PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper As ug vew 4 1919 TA XI Phan 15 and 35 L Alo” ami 's TE We Never Sleep > “sees . PRINCE RUPEKT AUTO " 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE! . : i i x, NO. 266. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, SATURDAY Deo ——————— Se VOL a WOE ‘RAT, B.C., SATI RDAY, DEUEMBER 6, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS | Million Workers Idle in US. FISH RETURNS States are Taking Over Mines PORNOVEMBER Nearly Miition Pounds Landed Many Men Express Wish to Return to Work; Some of Mines| Here During Last Worked by Volunteer Help; No Increase in Price | osm of Coal Allowed. | CONS! DERABLE INCREASE The News via 6. T. Pp Telegraphs ii ‘WEALTHY GERMANS The report of the Fisheries In- office here giving the amount of fish landed at this port Special Ww spector's OVER MONTH LAST YEAR WASHINGT IN, December 6.—More than opletely idle or employed part | one million ime as a res of| LEAVING COUNTRY during the month of November has re NOW i =~ re SESUMMMIAS S00 considered eaheaiiiis aiis zs Just been given out. The halibut he us fanded this November shows an G. D. A. Morrow, vice-chairman of the Nation Loal Y G.T.P. Tetegrapns.s 2 ervali¥ GENEVA. Dee 6 M - ; increase of over 200,000 Ibs. over , atiol on ith: ‘ oa > XOGUSy that landed in November Jast “a0 *é er é 5 , , The wage loss is @stimated at more than $2,000,000 and to ith tak t the Rt ~~ a year. Weather, however, worked 1 ! . Oo 1¢€ line or ear : . ers aud businessmen it is beyond all estimate. Chicago, nfilitary intervention is im nonth a a ee _ employ oll «she : "month on aeceount of the many ysterday went On @ six and a half hour business day, is} minent according to travellers ar. T which yeu" 500,000 area 4 ing fr Germafiy. storms prevailing The total hardest hit. More than ’ there are affected. rom Germany. f&inount of halibut landed here pETROIT, Dec. 6.—Fourteen passenger trains on the Grand | rapes during November was 880,400 tbs, T k ayster n Michigan will be suspended Monday or ‘I uesday. ‘CHARLES WELLS WAS - POTS Wien ope ore eons Take Over Mines. Dec. 6. ! last year. D BURIED HERE TODAY Following are the figures show- z the quantity each kind of iny Other utility in any emergency when necessary | rhe funeral of the late Charles; fish landed here during November: BISMARK, \N. Power to take over and operate | ‘ of oa 1 for the DI tion Of life and property is vested in the 10F Wie } governor = ae Allies Preparing To Invade Germany Ultimatum sent That Country Saying Failure to sign Protocol will Oblige H Recourse to Military Measures. (Special to The News via 6 T.P. Telegrapns.) PARIS, Dec. 6.—The Allies today prepared to start a new triple invasion of Germany if she refuses to sign the protocol! to the Peace Treaty. The press and the public are alike confident that a virtual ultimatum will be despatched to the German Gov- ernment within 48 hours. Preparations for a decisive military blow are already under way. Under the armistice the Allies can denounce that agreement under three days’ notice, re-establishing a state of war. Following conferences between Field Marshal Wilson of Great Britain and Marshal Foch of France, military plans to en- force the terms of the armistice have been completed. LONDON, Dec. 6.—Field Marshal Wilson in his conference with Marshal Foch yesterday offered the co-operation of the + ee es ae? 2 2B Well t lied at A last libut (Canadian Bottom British fleet if oe 8 ls n to compel any to r , CLs, who aiec a nyox as i uu a aie ; s orce ecessary Germ ‘North Dakota in @ bill passed by the House ata special session] Monday, took place this afternoon we see tet rs i ... 146,200 Ibs. accept the Protocol, an Exchange Telegraph despatch from Paris a Wwih Dakota Legislature The measure had already been /|4l 2:30. The deceased leaves to| Halibut (American bottoms said. — - |mourn his loss a widow and four| ........... . . -854,300 Ibs. PARIS, Dec. 6.—A note delivered by the Supreme Council wthe Sena . : ee) Sh Pw sinall children, the oldest of whom|Salmon ............ 1,300 Ibs. today demands that Germany si n the protocol f anes RSON CITY, Dee. 6.—The coal mines of Missouri have}. only four. He was buried at|Red Cod ......._. 300 Ibs. y y sig or carrying out JF trot by the state, under @ prociamation |’ ro i iSite Gat 960 the the peace terms at once. Failure to do so will oblige the Allies ’ 5 - St a ae i MPoel ‘ 0 , e eterv ing es 6 6b BHO Ooh & Ss. been take ler con urview Cemetery. ane Rina to have recourse to military measures, sued by Governor Gardner. | | Black Cod -ana-dian . a ——— enn mn ectennentenncailiti eat a : ote . ,. an }.— Football alry 4 al 7 DOGO) «og 5755 ©. 3 2,200 Ibs. PITTSBURG, ae on , 2 F : a all riv oA i aa i MUCH MONEY BEING I Black Cod (American qmergy have been turned to account in 1 mines here ansas Vi bothsnie):.. 134.900 Ibs. University athletes are vieing with each other in efforts to show | SPENT ON JEWELERY | Plaice i os bd aw ed 900 Ibs. 4 _ _ whee - a a ieee = o rN (eper | via ate Tele grapne - nal Rich cic “ae _ ENTER CANADA AIR SERVICE Wvolunteers are in Operation today. ecatenil PARIS, Dec. 6.—Figures on the Total fish cateh for | DES MOINES, Dee. 6——State Fuel Administrator Charles high cost of living show that ; 72 Return F : ' a ee 972,000 Ibs. Webster to issued an order plac ing business on a six-hour ;ereater sums than ever are being lt aie be = 141 pe Quebec | . ba | spent on jewelery and gems. B. C. Undertakers. Phone 61 ow ‘sia assed ; @\ vasis | be a Would Go Back to Work. meena " 7 . — Niimber of Machines Located CHICAGO, Dec. 6.—Reports from Pittsburg, Pa., district iv QUEBEC, Dec. 5—A total of Along United States Boun- dicated tha ‘iy miners had expressed to their employers a| nt 141,428 persons coming Ir sip ictal dary. : : . from Richard 3} : Canada “passed the quarantine —- @ere40 cexume work. * Word was received from chara J. station at Grosse Isle near Quebec (Special via U. T. P Telegrapns. ) fopkins, att ey-general of Kansas, that he believed the coal e ® | Harbor in the present season of} WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.—Mexico digg. state would break away from the leadership of S lven to n la navigation. During the preced-|has 24 war type ainplanes mobil- Preside vatt of District 14 of the Mine Workers ~ ing year the number entering was|ized at Chihuahua City alone and was Not 5 cont con be ebted to tbh ie 101,052. The ocean vessels ex-|is obtaining additional planes , A ee ene Op + Fuel . . . . * ony | iimined at quarantine during 1919|/from Germany, according to war Pr: i ance any increase in wages to the miners, Fu Third Reading of Bill 18 First Step IN| numbered 363 and of these 80/department information given to Mmistrator Garfield declared loday. | S were passenger steamers. the House military committtee by REDERICK TON, N, B., Dec. 6—The Minto coal miners) New Era for That Country, ays TS Brig. Gen. Mitehell, chief of op- f Hel ast night to go on tribe JOHN KENT PASSES erations of the air service. Edwin S. Montague. (Specral to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs. ' LONDON, December 6._-The House of Commons passed the third reading of the India Bill giving India a measure of — government. William Anderson, laborite, and Sir Donald Mo- Lean, Liberal, while complimenting the government on what they | I WLOANSFOR VANCOUVER MEN BRITAIN UNDER MEET MINISTER If-) 4. yp ae » at the declared was a long step forward, expressed regret that se day morning, passed away a EXCHANGE RATE Mahe Recommendations to ten. government in a larger measure had not been given to India. | General He Cc. C. Ballantyne Regard- Liberal ing Harbor improve- Edwin S. Montague, sponsor of the bill, said the), rer me roudest moment of his life had arrived. The passage of the bill | ; mt of That Country not oe he declared ended the old era and started a new one. 3 \ Pipicanes at Embargo as Speciai by u 1 a lelegraphs ee nn | r rages Home ; \ Lex 6 4 number . s s fags “recomine Social Welfare Commission | lot recommendations for the im- Savil Firth, Scotland, where. his Wires From Ottawa Conference The department ; lso | in- AWAY AT HOSPITAL formation, General Michell eeia |that former pilots in the German Came From Swanson Bay Satur- *"™Y are arriving in Mexico for day and Died Last Night. service in the Mexican army air | John Kent, who was brought forees there. ere from Swanson Bay on Satur- | MCAFFERY IS ON THE JOB Hospital last night. 1adad been ill fom some time and! inally it became necessary to ring him to the city for treat- nent. The deceased was a native of | ' Uarboi . laved mother now resides. More With ee Arranged ee So Sanecever Sam T ° I H Ith | recently he lived at Brandon, Man.| fteenth. » via ‘el graphs j i ob é oal of Har- ‘ : } papeiidiion MTAWA, Dec. 6.14 saree mage by the Board of - ; Is 0 Inquire nto ea |It is believed he has no relatives ’ ae i) is not out- bor, Commissioners at an in . lin this country. He was 49 years M. P. McCaffery, president of » ,, Lunds of possibility that . th Hon. C. C. Ballantyne, . : the Board of Trade, is on the job i ® Domi, os view with n 7 ensions of age, oar e, Jj Mus, . Ae = San Ministe: { Marine - 7 . nsurance an The funeral arrangements are . aoe: reread toque an Mike Buitish Goveenmecs spends the construction of 8 mod. — in charge of the B. C. Undertakers/e has arranged with C. C. Bal- “~ Baiti . PRA unless | rard Sniet, the construction ‘ . a Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) ‘ovinee | and interment will take place on | Jantyne for a conference on the " Menge ciiuc eee Nomth Vancouver with Vancou- VICTORIA, December 6.—While the people of the province Monday. | fisheries question on December 15 es 4 iver, and the construction of a ‘ . mple opportunity of posting themselves upon the oe tod | and asking for co-operation. i tls aod Various men- . ‘ ‘ y system. : a ; nig elfare | Col. Peck will leave for Ottawa me of 4) iterminal railway 8} oe 7 the newly appointed social welfare Wes ‘ rmiment, when | The sugeé sted improveme nts various subjects int¢ kane eee coal ahiadal ot tis inetd LOCAL RED CROSS lon Monday, in all probability. It , ‘o the effeet of Gan- | severai millions 0 ission will inquire, the ’ $s possible that Mayor McClymont Ms prc: lwould cost severai comm ‘ ; >» > » . Mritied 1... foreign trade, | ; gation are explained in a memoranda now issued by =e wee! ELECTS OFFICERS may accompany him. Mild ‘hat the exchange rate | A letter from Col. Peck an J. D. MacLean, Minister of Education and Provincial Secretary, sonra jctaartilegniennielotiie Mess note 888 i. rrangements had | ° Sd diate jurisdict As already| Annual Meeting Was Held in the fet 8a ¢} one ¢ | nouncing that arrange! se department assumes immediate jurisdiction. \ g Mmpora the drop was only *! been made for the mails to ve ome ” , the press of the province, the scope of the snquiry | Court House Last Night. LINNELL TRANSFERRED y ‘ : . fore the departure o mnouneed wm e p a ae é ‘he 8 suspicion expressed — a o a es of vill inelude state health insurance, mothers’ and widow pea he Prince Rupert Red Cross TO PLYM ENGLAND Meials that. + tiains was read bo , . ran : y i Bociels he » isi Thine "i, oat the British Gov- Trade at their meeting last night. | sions, and public health nursing Society held its annual meeting in : Mt is not ereatly displeased, ; : Meaith insurance. the court house last evening. Former Vice Consul Mere Gets Man Prospect as the exchange : .w members were elect State — Workmen's Com- of his family. Under such a plan,|} General business was discussed Diplomatic Appointment May Ae din ages impomt of | mone pen a f Trade at their owe "Ast i 1 species of state in the event of its feasibility being| and the following were elected in England. med luxuries and win |*? *° te —— 5. Kates, 3. A. peemnnnee ASS 4 anal inasmuch established, both the family and| otiicers for 4yz0: —tine * a impetus to manufactures meeting last . : . Tobey, the| health aw r surgical and the workman would be given the| Honorary President, The Mayor. Word has been received in the - ‘|Hinton and nce with the|** ™ previene a in all cases of choice of a medical pnactioner| Chairman, Judge Young. city that Irving N, Linne!!, Ameri- *ETHODIsT cH membership bo ¢ — st hospital treatmer a i therefore, whose fees would be fixed ‘by an Vice-Chairman, Mrs. A. D. Me-| «; n viece-consul ‘at Vancouver, is : URCH beginning of the new | accident he am which the administrative board in consulta-|Intosh, to be transferred to Plymouth, ; - asia ‘ . ; ‘ * “Uday next Ran ° Wood, who will pereates 8 Be might be made, tion with doctors, nurses and hos- Secretary, Herbert Young. England. Mr. Linnell was jorm- ’ * ey w H. Ra, ; ecember fy) Mrs. Herbert 5. oo ' m Teiate larger provision a aaeabineettanen Treasuren, Mrs. N. E. Wood. erly consul here, having begun his Whe oni, ; mb: ough, B.A.,/be soloist at the — iitheed rhat is to nae J to meet the cost It will be observed, of course, | land. diplomatic service at this place. i elon .. ripen Chureh, concert on Monday 7) a nine | would lend itse f lical ailments, that the underlying principle is Superintendent of supplies, Mrs. Mrs. Linnell is at present at Wits 4 es ih speak in the from Vancouver thle ee treatmen of m soa ee (Continued om Pease 6.) F. G. Dawson. Ocean Falls and is expected in * a Movement “?-Chureh Bor- Mrs. Wood is Vancouvel ; not only of the workman, — Executive — All above ollicers| this city in about a week's time i M te “Orning Mr. 5 soprano. and D, G, Stewart. to visit with her parents, Mr. and ; Preae) on sarraclough | t ° ’ one err treertcapeteprocerenee Mrs. W. 8. Fisher, Fourth Ave., inte a te Mat ogBank vou cet tte! Prince Rupert Choral Society's 4). svat amstaren tis, rave|™. iy , ening at the Meth- | Orme s Drug Store for the Dra rince just received a shipment of five Se ' Mureh Smith Left . — , : warty iny matic Club show, "Why we tnne-| GRAND OPENING CONCERT hundred doors ae Just arrived at Edmunds’ Prinee “hal ‘Vilation to attend Home.” on Tuesday and We - on MONDAY NIGHT most and varied s n Nor a Rupert Music Store shipment of ( > is ¢ . . Heat be dein etted to you. | day, : ‘ » ¢. igi accordeons, mandolins, violins, tke, “8hted with the * locks, games, dolls,| Jon't Pail to Hear MRS. HERBERT WOOD in Gran 4 Opera. The real reason why Smith left] and banjos. You will have to ” ce eee books, mechal See full Programme elsewhere in this issu. heme, Westholme December 9%}hurry as this stock will not last Bt Coa; trains, children ~ a a : te 66. ttliong. tf Moen cons Co, The best. Prinne| ca! toys, at Tite's > a °™Pany, Phone 16, | headquarters. ve ee ene