . International Division W. D. L. P. Canadlens 2 1 2 5 Maroons .2 0 3 4 Americans .. 1 1 1 3 1 Maple Leafs 0 2 22 2 American Division W. D. U P. Rangers 5 1. 1 11 Chicago 2 3 0 7, Detroit y 0,4 41 Boston 2 0 3 4 1 ComfortableRooms NEW LOW WINTER RATES $9.00 Per Week S30.00 Per Month Gxosvenor tfie friendly Hotel VANCOUVER.. D.C.... GAMES OF BILLIARDS ,. i Elks Leading Over Canadian Legriou In Tuesday Night's Play As a result of the playing of flv ; out of six games in Tuejday night' Billiard League flxtpte between Ca nadian Legion and Elks, the latte are leading by art aggregate o 1143 to 1114. The remaining ganv between S. D. Macdonald and Jo. Scott was postponed. The individual results of game played were as follows: Fran Ziman (Canadian Le- ion), 228; C. P. Balagno (Elks) 250. Frank Aldridge, 189: Charlie Baotie. 250. I Johnson Smith. 250; William Murray. 189. j J. Strachan. 250; B. Hudson. 204. L. Raabe. 197; N. Chenoskl. 250. ' High break of 42 was made by Johnson Smith. Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. E November 27 League of Nations vs. Boy Scouts. Hiijh School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comets. Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED ' . T I I MkVNl Hft':eV:-W:I KJ- UR ' J HkI 1 lift I li Billiard Averages O. Ttl. Ave. C. P. Balagno (Elks) .1 C. Baptle (Elks) 1 J. Strachan (CD . J. Smith (CD . Chenoskl (Elks) i. Andrews (E ... :. Young E) '. Saunders (B) I. Bulger (E) . Shetlton (0) .... . Zieman CD .... 1. Morgan 3) 1 t. Young (O) 1 5. Hudson 0 1 3. Hudson (Elks) 1 '.. Raabe Elks 1 Murray E) 1 Aldridge (CD 1 Murray (Elks) 1 Brown Q) 1 12 Taxi 1 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 228 223 215 207 204 197 197 189 189 173 Intermediate League W. L. High School 2 Tuxls 2 Merchants 1 Ladies' League Amazons 4 Cardinals 1 Comets 0 Junior League W. Boy Scouts 2 League of Nations 2 Rovers l Japanese 0 L. 0 0 2 3 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 228 225 215 Basketball Standing Senior League W. 'anthers j.2 C. N. R. 2 L. ' 1 2 2 Pts. 4 4 2 PtS. 1 4 2 4 2 2 W. L. Pts. Pts. - 4 4 2 0 Tomorrow's Tides Friday, November 27, 1931 High 2:35 a.m. 18:5 It. ,14:05 p.m. 21:4 ft Low 8:11 a.m. 9:1 ft 21:01 pjn. 3:1 ft Today Is Thanksgiving Day u. the United States and the American Consulate here is closed fo. the day. Thanksgiving Day in thi United States is set by proslama- 1 Hon of the government in a man ner similar to that in whi:h Thanksgiving Day Is proclaimed In Canada. THE year Molion'i commenced brewing in Canada one "Bowles of London" made the first authentic map of the "Western Oceans". His details were taken from ancient records of Sir Francis Drake dated 1578 . . . from an old log-book of Juan de Fuca, 1 596, but principally from reports furnished to the British Government in 1778 by Capt. James Cook, whose original surveys still form the basis of present day charts. OLSONS THE ALE YOUR. OR.EAT C IAN OFATHER. DR.ANK In Doirn mnd WK fMf.4om. rrt 1 m - This advertisement is not published or displayed by th Liquot Control Board or bj tLi Government of British Columbia. MIHl SPORT CHAT The ancient game of chess Is becoming popular again In Prince Rupert this season and at an early 250 ' date it Is possible that a club may be organized. This game was once popular in Canada and still has many devotees. Seal Core boasts of having the champion of the city and, as a result, the game Is flour ishing In that section. 207 .... 204 1 197 1 Organization of a professional ig7. hockey league in Western Canada 189 1 now lies to a great extent in the 189 j hands of Frank Caldcr, president 178 i of the National Hockey League. Prairie representatives seeking a pro loop, have decided to ask Calder to approve the league as a legltl- j mate pro circuit and reinstate five outlaw player so they may join j fams in the group. Approval of the I V.H.L., father of all pro hockey 'eagues, was deemed necessary if "Mcceis is to be aehleved. I GUEST DAY ! IS ENJOYED hint and Appreciative fiatherlng at Ladies Music Club The annual guest day of the Ladies' Music Club was held yesterday afternoon In Bt. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. A large and appreciative audience which gathered as guests of the club, was welcomed in a few well chosen words by the president. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. An excellent paper, prepared by Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, who was W charge of the program for the day, sketched briefly the earlier composers of Oratorio and dwelt at greater length on the two great composers of Oratorio Handel and Mendell- shon. The program was as follows: Paper on Oratorio, Mrs. Farqu bar. Lfolln solo. "Ave Maria," Miss Lawrence. Contralto solo. "For the Lord la Mindful of Ills Own." Mrs. Cullen. Soprano solo. "I Know That My Redeemer Livelh," Mrs, McLeod. Dnet "The Lord Is My Strength." Mrs. Darton and Mrs. Blance. Contralto solo. "He was Despised," Mrs. Johnston. Soprano soli, "Rejoice Oreatly. You can pay more but you cannot find a purer, clearer gin than . . . THK. DAIL S?W3 "llhov It ... CTOR RADIO at prices Compare prices quality --beauty tone performance Consider prices. Compare values atin!lj. Then you will realize that there is Victor Ridio in tvttj fritt tUis offering true Victor leadership in performance, tone and cabinet beauty . . . offering all the selectivity and sensitivity of the aJvtnaJ Super-Heterodyne. 'Never has there been s time when you could sea easily afford the best. Wuh prices rang- from $89 50 for the compact and power- Superette" to $219.50 for the great dtubtyiiitltltd Model R-21, there is no need to be satisfied with less than th qualirv and satisfaction assured by Victor. Victor that $1.50 I Rep, Pint STERLING London Dry GIN $3.00 Rep. Quart nor one that equals Sterling for smooth delicate flavor and value. For a Tancbn, JWwl from tha Liquor CmImI Hau4 w.tf " Otdn tiwrtmit. Victoria, H. :. rhix nrivertfcement is not. titinlliriiol nr riltnin ... ... .. - -.-.jm Uj me uqaj control uoura or Dy me Government of British Columbia. O Daughter of Zlon," Mrs. Hlnton. Contralto sol "O Rest In the Lord," Mrs. Carson. Organ solo, "The Pastoral Symphony," Mrs. E. J. Smith. Mrs, EL Smith' presided At the organ throughout the program. At the conclusion of the program the guests were entertained at tea in the Parish Hall. Miss E. O. Lenox and Mrs. Thos. Andrew poured. The members of the club- acted as servlteurs. Mrs. A. T. Parkin was convenor for refreshments and was assisted by Mm t2Aft A j i;nris ferry. L. F. Chapman, prominent pole dealer, who nos tc a k wiin 11 tin;.,-' g;t 1 Mltrtnnnv rtnac rAncirl..i-,kU ' any irem Bimtners on Hi mora- lna. ImIh ...lit . days'here. He was met at Smithy and accompanied here by Ofc: xiauawi, bio-., iicaa ui me Hi. son Timber & Lumber Co chaflerige companson in radio value Every one of the eight Victor models is engineered to the most advanced development of the super-heterodyne circuit, utilizing eight, nine or ten tubes, including pentodes and super-control rubes. Each model is equipped with increased range tone-control, "trigger-touch" station selector, Victor electro-drnamic speaker, and an acoustically' correct cabinet . . . while perfected toutc volnmniiirel is an outstanding perform, ance feature of Models R-12, R.20 snd R-21, See your Victor dealer today. He has Victor Radio to meer every budget's need. Convenient terms. RADIO C1CTOR TALKING MACIIINI COMFANT Of CANADA UMtTtlV-MONTMAI. 1 MASTER BUILDERS OFRADIO i II "- mmvmi: KwmililUHUB 31icro-Synchronous mm Ortliopltonir McRae Bros. Ltd. js"- im aiav.Ara m zuxnimr tm mm :::sa m.'M mm mm mins '