Newsboys Are Still In Lead At Safttall Tho Newsboys were again vie-torlous yesterday by defeating the Borden All-Stars, two games out-of tHt&e. Th0 fttft game was a clean walk-away, the News win nlng 7 to 1. ! s The second was closely fought and BVrde'n Street edged out the i wlnneWby the store of 5 to t. The third was won by the News-, let by a comfortable margin and daring it Borden was nowhere) dangerous. Dungate pitched fine ball for: 'the winners, walking but two men V Batteries Borden Welle and Postula, and for Newsies Dungate and Campbell Munlzaba and Santerbane played" well for the losers, the former doing good work In the left field. Big 'League Scores National League New York 5, St. Louis 8. Brooklyn 4, Chicago 3. v 'American League Detroit 4, Washington 3. Chicago 5, Philadelphia 10. Cleveland 2, Boston 3. Try a Dally News want-ad. if If i-v mi A' She greets liim with a cheery smile Whit keep her to freihf WRIGLEY'S. She know) that if you keep your mouth freh, you Jtel freth. The pure, cool flavor of WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum refrekhei the mouth at nothing cue can. -iiJ1 INEXPENSIVE sATisnriNa' PHONE 649 Sfeam Cleaning and Pressing Alteration Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR K17 Secdnd Ave. Phone 619 COAL Kay the real Col onr fa nious FJson and Cassldy-Welllntton In any Qoantltfei Also nalkly Valley Hay, (Vain and Kobiu Hood Ffo'ur. Prince Rupert feed Co SUITS Made lo Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning A-Pressinff for Ladies & Gentlemen Sliarmari Co. Phone: Black 78 Opposite Post Office Lv 0 1 1 1.000 .000 FINAL STAGE LIFE HISTORY OF HALIBUT Schooner Dorothy Gone to Seward Expertlnf to Cdmplfte CycU Of Life There JUNEAU. July 22: The schooner (Dorothy carrying a group of scientists who are searching for the life history of the halibut, is on its way to Seward near where It ts hoped to find the tiny halibut in their final stage to complete the records, i The vessel has been paying visits tO nof thcrtr tfateM for Kevefal yea?!. trnthprlnw H.ifa In rBnrH in 4hW nn. n iiiVr uua- i-t sHiujt .n.. Loizlon. EK3E0 News and Views A Nbve! Kac TtlT" TTTTItlHTtlilWtffl Vfit This photo shows race between airplane and outboard motor boat. i , The Letter Box SPORT CHAT ! . i i OBJECT TO SELECTION Sporting Editor, Daily News: Your selection of a team to represent Rupert against the Navy boys is good, with the exception of Wilson ar outside right, whose displays for Regiment have been weak and not worthy of a novice, and how the committee of the Regiment Football Club put up with his brand of football Is beyond we spectators who pay UJ see some decent football. He may be approaching the veteran age of footballers and would show a good example to ih6 younger players by standing down In favor of one of them. Regiment have two wins to their credit which were achieved more by making play on the left wing than on the right. My selection for Rupert would be: Laidler or Smith; Watson, Jackr Edgecumbe, Currle, Hadden: S. Baseball Standings National League ; W. L. St. Louis 56 34 ! Brooklyn 60 39 ' New York 46 38 Chicago ...) 47 39 Boston 43 42 Pittsburg . 36 47 ! Philadelphia 37 5! Cincinnati 31 53 Old Empress" 1 Sons of Canada 1 Elks 0 26 33 34 43 48 52 55 55 Pet. .624 .564 .548 .547 .506 .434 .420 .360 American League W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 64 Washington 57 New York 48 Cleveland ii St. Louis 39 Boston 33' Detroit 33 Chicago 30 'City League! Srrorid'nali .716 .635 .588 .495 .447 .387 .375 .350 the betting on the fight to take place between Jack Sharkey and Mickey Walker is two to One off Sharkey. Some local interest is being takeri in the match at Ifttchikan be; twen Norman Wilson and the pixie Kid. The former is known In Alaska and B.C. and the latter is" a member of the crew of the cruiser Detroit. The American Legion is. arranging the bout. Last evening's Mobley Cup; football fixture between the Merchants and the Regiment was postponed owing to the bad weather. This is the first tlrn? this season that a football ga.n has had to he post poned, The next game bn Friday evening wllpbe between the Merchants 'and the Llgton. This game nnohl In Ha nf cnoihl Intfaract oq thai' Dickens. Russell ot Murray, Battle, teflon is anxious to wipe out the A. Dickens, Norrington. stlng of slx one vlctory M A SPECTATOR, the MerchanU) in their last encoun ter ana mey are jconnaeni inai they can take the measure of the tradesmen. ' t The leading goal scorers for the rearon, all competition games In cluded, are Baptle with eight goals, Albert Dickens with seven, Norring ton with four and S. Dickens and McKay with three goals each. AmOr, Russell, J. Murray. W. Murray, Fong and Colusel have two goals each to their credit while If. Dickens, Doug-las', Howe, D. Smith, Bussanich, D. Jack, A. Ilodgklnson, Bond, Wing-ham, Tinker. Wilson and Lyons have one each to their credit. W. Murray scored against his own team while Skinner has put two past his own goalie. i The standing in the Mobley Cup i City League) to date is: P. W. L. F. A. Legion 3 i i 8 8 Regiment 3 12 9 8 Merchants .2 117 8 'pfctballeti)alcfflarl-ilrt(Si: with regret of the accident to Percy Tlftkef who brokif hls-Rnectlp wfifft he sloped on a greasy plank while across the rwftbbr on Sunday. Percy Is known to all football supporters as a real sport. For many yea1 it he has give ft hW best, and It was a very good btft, too. in football circles. While not so fast as he Used to be he li tllll able to show the younger generation how it should be done and this year bos turned out for the Regiment arid aeoreO fdr them. He Is ctmtrman of the Regiment Football Club. All will J6in iri wishing him a dpeedJ and complete recovery and trust that he will stlir be able to (urn out and give the ball .n occasional Kick. FOOTBALL jQly-24 Merchants vs. Canadian Llon. Jiiiy 28 Regiment vs. uanadi?.i .they havff plfced t'ogct'ne? (lie evl-' . Jav 31-M6rchantS dence iecurtd bV dreajlrig and fish- me"t . . Ing until tfi Hfn ft alnibst com-1 -Canadian plete drid It IS expedled triat bV fall MerehanU. the whole1 life Alstor of thee fish Aug 7 CanadUn in WeiferfY Alaska'rr waters will be Regiment. a matfer of rtcOrd. The informa- Aug. 11 Regiment Hon wf necessafy before any steps ants. could b taken to-preserve the hall- Aug 14 Merchants iS , but trow dVpletloh-, , Leg Ion. vs. Reg; Legion vs. Lrglon v vs. Merch- Canadii.i TflE' DAItV' NEW3 Wwinesuay, ROYAL TIME P. D. Pattullo Went South' This1 Morning After Leaving Message With Daily News Before" leaving for the south' yes terday, T. D. Pattullo.' who has Just completed a tour of the stated to' the Daily News that he appreciated vety much the courtesies that had been extended to Kim' fltiH iVa AtAAiathf at : given him. He did not address any public meeting there -.but simply went there to take part as a citizen. Mr. Pattullo said he felt sure there would be great developments In the north as soon as-conditions changed. The wealth of the country wds so well known now that nothing coUId hold it back permanently. Aftef his arrival home Mr. Pattullo will leave for a tour of the Peace River country which Is at Its best just now. He plans to travel all over the British Columbia section of that huge district, so that he may be in a position to help them solve their problems In the BASEBALL July 23 Elks vs. Old Empress. July 27- Old Empress vs. Native Sons', July 3C -Elks vs. Native Sons. Aug. 3 Old' Empress vs. Elks. Aug. 6 Old Empress vs. Native Sons. 'i Aug. (O jWtfve Sons vs. Elks. Aug. 13 Elks1 vs. Old Empress. Aug. 17: Native Sons vs. Old Empress. Aug. 20 Elki vs. Native Sons Aug. 24 Ofd Empress vs. Elks. J Anderson, Atlin road superin tendent. Is leaving this afternoon for Skagway err route to Atlin. Later he plans going1 up to Telegraph Creeji before returning to Portland ' Canal. TA Intertidtionat Umitt'd, talk Jfi'er 'f the Canadian A'Wiftno Ksiiwiyt litu ttn Montreal, Toronto diid Chicago, it tbi fastrst train in tbi uirldtr its distant!, lb 3)4 milts bttwrtn Montreal and Toronto art coitrtd in SCO mitutti and tht inth 843.8 miles to Chicago art (tvtrtd in tht astonishing timt. tj li hours and li minutes. THIS LIFE AND NEXT Psyehie Investigators Assert Visions From Beyond Reported in Winnipeg Case Are Not Unusual phenomenon! wtmnippo Jniv 22 Followin " 'the strange case of Mrs:; FranW Dart of this city, who saw the vis-slon Of s dfad friend 24 hours be fore she herself was killed In an the enterprise of the people of jtomobile ardent, ducted enquiries the Winnies &m-did Stewart in putting on such a splen-ribune celebration. It gave him great ion& investors of physhls phen-pleasure to be present there afong tmtn and rt """h with H. F. Kergin. M. P. for the i thre no absolute barrier be-f district, and Mrs Kerein. He" felt;twn this state of existence and. grateful for th'e royal time. they had jthe "ext- The investigators were not sur prised by the case of Mrs. Dart, claiming' visitations from beyond BTe a usual occurrence. Mrs. Dart, as grand marshal of1 the grand chapter of tht Eastern' Star, was performing the last official act of he term of office She was to place a wreiiith o'n th alter1 in memotf' Of Slsler Edna1 Backus, of Winnipeg. As Mrs. Dart) rnoved toward the altaf (Ke vision Of Her friend appedred beside her. "She was as I knew her in life." Mrs Dart later told a friend. Almost exactly ii MWrir lift? 'Mm. Dart was killed. the Tribune1 went to Dr. T Glen Hamilton. wMse reputation as an invesfifratOf of osyehfc oheho-mena eiertW far Beyond (his continent'. He said strctr aporlU6ns a appeared to Mrff Dart have been1 frwrtenfiy oBserved by many reliable witnsfSM. "Clarlvovarit vf-tons:" 18 perhaps the better term Ths ta:e w set fir the vision t . come and Mrs. Dart had the fa? ulty necessary to see It. It mlghf have been viflble to Other clar! voyants hid any been present. Evidence Abundant The ev'rfr K'M"nt " V Dr. Hamilton, "and to many CoV ervative. scientific minds wh--hae hd tffe obdft'f ttinfty and i perferice to eriiMe them to ,htd". the case, it Is sufficient to e a e'nlm that therf is absolute barrier between this stat-of existence and the next. Trr" 'evidence, which is indisputable, in- A record made and a record held is indeed a record worth while Turret's record for popularity with Canadian smokers is one which was established years ago and one ' which has been on the increase ever since. After all, nothing can replace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing" artificial about that and the high quality ij "inbred". 1 Mild and Fragrant urret C I C AhvETT tS IhU advertisement Is nof pu'alisnpcT or dttpiaYea by Control Board ot by the Government of British Columbia dudes the handwritln?. the spok : one Is wofMfif undr s word, the choice voodbalary, man-- ly ronttructed corrdUtoh.' nerlsms and a score of other h mediums possessing an bit features to say nothing of phn- culty for clarlvoyance . . t. w m J V . il t tit M Investigators have come to th I fhi SUIeit, smoothest, jineit Rye Whisky on the shelves. $3.50 Hep. Quurt 9L B.C. 11 YEAR OLD DOUBLE PfSTILLEO RYE Every, drop 11 years old ug'c, Government gtiuruntccd. For ! at VsnJort, or dirwt from tli liquor Coatt! BrorJ-MooV Unlrr IVporlmrnl, YMurU, H. i'm 1-B tlw LiquoJ and" m ft tograpmc recoras or semDiance me complicated iactor niaxui; of persons prelected" through f?6m . nofcgraphjs records pojcible vc an unknown, an 'X' state of ex'.i-ftll prertf." icnce. mis suiic ui cAuicutc i- separated from us by a great gul', but a gulf which is not impassable to a well-cbrifrolled form of energy dominated and directed In accord: with . mysterious laws by unseen 1 Intelligences acutely alert td sOlve the problem they have set out to prove." Emphatic CfaTms Many investigators are nuptial In their claims that result of r rearch have lifted the edse of M curtain that hides froir us toother state or condition nf mi. tenee; that they have talked w i thoe beyond. To these searchers aftr truth such instances as thar riar. j ,f conclusion that back of these pne -, Mrs. part, fit consistently wl'j nomena there' ffre unknown pay- other incidents and the laws g. -hie laws iff soirTe Kind operatinR jemlng such phehdmena In m-h fThe investigators included such lnitaces. however rir . -nen as Flammarlon. the noted gaid, one should have conflrmatc French astronomer of Columbip. , evldeftce from several sources b-. 'tniverslty. f0re taking them too srlouslev "Naturally." said Dr. Hamlltu.i "the popular enquiry arise; 'Wait . - rf this particular Incident of a mon-,, j ltary nature?' Investigators can- The Dailv News Mn be Bnr. not say. here we are on unscien tific ground. We can. however. " this: In our work, which Includes extensive observation Of clarlvoy-ant phenomena, as well as photo graphic experiments, we havo found a good many Instances which emphatically Indicate that the clarlvoyarice was" based on actual fact. Proof of this type, however, caa only be obtained when ; chased at- f Post Office News Stand, 321 4 Granville 8t . Vancouver i Karl Aha,rton. Prince ' George, B.C. t R. W. Rile?. Terrace B.C Oeneral Store, Anyox, i Smilthers Drug 8fore. 8mIUY era. B.C. ... M SPEAKS fox ITSELF