PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES 1 ... Our Special 3 piece unit for $ 29.95 Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Ave. & First St. Timely Telephone 123 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYAR OPERATING (;. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING PRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Suggeston 4' Dick: Did Phyllis rive you something appropriate for your birthday? Jerry: A Gruen radium dial wrist watch -so I'd kiuw when to go home! John Bulger Ltd. Prince Rupert, D.C. OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you arc buying coal look on the economical side of lite. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Tcr Ton $12.50 MINEI1KAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 A1INEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy- Wellincton Jn anjyjnanUtlM. Also Bulkier Valley 'iUyV Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PIlONliS 68 AND 558 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE 11 'PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Activity In American Creek Section at Stewart-Prosperity Mine Making Good Consolidated On Copper Mountain For some time past there has been considerable interest shown by outside people in the American Creek section of the Portland Canal district, indicating not only confidence During the month of November last, the Prosperity mine at Stewart, in which Premier has a 76 Interest, produced ore to the value of $42,430.20 with a net profit of $16,-866.04 to the company. For the year up to the end of November the mine showed a net profit of $198.- 293.50 and for the 13 months of its , Perty. operation up to the end of Novem ber the net profit was $209,021.28, In the profit figures it is shown that the net profit In each ton of Prosperity ore has been between $11 and $12. Gross value of the ore has been $29 and $30 to the ton, ac cording to an official statement. Mining men consider the Prosperity report exceptionally gratifying under present metal prices and are more convinced than ever that Premier operations have many( years of profit ahead: A group of Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co. engineers examined the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co.'s property at Copper Mountain In the southern Interior recently and shipped sev-?ral samples to Trail smelter. As a result speculation is now rife in the Princeton district as to whether the Consolidated intends to take over thla property. Consolidated at present has large holdings in the Voigt claims adjoining. The Copper Moun tain mine is at present closed owing to weakness lhHhe copper market. Returning to the province recent ly from a trip to Salt Lake City. Hugh McOulre, managing director of the Woodbine Gold Mining Co.. stated that-eastern associates were particularly interested In the favorable results obtained from milling tests of Woodbine ore carried out at Salt Lake. Development will be car ried on at the Woodbine continuous ly, Mr. McOulre says, and a thor ough survey of the property In relation to Premier ore strikes Is under way. Further announcements regarding surrounding properties may be made early this year. Mr. McGulre Is expected to arrive at Stewart'any day now. C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. For East Mondays, Wednesdays md Saturdays, 11:30 am r pj .s2s.iil - 91 " Against the co7d tAdtssoa. There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and fire away at QJd3Jan Winter, He'll quit on the run.' Order 'a1' ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Thone C18 WHARF IS IMPROVED QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Jan. 12 The regular meeting of the Queen Charlotte Board of Trade was held last Monday, it was decided to get repairs to the cemc-tory going. Various places on the Inlet Including-Kelly's camp at Lo gan Inlet sent In checks to assltt In this work. The next meeting promises to be of some Interest as the subject of A. Consolidated School Distric will come up before the board. Norwegian Dance Saturday Evening Delightful Affair In Mctropole Hall Under Auspices of Sons ot Norway The Sons of Norway gave a delightful Cinderella dance on Satur sixty couple present to enjoy the affair. Tunesome music was furnished by the Premier Orchestra. Mrs. T. Murvold and Mrs. R. Jensen presided at the door. Mrs. Stevens of Skidegate Gives Delightful Dinner CVTntm ATT? Tnn 19 flno nf Backache Leg Pains If Getting: Up Nlchts, TJaekarhe, frqui nt duy Call. Leg Pains, Nrv-ousnms, nhcumntlxm, Acidity, Burn-Inff. Smnrtintr, Bladder Irritation, or Kldnfy Woakness mitkes you fed tired, depreaaed and dlooouraged, try the Cystex Teat Works fuit, etart circulating thru the iygtom )n IS minutes. Praised by thousands. Don't pive up. ry Cystex (pronounced Blss-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly stop these conditions. Improve restful sleep and eneriry, or money back. Only If it nil drus stores. in that region but forecasting aggressive development during the coming year. While details of the deals com- - r pleted and negotiations pending are difficult to secure, it iMclSOIl ActlVC is learned that W. H. Tolin, who is one of the principals in hc Mountain Boy property, recently secured options on n CoilStfUCtinS several groups adjoining that property on the north in ciuaing tne uooa luck, uoia Drop, Lucky Jim and Lucky Fifteen groups, aggregating some 33 claims and, fractions. On enquiry being made of him recently, Mr. Tolln stated that he had no news for publication. Despite Mr. Tolin's statement, however, it seems that Montreal Interests which he represent have sufficient confidence In the Mountain Boy to warrant them acquiring the adjoining ground which, In turn, justifies the anticipation of considerable "development on American Creek next season. SKIDEGATE MINE RICH Concrete Walks Says the Nelson News of recent date: A chart showing the concrete i sidewalk: construction carried out . , , ! In Nelson during 1030 recently pre- c, it Development of Southeaster Pro- by D aAf pcrty Attended With Good Results flek for the Information of the city council, shows a total length I of 13,185 feet of such construc-SKIDEGATE, Jan. 12: The Kit- tion. sault-Eagle Gold Mining Co. Is in- j "Construction of four-foot walk stalling a 90 h.p. engine diesel com- was 3319 lineal feet," reports Mr. pressor on the Southeaster mine Affleck: "of six-foot walks. 9341 here which the company Is develop- feet; pf cighfoot walks' , 120 lining. This compressor will operate eal feet; of , 15-foot .walks. 408 iln-three drills and two hoists. In re- eal fet: a 'total of 13,185 feet or cent work on the property, some 2.497 miles. Of this, 2116 feet or very promising gold ore has been ,457 rrMe wu extension where no explored. W. O. McMorris is in jrtdewalk had been before.' and 10 -charge of operations on the pro- 76o feet or 2.04 miles was replace ment of old walks. Cost Dropping "The average cost of this work was 23.25 cents per square foot which cost Includes all grading, a charge of $1 per yard for gravel $6 per day for the mixer, iio rxr -I day Tor truck, and 10 per cent, of Extensive Work at Queen Charlotte labor supervision. Thf average cost in 1920 was 23.59 j cents, and in 1928 was 2436 cents . on mrinTrvr rrrv Tan I mo8t remarkable walk con- .7 :.i .r: inicted this year is the Home ho- lotte City dock will be completed In OTMt a few days. The dock Is now 20 feet "Li0"!00' "hh longer and the-, freight shed larger. reah adepuof below The constriction work was done ?kb& which are founded In the by the Victoria TJilo TlHvlntr fin naiu wcc.. with E. Steward in charge. They are now preparing to move to Sandsplt to do repairs to the dock there. Queen Charlotte Cemetery Repairs Consolidated School to be Discussed at Next Meeting ot Board ot Trade "This year work was done under 49 local improvement bylaws of which five were from 1920. Work authorised under one bylaw was left undone owing to lateness of the season. The 1930 construction constitutes not only the greatest mileage record, but also the greatest area and the lowest avenge cost." A. "E. Parlow. district forester, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official business. BHsanLs.smsKaiHmMwM m Weekly Special Settle Down to Business and Buy Your Goods at the Best Market Cabbage . 6 lbs. for Fresh Tomatoes per lb 6 lbs. Carrotes, 0 lbs. Turnips, 4 lbs. Onions, all for day evening from 9 to 12 In tho Saanlch Clams Large tin Mctropole Hall, there being about; 3 Una for Spinach 2 Vi's 3 tins for Heins Cream of Tomato Soup, 0 tins for Mai kin's Best Extracts 4-oa. bottle Malkin's Bast Peaa-No. 3 6 tins for Malkln'a Best Tomatos 2 Vi's. 6 Uns for '. Crab Meat Vi's per tin Waffle Syrup 2 lb. tin the evenu of the Christmas and! " . 8 lb-l,n h New Yeax holiday season here, was I v -, a rjuwer at which Mrs. E. C. Stevens Waffle Syrup-was hostess to many friends from! 10 lb. tin various parts of the Queen Char-1 old City Brand Pure Maple lotte Islands. SvrUD. 2Vs 25c 25c 50c 50c 65c 95c 45c SI 90c 25c 55c 95c I 51.85 65c Quests of Mrs. Stevens were Dr.; Mussallem Grocery Co. A. Munro, Mr. dnd Mrs. F. L. Atkins, j Mr. and Mrs. 0, Ohasteney, Mr. and Limited Mrs. A. Jones, Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre, iD.buBoU. L. DuBoU, J. M. Miller, C. 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST IB. Haan, C. Miller and E. E. January 12, j. Monday and Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Jack Buchanan; and Jcancttc MacDonald in "MONTE CARLO'' A Comedy Romance In Europe's Hot Spot A Paramount Tlcturi Comedy "HELLO TELEVISION" Admission 20c & 65c Novelty "DRUMS OF IEAIt Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9 Wednesday, Thursday and Thursday Matinee "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FOR FALL AND HOLIDAY FESTIVITIE SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled Dy Any on the Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 rM:t Prince Rupert, H.C, Rupert Fish & Chip Shop Announces the Installation of a new range that gives mv; three-minute service Come everyone and enjoy a real treat of Fish and Chips, Piping Hot Lodges, Etc. catered to. Coffee, tea, bread, etc. served with f and chips, only 35c. Open 4 pjn. week days until midnight S days 12 noon until midnight R. R. STRACIIAN, PROP. 201 Third Avenue West Phone Rlack j TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY. FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese pasteurized milk AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Vomca'i f GAIT" Men'iHnW Phone 566 Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND RODY WOUK "NORTHERN" LOOK FOR TUB TRADE MARK ... LIMITED A SPECIALTY Rubber Footwear Equip your family, from baby tqda.with " NORTHERN" Rubbers, and enjoy the comfort of good health. "A style for every shoe a rubber for every tmrpose" lite ChlMi "SNOW all White A complete rantfot Northern" Rubber and Styl-Shus la on hand to meal your jMcda at Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results