PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS DEMER'S Summer Clearance Sale Coats Broadcloth, Twills and Tweed 4 Q A Regular values up to $35.00, for . . . vJL'uv Tweed Coat One only $10.50 Girls' Coats 10 and 12 year3 .. $7.50 Navy Suits Mantailored r7 ft Values, $29.60 and $25.00, for . , V tlv blouses Three only ffi-fl Charing at . ; '...' Wool Suits Three-piece Oft nebular $12.95, for . . ., v ..... Wcldrest Hosiery Service $JL 00 Weldrest Hosiery Chiffon $1.45 SHE'LL MAKE SOME MAN HAPPY Pauline M is just a young girl-as you can tell from her letter. But she has what I wish every young girl had a real enthusiasm for cookery, and a real cleverness in ferreting out cooking secrets. But let me quote her own spontaneous and delightful words: "I have tried many of your recipes salmon croquettes, creamed chicken, spinach au era tin, baked cauliflower, devil's food cake, caramel nut cake, cherry padding and so many of them I just can't name them. They were wonderful. "You see, we were giving a shower (or a friend, and I made some of the recipes, and the people iust couldn't get over how good and delicious they were, especially the caramel nut cake. They all a9ked me who made all that, and they said me, but. boy I did they rui to me and ask how I got the recipe! I told them from Carnation Company, and they said, gee, they never knew Carnation could do so much. So you see how all my friends appreciate your delicious r tapes." Pauline knows what you should know -that Carnation Milk, being simply pure whole milk, evaporated to double richness and "homogenized' so that the cream is broken up into finest par tides and distributed through everv drop, gives cooking results that even the best of bottled milk cannot equal. and that it is extraordinarily conveni ent, dependable ana economical. Carnation Milk is protected at the source. It comes from clean herds housed in clean barns, milked by dean hands into clean utensils. I am giving you her favourite recipe below Carnation Caramel Nut Cake. Why not send for the Carnation Cook Book and Baby Feeding Book? They are free. Address Carnation Co., Limited. 134 Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Caramel Nut Cake 1J cups pastry flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, M tsp. salt, H cup Carnation Milk, H cup water. j$ cup shortening, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs. H cup chopped nuts. i tsp. vanilla. Measure flour after silting once. Resift With baking powder arid salt Dilute Carnation with water. Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add well beaten eggs and beat until mixture if light and creamy. Dredge the nuts with part of flour. Add flour andmilk alternately to the creamed mixture, beginning and ending with flour. Add nuts and vanilla. Bake in moderate (375 F.) oven. Ice with Caramel Icing 2 cups light brown sugar, i cup Carnation Milk, )i cup water, 1 tbsp. butter. M tsp. vanilla. Mix sugar and Carnation diluted with w.i'.er; cook ui" l it forms soft ball in cold water And butter, cool, add van:! 'a, and beat until creamy. Spread on cake Only purest whole milk, safeguarded at the source by the strictest cleinli-ness in the care and in the milking of the cows, and then evaporated t9 double richness goes Into Carnation cans. These cans are then hermtt-ically sealed to continue the pro tection until Carnation reaches you, To save on butter and cream and get wonderfully fine textures, use Car nation Milk in all your cooking. (St recipe above,) Milk horn Canadian cowt, picked in Canada in Canadian caoi and cutt. ! PRODUCED ' IN CANADA Miss Sheasgreen I Is Pretty Bride i Girl Well Known In North Marries In Vancouver Mrs. Marintctte Is Matron of Honor VANCOUVER, July 20 Summer' flowera, mostly roses, decked the little grey-stone Church of St.! Peter and Paul Thursday morning for the marriage ot a daughter of an old-time family here, when Evelyn Teresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheargreen, became the bride of Ernest Arthur Goddard of Oz-ean Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs Frederick A. Ooddard of New Haz-elton, B,C, formerly of London. Solemnized with a quiet dignity at nuptial mass by Rev. Father C. J. McNeill, the service was followed , by 'a reception for relatives and ; close friends of the families at high noon. The frocks of the bride, her matron of honor and two tiny flowr girls were of sheerest onrnd' carrying out a pastel symphony in coloring. The bride, who looked very pretty, was given :n marrla by her father. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink rosebuds, del phinium and white heather. Bride's Attendants Piquant in flowered organdie frocks were her two nieces, Miss Joan and Miss Betty Marnetette whose gowns were pink and blus respectively. Made entirely of frills the skirts tipped their slippers while their hats of matching or gandie had dainty streamers and they carried Victorian nosegays ot pink and white sweet peas. Th .bride's sister. Mrs. E. W. Maren-trtte.was matron "f honor, wearing a georgette ensemble in pastel thades, the predominating mau".-- appearing again in her hat and in hr bouquet of cweet peas and roses. James Sheasgreen of Court-cnay was best man. and ushers were Frederick Martin and Mitchell Newman. During the signing of the-register Miss Hilda Blnns. w-companlrd by Mrs. Sttrn. san? -Ava Maria." , The reception took the orrr of a buffett luncheon. Mrs. Sheasgreen mother of the bride, assisting In receiving at 1256 West Twenty- tlxth, where the drawing room had been arranged with cut and garden Howe's. agJn carrying ou' the pastel mutlf. Mr. and Mrs. Ooddard will spen i a month travelling in California prior tc residing at Ocean Fall For going the bride donned a travelling suit of robin's egg blue Roshanara crepe with eggshell a: cessorles. A polo coat complete! the smart ensemble. Quiet Wedding . Saturday Night Miss Helen Kehoe Becomes Bride of lames Ililtman, an Employee of Cold Storage A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse Saturday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Rev. W. Grant Holllngworth officiating, when Miss 'Helen Kehoe of this city became the bride of James Hlllman, an employee of the Cold Storage, and a well known billiard player. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. T. II. El liott, at whose home, 1941 Sixth Avenue East, a reception was afterwards held, nearly forty people being present. Mrs. Elliott Is a sister of the groom. I Mr. and Mrs. Hlllman will reside at 1610 81xth Avenue East. Suits Made To Your Measure Extra Pants Free! $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. Hi 3rd Ave. W. Phone C63 Next Benson Studio Rupert Motors Karaite and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 161) Distributors ot DODGE CAKS and TRUCKS I .Remedy I I Constipation 1 131 mm 1 BraiS (The Nition's Luatire) 3 Actor Purchased Number of Furs While 'In City One firm that benefitted from th visit of the Barrymore party Saturday was that of William Goldbloow the fur man. He sold them seven fine fox skins and several othe varieties of furs. Mr. Barrymore was very please ', with the furs he saw and with the 6tore and complimented Mr. Gold bloom on them. 1 District News TERRACE Ret. arid Mrs. J. B. Gibson met come friends at the station on Wednesday as they proceeded east fot a little vacation. The gljrls of the C. Q. I. T. return ed from jLajtelse. Lake after spending a most enjoyable holiday In tbx charge of Mrs. Allen and Mrs. McCarthy. Mr. Macdonald. the new road superintendent, paid a visit to Terrace during the week and had a look over the roads. Quite a .few carloads of poles have been moved from here recently and the lumbermen who had supplies in the woods liave begun to haul in their supplies again. Several local families are now in residence 'at Lakelse Lake for the summer holidays. The new town pump in the park i delivering a copious supply of watr and so robbing the usual summei hortage ot Its penalties. SMTHERS A great sendoff was given Oov rnment Agent Hosklna. abou sixty residents of the neighbor hood fathering to spend a soch "Vfmlng with him. There wer many complimentary speeches and much music. The affair was ar ranged tgr the Chamber of Com irrrce with Charles Morris in charge. A Masonic emblem wa? presented to the guest of honor. I Mrs. OJof Hanson and daughter T Innr-a have returned from Ottawi where they aeenmpanied Mr. Han on it the opening session. ALICE ARM Good returns are reported fror-' 'He Dltlv Ma property from which .T. Pewo" and-T. Calfa have r "rtly returned. They report tint at the end of a 60 foot tunnel they drove through nine feet of sine, rtlver and lmd ore containing good working values. The scouts. Attetn in numbm-undr 8eoutirtaW Roland Gale nr. , nnt Rtewart. They arj accompanied by Mrs. Gale. Miss Margaret Deaftv. who 1m n visltlnK with Miss Alice Ker-gm. has returned to Prince Rupert. Finland now bas 520 automatic Slid !.2!)3 manual tolcphimf ex-dhttJii:'' v Orange Picnic Great Success Many Attended Event at Digby Island on Saturday and Enjoy Sports The Orancre uicnlc on Saturday at Diabv Island was a pronounced ; 1.. V..Mr!As1 naftnlo ' success, nearly uue uuimiwu v.- Joinlng In the event. The winners ai races were as-follows: Girls, 4 years and under Alice Clapp, Marie Boulter. Boys, 5 and under Ted Denning, Rupert Clapp. Girls. 5 to 8 Ina Robertson, Grace Yuck. Boys, 5 to 8 Ed. Davis, Chas. Sunberg. Girls, 8 to 11 Jean Robertson, Margaret Wallace. Boys, 8 to 11 Sam Currle, David Huston. Girls, 12 to 14 Jean Sunberg, Hosic Smith. Boys, 12 to 14 Geo. Velrlch, Huston. Girls, 15 to 18 Cathie Eastman, Mary Geary. Married women Mrs. Yuck, Mrs. Montgomery. Men Goo. Boulter. Mr. Barker. Tug-of-war Married Women vs. mile Women. Single Women won. Kicking football Rosie Smith, lean Sunbey. ife Was Subject Christian Science Church Sunday The subject of the lesson-sermon n all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "Life." Among the Bible texts included In the lesson-sermon was the follow- ng from Proverbs 12:28: "In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway .thereof there is no death." The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- cures." by Mary Baker Eddy, one ;assge being as follows: "Life is ieathless. Life is the origin and ultimate of man, never attainable through death, but gained by walking in the pathway of truth both before and after that which is cal led death." Burns Lake Has Superior School BURNS LAKE, July 20: Provision has been made by the trusters of the local school for the opening of another room In the fall. This will give the school the status of a superior schorl and the children win have the advantages of more advanced education. WE LEAD In Price and Quality !Vi: ALWAYS TRY TO SAVE YOU MONEY. WE EXPECT YOUR 1,0 Y-L SUPPORT. HERE AKE A FEW .TliMS FOR YOUR APPROVAL. Sugar 100. lb. sack Sugar 10 lbs. Certo For preserving 3 bottles Malkin's Best Tea per lb Malkin's Best Prunes Med 2-lb. pkg Malkin's Best Pineapple-Sliced or crushed, 3 for New Potatoes 13 lbs Eggs Fresh Firsts 3 doz Bread Raisin Included per loaf Heinz Ketchup ., 3 bottles Fels Naptha Soap ' 10 bars Empress Plum Jam 4-lb. tin .40 55c 95c! 44c 24c 74c 24c 55c 7c 65c 74c 38c Mussallem s Cash and Carry Stores "Where hollars Have More fentv Phone 3G0 Phone 18 & 81 810 3rd Ave. 117-123 5th Ave Monday and Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admission 20c & 63c Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:30 Wednesday & Thursday Ci.lTISH SrEClAL-"W Plan" Monday JmyJJ, Again She Sweeps the Screen MAKLENE DIETRICH and Victor McLaglcn In a Romantic Thriller "DISHONORED" With Lew Cody and Warner Oland. The flaming star of "MorocctJ Jo a new triumph more fascinating than ever as "X-27,", m I terious, beautiful spy. A Paramount Picture. I Comedy ANDY CLYDE in "THE COLLEGE VAMP" Cartoon "PENTHOUSE BLUES The Fish which made Prince RupertFamouA "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK CO! Prepared Daily IJy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE KUPEKT, H.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK eiuyussunaax WE AKE OFFERING: AND SHIPYARD Ol'EKAI INt; (i. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING UltVDOl I , Engineers MachinlKtu, Hoi term skeris Hlarkumlths. Patten Maker Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, S1XK Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $M Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $121 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta-tion. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUrEIJT DAIRY " M3 Phone 287' TRY VT-VOU-u. um. S.E. Parker LlJ Ford Dealers Cars . Trucks ' on .Flat. iui' K' i" :' Wrecking ? Third Avenue rhon 1 iir TUF FLAVOUR ROWNTREE'S