PAGE FIVE THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, November 28, JM1. The Daily News, "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column CLASSiFlEDADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE p,,,; -.als Cary Sate. Appl7 Dulv Ni'Wi. tf TO !.E - Qood used cars at InUn Hfftf A. t (il it 'poH KALE - Cheap. brlck-llned condition. Phonr 27C FOR RENT t, i NT -Furnished" 4 room fla r. ' b;itri Phone 547. tl r ind five-room apartment i . nt Mussallem Orocery. tt FOR !. KT Five-roomed houi "h. reasonable rent. Ap-' '1 Borden St. 275 P ! NT Clean, well-furnlihed tr n 2-room suite. Palmer AD " iifinu. Phone Ited 444. t ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE Room to rent, close u. i . nt Red 218. tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM ND BOARD. Phone Red WANTED small wicker push-car, condition. Phone Orefln 279 HELP WANTED 'A' Tien, make good livlnc our men's, ladles', chlld-si' ry, underwear, shirts, o value. Liberal commls-W'ltp for catalogue and Alliance Trading Co. Wrr.triKton West, Toronto.? - WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Applv T Glenn and It. VIererk T Si R, TRANSFER P' (;:,'!! 609 Reasonable pricti " " rs Promptly Attended Fresh Fish Daily Aboard gasboat Dolphin 11 at Cow Bay floats. Number of varieties, just out of water. Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK SREF.NA Hit AM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKPSII PASTEUUIZUll MILK AND CREAM DAILY Esrly OtlWrrj Throughout tbe City BOILS riPIMPLES e painful and diifigurinf rpa:)n an the outward irnp-iSLL of lapuricie in the blood. KlBnwTBU DLOOD, the "tubl Blood Cleanier and BuckWy'i Ointment aanir prompt "dtuone, rUf. TBU-BLOOD re. J0 th irapurititi from the """d r.ra, and Buckley 't Oint-3!t ittwt, J,.U and aoothea, sir dniM PLEASANT TAKB raoMrr M ACT LASTING la RESULTS A!L PRODUCT TONES ThTSvSoO TRANSFERS B. & R. transfer. Cartage and' Furniture Moving. Phone 204, tf CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf SALVAGE & TOWING ff It's on oi under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co, Ltd. PuUy Equipped lor Diving aurt General Salvage Worlc Aienti for EASTIIOPE ENGINF Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidje Propellers 3and and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Nijht 564 P.O. Bos 1564 AUCTIONEER RJNCB RUPEFT AUCTION MAR'l We buy, srll or exchange any kind ot furniture or household goods, musical instruments, mi rhlnery. etc. General repairs rating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed, Ju. phone BlacK 130 and w. wii call. 0, J. DAWES. Auctioneer. Federal Block. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East-Monday. Wednesday and Batur day 10:30 am. From the East- Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs- . day .-.,,..30, pm ror sjicouvrr . Tuesday - 12:30 noon Thursday 8 pm Friday 11 pm Nov. 18 pm From Vancouver- Sunday pm Wednesday - 10:30 am Friday pm Nov. 28 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 8 pm. Wednesday 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday 11:30 am. Thursday 8 pm. Nov. 18 pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 8 pm. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am. For Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 21 9 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 19 am. For Alaska Nov. 28 am. From Alaska Nov. 18 - pm. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville Bt Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince. George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. General Btore. Anyox. 4 Smltherj Drug Store. Smlth- I i 4, era, B.C. 4, 4, 4 CIIIROI'RACTIC Sunshine and Ited Ray Treatments Nervous, Femalo and Children' Diseases Specially Treated V. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Black 281 CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spina! column. T. W. HOLLAND 15 Besner Block Phone S7 SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL- Shoes re- paired. Second Avenue West, tf SHOE REPAIRS Best materials finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Of. flee. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701. CIHUSTMAS GIFTS Walnut end Tables from $2.50; Walnut Smoker stands from $8.00' foot stools, from $2.50; Odd chairs Doll carriages, Down Quilts, Carpet and small rugs; Chesterfield Suite Dining Room Suites; Bed room Suites. Good assortment of Furni ture In stock. We invite you to our store. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 KF.P.N LAMI niHTMPT DISTRICT OF qiFEN niAKLOTTB lUNI that I. Robert . M 4-MKENQTICE MoGnCm rVtland. Oreeoo. Intend u- apply lor a nemae to protpeet for coai mmi jmreievm, oer um under toe rr.i. towing deaerlbed land Oomaaenclnf .1 post planted nt the Kortbeaat earn) f Section s. Tp 0; them South rhat&i. tbene V.'aat SO chain, thane North SO chain, thence East SO chalp to point of commencement and eon talc Ins 640 acre autre or lea. Located lTth Oct . 1031. ROBERT U. MOUNT 8keoa Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D Bmnton it Portland. Oregon. Intend to apply for a ltotaat to protpect for ooal and petrotevm. over and under tne following described land Oeiwnenetag at noat planted at the North et earner ! Section 4. Tp 9: thence South tr .-bain, thence Eaat 80 chain, then Nrrth 80 chain, thence Wee 80 chalv to point of commencement and ron-'alnlnf 040 acre more or lea. C D EUMONS. t oratMl lTth Oct.. 19SI ski kna i.ANi niMTKirr iihTnin or ki:i:n riuui.OTTr. immh TAKE KOTICE that I. C D. Bmaone :f PorUand. Oregon. Intend to apph (or a licence to praapect (or eoal au-i petroleum, ever and under the follow-ln deaerlbed land. Commencing at peat planted at the Southeast corner Of Section 8. Tp, 8: thence North 8. chain, thence Went 80 chain, thentc South 80 chain, thenc Kaat 80 chlm to paint of aommenoament and cou-tming 840 acre more or lea. Located lTth Oct., 13I C. D EM VICW B OKIT-NA I.M1 DlSTHirT IIISTKln OK tJIKKN I'll tlll.OTTE ISUM TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. EmmOM. of PorUand. Oregon, Intend to apply tar a llrenae to pro pert (or ocxl ami reiroifum. over and under tbe following described land. Oommeneltif. at a Dost Dlanted at th South rt earner of Section 8. Tp. 9: thence North 80 ohalna. tlwnce Eaat 80 analn. theno; South 80 chain, thence Went 80 obaltu to point of commencement and eon talnlng S40 acre more or le. ijocaie i (in un., mi, O. D. EMUONS. Plenty MAC "TUB VtXJMI "TIME THE TOILER" OH. Tl AJOU. fi UD "O iajIYU ME AMD Ml.P J V tWr F DISCUSSED Halibut Commission is in Session Here Today Hears Views Overfishing Claim Cateh Must Be Cut Down if Industry is to Continue Until the arrival of the big diesel driven schooners the halibut in d lis try on the west coast seemed to be standing the amount of fishing that was taking place there, but the diesel spelt the doom of the halibut fishery. As the number of skates of tear lnereased, the Individual cat ches of the fishermen decreased until the cost of production has become so great that at present prices the halibut fishing does not nay. That was the featured statement of an address delivered this morning at the opening session of the Inter-1 national Fisheries Commission here L-ADy VOU'BfJ (5oiMj Tn ham- t '-v I'D UN i FACE 4- ; ! by Dr. W. F. Thompson, director officii had been already discovered the investigation department of.n. a result of the scientific re- the commission. What the fishermen have to do Is to devise means 3f cutting down the amount of the halibut catch if the fishery is to be conserved. Dr. Thompson showed clearly and In detail what ws happening to the fisheries, how each area was independent of any other and how each had to depend upon itself for its restocking. If the chicken halibut were fished out there could be no reproduction as It was only the more mature fish that reproduced. J. P. Babcock, the chairman, in opening the session, explained what had been done so far by the com mission and what powers were given It under the revised treaty. The commission had powers to regulate the fishery generally and to close certain areas but It was the duty of the respective governments to en force the regulations. This was the first time In history that an at tempt had,bermade to regulate s marine- fishery -A conference board had beep formed consisting of those actively engaged In the industry as a consultative body. The records of the fishery were more complete than those of any other. Depletion was Its outstanding feature. The records ihowed an alarming condition. Before proceeding he called upon Dr. Thompson to give an address on the work done by him In Investl-latlng the life history of the hall-tut and the effects of fishing on the banks. Dr. Thom pso nexplalned that the halibut fishery was a comparatively I -aeent one. It began In 1883 and j ame to what might be termed ma- j turity in 1910. The peak was In 1915 but so far the fishery had not, hown that it could stand the strain ! if Intensive fishing operations. By! -neans of graphs the Doctor told j how the cost of production had gone up steadily as fishing Increased. At one time it seemed as If tbe fishery was being stabilised but then came 'he diesel schooners which doubled tnd eventually trebled the number if seta of gear used. Immediately the catch per skate began to fall and IU fall Just corresponded with the rise In the quantity of gear fished. It was found in the halibut fishery that prosperity was not due wholly to high prices. The cost of production had to be taken Into consideration. ' Dealing then with the fishing of chicken halibut the speaker told of Room For Improvement r VAJ5 ANV luEA vwhat ur-?J -r., r. t IT 7 le"5 how the percentage of that class had risen from 18 at the begin ning 38 and he showed the effect this wouid have on the future of the Industry not yet felt to any great extent. The graphs showing the tagging results proved Intensely interesting. Much tagging was done In the neighborhood of Yakutat and all the fish were later taken on the banks In that neighborhood and westerly from It. None came south, except an occasional stray tlsh. Goose Island fishery was also tag ged and the Indications were that It was a self-contained unit. Very few fish migrated. Each area was like a little ranch on which the stock must be conserved. If the Stock were killed off It would take a long Ume for recovery, The drift of the eggs and larvae were also shown and the development of the fish. Everything showed that neither the old fish nor the young strayed very far from their pwn banks. rjr. Thompson referred to the serious reduction In spawning searches of the Commission. The Commission had made enough hauls to indicate that, on the southern grounds particularly, there were not enough eggs and larvae today. Next spring the Commission Intended to outfit a vessel from Prince Rupert and Investigate these grounds more Intensively with regard to spawning. The cycle in which the results of overfishing could be seen in decreased spawn-'ng. Dr. Thompson said, was estimated at frpm eleven to twelve vears. Dr. Thompson explained that the co-operation of the fishermen and boat owners In the Commission's work of keeping records. 10c. a week! KEEP With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the hoy will call and collect CAM'T "TEUU 1 HOVJ BVACTLy- vo U "I hat KtSfl It CLOSING OPPOSED (Continued from page one) ments. The decision to add 15 days to the three-month close season had been reached as a compromise between northern fishermen who last year wanted a month's extension and Seattle fishermen who had wanted the close season abolished. T. H. Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., thought the close season had been advantageous to all There was al ways a. good demand for frozen halibut, sometimes dealers prefer red It. There would always be a surplus of halibut which must be frozen. The close season had the desirable effect of stabilizing the market. For that reason. If for none other, he thought It should be continued. The fishermen did not want the close season lifted unless the quan- j tit'y of fish to be taken was limited, J declared Mr. Nlckerson. ; Both boat owners and fishermen i were opposed to closing of certain For Ocean Falls t areas for fishing and gave their' Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. reasons for this stand. In the first : Thursday-s. Pr. Rupert 10 ,p. place it would be a very difficult ! Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pw matter to enforce such regulations. Ifor Queen Charlottes TOUCH Trie larger boats would nave a great td vantage over smaller boats in closing of areas for they could fish anywhere which the smaller boats could not. The hearing reassembled this af- teroon to discuss other proposals of i the commission for conservation of halibut. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert Clear, calm; ba rometer. 30.46; temperature, 39: sea smooth. Triple Island Clear, moderate northerly wind: sea calm. Langara Island Clear, light northerly wind; sea calm. m i 1 1 - rsew mm: Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m, Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.ny Friday ss. Pr. Mary 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, midnight. Nov. 18 ss. Princess Norah pjri. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala pm. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert. .. 10:30 ajri. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. Friday- u, Cardena pjri Nov. 28 ss. Princess Norah a.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday . Catala 9 p.ri. From Naas Elver St Port Slmpsoni- Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 am ror Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 9 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rubert 4 p.rri From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert ...8 p.m. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ..10:30 ajn. Friday Pr. Mary 4 p.nj. Friday ss. Cardena p.frt. Nov. 21ss. Prince John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlottes ", Nov. 19 ss. Prince John ... a.m. For Abska .. November 28 aon. From Alaska Nov. 18 ss. Princess Norah pjn. riom Skeena River i Friday ss. Cardena pjrj Typewriters for Rent : by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Lalta Phone 234 10c. a week! KMOVJ VOO'lte OOMNA CAM HAVE jcewr l tf II (7 By Westover Mwa i TOM'S KiOSE . . chin, t fife .fta.. i.i 3