PAQE SIX A Permanent Home For Someone In Prince Rupert FREQUENT PAINT ING PROTECTS AND MAINTAINS APPEARANCE OF HOME ficvcnts Rusting of Metals A sood Job of exterior painting, I when dry, shruld be neither powd-1 ery nor sticky, but should dry hard with a slight gloss. There always has been, and probably always will be, a gr.'at dial of discussion over the correct materials and propor-: tion.i to use in mixing good durable paint, but one cannot go wrong by using nationally advertised brands of ready -mixed paints. . i.r' periodical repainting is, of course, necessary to keep a houae tr i uccj llnz shabby, the most important re.ison for painting is for protection If damnness is per- milted to penetrate the wood for' som time, fwallln;, warping, and cvratuai:y even rotting of the woodwork follows. Wood window sills and other flit surfaces which receive the full force of falling rains should bo carefully watched for expand bare wood and signs of rot. Woodwork nteo needs protection' from tiie sun's rays, which without good painting, literally cook the pitch and sao and other vital pre- set vative elements out of the wood, i caii-in-r shrinkage, cracking and even warning nd the subsequent opening ip of joints, which permits th en; anro of dnjss and moisture v a gioater extent than before. Witci repainting metal or wood-wa k 'l loose ..atticlos of rust and dirt v.-.xvl be scraped, 3and-papcrcd an 1 brushed off to provide a clcau solid base for new coats. Even new ...... i ji i i W Ul Fw IIIUH UV WKC Ul UUI illlU uiusr loose nrcign matter before painting. On new woodwork all knots and other pitchy surfaces must be sealed with shellac to prevent the pitch from working through the taken, each and every knot will be clearly visible. New woodwork should be primed, I.e, painted with white lead and linseed oil thinned with turpentine immediately upon delivery to the Job or after its erection in place to prevent moisture from penetrating the dry. open pores of the raw wood. The effect of rain on unpalnted wood surfaces to to "raise" or ex- Servicc Bureau. Inc Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avnn A COMFORTABLE, ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM HOUSE ' '! tma rxw 1 ceo coon bco boom I JU nr.wr jf I i r::".x: 1-1 v(rp Jtf 1 pjMjVtM J1B3T. M.OOS PLWi This moctera home is ideal for city location although it would be equally suitable as a suburban home. Designed for a lot facing south its the floor is of red oak. The book-lover would feel at home in this room with bookshelves placed on both sides of the fireplace. Separating the living room from the dinine room are sliding doors. Suitable lot: 35 ft. frontage. Walls: Brick and stucco. Roof: Dark grey shingles. Tiling: Bathroom, veranda. Built-in features: Milk cupboard, medicine cabinet, towel cupboard Beamed ceiling and oak floor siml- with mirrors. lar to that of the living room are ' Cubic contents: 20,010 cu. ft. features of the well proportioned Approximate cost: $3,200. Make it Ironing "Hour" instead of Ironing "Day" Pay Only $d.oo J Down llalancc tprcad ,fn eaty monthly payments with an ELECTRIC IRONER An hour or two of comfort instead of a day of hard labor . . . that's what ironing becomes with an Electric Ironer. Just sit at ease and guide the pieces to the roller . . . sheets, towels, pillow cases . . . every article glides swiftly through, smooth, lustrous and perfectly ironed. No more back or wrist aches vhen you iron this restful way, Come in and let us show you how it is done. Then choog you Ironer for immediate delivery on the special terms now offered. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. September t 183) CtCOND FL002 PLAH. HENRY J. CHOWN, Architect dining ' room. Electrical outlets -are Readers desiring further inf 6rma-placed in convenient places for Ucn regarding a house of this de-lamps and other necessities. , sign should communicate with Mr. The kitchen Is of convenient size II. J. chown. 20 Wayland Avenue. paini. If this precaution is not!room are ran8Mi to get the best and possible layout of kitchen equip- Toronto, Ont, and mention design benefit from the sun. It is a com' ment has been considered tn its . No. 297. Consult a local architect if pact house and a lot with a frontage planning so that the housework may designing architect Is too far re-of 35 feet is ample for its erection.! be carried on efficiently. i moved. Copyright 1931. Above the foundation of brick the I The large bathroom on the second i . walls are built of rod range. lloor 13 tiled. Modern fixtures! Iceland's telephone system has : brick, with the exception of the occupy good positions in it, uie .been extended to serve every small projecting 'gable over the front en- iwasn basin being of the pedestal ' town and parish and equipment of trance and the upper rear portion j type- every farm is planned within 28 of the house which U composed of ' A hot water heating system has years. stucco. i been designed for the house with a , ! The interior is arranged to suit the ! round f bo,!e' ,n.e bM- pand certain soft portions of the needs of the average family and1 menl- TnB nome ttlouM grain which form ridges on the sur- j detail which give pleasing effects !difflcult to neal becuse r ltB facc. This impairs its appearance are incorporated In the rooms. In!oul and 'P1 iorm-unless sanded down. - Copyright, the living room, the ceiling Is of Outline Specifications ' 1931. The Architects' Small House ' California stucco with cornice and j size of house- 23 bv 29 feet. ! - i SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT Alii HEATING and VENTILATION. Alexander Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 20 years by bonding company. Stccns Limited P.O. Box 928 Phone 5 Sometimes when a vacuum cleaner feels temperamental and loses interest In scurrying awny with the dust settlements it's a very simple trouble. We are intimately acquainted with all makes of v:ciium dennsrs, and we know , how to persuade them to go on aMut their business with a stout heart and lots of vigor. 'We repair all things electrical. Parkin Ward Electric Company Kcpair Shop .119 Third Ave. i Only Those With Camps Will Stay on Rainbow Creek Onlv those who have established more or less permanent camps will remain this winter on Rainbow Creek, the new placer ground In the Omlncca district, according to word received here. Only the real workers are Wt on the creek now, the "tourists" having left some time ago. The envk was staked from source o mouth d'iring the past season. Miss tcn Harrlum, R.N.. laay uperintendent of the Prince Ru-"rt nl HTspital. who spent ier nnnua' vvntlon in Winnipeg nrt irnr." .f-'int'v attended th.? conventions In Victoria of the nil -tish Columbia Hospitals' Associa- ou a.ui tiie Giad'Mte Nurses' As-or'at ! n or B ittsh Columbia. :e-turned tn the city from the south on the Prince Rupert thla mornhis SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS TlKKimnds of mothers throughout Canada have used i rates during the past. 8 yf-ars it has beA on the matin and their child's life no doubt saved by ita timely UM, l"rire, COc. a bottle at all dnigruts or dalen: put up only by Th T. Mil-burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES DEST IN U.C. Our Trince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $.WS No. 1 3x per'M X25 No. 2 per M. 2.75 IlOItEKTiiO.N ti SIMPSON Massctt, U.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Tbone 580 LOOK THESE OVER! You Will Find Them Worth Your While' Carnation Milk From Contented Cows' Per case MALKIN'S IJH3T TEA . Per dos., Q4 Qfl (talis) $5.15 IJabyslae, Hfin per doa 1 uo EXTRA VALUE 1 tin Mai kin 's Best Baking Powder. 12-oz., 1 pkg. Malkin's best JeUy lowder f)Pn l'.otli for AUt 2 lbt- 85c Dutch Maid French Dressing n Per bottle A'iL Northern II. C. Produce . Our aim Is to help the growers of this country, and we look for support from the people of Prince Rupert. 'HEAL VALUES I Itcmo Turnips Finest O lbs. OCn Quality O ZOC Rmo Carrots New Q lbs. t f? n nd tender . O Cabbage Firm green rj lbs 2i5C Cauliflower and Grren Means At Low Prices All rrrsh I'mlts In Season Arriving Every Iloat Mussallem s Cash and Carry Stores , "Where Hollars Have More Cent" Phone 360 Phone 18 & 81 313 3rd Ave. 4ft-42J 5th Ave. KKTBSKi BUsUsDK.ITstJraTKI'KSBnaaKZK III"!'- S VVN IB S Urnlnm.'fl(iir A'. Tlltft-Cf d iiiiist.iiuv l. m. Alias, m u g TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admission 20c and 65c Feature starts 7:10 and 9:40 THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 a 15c & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 Peter B. Kync's Entrancing Story M 'Never The Twain Shall Meet With. Leslie Howard, Conchta Montenegro, and C: Aubrey Smith American Hcauty or South Seas I'assion-FIower 1 - Which did he choose? ' , I Comedy "Catch as Catch Can," with Thelma Todd and Zazu Pitts Novelty Two's Company" i 5 Friday and Saturday "ijIIUGIIILK" BULKLEY VALLEY COAL . The Hotter Coal In buying Dulkley Valley Coal: You get tl-.-1 1 i grade coal on UiiS market; you keen your in, t ., in your own suction oi me province; you hi ip the local unemployment situation; you hd;. i!, a basic industry in Central British Colurnhi.i li dering insist on Bulkley Valley Coal. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEMBSIIIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'KltA TING li. T. 1". 20.0OO-TUN FUIA'IING DKYDOt R tnglneers. Machinists, Hollerpiakers, HUrktunlths, 1 atlcrn Makers Founders, Woodworker!!, Etc EIJICTHIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COi Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'KINCE KUI'EKT, H.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alljcrta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING TIIE TAILOR 8i7 Second Ave. Phone 649 PHONE 580 COAL May the rrsl Coal-mom I'dnon and C3f(;. Welllnrlon-ln any qcantii' Also Bulkier v.ii.-; Orsln snd Kobln Hoc Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 ANU Q'Z.