TSie largest sale in North America SMI Yellow label Salada 60cts a lb Brown label Salada 70 Cu a lb 'Fresh from the gardeng FREE! FREE! Large Tube of Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste With a Holtle of Cara Nome Perfume All for 75 cents Ormes Ltd. ZTiu Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'RINCE RUPERT, li.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD 0PEHAT1N0 . T. !'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DHYHOCK Engineer. Machinists, llollcrmakcrs, Hlarksmllhs, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Oar Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED rHeainers leate I'rltice Kiipert I or Vanrurr: . tAVAI A tVKIlV Tl liSII.W. 11 I'M. Arriving Vanrouv.r via Otenr. Falln. Tiiuridny Noon appro. .. CAUDKVA CVKUY JTUIUV MIIIXKIIIT .Am1'1" Vancouver eunoay ratdiiiKlit appro week!) llagt to port 81aipaon. Alu Arm. Anyox. aiewart and NM River poinut Bunuuy B uu p.m. "Ur'.her intormtUon ronarrtinn nil sallnm. nd ticket . I'KINCB HI TUIT AOKNCV: 8rc nnU Avenue. I' Hi - liohe WS Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items "Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. DHlidrd'B(anqtit"May! '2, Boston Cafe. HclceW'Slidff.1 ' - ' The annual report' of : the C.N.R has been received by the Chamber of Commerce and is on file for the use of the members. Miss M. Hebden R.N., who arrived in the city from Toronto oh Thursday, has Joined the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Rupert General Hospital for the summer. Women's Canadian Club Tea Federal Tea Shoppe, third Avenue Monday at 4 pm. Speaker R. t Reld, K.C.. subject "Alfred Wad-dinton, a Pioneer of the Northwest Coast." Nick Wotoauk, section hand at Salvus, will board today's train at Salvus and proceed to Montreal where, on May 8. he will embark aboard the steamer Aseanla for a trip to his native home in Poland. 1 A. JL Pwrlow. district forester, last night explained to the Chamber of Commerce the work of the Canadian Forestry Association, which organisation had ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose May 22. Whist Drive and Dance II InSV f I 1 I J irBBBlBBBBBBl Hi 10 May SB. Jutv 90 June a June 27 nil, H..!.?i7!sl ntOM MONTREAL bnM GLASfiO W - nr.Lr AST-LIVER POOL May 8. Jum- Da :i't V BediurU xMy 15 UlnnedOM May 23 D. K m of Llvarp ol sstoy SO. Jun 27 UcllU sNot calll&i at Liverpool. TO LIVERPOOL May t Duchcw of Torx May St Duchaaa of AthoU To Harve-London-Antwerp May 1 kkwtoain May SI Montteaa FROM qtEIlEC TO CIIEimOUIUl-SOUTlIA.MITON May S3. June is BmpraM of nana asnprew or Auctralla Imprasa of Britain FROM VANCOUVER Ti HiwaJI-JMn-l'MiM-rhlHtiiim LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO ORIENT Ailv to Airtnta rvenrwbera or J J lOKMTEIl Bteanulilp Oenl Paa. Acent C P R Sintion. Vanoouver. Teli-pli"" Trinity 1161 aaaaaaammB SAILINGS FKOiM IMUNCE Ityi'EItT To Ketcliikan, WrangrlL neau and Skagway May 9, 20, M Ju- To Vancouver, Victoria and' Seattle . May3,lS,44K rUlNCIiSSa MARV lor Rutrdale, Ocean Talis, Namu, Alert Ray, Campbell River, Vancouver, 1ctoria . Friday, at 10 pjn. Full mfiirmatlon from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Coi 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 THE DAILY HEWS SCIATICA? Here is a, never-failing form ofrcliej from sciatic pain: i Mr it.?. Take Aspirin tablets and youU avoid needle suffering from sciatica lum-lKo and aimilar excruciating paint. They do relieve; they don't do any harm. Just make lure it ft genuine. , ASPIRIN TRADEMARK RIO. Made in Canada. Billiard Banquet tonight, Bos ton Cafe. Tickets $1.00. 103 Dont forget the free public cookery school at the I.O.D.E. Hall John A. Thompson of Cedarvaie j May 11 to 15. twice daily. 2:30 to will board today's train in the In- 4:30 and 8 to 10 pm. Prizes at tenor and travel to Montreal: every session. 102 wnere. on May s. ne wui sail on the: steamer Aseanla for a trip to his home in London. England. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Walker sailed 1 this morning on the Cardena for ;a trip to Vaneeuver. Mr. Walker ,1s a member of the staff of the Digby Island wireless station. A. M. Johnson, K.C., who .will aet as crown prosecutor in the mur der cases at the Supreme Court Assises next week, arrived In the city from Victoria on the Prlnes Charles this morning. W. O. Hamilton, who is to be a written ; witness at the forthcoming assises asking for a list of the members of I at Prince George, arrived in the city the Chamber. Oood results had from Vancouver on the Prince followed the enlistment of the school boys in the work of fire prevention. Charie this morning, being on his way to the Interior. Mrs. F. S. Walton and child and Mrs. P. M. Rayner left on this morn ing's train for Montreal where on May 9 they will embark aboard the steamer Laurentlo for a trip to England. Than will be away for t$e summer. T Tl Pltlutla. Vl f. A fur Prlnr. oiri umoe- display, cathedral and leader of the Opposl- nu. may.. J Uod In the Legislature, will sail to- TTT . , Hwrrow night, bxwibe Prince Char- vimuiiw m. urorpm- lc retnmto Vieterte -after 3TT trif'r'-rr' mv navtng spent the Tast few. days Canadian National Racreation Astodatfon Monte Carlo night. May 18 and 19. C N.R.A. Badminton Courts here paying a visit to his consti teents. The question of the route of the Alaska Highway came again before the Chamber of Commerce last night following a communication fmm Burns Lake Board of Trade. There has been a proposal to go north from Prince George instead f westward to Haselton. Mr and Mrs R A MeCook. well rj 1 1 1 ari known pioneer citibens of the city. left on this morning's train for Halifax whers, on Majr 9. they wili embark on the steamer Duchess of Bedford for Port Stewart, Northern Ireland, where they will pay an extended visit wish the possibility of remaining there. The Chamber of Commerce last night referred to the Associated Boards of Central British Columbia a proposal from the Vernon Board of Trade to hold a confer ence of the boards oi trade ana chambers of commerce of British Columbia with a view to discussing matters of mutual interest. Somewhat inebriated, a man fell on the cuff near Borden street School yesterday afternoon. Pone officers came to tils reeeue and kept him at the station for a while for safety. The man was bleeding pjoftifely and spectators were first of the belief that something seri ous had happened. Delayed by having heavy freights to unload at Rtena River cannery points, Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, did .not arrive In porf until 6:45 this ) morning, tailing, at jB a.m. on her return south. The Cardena ha4 ' been in the Skeena atnee 4 o'clock yesteftlay afternoon. Robert Matheson. son of Mr. and ;Mra. D. J. Mathesen: Ivan Cameron, son of Mr arid Mrt. R. W. Cameron, and Wilttam' Gwyer, son efi!Mr.' and Mrs. W. 'KV Owyfer.'-ar-f rived in the city on the Cardena this morning from their studies a the University of British Columbia to spend the summer vacation at their homes here DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel Glasses fitted toy registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tf Waiitcdi-One' 'hundred lelte"1 p'rirrhirierVt' ' Wale l'cvkl8h $450!' Nel&h's Beauty' Parlor. which had been received. mers 103 Mr. and Mrs. H. Buckholz of Ha zelton will sail on the Princess Alice tomorrow a'fternoon for a trip to Vancouver. R. G. Johnston, manager of In verness Cannery, sailed this morn ing on the Cardena for a trip to Rivers Inelt on cannery business. Mrs. P. J. McCormack, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. Fred H. Stephens, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Seattle, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the south. C. W. Homer, provincial assessor. who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the south. D. Sigouln, who has been spend ing the winter in Prince Rupert is leaving tonight for Queen Char lotte City to work in the Allison logging camps. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mr. Ramsay has been engineer at the plant of the Rupert Marine Products here. The Chamber of Commerce last night was Impressed with a bound book issued, by the Vancouver Sun entitled "B.C. Today." a copy at The Chamber of Commerce, at its meettn? last night, was informed in a letter from J. P. Forde. public works engineer at Victoria. that he had reported to Ottawa in regard to the feasibility of dredging Metlakatla Bar. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Six Barred Rock Pul lets. R.OJ. stock $10.50. Ten other hens with rooster, all lay Inc. $10.00. Phone Blue 515. 103 NEIGHBORS TALK "I am employed in a theatre and it is a problem to make ends meet, as I help support my mother and sisters. I like to drees well but haven't very much to spend on clothes. To pive the appearance of variety to my slender wardrobe I change the color of a dress or stockings as soon as the things become faded. I always use Diamond Dyes for the work using them as dyes for dresses and as tints for stockings. I have always gotten such perfect results that our neighbors talk about the great number of new thing I have. "I learned about Diamond Dyes from our wardrobe mistress. She says she has tried all the dyes on the market but none do such splended work and are so asy to use as Diamond Dyes. I under land they are the world's most popular dyes and they deserve . i to be." i L.P.. Montreal. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Unpens leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu A. J. ritUlllIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. Savoy Dorothy Lewis Jones, Lewis Island Island. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. iop rut mmx worth while II tt Gold Water SImo Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone Wl Royal R. E, Hogan, Tyee: Leo H. Batter. CUM.: D. A. Alden. Seattle; A Major. Vancouver. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Quick COMFORT for fretful upset children - ALL children are subject to little upset. They come at unexpected times. They seern twice as serious in the dead of night But there's one form of comfort on which a mother can always relyj good old Castoria. This pure vegetable preparation can't harm the tiniest infant Yet mild as it is, it soothes a restless, fretful baby like nothing else. Its quick relief soon sees the youngster comfortable once more, back to sleep. Even an attack of colic, or diarrhea, yields to the soothing influence of Castoria. Keep Castoria in mind, and keep a bottle in the house always. Give it to any child whose tongue is coated, or whose breath is bad. Continue with Castoria until the child is grown! rived in the city on the Prince j Charles this morning to go over the .' talkie equipment in the Capitol! Theatre here. The fire department had a call at 4:30 yesterday afternoon to the: rear of the Dyer Apartments where there was a smoke scare. A barrel of tar was being heated. flee of the company may be closed. L0.B.A. Tea and Sale For Ridley Home Successful Saturday. May 2, 1931 1 imiViti lis t'2Zi sH iBLSgi in juiimi IMw Mip'w MM For sale by all druggists. Ps sure to get the genuine product with Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper, and this familiar jffufl D; A. Cooper, maintenance enln-1 "p Djrf eer for the Northern Electric Co.. ar-1 UCCIIIL 1 ILIUI lirpc CO Are Interesting To Young People The Canadian National scenic films "When Winter Comes," "Gibraltar of Canada," "Scenes in Montreal" "The Triangle Tour" and ' "Minakl" were shown before an Elgin Cummlngs of the staff of audience of about afety Interested the B. C. Packers ' went out this persons last night in the Anglican morning to Sunnyslde cannery to Cathedral Halt the affair being un- jact as bookkeeper there this sum- der the auspices of the Anglican mer. Morton Ferguson, formerly of Young peoples Association, ine the local office of the company, will machine was operated by W. G. be the bookkeeper at Claxton. It Is Harold. understood that the other canner-1 les on the river will be closed or op- e rated as fishing camps. It is also IVlan fri Wnrlr thoueht that the Prince Rupert of-1 w " v"k In Gold Sand NearMassett Bringing north with him a party of three men who will be placed at work on the Graham Island beaches Austin Brown, who is interested in the nrnlor.t for the extraction of A very successful tea and sale of gold Irom black na6t on home cooking was held yesterday ( Queen chariotte Islands, arrived in afternoon by the L.O.B.V for theithe clty rom Vancouver on the benefit of the Ridley Home Bazaar. ; prinw nhB-u, thta mnrnnr Thev The affair took place at the home .. - fh, Prmce John of Mrs. J. A. VieriCk. Mrs. 8. V. Cox was general convener and Mrs. R. Murray and Mrs. J. Murray were in charge of the home cooking. Mrs. J. O. Vlereck, Mrs. O. Howe and Mrs. G. Fowler assisted In the tea room and Mrs. Roles was cashier. Mrs. Roles won a cake made by Mrs. Cox, for Massett. Dean J. B. Gibson of St. Andrew's Cathedral returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Vancouver where he attended a meeting of the provincial synod of which was raffled, with number 29. 1 the Anglican Church. CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and holy communion at 11 o'clock. School at 12:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:10. FIRST' UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject. "WORK ON THE KING'S HIGHWAY." Sunday School at 12:11. Evening worship at 7:30. Subject, "POSSESSING ONEPS POsWgfWON8," Anthem, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Ilolllngworth, UJV. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE MISSIONpjTlfetJJnCH" Evening 'tErviee at 7:30, Subject. "THEKviNfpT T1JAT SHAPES 6UR END." Solo by Mrs. H. n! Brocklesby. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue West) This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Sunday .service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT " Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Reading room. 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays dliU liiuisdajb lioui 3 lo i. yP ."'Stt. taff1 mm SfUlPp. iLSsjl 1 s T rial ' 'fjitSBP vfcpff sH gf lit sW D sP5