THE bAlttf NEWS Monday jui Sli(? GREAT BRITAIN IS TO MEET FRANCE FOR DAVE! CLOSE GAME BASEBALL Ilazrlton Defeats New Hazelton i$y Score of Five to Four HA5$ ELTON, July 20: The Haz-clton baseball team defeated the New Hazelton entry in the Northern B.C. League here Thursday in a close, hotly contested -affair by the fccore of 5-4. The game was featured by smart fielding by both teams and some good pitching, although Hazelton was forced to usi three hurlers. In the seventh ln-nTnfc, Hazelton was leading by sm run end appeared We'll on the Wafc to victory, there being two down with thefr opponents having their last bat. Bert Spooner, the New Hazelton pitcher, however, tied tip the "game with a lpn'g hit that "wept 'for a home run. But tn the kter half of that frame, the last of the night-cap, a single by irigram, a sacrifice by Benson, and a single by Cox, drove in the winning tun. Srjooner went the whole route for New Hazelton ana allowed 6nlTy ; a few hits, hut these were bunched by did Town and wee made to count. The first two innings were scoreless and then fn the third when the vMtors drove in three runs, Adams retired in favor of Marshall. In the last half of that Inning Hazelton evened the Score when Ingram hit a double Wfth the bases full. York replaced Marshall in the box for Hazelton and was never in trouble the rest o'f the game. Hazelton Scored again to the last half of the fourth, New Town tied It -up in the seventh, but the Old Town came hack in the last frame to take the game. Baseball has speeded up immensely in the north this year and as a tribute to the faster bail that Is being played large crowds arc turning wrt to the gmes. SCore by Inhlffgs: New Hazelton 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 HaMitcn :o 0 3 1 0 0 15 Batteries: Bpooner and Denno; Adams, Marshall, York and Ingram. SORT CHAT The -glorious uncertainty of football was once again demonstrated ln the, match between the Regiment and the Legion on Friday evening. The Regiment had beaten the Merchants seven to one, the Merchants beat the Legion six to one and the Legion turn around and beat the Regiment four to one. the Regiment have won only two games this season and each was against the Merchants. They have lost to the Legion every time. Yet the Legion have beaten the Merchants only once and that was in the replayed final of the bomrhton Day Cup. With arrangement being con-j sldered for the ahtertainment ofj the British cruiser Dragon due here early in August football supporters are already considering the probable team that will represent the city in the games which are always one of the outstanding features of the visit of the Navy. If two games are arranged changes might be made where players of equal merit play to the same positions on the teams. But the chief item is undoubtedly the selection of the beat team that the city can provide. A group of spectators made their selection as follows: For goal, Smith of the Legion and Laldler of the Regiment were considered with the suggestion that each should get a game. The backs were Jack of the Legion and .Watson of the Regiment. Sam Currie was the choice for centre half with Hadden left half and Hill or Bdgecumbe Tight half. Forward the selection was Wilson, Russel, Baptle, A. Dickens and Norrington. It would be interesting to hear Irorn other football supporters thefr ideas on the subject of a representative team and the sporting edl tor will be glad to receive sugges Britain Wins Right to Play France in Davis Gup Tennis Bfeating Uhited States 3 tb 2 PARIS, July 20: In one of the great finishes . ol the year, Great Britain yesterday swent to victory in the last Yesterday's games: 1 F. J. Perry 6'oftJjiiered Sydney Wood, 6-3, 8-10, 6-3, 6-3. H. Bunny) Austin defeated Frank Shields, 7-5, 6-3, 6-3.f6-2 Informal Affair But Number Took Part and Good Resulis Obtained Owing to the fact that several members of the club were absent from town, the Spartan Athletic Club track meet on Saturday evening was held as an Informal affair, only those members who were in town being able to participate. This, however, did not hinder It from being a very successful meet. Due to the misfortune of having cut his hand. Alec Walters, the dob's star athlete, was able to compete ln only two events. In both the hundred-yard handicap and the girls' 75-yard dash, the finishes were close, only a few Inches separating Smith, Edgecumbe and Vance in the former, while in the latter, Laura Frizzell nosed out Eleanor Patmore to win ln the good time of 10 seconds. Sidney Woodslde was starter, and J. Campbell was timekeeper. The results were as follows! 220-Yard dash (handicap) Carl Smith (5 yds.), Phil Edgecumbe (scratcht, R. Moxley (12); time, 25 3-5 seconds. Half-mile Hedy Suehlro, Bill Patmore, A. Thompson; time, two mln., 22 seconds. Girls' 75-yard dash Laura Friz zell, Eleanor Patmore; time, 10 sec. ; Broad Jump Carl Smith, 16 ft., 5H in.; Bill Vance, 16 ft.. Vt in.; Phil Bdgecumbe, 14 ft., 5 ln. 100-Yard Dash (handicap) Carl; Vance (4); time, 11 seconds Hop-Step-and-Jump Alec Walters, 36 ft., 3V4 in.; A. Thompson. 36 ft., 2 in.; Bill Vance, 31 ft, 2Vi in. Medley Relay A team consisting of Bill Vance, Bill Patmore. Carl Smith and Archie Thompson won from one consisting of Bill Bacon, fchll Edgecumbe, Bob Moxley and Alec Waiters. ItUIIS. OCUU IUU1 KTlCbUUIIB IU UK .Li.,1 , RnnVtlnir frtltnr Tlallv TJeuM u- - BlG SIX STANDING O. AB R. H. .Pet Stephens E 0 24 4 9 HoweE 4 16 3 6 Arseneau O.E. . 0 25 3 9 Harold E 5 21 7 7 Nelson O.E 8 28 7 9 J. Comadlna S. 8 24 7 7 575 575 .300 .333 521 292 Post Office New"s Stftnd. 325 Granville St- Vancouver 4 i Karl Ander6n. PUncf Oeprge. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C Orncrai Store Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith ers, B.C. 4 i Big League Scores SATURDAY SCORES , National League N'ew-Yortri; Bt.fiouls 0t -i Brooklyn 3, Chldago 2. Boston 3-1, Pittsburg 9-0. Philadelphia A, Cincinnati 5. American League Cleveland L. Boston 4. Detroit 2. Washington 5. Chicago 6-2, Philadelphia 7-7. SUNDAY SCORES National League New York 1-1, St. Louis 2-2. Philadelphia 6-7, Cincinnati 7-1. Brooklyn 10, Chicago 6. American League St. Louis 9-2, New Ybrk.10-8. Detroit 1, Washington 2. Cleveland 5, Boston 6. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis ..... 55 34 .618 Bro&fclyn 49 38 .563 .Mew York .46 37 .555 ! Chicago 46 38 .548 j Boston 43 42 .506 Pittsburg .36 47 .434 Philadelphia .37 51 .420 Cincinnati 31 55 .360 American League W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 62 Washington 56 New York 47 Cleveland 41 St Louis 39 Boston 32 Detroit 32 Smith (3). Phil Edgecumbe (1), Bill Chlcsaeo 30 26 32 34 42 47 51 54 53 City League Second Half W. Old Empress 1 Elks 0 Sons of Canada 0 L. 0 0 1 July 20 Native Sdhs vs. Elks. .705 .636 .580 Pet. 1.000 .000 .000 July 3Elks vs. ,6ld Empress. July 27 Old Empress vs. Native Soni. Jiily '3C -Elks vs. Native Sons. Aug. 3 Old Empress Vs. Elks. Arfg. 6 Old Empress vs. Native Sons. Atu;. 10- -Native Soils vs. Elks. Aug. 13 Elks vs. Old Empress. Aug. 17: Native Sons vs. Old Empress. Aug. 20-Elks Vs. Native Sons Aug. 24 Old Empress VS. Elks. 30 GAMES OF TENNIS taood i'roferess Bcmg Made With Club Tournament Over Week-fend two matches ot the Davis Uup inter-zone tennis finals Excellent progress is being made against the United States, winning the thlhee-day serie's, ln running .off the Prince Rupert three matches to two and thus gaining the right to chal- ?e.nnls club tournament and many lemre France interesting games were played over tne week-end. mi The games against France Will commence on Friday of the results follow: mis ween. Men's Singles Black beat W. Mitchell, 7-5, G-2. W. Tobey Jr. beat Moore, 6-1, 6-4. Gregg' beat Robertson. 2-6, 6-4 - . ' Hlnton beat Nlcholls, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4. fehg of the Links' with his Children Bobby Jones is greeted upon his return to Atlanta from Holly-WdOd. where he recently completed a series of movies by his youngsters, Clara Malonc Jones and Bobby Jones III. Spartan Club Holds Races On Saturday J Currle beat Hinton. 7-5. 6-3. i A. Mitchell beat Macdonald, 6-1, !6-3. I Black beat W. Tobey Jr., 9-7, 3-6, 8-6. v i Joslin beat Bartlett. 6-3, 6-4. , Russell beat Lyons, 6-1, 6-3. ! A. Mitchell beat Gregr 6-2, 0-1. Brpwn beat Joslln. 6-3. 6-4. ' Black beat A. Mitchell, 0-3, 4-6, 6-2. Men's Doubles Hlnton and Moore beat Lyons and Vlldlng, 6-4, 6-4. Joslin and Russell beat Tobey sr. and Tobey Jr., 6-4. 6-4. Macdonald and Farquhar beat Darton and McAfee. 6-3, 6-3. ! Macdonald and Farquhar beat Hlnton and Moore, 3-6. 6-2, 6-2. Currie andLambie beat Smith and Cornish W. O. ! Brown and McMordie beat Currie land Lambie, 6-1, 8-6. Ladies' Singles Mrs. McMordie beat Miss M. Smith, 6-0, 6-1. Mrs. Currie .beat MtesF. Smith, 8-6, 6-4. Miss I. Mltclftll beat Miss B. Edgecumbe, 6-3, 6-4. Miss V. Smith beat Mis L. Frte-zell, 7-5, 9-7. i . Ladles' Doubles, Miss V. Smift and Mitf F. Smith bejft Mitt Cameron and Miss M. Smith, 6-1, 6-1. Mrs. Currie arid 'Miss Edgecumbe beat Miss V. Smith and Miss F. Smfth, 1-6. 6-2. Mixed Doubles Miss V. Smith and Brown beat Mr aigerfeh arid Nlcholto, 6-0, 6-1. Miss Cameron and W. Mitchell beat Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar, 6-4, 6-3. .Miss B. Edgetumbe and McMor die beat Miss Cameron and W. Mit chell, 6-0. 6-1. Miss I. Mitchell and Macdonald beat Mrs. McMordie and Black, 8-10, 6-2, B-3. Draw For Tonight 6:00 Robertson and Llnsey vs. Oregg and Nichetls. Currie vs. Russell. 6:45 Mrs. Oregg and Mrs. McMordie vs. Mrs. Blance and Miss Jean Robertson. Miss V. Smith vs. Mtoa I. Mitchell. 7:30 Llnsey VS. J. Smith. Joslin and Russell vs. Black and Bartlett. Btix Wednesday At Ketchikan KETCHIKAN, July 20: As one of the sporting events to be staged I here this week for the entertaln- .494 Iment of the men aboard the U. 8. 8. .453 i Detroit, the American Legion has 386 arranged a boxing card to be held 573 1 Wednesday night in the Coliseum .361, Theatre. A the main event Nortnan Wilson of Canada -who defeated Battling Mlk hereon July 3 will meet the Dixie Kid of Miami. Wilson made quite a hit -with the fans here In hli list show and they will welcome the opportunity to again see him In action. Adv.lse in Uir Lwllv News ME 649 Stbaln Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! UNO jjlK TAILOR 817 Sffond Ave. Phone 619 Softball Game WonByC.N.R.A. The C.N.RA. boys had no trouble in taking the Prince Rupert AH Stars ln a fast game of softball on Sunday night to the tune of 13 to 3. It was the railroad boys night oh for hitting every player getting one to three hits. . All Stars E. Smith, D. Stalker, R. Stalker, D. Ourvlch, Eddie Smith, J. Comadlna, B. Weridie, Ham, N. Chenoskl. C. N. R. A. Horton, Eldrldge, Styles, Tultoch, 'Cameron, linger, Boulter, Wicks, Peterson. There were about 250 to see the game. i Newsboys Are j Ajpiih Victorious The Borden Street all-stars suffered a double defeat ln softball at the hands of the local Newsies at the C. N. R. grounds Saturday afternoon, the scores being 6-1 In the first game and 3-2 in the second. There was an interested crowd of spectators watching the game. Shrubsall and Campbell were the lutstandlng players. FOOTBALL ! July 21 Regiment vs. Merchants. July-24 Merchants vs. Canadian Lesion. iiHIiHiiin, .iplillililii!!!:. V . t III I II H i I III 1 Mil I " .'OUlililaUL KllUSKX FECIAL. UQ(J Also the Do Luxe Whiskies; Extra Sr mal Liqueur and Ne Mus l ltra Thin aUviMiiM-iiH i . in.; i.u.ii.m.i-u r dmpluyed iiy the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Kriti ' ilumt) a Bring your best - - - to . . . Prince Risp ert The Fair Board is anxious to encoin-nft-P m-iMnnrH ft . . -..s.aBlki a v t w districts around Prince Rupert to brinp their best to the FALL FAIR Which will be held the FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Docal residents believe that they can grow flowers betl than any place within two hundred miles. Can they 7 The Fair Board would like to have the districts pit their hortU cultural skill against the Prince Rupert Flower 'Society and see if they cannot wres.t away some of the mlM especially that for the best floral xlisplay. ' A cordial invitation is extended to all to compete, further infoMiaKon tan tic ftbteaihe'd from Secretary W. D. Vance or from The Daily News, Prince Rupert, M.