DEMEITS Uct the habit of reading the advertisements .... in this paper. 1 J 1 unu laKinjf advantage of the' help they bring you. Local Items Dlnherware, diTna, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. Don't miss Moose Whist Drive and dance tomorrow night at 8.30. Admission 50c. Cash prizes. 171 Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tf Miss Rita Johnson arrived this morning on the Prince Henry after making the round trip to ' Royal Russian Chorus presents all request program Friday, July 24, Moose Hall, at .8.15- p.m. Tickets 75c. and 50c on sale at Arsen-eau's. 172 Dr. W. C. Asplnall, the chiroprac tor, writes from Victoria that he and Mrs. Asplnall are enjoying a very pleasant holiday there. They will be home soon. Glasses fitted D reglitered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Elwood Bard, who was detained In connection with the robbery re TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Good used cars at right prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. tf mmx imriiiiii ii Ki.a;i wr 1 SEASON'S I SMARTEST STYLES g For the Younger Women You will find just your shoes amongst many Priced Up from offerings uicruiga $5.85 HOSIERY TO MATCH $1.00 and Up FAMILY SHOE STORE CO. Box 1S8I Phone 35 A. 3. Webber, Mgr. Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention K.B Mlt.Bf BJCl : t:orii:n SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wranfdl, Ju. ncau and Skagway July 24, 27,31, August 3. To Vancouver, Victoria and 22. 25. 29. August 1. For Buledale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 pjn. Full Information from W, Cvbrcharil, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 s THE DAILY NEWS hat featured a crown of rose lace, brimmed with green - mohair, and pink roses were carried in a ' ' ' " ' " I I NOW OPEN! In Our New Store Ormes Ltd. UfiQ Pioneer DruQtpZsls . Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. Summer Clearance Sale Coats Broadcloth, Twills and O-f Q Cft Tweeds. Regular up to $35.00 . Girls' Tweed Coats Size 10 to 12 fi7 CA years. For t?.JU Navy Suits Man tailored OA H ff A Values, $29.50 and $25.00. For . ''Wv Wool SuitAThrec-pleco " ' CO AA : Regular $12.95. For ? W Wool Suit Three-piece Q-fl A CTA $22.50 value. For t?A.fJV , fcilk Uloomers All sites jj SUMMER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Monday ....... 4.00 p.m. Wednesdays 9.30 a.m. Thursday 2.00 p.m. Saturday ........... 7.00 p.m. CIW m OtM r.n md fiKxIl Rmt. For Ketchikan, Juneau and Skaeway (calling at Wnngtfl, anuthlxiunJ ctiy) Wednesdays and Saturday, 3130 pjn. t For Stewart and Anyox Monday 8.00 p.m., Friday J 00 p.m. Weekly acrvice to Mauctt Inlet and fortnightly service to South Queen Charlotte Wanda, Particular on request. Trl-Ctty Service Duly from Vaacouwi at 1.43 p-m. and lift) a m. fer Victoria ami StattU. Troln Service IWnger train Ifaw rrrnt Rurrit daflr (n-ctp Sundays) at I MO p.m. fee Edmonton, win-nifI ami pant Fjl,t- rt iimio n '! IJ w H. McEWLN pUirlct t-rrWhl nJ nwrntf Arnt PriBcr Ruprrt. B.C. VIM UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btrumrrs lr ITInrr lltiiwrt l r Vancouver: T.S.S, CATAI.A f.VKBV Tl KKIAV, I.JU I'M. Arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. TCI. CAKDKNA BVKItV IKIDAY MUlMOlir Arrltlng Vancouver Sunday midnight appro, wwal) aalllnga to Port Simpson, Alio Arm, Anyox. Stewart itnd Naaa River ulnU. Bundsr. 8:00 p.m. Mrthn information regarding all aalltuga and tlcksU lit - I'HINtT Rt'PKRT AORNCY: Hm- unit Arnu. I'lionf 5M cently, from F. E. Hunt's store, was released yesterday, there being no evidence against him. Messrs. Beasley and Bentlcy, two photographers doing work for ths CNJl. arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Henry and arc leaving the vessel here. ' Steamer Prince George arrived to day on time bringing many tourist passengers some of which continued to Alaska while others left the boat nere ard went east on the train. .Going north on the Prince George today is a tour party of thirty in charge of Miss A. Hardlsty. They will go through to Skagway and re turn south on the Prince Henry next week. MUs Ena Hunter who has been visiting in the city, is accompanying Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers to Lake Kathlyn tomorrow where she will tend a week before returning to her home In Reglna. Judge and Mrs. Young left this morning oh the Prince Henry on thlr annual vacation to Vancouver Their car has preceded them and they will use it for the next month visiting various points within easy reach of the southern city. WEDDING OF RUPERT MAN John W. riommer of Prince Rupert High School Staff Takes J Bride at Vancouver i The marriage took place at Ryer-son United Church, Vancouver on Monday of Lyla, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Stewart, and John W. Plommer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. rtommer of Vancouver. Rev. Mr". Wilkinson performed the ceremony, and music was provided by Alan Thompson. Of flowered chiffon, showing touches of black and green, with rote tones predominating, was the gown worn by the bride, who was given In marriage by her father. Encircled- with a narrow belt at the natural waistline the slender bodice showed a deep.befrilled Bertha collar, the effect being furthered in the ertes of ruffles on the very full skirt, which revealed white slippers to match long gloves. Her picture The bride's sister, Miss Madalyn Stewart of Seattle,: attended her, wearing a colorful: frock of lemon yellow, contrasting with Chanel blue. Silk net was the material of her dress, the skirt of which was long and full, andthe bodice and the chic coatee we're finely tucked. A large hat in yellow matched the gown, and shoes and gloves were blue. The bridesmaid's bouquet was of yellow snapdragons and delphinium. Jack Thompson was An informal reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, where Mrs. Plommer and Mrs. Stewart, mother of the bride, assisted in receiving the guests. Yellow and blue flowers were arranged through the rooms, and the bride's table, centred with mauve and pink sweet peas, was presided 'over by Mrs. Howard W. Hudson For travelling, the bride chose a sports frock of yejiow rajah silk, showing touches of skipper blue, a panama and white polo coat. Afur a honeymoon In Washington and on Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. Plommer will reside in Prince Adorable Children! Dont let them be handicapped by, poor health. Baby's Own Tablets are the perfect laiative for children. They are a sate and simple remedy for colds, simplo fever, coated tongue, loss of appetite. constipation, tndigesUon, etc. Mothers, ee that you have Baby's Own Tablets in the house always ! 25 cents per package at any druggist's. BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot ;tnd cold water In all roonu A. J. ritUDUOMME, I'rop. Cor of Fraser wnd Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. 7jrrlll. 'Top THE IIOTI'.t. HWTII H 11 It Hot to rvili Wau Stum limit 75c rrn day and ur Tflrphom tHI : i Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Sny They Are. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAlrtY FOK SKEENA HltAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESII I'ASTEUKtZED MILK AND CKEAM DAILY Karl Delivery Throughout the Citj PEOPLE We're having a Sale ! 3 Large Cut Glass Vases Heavy pattern, 12 inches high Regular $10.00. Sale Price . ' T ', i i r .7- One-Half Dozen Silver Plated Teaspoons Regular $1.75. Salc'Pricc A wholesale firm demands money by Aug. 4. To secure cash we are willing to sacrifice some of our stock. Start-ing Saturday at 9 a.m. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES OF OUR BARGAINS: 8-Day Walnut Mantel Clock Plays Westminster chimes at the (POO CA quarter hours. Regular $15.00. Sale Price Glass 7-piece Water Set With cut design Q4 A C Regular $2.50. Sale Price ?Xsi9 Man's 16 Size Work Watch 17-jeAveled in screw nickel case, war-ranted good reliable timepiece. Itegular $12.50. Sale Price V Fine English Silver Plated Teapot, Sugar Bowl and Cream Jug Q-f O Off Handsomely engraved. Regular $20.00. Sale Price tpAOsOeJ One 2G-piecc Genuine Community Adam Pattern Knives, C-l ft Plfi Forks and Spoons. Regular $31.50. Sale Price vXtl.OU 2 Sets Silver Plated Knives and Forks Qf C Regular $8.50. Sale Price JtS)tJ $5.45 95c You can buy anything you need for a siort time at bargain prices. Everything in the store is on sale. Treat yourself to some beautiful piece you have long desired. Compare these Prices with 20 years ago JOHN BULGER, Ltd. JEWELLERS GROWTH OF PROVINCE Ucmarkablc Advancement Shown In British Columbia During Fast Sixty Years VICTORIA. July 23 The celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the entrance of British Columbia Into Confederation, held In Victoria this week, marks a period of remarkable achievement. Within sixty years the population has grown frpm about 40,000, of whom less than 10,000 were whites, to over G00.OO0. Where there was not a mile of railway there Is today over 5,000 miles. Roads have grown from the Cariboo Highway, 500 miles long, to a system of 25,000 covering practically the whole inhabited area of the province. The fisheries, then considered so negligible that no record was kept, now yield well over $20,000,000 a year. The forest production of D.C. has risen from lumber exports valued at about $360,000 a year to a total production that has reached over $90,- 000.000 in a year. Mining from about $3,000,000 a year, confined to placer gold and coal, has risen us high us ; $08,000,000 in a single year Agriculture from a small production for j local netdfc lo a yield of over $60,000,000 two years imo. I British Columbia. t- nv.vvru-a cornerstone of sixty years ago, to- day produces more wealth per capita from primary industries than 'any other province in Canada. It I contans the third city; and is first of all in lumber, fish, silver, lead, l zinc and commercial apples. Nicaragua Trouble MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 22: An uprising here Is causing troub5 There have been one or two fatalities and a number of men wounded in skirmishes. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dance July 23. Eagle's Dance. Friday. July 24 Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and.22. HIGH L. DICKEY, M.D. SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Olasjw Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel NATURAL l'URE Fresh Milk ' Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and 8anlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. rRINCE KUI'ERT DAIRY Rox (95 l'hone 287' S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas it Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 11? WW ? art