Monday, January. 12, 1931. THE. DAJLX NEWS. lassmed Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s duide. Lea Notices. A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! -..,'v FOR RENT FOR KENT Modern house, 3' rooms and bath. Apply Munro , Bros. If K00M8 lor rent, furnlabed. Ap,- pjy Mja, Bfced.; 1031 Third Av-, enue. l , IBi, FOR RENT Furnished 5 room Clat. Steam Beat. Phone Bl tz 345. It. FOR RENT House keeping room,! suitable for bachelor. Palmer , Apartment, Phone Red 444. tfj FOR SALE FOR BALE- 303 sporting rifle. No Agents for EASTUOl'E ENGINES reasonable offer refused. Apply. Boats and Scows of ail desenp-Nayview Hotel. 10 tlons for Charter , I Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Fresh Fish Daily Aboard gasboat Helen II at 1 Cow Bay floats. Number of varieties, jtut out of wato. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE A nice level lot In Section 6. Eighth Ave. East. Any-proposition or trade oonaid- ered. AU taxes paid. Apply P i O. Box 512. U SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE Oirl require position as ebok "i eneral, reftre&ees. Phone Blue 186. RELIABLE middle aged lady want ' housekeeping, practical nursing or companion help. Phone Oreeu 398. X2 1 HELP WANTED I WANTED Oirl for general house- 1 01 .ft-, n raw ww.fc. winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 WB- " . Delicious, fancy 3 .35 RELIABLE woman wants work- by Delicious MCM 2.75 day or hour. Phone Blue 411.; Golden Bens, fancy, 2.10 from J0 to 7Jfi. MjUcInla "C" 255 mat 1 Naval Oranges 15c to $1.03 Public Stenographer I Lemons, Sunklst, doE 40 j Florida Grapefruit 12 Vic to M MURIEL MORRIS Office 4t. ! California Grapefruit ...Gc to .12', WeaUnhaver Block. Phone 71. Bananas, 2 lbs. 3 U. MUSIC SJNDINa Lessons evening. Darey, Phone Black 396. 117 TRANSFERS at JAMBRON'S Transfer. Phone 177. i .r . ni..u rA.t nrtd Tajfr Pinjl tl I lED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and 'Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping? Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Iliac k 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, 'Federal Block. tf fourou.iTioN or Tin: city or I IUM K IttTKHT TAKE NOTIiyc THAT: 1, Tbff OMinell of Um CoqnrkUon of X4 any of Erlace Bupsrt invmat to Wring aurfc on Elertm Awuue ' imp OonrM Street to tb nd of ttw im nma in McClvmont Pwk, m i mm iSuusiaKraAly on .Uijfc Jam ueh mfhn at th iwtTni Incur! t atrm mt:tipn. 3. ttf ssUmtl oot oS the work (, of which 4.iBfl.a7 is to Mid Mr tha Cornontlon. and fiirtM annual aro rat pi too'. (ronUf la wafllsa. The arwlal a- ri&'Sfcxla 19 D tMm' 3. ivewna'(ilrln to ptttlon alnM tinorta1clnf the work mutt do ao on or before tb 16th day of rebrinry. 1W1. K. F. JONBfi, Ctty Olerk. Dated thla 0U day ot January, 1WI. j Dally News "Want quick resulU, m Ads" bring CHIROPRACTIC ,, . . 1 Sunshine, and Red Ray Treatments, Nervous, Female and Chlldrens" Diseases Specially Treated W. . ASj'iNAiA (Chiropractor) '' , (I'hone-Green Z41 Orme'si AI.YAtiE AMI TOWING If It's or. or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Futfy Equipped (or Diving and General Salvage Work Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors ;j Coolidfie. 1 'ropellcrs V. I Sand and Gravel in any quantity! deliver anywhere by water Phone, Day or Nljht M4 PO Hot 154 SECOND-HAND DEALEHS New and Second-Hand Goods Hought, Sold or Enchanted W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Slue 339 THE MARKET Following are reran prices current hr today .Apples Yellow Newton, household $2.2.-; Yellow Newton,, fancy box ... 2.60 Ntirtow "cr 2.50 Jonathans, fancy box 2.75 Stayman's WJnesaps, box 2.05 iEStS' 2 2.75 pltsnberg "O" 2.50 I Cranberries lb. .. .30 I Extracted honey, per Jar ..... 25 Comb honey 35 I Bales, bulk, lb 12ft I RAiaina. hidk. lb .15 jlmpsfor O rapes, lb .24) Nuts j Almonds, shelled Valencia .50 California soft shelled walnuts ..V Walnuts, brojean shelled 35 Walnuts, shelled halves -.. .40. Peanuts .15. Vegetables Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs .25 sack 2.50 Paralav. bunch 1J California Celery, head .25c and Spinach, ib ' 5 Garlic, iaipaited, per lb AM Leeks, bunch Mi Cabbage, B.C W Onions, 6 lbs -2 California, head lettuce, ha is Hothouse Tomatoes, lb .50 Brussels Sprouts X Artichokas. Globe, doz 2.50 Bulk. Turnips. 7. lbs Cauliflower, California, hd .29 to 3A, Green Peppers lb -25 ParsnlDS. 4 lbs & Carrots, 0 lbs '. -25 nu ih .Oj Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs -25 BRINGING UP nr. I- ' - I BY Cjout-Y THE -0 C4OUT b HOVslM' UP ACiltvl- TLX. POT foot out the VnIMOOW III I I Mil find the advertisements worth while ! Wheat. No. 3 Alberta 2.25 ' No. 5, Alberta, 2.10 Oats 2.55. 3ran .'. 25 Shorts 2.35 .Vfldullngs 2.73 Barley 2.30 Laying Mash 3 go Oyster shell 2;10. Beer scrap 455 . Ground oil cake 4.50: Pine oat chops ... 2.65 Crushed oats '2.63 Fine barley chop 2.40 Dried fruits-Lemon and orange peel Black cooking figs, lb. 15 Citron peel !35 White lies, lb .15 Currants, lb. . . ?9' Apples, dried Peaches, peeled ""!!: "2 Apricots, lb. ................. j Prunes', 60-70, lb. m Prunes, 30-40, itij jl5 Prune, 40-50, lb. - .12 Sugarr- " Yellow, 100 lbs 4.80 White, 100 lbs; . 5.40 Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb 42V2J No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. Cheese- McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c and .85 Camembort, Sroz. pkg. .65 Kraft Llmbereer. Ms 35 Ontario solids JO New Zealand soilcts 30 Stilton, lb. .40 Kraft .45, Norwegian goat 60 Napoleon Llmberger .70 Roquefort 80 Swift's Brookfleld, lb. .45 GorgoDiola, lb . .50 Brookfleld Swiss. Va-lb. pkg... 30 H TV FATHER AM' UN Co n PEEUb i I II 111 SBBtpajBW DO YOU TAKE AN INTEREST IN THE FASHIONS OF 1931? "U7ITH which we makp bold to remind The Men there are fashions in radios, razors, automobiles and founr tain pens as well as wearing apparel. Most women appreciato-the authenticity of the fashion news in,rgar4 tq snjiojiattgrning frills,. passing fan cies., and' the colorful details of the modo ,to be found:tl,) "ri ; daily in the advertisements. . . . Fashions these days are-" ' ' not confined to clothes Automobiles, interior decorations, 1 i table service, vacations, yen bxeaifaste aro more satisfying, if, to use the word of the thirties, they ar,e SMART. Advertisements are continually chronicling the fashions that are smartest. Advertisements keep you informed of the mode in merchandise of all kinds. Advertisements are full of information abolit the new ideas that make Canadian life what it is today. if you ar.e interested in better living, you are bound toll A JLi Oruyere 451 Brookfield Canadian cheese ! I a t tilriv ivft en f frt f In .45' Meats- Fowl, No. 1. lb 38c ani 35 RaaSUng Chicken, lb -40 Broilers i Ham, sliced. it grade zi I Ham, picnic' first grade 4U Cottaee rolta ib 35 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .53 Veal, loin - .40 Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt. - 3 Ayrshire bacon. Jb 38c to .50 Veal, shoulder 2$ Pork, loin ..' 40 Pork, leg 35 Beef, pot roast 22c to .20 Beef, boiling lc to .15 BeeJ roast- Patois rib M Lamb, shoulder , Beef, steak ... 35c to M Lamb. le 40 Lamb chops . .40 Mutton, shoulder 0 Fisi-Smoked kippers, lb. .15 SWmbn, froieh lb. .25 Halibut, froeen. lb M The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. smlthers Drug Store, Smith- ers. B.C. R. W. RUey, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. . LET THE BAKE VT T MAT GOOO- rt ufn. Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday ancjj Saf,-lCblurobia witHover half a million urday ..fOSPpntiblliirV ' wdtthTThls indicates that the company- is considered' to be a From (1 the East t li nnt' ' .'th nonnk nt Prin,.. Sunday, Tuesday and, Thursday .3.3Q p.m For Vancouver Twpd&y I noon Thursday 9 pm. Friday 1 P-ip- Jan. 14 and 28 pm. From Vancouver. . Sunday pm I Wednesday. . 10.30 pm Friday Jan. 10 and 24 .... p.m. for Anyox and Stewart Sunday" .. mu-J P- Wednesday .. ,. ( pjji. From Anyox and Stewart; Tuesdays 1 11.; Thursdays pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday r 7 P-m.j From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 1130 am. For Queen Charlottes-Wednesdays . 7 pmi From Queen Clulotjes Sundays .3..'. . am. For Alaska- Jan. 10 and 24 , am From Alaska Jan. 14 and 28 p.mrt B Port Clements " i HonoredThem1 ! Departure of Mr. .and -Mrs. N.L.!,' Jones from Island Settlement Was Much Regretted; PORT CLEMENTS, Jan. 12 V very Interesting meeting and an r lymie social was n::a m tnei Church Hal' here on Monday ev-! enlng. when Rev. R. P. Graham .presented N. L. Jones before hls departure with a hymn and prayer i book, and Mrs. Jones with a hymn ! and tune bock, as gifts from the members of the corrcat'on in appreciation of their valued '.er1- ces. and the great Injure: thr i have both taken in the work ot the church during their resident in Port Clements. Mrs. Jones wi: ' the organist. Mr. Jones had good taste an! the church was always beautiful1;': decorated for every rpeMal ser- vice nothing was ever too much trouble and whenever help wax needed he was a.'ways rndy and ; willing to assist In every possible way. They will both be greatly ' ' missed. Two years ago Mrs. Jones or- from Ocean Falls ganlzed and conducted a Boy, Wed. ss. Pr. George 10:30 am. Scout movement In Port Cleanentsl Frlday-ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. and took the Scouts on a very en- M- Cardena pm. foyable trip to Vancouver. 'For North queen Charlottes I Mr and Mrs. Jones and their, little son left Port Clements for! Lewis Island recently amid the' good wishes and regrets of their L&anjf friends in the district SUN LIFE POPULAR Local Aent Leads province In Amount pf Business lie Secures For Iis Company An official Ut of agents of the Sun Life and the amount of business they hay written during the past year, shows that S. J. Jabour of this city led the province of British v. . H hi agent is a live one. The secondi on the list was G. Q. Cummlng of Trail with a Vancouver man third. SCAI.K Of lUAJtTg t! The rniiwintfik.ttajn, of charges maihi for reauTmr notices! Marrlatre and Rnxafrement announcement $2. name. Birth Notices 150c. Funeral Notices $1. Cnrds of Thanks. $2 Funeral Flotverp IQjp per Oet quick results with a want an Nelson's Beauty Parlor Crofiuignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7 JO Skilled artists in aU branches of beauty rulture '211 .Third Street Phone Blue 561 Steamship Sailings y.or Vancouver Tuesdaf ss.Catala .... 1.30 p.m. ihursdajM. Pr. George lfl'pjn. Friday asiTlncesa Alice 10 pxi. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Jan. 14 ss. Princess Norah. pm, Jan. 23 ss. Prin. Norah . ...y.pjn. Crpm yancjuvpr ( Sunday at Catala 4 pjn. Wed.--ss. ft. George .10.30 am. Friday ss. Cardena p.m. Friday- ss. Princess AUce 4 p.m. S.Uur.--ss. Pr. Rupert. 10:30. ajn. Jan. 10 as. Pi-in. (forah a.m. Jan. 24- rs. Prin. iTbrah am. 'rom Naas Itiver and ''ort Simpson ' Sunday -ss. Cutala 8 pm. Kor Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Citala .... 11.30 am. For Stowart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala, 8 pm. Wednesday ss. p. George 4 pm. Fro:n Stiwart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cntala .11.30 am. Thurs. ss. : Prince George 8 pm. 'or Ocean Falls Tuesday ss. Catala . 1.30'pm. Thurs. ss. Prince George 10 p.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. WW. SS. frince WlUiam a p.m. From f'orlh Queen Charlottes Sunday as. Prince William am. Fr Alaska jan. id ss. rim. Noran .. .am. From Alaska Jan. 14 ss. Princess Norah pm. Jan. 38 ss. Prin. Norah pm. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pm. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tniy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS oltirr valu run oppnxirh til HWTlltl UEItUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Vrry ru.i irrini VII nihrr makFt rnHii Sl.tJM (ti'MisTitwn Armixn MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANfoi vrn. n.c MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 215 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing iBy George McManiis I I II j IL SHFHArr I f QMC T-HfiQ j Tl iBmaUirmfrSr iHsH ' the m t-e apart- Pill qK MATTER? memt aoovk 'j ' 'S" ' 9 . Ill'l -Ml.r fervid IM , OI..I right ! I