PAOE tOVR DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PHINCE RUPERT - BlUTlSn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu: H. F. PULL EN - BEAUTEQUEST BRIEFS Captain Paul Armour reports the eood shiD ROTARY sailing before a Armour Is. but watch this space for Interviews from Charlie Mills, John Bulger and Fred Stephens, LOCAL ITEMS Miss S. A. Mills, principal oil L. W Waugh. local manager of Canadian National Telegraph returned to the city on the P-inc? Rupert this morning from Vancouver where he attended the Gyro district convention last wek. 11? has been away for ten days. He will complete his holiday at Terrace where Mrs. Wauah and Genevieve are now staying for few weeks, j Whfn the hearing idloumrd fr lun'-heon today, takinn ot crown evidence had been completed In tho flty police court case In which A. Donald is chargid with heme the kiepcr of a grmlng house. Defence evldwice is to be heard this afternoon, Afte.r the Donald case It disposed of, the cases of a number nt men, charged v.lth bein Inmates, will be pocecded with I couldn't Join the Socialist party because I'd be too lonely. Clarence parrow. Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United 8tates, paid In advance, per year .. By mall to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch per insertion ... Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notlceveath insertion, per agate line . Contract rates oh application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau ef Circulations 'Oh, yes, many times." .86 .98 Friday, .August 28,' 1931 t LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM LOSES SECOND MATCH IN SERIES AT ANYOX , ' .. A wire received today from J Skipper Oeorge. Frlzzell an- Elks, Gyros and Retail Merchants, nbunced that Anyov had won Ahoy! the second of the two-game 4 football series at the smelter town last evening, overwhelm- ing the Prince Rupert eleven stiff breeze with all hands on deck1 with a 5 to 1 score. The same and nothing but a lagging crew will was played In a downpour of brine disaster to the race they have I rain. Anyox won the first g-unc entered. Paul says no landlubbers have been signed on his crew as Com mander Munroe's policy of "We race to win" must not be deviated from. With full sail set, everyone of his crew at their post, their ship will not stop until Los. Angeles Is reached and their candidate landed to represent Prince Rupert and, added the genial captain, the $50 prize money given by the Exhibition Board for the sale of the largest number of tickets will be tucked away In the hand-bag of the Rotary 5 to 3. The Laura F. II. with the local. players on board, left Anyox at 8 O'clock this morn- lng and Is expected to arrive here about 6 cfclovk this eve- nlng. ' .''. Man in the Moon candidate. NJ3. This Is the first interview A writer la the Nelson News com- with any of the Beautequest com- posed a verse about Revelstoke when mittees. Somebody had to be first passing through there on the train ana you Know now urepressioje uap recCTiUy. It reads as follows: Oh, Revelstoke, My Revelstoke: I'd gladly choke For Revelstoke. I'd take a poke At any bloke Who'd make a Joke Of Revelstoke. " Borden Street School, returned to. . . .j," " ' ,. , A bm told about the Reve the city on the Prince Rupert this tJt -morning from Victoria where shs ttokf '"J !?' Ms J? spent her summer vacation. ; IcU. ; made a wry face and wrote: Misses Lillian and who have been spending the sum-' mer vacation visiting In Vancouver, returned to the city from the, south on the Prince Ruper this morning. I M. M. O'Brien, chief field mel I often hear Both far and near Of your good cheer; To me it's clear I like your beer And other cheer Prince Rupert dear. ? '"f, ther,Consolldat1 Mlnn Kind Oentleman (to little boy eat- & Smel a lng Co, Is a passenger on lng an app,e). out for the board the Prince Rupert today wormSi sonny bound for Stewart to pay one of Lmie Boy: "When I eat an apple his prlodiMl vWls of l-jpecvion the worms have to look out for to progress of operations at the themselves." Big Missouri mine. ' It Is said that Auctioneer Dawes Charles Booking, president and when he conducts the car sale to-general manager of the Granny morrow will give a guarantee that Consolidated Mining St Povycr Co.. It wilt not shy when driven in the Is a passenger aboard the Prlnw general direction of a beer parlor. Rupert today bound from 'Voneou-. ver to Anyox where he will pay onu "Do ypti know, doctor, I believe of his prlodleal visits of Inspection that my husband's trouble arises to operations there. from hisr nose." "I guess you've hit It, Old Country Soccer Scottish Leatue Second Division St. Johnstone 3, Armadale 1. Doness 4, Queen ot South 3. 4 M'.Xi.K of nunci rhf followInK O.e scale of charites made fur r.llmf ifcst Mnrrldir nt,t Knimveinrtit unnotiprrnfant 82. Birth Notices 150c. Funeral Notices 11, Cards of Thanks. 12. funeral Flowers 10c name, FERRELL IN FINE FORM Holds St. Louis Browns to Two Hits and Indians Win ' CLEVELAND, Aug. 28: Wesley 500 Ferrell held the St. Louis Browns to 50 two scattered hits yesterday and the Cleveland Indians won by a 3 00 score of 11 to 1. In the National League, 00 'burg Pirates and Chicago Cubs dl-9 00 ! lded honors in a double-header. 1.40 M .25 ,15 Yesterday s scores: American Leajue Cleveland 11, St. Louis 1. Detroit 9, Chicago 4. National League Pittsburg 3-2, Chicago 2-11. Philadelphia 6.Xinclnnati 5. Games Played In Tennk Thursday . . . . ! t v- i ( m I City Championship Tourney Owing to the unfavorable weather, only three games were played yesterday In the city tennis tournament, resulting as follows: Joslin beat Horton, 4-6, 8-3, 6-2. Tobey Jr. beat Norrlngton. 6-2, 6-4. Mrs. Shadwell and McMordie beat Miss I. Mitchell and Currle, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. The draw for today follows: 10:30 a .m. Mrs. Currle and. Miss! B. Edgecumbe vs. Miss J. Edge-, cumbe and Miss B. Bemer. Mrs. Shadwell vs. Miss I. Mitchell 1:30 Miss B. Edgecumbe vs. Mrs. McMordie. i 5:00 Tobey Jr. and Lyons vs.! Brown and McMordie. j 5:30 Miss V. Smith and Miss F. Smith vs. Mrs. Shadwell and Mrs. McMordie. 6:00 Darton vs. McMordie. 6:15 Joslin and Linzey vs. Ni-cholls and Norrlngton. Baseball Standings National League St. Louis 81 44 New York 68 53 Chicago !J . 70 59 Brooklyn 66 60 Boston 59 63 Pittsburg . 58 67 Philadelphia .. :....54 62 Cincinnati 44 82 Philadelphia 53 62 Cincinnati 44 81 City League W. L. Sons of Canada 4 3 Old Empress ,4 4 Elks -. 3 4 PEOPLE OF Pet .648 62 .543 .524 .484 .464 .459 .349 ..61 .35. American League W. L. Pet, Philadelphia 87 34 .719! Washington 73 49 .6031 New York ....71 bl AX7 1 St. Louis 52 71 .423 Detroit 50 . 74 .403 Boston . 47 73 J92 Chicago 48 76 .387 Pet. .571 00 .429 GOOD TYPE Deputy Minister of Agriculture Is Impressed With Peace VICTORIA, Aug. 28:-J. B. Mun-ro, deputy minister of agriculture, who recently returned from a trip to the Peace River country, said one thing that struck him was the superior type of settlers In the district. He found a people of high I moral standards, ready to deny i themselves In order to get on, with I no complaint about the hardships I they might endure, and rather ex pecting and willing to bear more In I time to come with the steadfast j hope that they will win out In the ' t i end. The beauty of the country with Its weaving crops ot grain in the' area between Rolla and Pouce Coupe Impressed him greatly. An English critic says American i women have nothing to occupy time. Has he never neard or "' I 1 Lm J hpdq Din i rno 111 n iihii mi 0U) WOUNDS a SO RES THE DAILY NEWS Friday, August 28. iw DOLLA CRETONNE SPECIAL 5 Pieces all good colorings; assorted designs; good waring cloth; 6 yards for 54-INCH PURE W OOL FLANNELS Mail Schedule For the East Dally, except Sunday ....11:30 ajn. From the East-Dally, except Tuesday 1:30 p.m. For Vancouver-Monday , J pm. Tuesday ....12:3C noon Wednesday, - 4:30 p.m. Thursday 1 pjn. Friday t. 11 p.m. Saturday 4:30 p.m. .: 6 p.m From Vancouver Sunday Monday ...... Wednesday Friday '. Baturday $1.00 NOVELTY PRINTS All neat, small patterns; In 10 designs; fast washing cj-f A A colors; 30 inches wide; 5 yards for V-l.UU 54 Inches wide; all pure wool fn 3 colors only; exceptional value; saxe blue, sand and rose; , Dollar Day, per yard $1.00 PURPLE HEATHER SCOTCH KNITTING YARN 20 Shades plain colors and heather mixtures; 4-ply Jf Aft pure wool; 7 ounces for vlU" 2 Extra Large Size, for 3 Large Size Plain and Colored, for $1.00 .11: .11 For Stewart and Anyox Sunday Monday . . . Friday From Stewart and Premier 4 pjn., 9 ajn. ..11:30 a.m. ...11:30 a.m. 9 ajn. 30 pjn. :30 ajn. ...7 p.m. ...7 pjn. ...7 p.m. Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday 10:30 ajn. Saturday 6 p.m. ARABELLA CIGARS by far the qreatesi DAY Fraser and Payne's SATURDAY 500 YARDS RAYON BROCADE Best quality cloth, 28 Inches wide; guaranteed to wash and wear well; fast colors; suitable for dresses, drapes, linings etc.; in shades of orchid, rose, biscuit, saxe. maize, white Q-f ffln 3 yard for ipX.UU NON-RUN BLOOMERS AND VESTS Non-run rayon silk knit vests in sizes, small, medium Q-f ft A and large; assorted shades; 2 for JX.UU Non-run rayon silk knit bloomers; extra good quality; in small, medium and large sizes; assorted shades; o Aft 2 pair for JL.UU LADIES' WINTER WEIGHT SILK MIX VESTS 25 Dozen vests, beautifully finished; tailored top In small, medium and large sizes; regular value. 95c each; Q-f A A Dollar Day. 2 for pl.UU 150 PAIRS NOVELTY CURTAIN SETS Assorted colors and styles; some with and without valens; values up to $2.50 pair; Dollar Day, pair .... $1.00 KAYSER CHIFFON HOSE Kayser chiffon hose, silk to top; dull finish; full fashioned; colored picot top; new shades; pair $1.00 BLACK DUCHESS SATIN 100 Yards black duchess satin; gold edge quality; Q4 nn all pure silk; 36 inches wide; per yard PJ..UU W HITE FLANNELETTE Oood quality white flannelette; soft and fleecy; free from dressing; very suitable for children's wear CJI A A Ol.UU 6 yards for FEATHER PILLOW'S Genuine feather filled full size pillows; extra good Q4 A A quality; art tick cover; each vJ.tUU BOYS' SCHOOL FURNISHINGS Compare our quality and prices with anything in the trade Specials For School Openinr BOYS' COMBINATIONS Mercury make; beautiful soft warm garment; short sleeve and knee; natural color; sizes 20 to 32; Aft tJA.UU per garment BOYS' KNICKERS 25 Dozen boys' tweed knickers; dark colors; sizes Qf VOls 4 to 9 years; per pair BOYS' WOLSEY SWEATERS Wolsey; made in England; Wolsey make only the highest grade merchandise; polo collar style with, tie to match; Q-f A A assorted colors; sizes 4 to 10 years; each Boys' black crewe neck sweaters; heavy knit em- 04 Aft 1 blem In front; sizes 28 to 30 only STOCK UP IN TOWELS-A BIG SHIPMENT TO HAND RUN OF THE MILL AT LESS THAN COST 4 Good Quality Generous Size, for 5 Good Quality Colored Borders, for For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pm From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For NVrth Quern Charlottes Monday 7 p.m. From Queen Charlottes-Thursday . 10:30 ajn. For South Queen Charlottes Aug. 3, 17, 31 10 pjn. From .South Queen Charlottes Aug. 12 and 26 a.m. For Alaska-Monday 10 a. m. Friday 10 a.m. Mm $1.00 The Dally News can be pur-4 chased at r Post Office News Stand, 325 Oranvllle St. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prim George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. H.C, General Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith ers, B.C. Get Quick results with a want ad LOT of cigars must Improve their quality If they are to compete for smokers' favour with Arabela . , . buy one to try, you'll buy the pocket pack of five next time . '. . the aroma and freshness are sealed in.