i ! THREE )r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Dry, Hacking Cough Caused By a Neglected Cold Mrs. Jamos A. Stewart, Stcllarton, N.S., writes: 'Tor soma time I wag troubled with a dry, hacking cough, caused by a Jicavy cold I had, at first, neglected. A friend told me If I would take Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup it would help me, to I got a-Lottie and it did relieve my cough. "I am the mother of six, children and I twe it for every one of them when they have tolds, and find it always givee relief, and I would not be without it in ths liouwjor, anything." I'rltfl'c a 'tattles large family size tsl, at ill druggists and dealer; put up only by The T. Milborn Co., Ltd., Toronto., Ont. ; Bctlle of Evening in Paris PERFUME Savoy Hotel FREE With Each Box of Face Powder Both For $1.00 ZrfiQ Pioneer &trugg)usls hones 81 &S2 "" Third Ale. Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SPECIAL WlNTI.lt KXCTKKION F.tltKH Itlrkrtn on wile Irom Nov, IS. ISilil l li. Ml, 1931 (wltli final return limit Man-li SI. 19111 1KINCE RITERT TO VANCOUVER $40.00 RETURN Mriinipiii iave Trlm-e ItujN-rt I or Vunroum: IT.S.H tATAI.A EVKKY IlDMlAV. I.SO P.M. Arrivu-.B .Mi-Oliver, v..i Ueui Palls. Tlmmd.r Nrmn innraf ITX.S l AltllL'NA KVKKY I IIIDAV VID.MUIIT A: mm Vancouver Suiidav in:du!ht aourox. IT.': . saM.uKs to Port Bimunon. AUca Arm. Anvoi Stmnrt aiwl Nu Rives,, ixjinu Sttudaji 8:00 pm. II' r- inf., filiation rrcafcuaf ill Wllnfck.xofl Ucluta at PUINCIi MMT.KT A(iETY: Sec ond Yffnue, Phone WW B.C COAST I STEAMSHIPS B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM I'KiNCE KLTfclU To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. January 10th and 24th. To-Vancouver, Victoria,-Seattle " 11 January 1st, 14th, and 28th. lT:ne Mry -ocean Fall, etc. Vance urcr and Vlc-tuiiu. evt-ry frtpuf. o pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines W c Orchard, On. Ajent, ttr., 'PHnoe Rupert. PboneJl. HflTFI iwir.b MnnuHLO ARRIV3K "t Mr'M Mrs. Robert McGregor 1aJtMd Lhmullh city Ms week I'rlncc Rupen's leading fam- fV I" '. I Tint ind cold wafer h all rooms A. J, PRUDIIOMME, Prop. for of Fraser und Fifth 6ts. lew Royal Hotel t. Zarelll, frnp true hotel uoktii while M & ("old Water: Htam Ilr.t 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphtiiif txi Royal Enndluk, Shames: J. A. B.sTcn- f Calvu.s; Mrs. Ross, city: B. r.', Terrace. Harm 'naaamstuMLtaa Boston Grill Jlione 457 Prince Kupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL IHNNEHS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING jvrry Saturday Night, 9 to 12 nance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private i. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers firs Trunk Tmelnn i"r3 Accessories Qas St ll Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service f'lrd Ave. East Phone 83 ys Colds I3est trrntl urillii.t- 'A dosingJustrubort 4 vs?ks enroute to Quick where they arc taking up residence following their recent marriage In Nanaimo. Th-bride was formerly Miss Nancy Lane of Nanaimo who taught school at Quick. The groom is n well known returned soldier farmer of the central Interior. 3 Layer Neapolitan Cake 30c The Electric Hakcry Wc Deliver Phone GG7 SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS ; Large assortment new clothes for .autumn and winter just to hani All finest quality and latttt pat-, terns. Come In and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and Unshed In three days. Ling, the Cutter 3team cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR K17 Second Av w). Vhone 619 SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy In a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 25. MattVideck Ambulance and ftM Service' Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at llcilbroner's store, j J. A. Hunter, pensions Investigator, after a brief visit in the city, gained last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Nell Lang, steward of the Prince Rupert Club, sailed last night on the sPrincfi jtupert via Vancouver! for fcfibiraa'y vlilt to Calgary, n Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, who has been spending a couple of days here on official duties, will sail by the Cardena tonight on his return to Vancouver. Dr. H. J. Mcikejohn of Winnipeg, president of the Sovereign Life Assurance Co., after a two-day visit here, sailed on the ss. Prince Rupert hut night for Vancouver. Mrs. David Livingston of Fort George is the guest of her mother Mrs. C. MacPherson. Mr. Livingstone Is expected to arrive for a ifyciftJstt;; latter part of the weekvVa'riiqaver Sun. C. R; litlwner Princess Alice, $p&,. 'jCjVjfJwy. arrived in port at 2 -tf 3ock' 'this afternoon from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and other coast points and will sail at 10 O'clock lontght on her return south. ; - The steamer Printe John, replacing the Prince William, which is being withdrawn from service, will operate on a fortnightly schedme between here and Vancouver via all Queen Charlotte Island points. She will start the service from here on January 24. B. F. Mestner and A. T. Harrer. well known Smithers raining men, an lied last night on the ss. Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver on business In connection with the Bablne Silver King and other central Interior mining properties in which they are interested. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Math-9Wf .o..SuilUi;s .arflxpd in th-city on yesterday afternoon's train from - the Interior and sailed last night on the Prince) Rupert for Victoria. Mr. Mathews has been manager for yean df the R. P. Sargent store at Smithers which Is being closed down. in B.C. Va-. tin. v Fig Bars per lb i 35c 30c 17c Graham Wafers ylOn OC 2 lbs "WATTS' GROCERY THE DAILY NEWB Friday, January 16, 1931 RHEUMtmn JP7 Pout Mi. 7 diih. Rul Rub liointac (rally iol cha appjf it accordiag ! OUCtKMS . you'll get relief I r?KIHG OF PAir3 Billiards tonlgljt, Elks vs. Canadian Legion. . Everett Leek sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Rev. P. E. Fosse" of Bellingham, who has been at Bella Coola for the past two weeks, Is arriving here this evening on the Cardena from down the coast and will conduct a week's mission here for St. Paul's Lutheran Church. John Dybhavn sailed last night on; the cannery tender Jed way which .has been called to Massett to pick up and bring here Mr, Smith, watchman of the Massett Canners cannery, who has been taken 111. The boat Is expected back here tomorrow morning. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, commanding: officer of the Salva tion Army for Northern British Co lumbla and Alaska, who arrived here this week from his head quarters in Wrageil, will leave on tomorrow morning's train foi i ten-day tour of the central interlo between here and Prince George. F. N. Ballard, British Columbia .manager of the Great West Lif; Assurance Co., after a week's visit in the city, sailed this week on his return to Vancouver. Mr. Ballard is looking forward to returning here early in the summer for a fishing trip to Khtada Lake tar which arrangements were made during his recent stay here. Last week a. large number of Vancouver United Church members gathered in FiEst Church of that city to hear and- see an illustrated lecture, on coast missionary work by Capt. R. C, Scott, who is now operating the mission boat .Thomas Crosby at Ocean Falls and who was formerly located on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The lantern was operated by Mr. Scott's i son. Robert. QUALITY FOOD SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Empress Marmalade 40-oz glass Jar . 37c Empress Jam Apricot, Peach or Peach St Pine- ( O apple, 4-lb. tin OOl Delta Manor Chicken Packed 32c Pan Van Pickles per large bottle Seedless Ralslns-per 4-lb. pkg. Glace Pineapple Cake or ncon uuu, per p&g. WnlnuU In Shell - per. lb Solvents Shredded Soap, per pkg. Shredded Wheat - per pkg 42c Cottage Rolls Boneless Shoulder, average OQp 5 lbs. each, per lb. Mcintosh Red Apples ORp wrapped stock. 5 lbs.'' Pitted Dates New Season's crop. 2 lbs. "ivK DEMONSTRATION Of Heinz Quality Products IJy Mrs. II. Ilrown on Friday and Saturday 95c - SPECIAL COMBINATION - 95c LOT NO. 1. 1 bottle Tomato Catsup, large, S tltu Baked Beans, small, 1 Jar Pickles, Sweet or Sour. QE!n 1 bo't. Vlnegv, 10,-.'t, LOT NO. 3 4 Bottles QCp Tomato Catsup, large eJl LOT NO. 5-2 tins Spaghetti, medium, 3 tins Tomato Soup A' medium, 2 tins of Baked Beans OCTa medium Heinz Tomato Juice medium tins, 2 for 16-oz. bottles , each King Qfr SArclint- S)(n In Olive Oil. tlrta .. NjiW Comb Honey OxV q f p npr comb LOT NO. 22 tins Tomato Soup, small, 2 tins Baked Beans, medium, 1 bottle Catsup, large, 1 bottle QCp VOK, Salad Cream LOT NO. 49 Tins QTp 'Jl Tomato Soup, small LOT NO. 61 Boitle Vinegar. 32-oz., 1 tin Cream Celery Soup, medium, t tin Cream Pea Soup, medium, 1 bottle Cucumber QCn Pickle LOT NO. 76 Tins QCp Tomato Soup, med. 'OC 46c Fine In tec- 9 Or ttv 10c 10c 11c TELEPHONES 53 & 5C T1IIKD AVENUE "ODAL.TY RIGHT - PRICES RIGHT XBummAmtnt-m n t n BB iHlfflMMHsWssl Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. llcilbroner's Store. Dave Zllle -ailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip tc Vancouver. Charles !vVEVltt! Sailed jlfisV night on the Prince-Rupert for a trifj to Victoria and Vancouver, ( V ' A son was born last week-at the General Hospital in Vancouver to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Caldwell of Ocean Falls. Don't miss the Moose I'whlst Drive and Dance tonicht at 8.30. Cash Prizes. Premier , Orchestra. Cloak-Room checking facilities. 14 Frank Dlbb, who has been In 111 health of late, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will consult with special ists. Miss Christie Chapman of Ocean Falls arrived in the city on the Princess Alice this afternoon from the paper town and will visit here for the next month with friends. Station KOIN at Portland, Oregon, played request numbers from Prince Rupert on the radio last night. The announcer had great fun Jesting about the local-weather; ' ' Provincial Constable H. L. Mc-Kenney arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to" Vancouver. Mark Smaby, Pacific Mills logging contractor, arrived in the city on the Princess Alice this afternoon from his operations at Goat Harbor and will proceed orr the same vessel tonight to Ocean Falls. Rev. W. H. Pierce. United Church clergyman at Port Esslngton, Is a visitor In the city for a couple' of days, having arrived on yesterday afternoon's train from the Skeena River. Thomas W. Brown of the la firm of Williams, Manson, Gon zales St Taylor sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Victoria and Vancouver on professional business. NO REPORT OF SEARCH Plane and Government Boats Are Continuing Quest For Further Wreckage of Renahan Plane Up to an early hour this afternoon no new word had been received from the Annette and Duke Island region between here and Ketchikan as to the progress of the search tor further wreckage from the plane of Robin Renahan, who is conceded to have lost his life with those of two companions in a crash on Dixon's Entrance while flying north on the night of October 28 last. Favored by excellent weather, Pilot Anscel Eckmann, with his plane, the British Columbia police boat P. M. L. 8 and the United States coastguard cutter Cygan were understood to be continuing the search today. No word has been received as to the outcome either of yesterday's or today's search operations. The searchers were confidently expecting Jo be able to pick up some more wreckage by this time. Pilot Eckmann, It Is expected, will be back In Prince Rupert tonight with Mrs. Renahan who went north in his plane yesterday. Mrs. Renahan examined such wreckage as has already been found and spent the night In Ketchikan. It was understood when she left that she Intended to be back here today and sail ttmight on her return to Vancouver. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dance January 16. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Loyal Orange Lodge bridge, whist and dance, de luxe entertainment, Meropole Hall, January 29. Moose Legion Novelty Dance January 30. Sons of Norway Fllhermen Farewell Dance February 6, Moose Hall. Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick result. Skin Covered With Eczema-Now Clear and Healthy Marvellous Healing by Well Known Remedy There ii nothing so aimple in Hi origin and afterwards so difficult to get rid of a skin disease. On the first sign of irritation, roughness, or eruption, anoint the place with Zam-Bulc. This herbal ointment will speedily banish all trouble. When the skin is already aflame with eczema, or poisoned or ulcer ated, Zam-Bak is the one external application powerful enough to. get to the root of the disease. It quickly replaces unhealthy tissue by new clear skin. You will be astounded at the quick soothing and healing of Zam-Buk. MEblCAL TREATMENT BRINQ3 NO RELIEF "My daughter's face and neck were corered with a mass of aores, which our doctor diagnosed aa ecxema. He prescribed treatment which w tried tor two months without relict The VALUABLE PUBLICITY Prince Rupert Power Development Featured Splendidly In Hydro-Electric Trade Journal The feature article In the January number of "Electrical News and Engineering," published In Toronto, describes the new hydro-electric plant that has been installed at Falls River by the Power Corporation of Canada to supply the city of Prince Rupert with enegry. The author of the article Is A. W. Fln-layson of Montreal who was in direct charge of drawings for the development. Besides giving a detailed description of the plant, transmission line, etc., there are a number of interesting pictures Including one of the powerhouse, Intakes and sluices, another of the power house from upstream and yet another showing the sluice gates under construction. There are also maps and diagrams. In addition to the article, which In itself is very valuable publicity for Prince Rupert, there Is an editorial article stressing the Importance of the new plant to the development of the city and also an Item under the "Current News" heading briefly announcing the opening of the plant on December i last. Corn, Royal City, Golden Bantam wait Peas, No. 3 per tin J0'rins $1.00 Corn Flakes 3 packets Aylmer Tomato Juice, 2 tins . . Bottle Caps per lb 15c 25c 25c 35c $1.00 Nabob Plums ! per tin '. Nabob Tomato 9 ftp Catsup, bottle m Sockeye Salmon, Nabob 20c Eggs, Fresh Pullets guaranteed to Qftst poor child's face had to be swathed In bandages and she was confined to the house. I was about to call In a skin specialist, when I heard how Zam-Buk had healed many sufferers from this dread disease, so t purchased a box' of ointment and tablet of soap. After a few days treatment there was a great Improvement; day by day the sores disappeared and within a month my daughter's face was entirely cleared of any sign of the1 terrible disease, without a single scar. . I -can't say too much of the wonderful healing power of Zam-Buk."--lIra H. A., Toronto. Ont IP YOU have a sore inflamed or blotchy skin, or suffer from salt rheum, scalp troubles, poisoned wounds, or piles, yon will find Zam-Buk quickly soothing and healing. It is also a marvellous first-aid for eats, burns, etc, Zam-Buk Ointment 50c. box, Zam-Buk Medieinal Soap 23c. cake. LADIES' AID SALE The Baptist Ladies' Aid-tea and sale of home cooking at the home of Mrs. J. D. Lawrence Westview, yesterday afternoon was favored with, weather which was ideal and helped tp make the affair a complete success. The proceed were very satisfactory and encouraging. To the citizens of Prince Rupert I extend my thanks for their support at the civic election. Signed, W.J.McCutcheon N. Mussallem Wishes to thank his many friends for the excellent support tney gave him in the alder-manic election Bush's Grocerteri Last Week's Specials Were a Huge Success! Wc will endeavor to repeat this week! So laugh at the rain and phone your order to us. NEW PRICES ON BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE 3-oz. Jar . .15c 8-oz. Jar . .30c 16-oz. Jar . .50c Nabob Orange O An Marmalade, jar Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin Raspberry Jam 4-lb. tin Plum Jam 4-lb. tin Fray Bentos Corn Beef, tin . Baker's Cocoa tt-lb. tin Grape Fruit Nabob, 2's, tin . Pumpkin, Nabob, per tin 60c FancyTomatoes QP Nabob, 2's, 2tin'1 Pitted Dates new stock, lb. Navel Oranges good size, doz. 4 doz for M . rw 25c 25c 30 c 15 c 15c 20c 75 c Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Bush's Grocerteria Wc Deliver Phones 211 & 212 WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY