page rotra v THE DAtL? HEWS ' ' - . r Vtt v - 1 , 1 v . ,-.4.'. Newspaper Advertising is the Life Stream of Canadian Business Advertising and mass production are inseparable partners in this industrial age. The manufacturer, distributor or retail merchant whose product has any justifiable right to a place in the market and expects to make enough sales to continue business at a. profit, must keep on telling the public about his goods.'. In such -times as the present when business is grimly and successfully fighting its way back to normal there is temptation for men to curtail their advertising plans because of comparative falling off of demand and of smaller balances of profit in trading Do the opposite ! It is simple to run a blue pencil through items and lists of an appropriation, but it is not so easy to deal with the inevitable lessening of demand and fall in sales in the autumn, winter and early spring. Daily Newspaper advertising in Canada is your greatest" help today in reducing costs of distribution,' not only because it covers every potential consumer, but because it may be bought exactly where and when it is needed. It is always at the salesman's back in any retail situation with a consumer appeal adapted to any sectional requirement Use it to its fullest strength now that you need it most The best traders in Canada firms which grow in strength and prestige year after yearknow fT it Daily Newspaper advertising is as necessary to them as their raw material. When the fight is hardest they have proved it pays best to strengthen rather than to reduce their newspaper lists. Follow their good example ! Daily Newspapers are read today with keener interest than ever before in the history of Canada. Use them to carry your message in an atmosphere of vitality and with assurance of an attentive reception ! ? This advertisement is sponsored by The Canadian Daily Newspapers Association IT, ...