PAGE THRU Phones 81 & 82 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIltr FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese rRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City SUITS Made to Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sharman Co. Phone: Mack 78 Opposite Post Office 2 Third Ave. & Fulton St. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Tlt.ML ISIMTISII COLl'MM.t Mmufnrturers of ELEPHANT CIIKMIl'.lI, IKIUII 1tltH TV -hicer At fWinrri ol TADANAC it ri.KrTHOI.YHr COAL ftiij the rral Coal our fa-mnu.t EcImiii and t' In any uoantitle AIo riulkle Vallrv lUv Grain and Robin Hood Flour i'nnrr RupeM Feed Co IMIONKS 58 AND 55H AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPII TE OF AMMONIA TRli'LL' SUPEKPHOSPIIATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH ANNOU.N'CKMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dane. July 23. Eagle's Dance, Friday. July 'Ai Ladles refreshments. OcnU. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST One purse of keys in pott Office or vicinity. Finder return to Daily News. Reward. (169) HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu A. J. PKUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Bit. SAVOY M.. jid Mrs. S. Robinson, Anyox J. Anderson. Stewart, Charles McDonald; W. Harrison, city. New Royal Hotel I. KarrllL i"rop THE IIOTKL NOKTII WIIII.B Hot tt CW1 Water. Steam Heat 7Jc PER DAY AND UP Trlrphunr SSI ROYAL O. K. Powell, Skagway; S. In gilt; C. Bergstrom. Prince Rupert Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Arc. TO GREAT BRITAIN and back SPECIAL. REDUCED third rU.. far from'Montreal to Ilclfaal, Glac ow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London and back. Cood going from Aug. 1st to Oct. 15th Return portion talid for 2 yean. Round trip rate to Continental point! reduced proportionately. Two ailing a week. ft lull IrJortnmlion ifph OTNARD UNE .1 (PhonSrinour J4l W. SOIIIaatlntaMrmt , I Vanrouw , U 1 1 ermny ittamihip Htnt CUNARD ANCHOR DONALDSON UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED atfiner lrtnr Kupert f r Vanrouver: T.H.N. I'AT.W.A EVERY TtT.XD.W f .30 I'M, Arriving Vancouver. T! ' rsday Morning. T U m ......... . ...... "n. t. Alllir..'W r.llllV KIIIII.IY MMIVimiT urltifr it Arriving Vancouver Bundy midnight appro mljlngi to Port Slmpaon, aiu Arm. Anyox, BU PJver point. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. (Kewart- and Naai information regarding all aalllnga and tlcktU at I'KINCT KtTtltT AOENCV: firv ..nd Avrmif, rhone S6S Reginald Leake Oale of Smlthers has been appointed a stipendiary magistrate in and for the county of Prince Rupert. Peter Bergseth was this mcrnlns fined In tnd police court for park lng his. car too far from the curb. He paid the five dollars. Mrs. Annett (one. Miss Pearl Stone and Miss Johnson have gone to Vancouver where Mrs. Stone Is opening a store on Granville Street. A. P. Allison, logging contractor arrived today on the ss. Prince Charles and will cross to his camp on the Queen Charlottes on the Princfl John this, evening. Erner C. Hopen was this morning assessed by the police magistrate $5 for being without a chaffeur'i license und another $5 for running a taxi without a license. J. M. Campbell of Prince Rupert has been appointed to be a commissioner under the Evidence Act fnr the Provlnee of British Columbia. The appointment Is gazetted this week. Earl Cash, arrived in the city recently and was arrested July 10 chanted with stealing an auto at Trail. Sergeant Laurie of Trail ar rived in the city today to take him back to the smelter city for trill. Miss Currie of Regina. formerly on the teaching staff of Ptinc: Rupert, passed through today witn Mrs. Moyer bound for Stewart on the Prince Charles. They will vlsii for a short while with Mrs. Mover's sister at Premier. Miss Currie then plans to return to teach at Regina. m i t i t ii uxM3 C3 n:i w. mi wiw 2 SEASON'S 2 SMARTEST $1.00 and Up SAILINGS FKOM PMNCE KUI'ERT To Ketchikan, Wrantcll, Ju-ncau and Skagway July 20, 24, 27, 31. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle July 22. 25, 29. August 1. For Ilulctfalc, Ocean Falls Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information trom W. C. Orchard, General Aecnt Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 m n 6 STYLES ! For the Younger Women JJ 2 m You will find Just your shoes H 5 amongst many offerings Priced QC QC gj Up from QO00 g 5 HOSIERY TO MATCH S 1 FAMILY SHOE STORE g 5 P.O. not 1581 rhone 35' ? S A. J. Webber, Mjtr. g Mail Orders Given Prompt 2 Attention 5 - nca mm r.n em cs ru ca c rur. Mind Your Health and Drink Daily Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY rhone Red COS P.O. ttox iii Visitors Welcome TOT T"l A Tf .V TJ If ura . ' 111 - Mondar. Jnw sa 1M1 L ' ' I . - I I .II!, NOW OPEN! n 0r JVeu; Store Qrmes Ltd. Pioneer DruQtvsLs Local Items Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner'a Store. Mr. and Mrs. D. Edenshaw of Old MassetUwere In the city over the week-end. In the police court this morning Wm. Crawford was fined $25 for Intoxication. Francis Vere Agnew MD . of Smlthcrs, has received the appointment of coroner. Summer COLDS Almost everybody knows how Aspirin tablets break up a cold but why not prevent it? Take a tablet or two when you first feel the'cold coming. on. Spare yourself the discomfort of a summer cold. Read the proven directions in every package for headaches, pain, etc Made in Canada Baseball tonight, Native Sons vs Elks. (ilaw fllW tw registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. A. McGregor of Anyox passed th uugh northbound last evening on the Catala. Those wishing Falr Prize Lists may obtain them at the Daily News Office. Furs remodelled, cleaned anil repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. ' tf Steamer Catala', Capt. Dickson, arrived last evening at 7:15 with rather a small list of passengers. Among the round trippers on the .Catala last evening were Mrs. G. V. Holt and daughter of Vancouver. Steamer Prince Charles came in , ' this morning during the noon hour and will sail this afternoon for An-j yox, Stewart and Massett. Oolng north on the Catala last evening was Miss Dodsworth of the , Anyox store staff who is returning! from a holiday in the south. Mrs. E. Thompson who was last week convicted of having liquor t for sale and was 'sentenced to six I months In jail, has appealed the case and is out on $1,500 ball. The'sit Prlh'crdWrcewhTSrai - rived this morning brought 23 people for the train, and picked up 30 who came in from the Eas. The vessel was booked up to her capacity. ' Freighter Waled bf the Water -house fleet arrived this morning with dynamite for the Southeaster mine at Skldegate. The explosive was picked tip here direct from tha vessel and taken to the Islands. The train was delayed thl morning by the failure of the nr. Prince Charles to arrive according; to schedule, getting away at 1:30 j with a number of tourists aboard1 from both the Prince Oeorge and: j the Prince Charles. Have vou rmld von' urrripUon to the Dally News this year? "BUILD It. C. PAYROLLS" A Summer Drink Si iyipf jvAPoTr Pacific Milk makes a nice summer drink, taken straight or with wnter. Children like it. A little while ago we received two letters from mothers telling how their children enjoyed it. One mother put it this way. she wrote: "Bill Li crazy about it." PACIFIC MILK . Fnclory at Abbotsford, ILC. 103 B.C. Owned and Controlled iSUVIB m LIB 1 LI - IS1 Per Pkg. UNEMPLOYED ; AT MEETING MOOSE HALL Resolution Passed Asking' For" Unemployment Insurance Other Matters Dealt With The second mass meeting of unemployed at the Moose Hall last night passed a resolution asking the federal and provincial governments to pass Immediate -legislation' pro- vldlng for unemployment insurance. The committee was also asked to get In touch with the local chamber of commerce, trades and labor council and other organizations asking their support In urging the institution of immediate' employment on a large scale, pending- insurance legislation. The meeting was largely attended, the seating capacity being well taken up by the unemployed, and the general public, the latter being graced by a few ladles. Mr. Murray occupied the chair and was supported on the platform by the committee. The meeting was called to receive the report of the interview with the mayor and council, and Mr. Larson, representing the committee, gave the report. Beyond the telegrams and the replies which have already appeared In the press, there was nothing new to report. Strenuous efforts are still being made in the matter of the 40c dally being increased, and at date Mr. Watt, Government Agent, had no authority beyond his original Instructions to give to other than transients. Meantime Mayor Orme has Indicated to the committee that no one need go hungry, and a number were issued relief from the city office on Saturday, but in the present condition of the city's finances this could not last forever. Mr. Murray said that the government would probably present their theme of constructive public works for approval this week. It was estimated by the city authorities' that there were now COO uncmploved and this would be In creased In the near future to 300. it was therefore wise for outsiders to steer dear of this district. The committee was enjoined, to continue .Ar&tr .efforta.- towatds ob laming reasonable, subsistence 1 lowance for the men till operations commenced. Alderman Mscdonald who was present in the audience gave an outline of the city's scheme to register each individual in the hope of each man getting his share of work. and remove considerable complaint of unfairness. tiMi rauir and auaaa. Mti l CCata IN 4M AND WAK HQ tURC AND lT A motion to the effect that the unemployed organize Into an unemployed union was carried unanimously, without discussion. The confidence of the meeting In the present committee was expressed by their unanimous re-election At the close of the meeting a let ter thanking the Loyal Order of Moose for the use of their. hall was endorsed, and the Order of Eagles was also thanked for their courtesy : In offering the men the use of their hall. Police Boat Was Ashore Maple Bay STEWART, July 20 At the weekend the B. C. Police boat from Prince Rupert wtth Sergeant McNeill and three men aboard, ran on a bar at Maple Bay in Portland Canal when on the way to the big celebration. The force arrived later i and damage to the boat is reported slight. Emt'and Is spending more than 80.000.000 on new roads and high-wivs. Twenty-six hundred stamp sell. lng machines have been installed in England. HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D. SPECIALIST Eve. Ear. No6e and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel MF.MH1 NEWSCIENTIFIC METHOD of MAKiNO JAMS zfc JELLY ii oie mitmoo aaauiais moj Mi r'jirstesawi Enough for 8 seven-ounce glasses of jelly or 4 pints of jam. Your Grocer Recommends Memba A GARDEN PARTY Under Auspices of Presbyterian W. A. Wednesday, July 22, from 3 to 6 At Mrs. T. McCIymont's, Borden Street Tea will be served from 3 to 6, and Home Cooking will be sold during the afternoon In the evening, 7:30 to 10 Games and refreshments. Should the weather be unfavorable tea will be served in the home and the evening entertainment In Church Hall. .' Everybody will be made welcome o Competes for Rodeo Honors Idea of selecting a "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" at Sallnas Callf is attracting attention In western states, and here Is Maudlne Creason 20, of Fresno, who has b--en selected to represent cow counutles of San Joaqulm Valley Borden All Stars Capture Matches )cfeated Newsies in Both Games on Saturday Evening at Softball In Saturday night's games between Borden All Stars and Newsies che Borden boys took the long end if It, the scores being 8-7 and 5-4. The first game was a tight one ill the way through, Shrubsall hitting hard for Borden. In the second game the Borden boys had a nice margin all the way intll the last inning when the Newsies showed their stuff and col-'ected three runs. Batteries: Borden, Comadlna and Postula; Newsies, Dungate and Art Murray. Borden Shrubsall Welle, F. Montcsano, Comadlna (capt), San-terbane. Smith, Postula, Munizaba. Newiles Arney, S. Murray, A. Murray, Campbell. Morgan. Woods icapti, Dungate, Lindsay, Veltch. Powers Atwaya freah became he keepi hia mouth freah with Wrlglea. WRICIEY'S la recommended by doctora and dentlata. It alda digeatlon . . . cieanaea the teeth. A aimple rule of health, of mouth hygiene, of efficiency. INEXPENSIVE SATISFYING! Try a Dally News want-ad. THE "BEAUTY" THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN! Nothing is sadder than a irirl who juat miacea bring; brautlfaL Often the reason ia simple improper tliminaKoH. f The poisons from constipation often cause pimples, sallow akin, dull eyes headaches and, even serious disease, But every girl can banish the evil of constipation by eating KellopK'x A i.i. -11 ran regularly. Its bulk sweeps thecyatem clean. Two tablespoonfula daily are a wonderful health prescription. Try it with milk. Add fruits or honey. Delicious when combined wtth canned peaches. ALL II RAN ia non-fattening. Ask for Ksllogfr's the original Aix-Bsan. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. All-Bran dfhMfcsshi m