i It'. MM 3 mi m 1 Percy Alliss, British Professional From Germany, Leads First Itound ot Canadian Golf TORONTO, July 10 Percy Allib. British professional from Germany, led the first round of the Canadian golf championship yesterday with MERCHANTS' TEAM For tonight's league football game Merchants team will be chosen from the following: Vlnk, Mitchell, Douglas, Hill, A. Dickens. S. Dickens, Amor, Russell, Chen-oskl, Currle, McKay, II. Dickens Menzles, Davis. FOOTBALL July 10 Merchants ment. July 14 Canadian Merchants. vs. inard"i. II "takal held". Anliiaprlc, KxMhinf, btaliaf. Gives quick relief I Regi- Leglon' vs. fhll BRUISES Tbaraa nathlat to aqua! - -1 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks- Tractors. Tires Accessaries - Gas k Oil, , . Flafe Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 81. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR 8KEENA BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTF.IJRI7.ED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Kaye Don Breaks Ills Own Speed' boat Record on Italian Riviera CARDONE, The Riviera,. Italy, July 10: Kaye Don, British sportsman, broke his own world's speedboat- record yesterday" .by a record-breaking round of sixty-'; pilotln? Miss England II, the seven, five under par. REGIMENT LINE-UP The following players will re present the Regiment Football Club for the League game with tho Merchants tonight: Laidlert Watson, Thurber, Edge-cumbe, DeJong, Wingham, Walters, Lyons, Wilson (Captain), Coluss'- rnlHH T" r-i ti : nuiiuigbuii. iicocnco rung, jvcu-, path and Doherty. same boat in which he made- the former record at Beunos Ayreg, at a rate of '110.223 miles an hour. The previous record was over 103 miles. Big League Scores National League ' Chicago 2, Pittsburg 4. Brooklyn 0, Boston 2. Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 3. New York 9, Philadelphia 3. American League Philadelphia 4, New York 9. Cleveland 0, Chicago 3. Boston 1, Washington 14. -St. Louis 7, Detroit 11. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis r.....47 30 .610 New York .....41 31 ..569 Brooklyn .....43 33 568 Chicago , 41 34 547 Boston 37 37 500 (Philadelphia 33 43 .434 ! Pittsburg 31 41 .431 Clnclnnatf 26 50 .342 American League W. L. Philadelphia, ' 53 22 Washington 49 29 New York 42 31 Cleveland .37 38 St. Louis ,v,3j 42 Boston .' .28 44 Detroit ' -29 47 Chicago ,....28 47 City League j W. L. Sons of Canada 5 3 iOld Empress 4 3 Elks 2 5 Pet ;62P .575 .493 .447 .389 .382 .373 Pet. .625 571 .288 BIG SIX STANDING Big' Six standings, following last night' game, Icfce Elmer Smith's name for the first time this season, following his going hltless in five times at bat, Frlzzell also dropped out of the standing, while Jack Nel-son, with two hits lit five times up, improved his position. Following is the order in which the big stickers line up: O. AR Stephens, E 5 20 Eldrldge O.E. .4 18 Howe E. 4' 16 Arseneau O.E. . 0 Nelson O.E 6 Zarclll O.E. ..-.3 25 20 0 R. 4 5 3 3 5 0 II. 8 7 6 0 7 3 Pet. .400 .389 575 560 550 533 A. C. Small of the Swlft-Cana-dlan Co. Ltd, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace and other Interior points on company business ("WW, M "BEST PROCURABLE1 PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT IlotlM and cuartiitaad by Wllllsm Grant Son, limitad UlrnlWJirh ani Ualvrnla-Clrnllvrt Uiatlllrrlaa, town a Olaafov, Scotland. Duff. SB This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of liritUh Columbia. Hotelmen' Rally to Make Biggest Score of Season In Last Night's Encounter Come From Behind Commons Wins First League Game lie Pitches Stalker Makes Shoestring Catch In a game which was featured by 10 errors by the Sons of Canada,.. Old Empress won last night's league fixture by a score of 14-fl and still have a chance to tie the Sons for the first of the season In the quest for the Orme Cup, emblematic of city baseball championship. The Hotelmen have one more game to play with the Elks, which will probably take place on Sunday, and if they can take the Lodgemen Into camp, which they are very liable to do, they will be tied with the Sons. Ray Commons, who has been out of the city for most of the first half, returned yesterday and was on the slab for the winning team. He was rather wild in the first Inning, hit ting one man and walking two. With the bases full, Johnnie Coma-dlna came through with a triple, and scored hlmselt which brought the Sons score up to five. They got one more on two hlto in the second and that was all. They only got one more hit off his offerings in the remaining five Innings and were never dangerous. Stalker made the feature catch of the game when he robbed Vic Menzie of a hit by coming iif and taking one off his shoestrings for. the third out He picked one of Wendle's long hits off near the fence too, which would have been gooa ior a noruer naa ne not Deen back there. v Styles, who had pitched the evening before against th'e Elks, started again for the Sons, but after a flock of errors in the fourth he be-t;an to weaken and wa3 touched foe six hits. Including triples by Wendle and Hlbbard,; which netted eight runs. Lambie went into the box and! Smith was thrown out at first by Johnson. Twelve-men faced the pitcher In the stanza. Old Empress put the game away In the next inning when the added four more. Three errors, a walk, and Wendle's second triple of the gamo accounted for the runs. Two more errors and two singles accounted for two more runs In the sixth, and that ended the scoring for the night. Wendle and Hlbbard led the attack for the Hotelmen. each making three hits, the former getting two triples and the latter one, Eld rldge and Nelson each made two hits but the former struck out on his three other times up. The Box Score O. E- AB R M. Comadlna 2b. ..1 0 Kenny 2b 1 1 Eldrldge 3b -5 1 Nelson cf 5 2 Wendle ss. -..5 2 Menzie lb. Totals ...5 1 Smith c 1 Commons p 5 2 Redman If. 4 2 Hlbbard rf 4 2 H PO 0 0 .40 14 11 21 0 4 8. O. C AB R II PO A E Bury 2b 3 2 10 11 , Stalker If 4 0 0 3 0 1 'Moran lb.. 3b 4 0 14 11 Styles p., lb 4 1 0 3 3 3 1 Frlzzell cf. 3 1 0 2 0 0 Lambie p 2 1 1 2 1 1 J. Comadlna If. 3 1 1 0 1 Oj 1 Roberts c 2 0 0 0 0 0 Johnson ss. 2 0 0 1 1 3 Totals 27 6 4 21 5 10 OJd Empress Sons .of Canada 0 0 0 8 4 2 0-14 .5 1 0 0 0 0 00 Eu:nm iry 2-bar.e hit. Nelson; 3-basc hits. Wendle (2), Hlbbard, J. Comadlna, Mai an; stolen bases, Menzie, Commons, Hlbbard, Stalker; hits off Styles, (8) in 3 2-3 In.,1-Lamblc. i3 in 3 1-3 In.; losing pitcher. Styles; base on balls of; Styles, ill, Lambie 2), Commons, 3i; struck out by Styles (2), Lambie 4). Commons 8); left, on bas, S.O.c .(5), O; E. (8); hit by pitcher, Friz-Izell; time of game, 1:30; umpires,' Brookes & LaporU. 1 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FOUR ARAB EL DID ROUND i ANOTHER OLD EMPRESS UNDER PAR MARK SET BEATS S.O.C. r r j J. vy Tar we treami vaiue ENJOYED GREATLY (Continued from page one) ypathrtlc. It was numbers of the former kind, of course, thai brought large ovations of whic.i there were many last night. On th other hand, there were some of the lady soloists, delightful In personality, who won great favor from the audience. One of these was Madamoiselle Mara Slavlansky. so-prcno soloist and accompanist. Other members of the feroup also scored Individually. The, Royal Russian Singers present more than mere vocal features. There were some dancir' 1 -JB!... ANOTHER TORD OWNER E I party show skill as Instrumental- allty is highly delightful and he-isis in certain sequences. direction elegant. in itufltian Trnta-ue ! There was a brie- Interruption The Royal Russian Chorus san Amocg the Items on last nigh' -program that proved os&ep tally delightful to the audience were "Tb ? Song of the Volga Boatmen.'' "Awaiting My. Sweetheart," "A Merry Song About a Little Chl ken." "Oood Brening" laacredi. "Hungarian Song and Dan:" " "Along a Petrograd Street." (wl"i orchestral accompaniment) ail "Mlsehenka .Under the Cherry numbers on last night's program in j Tree." Russian dances with son. j which great skill and grace waci provided a rousing finale, xhlbtted,' particularly one of t'.rr j No account of the performance lady members who Is featured lr. of the Royal Russian Chorus could I In last night's program while Lau . - most of its numbers In the Ru.?- tnee ""noeir, iionywooa air , sian tcngue although there wer ! Preaarto, who Is personally man-, occasional Item in English. Poll 'i lnS the vr ot the Royal Rus-and Hungarian 'ian Chorus, spoke briefly, thank - ing the audience and making Brie? announcements. Willl&m Mitchell was In chargo of the entertainment for the Oy. Cub. Other members of the cli'J assisted In various way. The .complete program was aj follows: Part One 1. What the Flowers of the' Steppes Told Me. (Soft and Low, the his way. She was one of those be complete without reference tled and Ujey saaf, end danced fer vho won an ovation from the au- Princess Agreneva Slavlansky, the Joy, the young girls singing to their 'ience. other, members ,of tLo gracious conductress. Her person-favorite lay). lA LOT of cigars must improve their quality if they are to compete for smokers' favour with Arabela . . . buy one. to try, you'll buy the pocket pack of five next time , the aroma and freshness-are sealed in. 3. Volga Boatman Song. 4. Awaiting My Sweetheart n ajiii ivi v urui aia&vuiiii: numr (Men's Chorus). 6. Golden Silence. 7 A Merrv Knnir Atxiut a. I.lf. Chicken. Part Two 1. Trtpak. Symphony Compct tton. Muic by A. RuberuUln I. itwo roiysn oong -vnoja Monlushko. ian lnstrumt . 4. Love's Old. Sweet Song. 5. 01' Mam River. 6. Hungarian Song and Dancr 1. Along tells of iuisucd "liciMllM c(moiiiAi Some time aco we pulli1ieil an account of- a Fonl car that hail been ilriven 21,000 miles in a year. The article created" much comment and brought many letters telling of the uniiMial reliability, economy and long life of the Ford. Here it an interesting letter from a Ford owner in Hamilton, Ontario. "I noticed in one of your recent advertisements that a Ford owner had driven Iiis automobile 21,000 milr in a year and didn't have the bead ofT until be hud pone 20,000 miles. I would say this is fajr, but just wait In the first twelve months I bad my Ford I drove it 29,000 miles. The bead wasn't taken oft" the engine until 25,000 miles, and the battery lias never been out of the car. "I started with four tires ami a spare and I didn't have to buy a new tire until I bad gone 31,000 miles The second, I bought at 32,000 miles. The oilier three tires have gone 35.110 miles and still look good for another 5000 miles. "My Ford hai certainly given me good service and I'm mighty proud or it." Letters like this are in .lipAtivn .if f 1 1 a lA'nrfll i f 2FZA the Ford and the quality limit into every part. "im cowim car" Part Three the Petrograd In every detail of construction it U made to endure to serve you fsithfull and well for many thousand- of mile The price or tlm Fonl is low lmcause of volume production ami the unusual Ford manufacturing facilities. These facilities save inuiiy dollars for every purchaifr. llir.H QUALITY LOW PRICES FOURTEEN nODV TYPES 515 to 765 tr.lt.n. tmtl tlaaW. OalarU, ala Mih. "aaaaara aaa1 laara lira lra at tauil ml ) SUM Deceit Winds Blow, and it Sounds Ancient Russian song with bu Like the Mtwc of Long Ago). ilaika orchestra). X (a t the Gates of Kaluga. bi i 2. Ukranlan Dance. In the dreen Meadows. ' They play- 3. MUhenka Under the Chtn; Tree. 4, and 5. Russian Dances u Finale. THE NEW FOnn STANDARD SEDAN. lonttr, uldtr. Ttnlttrrt tlanttng winUUU. Sr imirttt Ford draltr about rconomirol tint pnjmeitli. FOK1) MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Ion firii roil.