ynurjday November 26, 1931. Nothing can take the place o qualify 'Wi, 'Fresh from the gardens' Salada Tea is sold by Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores INTRODUCING Jasmine of Southern France Toiletries Tu introduce these toiletries to the public we are offering the following specials: 1 tin Jasmine Talc and Powder Puff, both for . . .40c 1 box Jasmine Face Powder and 1 jar Cold, Vanishing or Cleansing Cream both for $1.00 1 1 Jasmine Body Powder and 1 bottle Per- mmr- both for $1.25 1 Jasmine Face Powder and 1 bottle Per- furao both for $1.00 Ormes IM. Ufitt Ptoneer Druqgiste THE REXALL STORE Phones SI and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $1150 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMS! ill'S LIMITED fttrainrra Irate l"rlnr Uo-rt f Vancouver: T. AT ALA EVKKY TIESDAV. IM P.M. V.u ocean Falls, arrivms Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.S.S. lAKDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIIINIOIIT AiTlin Vancouw Sunday midnight apros. W?i aalhcgi to Port Sunpaou. Alice Arm. Anjroa. St wan and Na Rlvir points Sunday. 9 p.m. T information regarding all aaUInc and tleku at TRINCf KITtKT AUCM'V: Sreond Avrnue. PhoneSM GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT "'null. 2 lbs. for 15c Uo tkiast Bacon, sliced. V.illrv Jm.Ktrtni.Hrrv 11c " ' Roll, per ib 19c ' irk. per Ib. J0e h N l Extras. 3 dot $1.00 ' " Milk, per case .$3J5 l "! Milk, per tall tin lie i 1 Fi R 1 i : Black Currant. Lo- t u.lt,., l v 4 i Un 50c Mailt: lb Dollars Ilav Mnrf r.ni" W A Fouiia. deputy minister of fisheries for Canada; J. P. Bab-rock, chairman ol the International Fisheries Commission and provincial deputy commissioner of fisheries, and Dr. Will F. Thompson, director of the International Fisheries Commission, will sail tonight by the Prince Rupert on their return south following thej' conference with local salmon and halibut fishermen. Announcements ParUh Hall Seal Cove Dance No- Milk, baby Una. 8 for 30c ; vcmbcr 27. ' Moose Bridge. WnUt and daneo 1 November 27. Hagles Benefit Smoker and Social Ben Coffee, per Ib. ....40c Wednesday, December 2. Adrms-Bi'st Tea. per lb 40c on J1-00' Best Hnklnv Pourtr I . " U United churcn uawar .,, , Uns 45cl j"" " range, bundle $2i i.odj;. hard time dance Decem- ''tonc.s, oranges, box 5.1,15 ber 4. - j aiiaii aiiii ciiiniiicio Engles SOCttl aancc ucvcuiv ollHt out of town palriinage "a assure service and quality Mussallem's Cash & Carry w Stores jcember 16, Wc. i Ladies '046 1:3J. High School 10 and 11. PreeUyterlnn refresh- concert, December tea at Manse D- J' 1 ' chnstrnta Tree Store Fifth Ave-ritone 18-84 Canadian LeRlon : sift.. n, n in "' oij inira av. rnone Store 7J7 Third Av. Phone S73 Presbyterian Biuua Banquet Jan tnry 25. Local Items Basketball, Auditorium, Friday. i'o. Nanalm'o - WelllnEton coal phone 771. C. C. Ketchum & Co. tf. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. II. L. Campbell ot Smithers arrived In the city yesterday to pay a brief visit in town. The fire department had a call at 7:45 last night to a chimney fire In the Levin Apartments. Sixth Ay&nug Wst. No damage was done Bridge, whlst and dance, Moose Hall, Friday, Nov. 27. Admission 50c. Cards, 8:30 sharp, dancing 10:30. Cash prizes. (tf) The condition of James' Douglas, well known pioneer contractor, whe has been ill for some time and who Is now a patient in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, is reported to be rather serious. The llrst Japanese oranges of the season were to be seen in lo cal retail stores yesterday after noon, having arrived from the south on the morning boat. Tho opening price Is $1.15 per box. Miss Prlnre Louise RuDert Llndseth Oeneral of the training school for nurses will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Tranqullle! Sanitarium where she will take a hree months' course In tuberculosis nursing. Dr. W. M. Kannawln. convenor ot Sunday-School and Young People's Society work for the Presbyterian Church In Canada, followlnf twn-dav visit here, will leave by tomorrow mornlni's train on hi -'turn to Toronto, stopping off at Winnirx?!; enroute. FOOD SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday Royal City Corn White uoy Ofp Crosby. No. 2 tins. 2 for Nabob Red Plums No. 2 AlAl 01 p squat tins, 2 tins Llbby's Fancy Aprlcota ' 9p large tins, real value, tin P. it O. Naptha Soap 23 C Rolocream Oats Containing Oats. Bran and Flax ORn )L per pkg Del Monte Prunes Medium 01 p fruit, per 2-lb. pkg Tomatoes No. 22 tins 10p quality guaranteed, tin .. .AU Fluid Beef Johnston's QQp OOK' per 16 -ox. bottle Sardines Noreglan in xuo lOp oUve oU, per tin Rowntree's Cocoa 9dp per -lb. tin Ripe Olives Sunset brand IQp per -oz tin Shelled Walnuts-Light Oin piece, per lb. Mayonnaise Dutch Maid ?Ap per 3w. Jar Campbell's Tomato Soup Qp t,u per tin Campbell's Soup Other lip XA' varieties, per tin Ready Out Macaroni 25C Mild Canadian Cheese 90o A' per lb FRUIT & VEGETABLES Jamtlea Orapefrult iftp large, each Ui Jamaica Orange Large iOf per do Jap Omngee Q4 1 C per box OX.AO, Jap Qxunge- CO OEJ per bundle Sweet Potatoes 25C Selected Bruasells Sprouts -J Cp XOK' per ,1b Watts' Grocery I'lIONR 55 1MIONB 66 T1IK HKST FOR LF.SS THE DAILY NKW8 PAGE THREE j Try lydit E. PtaUiam'l VanUW CompoJir Another Sick Headache Throbbing . .ipIitctDgflfoalrtbii poor woman would let Lydii E. Pinkhira'i Vegetable Compound relieve that awful "monthlr" headacbe.Lct it help rou too. Scandinavian Dance, Metropole Hall, Friday, Nov. 27, 9. till 2. 276 Dinnerwarc, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroner's store. Mrs. Irwin Bruyn and family wil; sail on the Prinee-Rupert tonight for Everett, Washington, where they will pay a visit. W. E. Drake, manager or Edward Lipsett Ltd. here, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Special offering in Fuel: One load of wood and half-ton coal for $9.50. Albert & McCaffcry Phone 116. , W. O. Harold of the ONit. cit ticket office staff sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. II. W. Hospital cannery Chamber arrived in of Inverness the city from the Skeena River on this morn ing's tram for a brief business vis;f to town. Canadian Legion members, children of needy and deceased re turned soldiers only, please notif Legion of names and ages of chil- dre'n for Xmas Tree. 275 ...C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert Capt. D. Donald, is due in port at 8 o'clock this evening from Anyox and Stewart and will sail at 10 nm for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. "Rotary Fillets" Is .the cognomen of a new club bulletla of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club which has made Its Initial appearance. The editor is Secretary O. E Oulick and it Is a bright jmd original lit - tie sheet Weekly publication ! planned. Concert-Cantata At United Church Concert and Cantata at United Church PROGRAM Part 1. 1 Ontan Solo. Mies A. Wilson. ' 2. Solo. Mrs. P. C. Miller. 3. Piano Solo. Miss Marybelle Stiles. 4. Solo, Mrs. E. Anderson. 5 Violin Solo. Mr. B. Cameron. 6 Solo, Dr. R. O. Large. 7. Solo. Mrs. II. N. Brocklesby. 8. Duet, J. E. Davey, Dr. R. O Large. 9. Violin Duet. Miss N. Lawrencu Mr. B. Cameron. Part II Cantata "Penitence. Pardon an ! Peace," J. H. Maunder, by augmented choir. SolobU, O. E. Davey. Dr. R. O Large. Choir lead-rJ. S. Wilson Orstanltt Mrs. A. wnann. Friday. Nov. 27, at 8 p.m. Admission SOc. ; 1932 MUNICIPAL VOTERS' 4 LIST TAKE NOTICE that the Court of Revision to. correct and revise thr above Voters list will sit on December 10, 1031. at 2:30 o'clock p.m. In the Council Chamber, City Hall. The said Court will hear and determine anv appllca- tlon to strike out the name of any person who has been Im- properlv placed on mid list, or to place on said list the name of anv ocrson Improper- ly omitted therefrom. E, F. JONES, n26.27,23. City Clerk . ' ' . ANNETTE'S CLOCK SALE FRIDAY 2 till 4 12 Only 3-Piece Knitted Suits Reg. priced to $25.00 Qft Q Clock Sale Special t?UtJt) 12 Only Woollen Sweaters Reg. values to $3.95 9 G Clock Sale Special $AVU 6 Only Elaborately Fur Trimmed Coats Values i Q Qff to $32.50. Clock Sale Special , . . . V O 12 Only Alligator Skin Purses Reg. values to $3.95 C 4 A A Clock Sale Special ?XVW 4 Dozen Pairs Rayon Hose 9f Clock Sale Special, per pair .' MO 24 Only Rayon Shirts and Bloomers To clear at each -OOX 1 Only Raincoat Reg. value $8.95 CQ AC Clock Sale Special 12 Only Rayon and Flat Crepe Dresses- $2 95 SHOES SHOES SHOES In Black and Brown Reg. values to $7.50 C f) A C Clock Sale Special' V&ttO FRIDAY, 2 till 4 A. A. Easson and H M. Yourex A G Rix returned to the city on I woh arrived in the city from AlasK:. this morning's train from a brlrl earlier in the week, will sail to- trip to Terrace on Imperial Oil Co ' night on the Prince Ruperl lor business j Vancouver. ! 1 mmm notice i tea i ki aai:ii:ga.Ks:BiKxi j Our roal is in a dry shed. Don't 1 buy water. Buy coal and get your The tun weight. Discount si.oo a ton. Bulklcy Vallcv's Prosperity! Note our advertisements for cash isJlupcrt's Prosperity , Pf HVDE TRANS FEU. Phone 580. I j SpECULIZB jN ttJL,m mtui I UMM 1 Bl B3 n nica Phone 953 ngs Cash and Carry Colgate Cold Cream Reg. 38c tube, 2 tubes for Faultless Corn 2 tins for Malkin's Best Asparagus Hps, Picnic atie. 2 tins Ensign Strawberry Jam per 4-lb. pall Helna Tomato &i Vegetable Soup, email site, 2 tins Clark's Pork & Beans-large size, per can Lazenby's Irish Stew A ready meal, per tin King Oscar Sardine per tin Phone 953 Week-End Specials Malkin's Best Coffee CO ftO Aylmer Tomato CaUup per bottle Bolted Cider For making mince meat, per pint bot Crosse & Blackwell Mince , Mea.V2 lbs. for Sair Dates 2ti lbs. for This commodity has advanced ;v,' 2c per pound Button's Manslpan Almond JCTp Paste. 2 pkgs.'fof Broken Walnuts New stock QOn IK t jyca iu, Malkin's Best Peas-Sieve 3. 3 tins for 25c 25c 45c 49c 19c 19c 17c 15c 15c 23c 35c 25c 40c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over mcr mm habxbub kb b mm ! Bulkley Valley Produce Fresh Killed Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork Chickens & Turkeys arrive weekly from the Bulkley Valley SPECIALS FOR SUNDAY'S DINNER MilkFedT,rkey.35cto40c ivt aw Milk Fed Chickens per lb Legs Lamb per lb Legs Veal per lb Roast Pork 19i XAI n.r IK Rib Roast Beef per lb Pot Roast Beef per lb Loin Veal per lb. Brisket Beef per lb. Shoulder Lamb per lb Shoulder Veal per lb Loin Lamb Chops per lb Loin Veal Chops per lb. Stew Lamb per lb. Rabbit 10 Gftdi 40C Turnip 10 lbs Salmon 2 lbs 35c 25c 25c 20c 15c 25c 10c 15c 18c 25c 25c 10c 50c 25c 25c QUALITY SERVICE Phone 10 , Phone 2 H GB KBliBllBWI IBIS 1B KiB !"" Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel TIIR HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrpbnnr 7X1 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leadlns family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. PKUDIIOM.MF.. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth SU E. J. Erickson and John Person, Vancouver: J. Sorensen, Lewis Island: John II. Eassle. Cloyah Bay: Peter Lelghton. Metlakatla. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc McRAE BROS., LTD. Christmas Special Permanent Wave $5.00 From Now Till Christmas Make Appointments Early La Parisienne Beauty Parlor Fourth St. Phone 301 Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12, It or 16-Inch lentth DRY SI'KUCE and CEDAR GREEN IIEMIOCK. ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar mints and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 55G 0 r f 4 l ( 3