8 B m H M e H PAGE SIX Canadian Shredded Wheat is 100 Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day and help Canada t Prosperity. "We have it for at least one Wg-J? meal every day" "Of course Shredded Wheat is our breakfast every day in the year and we sometimes have it for lunch with luscious ripe berries and cream. Shredded Wheat with milk gives the childrcnVitamin B and the mineral salts which their growing bodies need. Having Shredded Wheat once a day they are sure of getting the needed nutritive elements also all the bran in the whole wheat which, you know, induces regular habit." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. HREDDED WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT CASH & DELIVER PRICES LEADER TOILET PAPER O r n "VI' 8 rolls POSTS BRAN FLAKES 1 9f per pkg P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP- 0 c&kcs M 24 C BOGS-FRESH EXTRAS S'lP per down .' r,. Ad EGGS FRESH PULLETS t O UMAi p per dostn .: PEANUT BUTER In Bluk 9?P 2 lbs. for '. , PRUNES Del Monte IOC per lb - . . .... .v. ONTARIO CHEESE 99f per lb ...... . MALKIN'S BEST STRAWBERRY JAM New Pack A An per av-lb. Jar .'. '. 111 ORANGES SUNKIST QCo 6 down' : . ,.. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 9 Co ' per lb. MALKIN'S BEST JELLY POWDER All Flavors ffp per pkg V Telephone your order and pay the driver "WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL" 0 & S GROCERY I'lionrs: 227 & 228 COO Seventh Ave. East WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Dry Cleaning & Pressing Lower than Vancouver prices We call for and deliver M. T. LEE CO. 3X3 3rd Ave. W. Phone CG3 Next Benson Studio NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta Hon. A trial solicited. Satis faction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 893 rhone 287 Baptist Sunday School Picnic Highly Enjoyed . The annual Baptist i Church Sunday-School picnic was held yester day when a good sized crowd made j the trip to Dlgby Island. The wca-jther man' was kind and a dellgh?-Iful frolic was Indulged In. Boats were loaned for the occasion by J. D, Thurber, Clifford Gllker, . W jWrathall, J. Armstrong and Mr. ! Glass. -The winners In the racci were as follows: Children, 3. to 6 years Audrey Green, Peter Federson and Marvin Calvtn. Boys, 6 to 8 Dick Cameron, Elmer Eburne. Girls, 6 to 8 Jean Krause, Betty Blake, Austrle Peterson. Boys, 8 to 10- Dave Houston. Dck Cameron, Melburn Eburne. ' Girls, 8 to 10 Velma Thurber Ella Krause, Joyce Edwards. Boys, 10 to 12 Bob Houston Russel Cameron. Girls, 10 to 12-Veima ThurbV Dorothy Grlmble, Joy Green, 'and Ella Krause. Boys. 12 to 14 Bob Houston, Russel Cameron, Dick 'Cameron. Girls. 12 to 14 Velma Thurber Dorothy Grlmble, Eva Morris. Eileen Hamblln and Vivian Wrath?" Girls, over 14 Edith Johnstone. Cath. Mussallum, Vivian WraUull. ' Boys, 3-leg race Cameron Bros, and Houston Bros. Girls. 3-leg race Velma anrt Dorothy, Eva and Vivian. Boys, sack race, under 14 Velma Thurber, Dorothy Blake. Olrls. over 14 Eva Morris,. Edith Johnstone. Married Ladies' race Mrs. Eburne, Mrs. Houston and Thin Ladies' race Mrs. Boulte? and Mrs. Calvin. HARD TIMES INEVITABLE When Money Scarce Amonj; Workers, Alice Arm Herald Observes In Commenting on Situation Says the Alice Arm and Anyox Herald: 'There are hundreds of thousands of people ln'Canada living a hand-to-mouth existence. Increased taxes mean that they are forced to buy less. This naturally decreases the demand for goods and more men are thrown out of work Because of overproduction. History has invariably shown that the least taxed country Is the most prosperous. If money is scarce anions: the ; workers, hard times are inevitable. Week-End Specials Granulated. Sugar " 10 lbs Malkln's Best Pc4s Size 3 per tin Malkln's Best Custard Powder, 2 tin Malkln's Best Prunes J-lb. pkg Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 16-oz. Jar v ; Aylmer Peaches l's 2 tins : i Aylmer Pears l's 2 tins Aunt Dinah Mollasses S-lb. tin Aylmer Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin Christies' Graham Wafers 1-lb. pkg. Fine Stilton Cheese per lb Swift Premium Bacon- Sliced, per lb Pickled Boneless Pigs Feet per 9-oz. Jar Sunklst Sweet Oranges 5 doz Fresh Apricots 2 lbs. : Fresh Plums 6-lb. basket 55c 15c 55c 20c 45c 25c 25c 40c 55c 25c 25c 40c 35c 95c 25c 70c Alberta Market P. GAMUI.A. P-oprletor ; Fifth Street. Phone 20 THE DAILY NEWS Man in the Moon Insplte of the low price of fish, the .failure of the wheat crop, the invffible-.profits of the merchant! and the sad wail of the profes sional . mourners, the July sun is Just as warm as usual. Here's to the pessimist, ,Vho sees the whole-world blue The sun will never shine again If his sad wail comes true. The difficulty with some- of th'o American law' cases Is that'wh,en they are decided the present generation will be dead and the chti-dren won't know how they startec". A boxer has discovered a new punch. It's called the curfew wallop, because when it hits you your lights go out. Man in restaurant Give me four sandwiches to take out. Proprietor Joe, dress up four grunts to go walking. ' Vegetarian -Yes. Ever since t have given up meat I have had a dslrp to attain greater height t-j cllmfc- Frle,nd And look . tor nuts, I suppose. GETTING HIMSELF BEAUTIFUL BLACK EYES A beauty expert says that a wo man In order to have Deaut'fn hair, should have her husband pi 11 her trrrsses every day. Prince A: bert Herald, BARGAINS Bigger Than Ever It doesn't seem that long but it's two years since we opened our store on Third Avenue and since that time we have enjoyed the public patronage and 'very much appreciated their support, and take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed to our success. Me endeavor to keep prices reduced for their benefit. FREE! GOLD DUST buy This FREE! This Free Combination Special 1 large packet Oold Dust, 1 tin Oold Dust Scourinn Powder-Both for 29c These are a few lines we have added to our 19c sale. Toilet Rolls-large, 5 for Malkln's Bwt Jelly Powders 4 pkgi Malkln's Bt Extracts per bottle Malkin'S'Best Corn per tin Canadlaru Cheese pr lb. Corned Betf nor Un ... Arrowroot Biscuits per 1-lb. pkg FKU1TS Si VEGETABLES Royal Anne Cherries per lb Ding Cherries Large : .t .-. Navel Oranges per doa Head Lettuce Large 3 head Fresh Spinach 3 lbs. 1 Cucumber 2 Green Onions, All for New Potatees 10 lbs. - 19c! 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 16c 19c 19c 19c l'9c 19c 19c Look over our list and stock up for the rest of the month. Out-of-town orders mailed r shipped promptly. Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 l'houe 18 St III 319 3rd Ave. 417-123 5th Ave. Mrs. Stevens OfSkidegate Is Hostess SKIDEGATE, July 10 A Very enjoyable bridge party was held recently at the home ' of Mrs. K. C Stevens. Skidecate. There were ifour tables. The out-of-town guest? j iwere Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jolliffe,, jMrs. A.. Du Val, Mrs. R. MaCKen-j zle, Mrs. A. Chrlstenson and G. D. tseauie, an oi wuee" uuuun.c City, and'Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ma :-1 Intyre, of Anyox, S. DuBols and D. DuDols of Philadelphia. The first, prise for bridge was won by Mr. Beebee 1 of. Skldegate. and Mfi. Andy Chrlstenson. The consolation prizes were won by G. Jolliffe an? Mrs. R. MacKenile. A very dell-.l-ous luncheon was served at 12.:u after which round table games were enjoyed. At 2:30 the party ended. i - C.N.R. steamer Prince George. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port at 10:45 ,thls morning fron Vancouver. Powell River and Ocea i Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock th's afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. SATURDAY SPECIAL Lunch or Lemon Cakes Each 20c The Electric Ilakcry Yc Deliver Phone C67 wmnmstm H Fri. and Satur. TWO SHOWS 1 Si 9 PJW. Here is the Picture You've Been 1 Waiting For 2 TTTVff W 1A1HIH i will imm in I 'A Connecticut Yankee' With Maureen U bullivan, Myrna l,oy ana Uthcrs The world's most successful creator of laughs, turning them out faster than ever in a new and merry-comedy of Old and Merry England . Musical Review "STORY HOOK PARADE" ! I AI AMHITMT MPAV5 l SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30-15c & 40c Feature Start at j5 m iifini ntt A 'l iint'f nir w l ll ir iv i n ri ill" bMiM wai'H Lv-Brr m vm vm aum arm mm 9m3mrm-i . wvbiv vmwmn'mxrmwm-wrm r . More Value For Today's Dollar at Kaien Motors Ltd. See us for appraisals on your used car. Estimates on rrp.i Jobs, anything In the automobile line. Satisfaction guaranty : KAIEN MOTORS LIMITED PHONE 52 ring your best - to - - Prince Rupert The Fair iJoartl is anxious to encourape residents in the districts uround Prince Rupert to bring their best to the FALL FAIR Which will be held the FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Local residents believe that thev can grow flowers better than any place within two hundred miles. Can they? The Fair Hoard would liko to have the districts nit their horticultural skill against the Prince Rupert Flower Society and see if they, cannot wrest away some of the prizes, especially that for the best floral display. A cordial invitation is extended to all to compete. Further information can be obteained from Secretary W. D. Vance - r- or from The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. SB