DR. MAGUIRE Has Returned to the City And resumed his practice over Orme's.Drug Store. Those wishing appointments will kindly Telephone 525 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING U. T. I 20.000 TON FLOATING UUYDOCK boglnms, Machinists, Rollermakerm MnrkMnitha, Pattern Makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Hindu of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND .185 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mnnm lrt ITInrt Ruwrl I or Vniirutlvert T.S.s, t'ATAM KVKRV Tl'KMMV. I SO P.M. Arriving Vancouver. ThiiMdny Noon approx. T.S.A. ( AlCIlK Yt uvmiy r iun.w MIIIMOHT Arriving Vancouver Bund.y mirtriKlit npmx Wwklj .ailing, w Tort Slmpaoii. AHc Arm. Anyox. 8twart and Naai Ulver point Sunday. 8 00 p.m. further information rriardlne all wlllno nncl tk-krt at PRINtT IllTt'.ItT .iciKNCV: Sre unit Avenue. Phone IH Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Tarts, Accessories Phone 566 Night Calls: Phone 181) Distributors of IOIKJE CARS and TRUCKS COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllnrton In any quantities. Alio Kulklry Valley Hay, (iraln and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Hecnusc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Local Items Dinnerware, cliina, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner'i Store. Spartan Track Meet Saturday 7:30, Acropolis. See Rupert's track stars. 160 Dutch Maid Salad Dressing Is blended to a creamy smoothness and seasoned to your taste. A for It. 160 Miss Annie Oilchrlst is sailing this afternoon on the ss. Prince George for Anyox where she will pay a visit with friends. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived Inpors at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 11 o'clock for Skagway and other Alaskan points. The vessel had on board a list of 221 passengers Including a party of 92 members of the Scinti Masonic organization of San Fran clsco. "Lydia E Pinkham's Vege-table Compound helped me to regain my-strength I was all rundown and very nervous and weak. Now I am able to work without thatdragging, tiredfeel-ing. I first took the Vegetable Compound through the advice of afriend. Uannot praisett too highly and I hupc my testimony will induce urhers to take it." Mrs. WilLim Uuelette, 76 Elm St, Berlin, Neu Hampshire; HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel i'nncc Rupen's leading family liottl not xnd cold water In all roomi A. J. PRl'DHOMME, Prop, for of Fraser und Fifth 8ts. SAVOY O. Foellmer. Vancouver; R. O Cunningham. Port Essington; A. Fairbalrn. smithers. New Royal Hotel I. 7rrlll, Top Tllr HOTEL MOKTII WHILE H.rt it CXI Wwtr: Strum Hft 75c PER DAY AND UP TVIrplintlr tKI ROYAL W. F. Felton. CNJt.; C. Leve-Terracf ; C. Ryan, Inverness. Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests 8ay They Are. MMimniM.miim. SAILINGS FROai PUINCK RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway July 10, 13. 17, 20. To Vancouver, Victoria and 11, 15, 18, 22. For Ruled Mr, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from V. C. Orchard, General Atent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 THE DAILY NEWS r- 111, : .1 JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's' latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Qrm.es IM, Ztfio Pioneer DriiQtfisLs . rhoncs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS Glasses fitlcfl 6 reentered optometrist at llellbroner's store. L.O.BJV. Bazaar, Metropole Hall, November 21. ' 162 Legion picnic Sunday. Boats leave Fisheries Float from 10 to 1. Tea, coffee, milk and sugar supplied. IM Tenders wanted for the hauling of approximately 175 yards of rock I and sand. For particulars apply to. W. D. Vance, Secy. Fair Board. 16i Provincial Constable William I Harrison of Port Essington sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles for a holiday trip to Van couver. Mrs. Jarvls II. McLeod, who haj . ,i ..IpKtn oecn spenuiuB -a wwuuu in Vancouver, the Okanagan coun- j ' try and elsewhere in the sout'i returned home on the' Prince Louise this morning. Vic Rogers of the chicken ranch wants to know, why cook supper for hubby this hot weather when you can get a nice fried chicken, fried potatoes and salad deliverel on the table for $150.. can or phone orders to 719 Fulton Street Phone Oreen "170. Open till 3 ajn 161 ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagle's Dance, Friday, July 10 j Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Canadian Legion Picnic July 12 DIgby Island. - Moose Whist Drive and Dance July 23. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. l YmarlMittelt JomaNttfioMl II friendship &ub For Lad & Omlfliwi .. II BfiLW.DcrfriofUfTRE.ScorOn II II American PrienJtbip Society ' I II Drp. C'F rVtroit.Mich.JI LliiUl PILL I ftack.d coatK, :4 lll 4 yi ni coy el m mw cook ;'Tk. Gaaa P... Wal. II iMtalai an. 1 on IHW mI u,4 radaai, which cm aa vim Ik MClSLCkarUi. tnrt aVo It . W f.lh ctaaa Ilk nm IVMia ClmW (wt. TK. tonka Ca. Vm,i, t He.i Aa. lalMlai, VANCOUVtR racianri Sank SaaiM licrdtn's ST. CHARLES MILK Tk tonlaii C: LUII.4, t H.f AkWi lalMUf, Ckm tt4 y el van. wk ouU.a -Ik. Q4 Ka- B.CI Mind Your Health and Drink Daily Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY rhone Red 608 P.O. Ilox U S Visitors Welcome REDUCTION On All Suits Till our present stock is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone GI9 L. H. Haworth, who has been; taking a course of naval officers' training at Esquimau, returned to the city from the south cn the ss. Prinr Oenree this mornlnr. 1 CP.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. James Flood, arrived in port at 3 o clock this afternoon from Vancouver and waypoints and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south. Tenders Wanted Tenders, will be received until and Including the 20th Instant by Christian Science Society for con struction of a church edifice. Plaiu md specifications obtainable, from Clerk of Society, room 32 Beiner Building, telephone 21. Lowest', or any tender not necclsarily accepted 101 :i?jnri re mo m i mmia rati a REAL VALUES For THRIFTY BUYERS; Friday & Saturday: Sockeyc Salmon Malkln's i Best, per Vfc-lb. tn Corn Flakes Sugar crisp 2 pkgs I Singapore Pineapple j No. 2 tins, 3 tins Australian Peaches Sliced No. 2V4 tins, per tin Campflre Marshmallows per 1-lb. pkg Fry's- Cocoa -r per H-lb. tin O Ingcr AleFelix Q1 4fi Sparkling, per doz VX1U Whte Fly Fume . per 8-oa. tin Butterscotch Squares i per lb : Matches Eddy's Owl 3 boxes v Whole Wheat Fig Bars-Fresh stock, per lb. 18c 17c 32c 26c; 37c! 25c! 38c 25c 25 c 15c Fels Naptha Soap 10 bars Hn to carton, per ctn. Spaghetti Franco-American, per 17-os. tin Jelly Powders Malkln's Best, All Flavors, per pkg. Jap Rice 5 lbs : Corned Beef Helmet per 1-lb. Un New Potatoes , 10 lbs Bing Cherries $ t per lb No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes i 2 lbs 10c 5c 23c 19c 19c1 20c' 35c Watts' Grocery I'HONFt 55 PHONE 5li "THE nEST FOR LESS" JKlUB.l-ail.tBi BiBlKIBSBlBJ L I li f cttud orw t : I OPPOSED TO POLICY Editor, Dally News: At a regular meeting of the Fish Packer Unit, OJJ.U., it was moved that the Unit go on record as be ing opposed to Premier Bennett's policy whereby trie cost of living of the worker has been Increased by taxation and import duties white Friday, July 10, 1931 THE LANDLORD Leased the building to Kaicn Motors ttd. to be used as a first class up-to-date garage. I have to vacate the premises by the first of August. The balance of Jabour Bros. Bankrupt Stock Must be cleared in the short period of three weeks, and the only thing that will move it is a drastic price reduction. This drastic price cut is done and lower and lower go the prices. Profit is no object. The main purpose is to clear the stock and get out. THE PRICES WILL DELIGHT YOU S. J. JABOUR Tom Sherman arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherman. wages are falling and work scares also his apparent favoritism of ; the capitalist class through reduction of Income taxes, which only benefits the millionaire class, who thereby save large, sums of money which might well be used for gov- j eminent relief of unemployed and a. g. Mcdonald, secy. Fish Packers Unit. O.B.U. Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter. Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tf DO YOU KNOW that Kellogg' s Corn Flakes have a special package that is different from all others? a WAXTTrE, inside bag perfected and !" patented by Kellogg? a WAXTITE bag that is actually SEALED against odors, moisture and contamination? that brings Kellogg's Corn Flakes OVEN niEtfl and FLAVOR-PERFECT to your table? Just another reason why it pays to specify the name Kellogg' s when buying, corn flakes. One of the most economical and convenient of foods. Delicious, with milk or cream for breakfast; extra welcome for lunch with fruits or honey; fine for children's suppers or a late snack. Easy to digest. Always ready to serve. No trouble. No work. With a "wonder" flavor thai can't be equaled. Look for the rcd-and-grccn package at your grocer' s. It means genuine Kellogg' s - the original Corn Flakes the world's most popular rcady-to-cat cereal! CORN FLAKES Tit-